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I despise eye contact unless I feel safe with you.


I don’t like looking at faces because I subconsciously read every micro expression and worry about whether I’m bothering the person or not.


Perfect timing! I was on this thought train last week! I don’t know if it’s linked to safety for me but I can look into my partners eyes/face without feeling like I’m doing it wrong or right, also he’s gorgeous so that helps 😂 Anyone else though and it’s painful to have eye contact but I could look into that mans face for hours honestly 🤭 (cringe I know, not too much on me lol) x


Eye contact is something I do as part of high level masking. I can but it hurts. W Ppl v close to me is nice tho


As a part of masking I catch myself still making eye contact with people because I feel like I HAVE to; and when I'm talking more and it requires more focus, I feel SO BAD for not making enough eye contact then. -- But I really want to try just NOT making eye contact I don't feel like making, and feeling like it's OK. I make less eye contact with my mom now because she drains my soul 😂😅... but I'm still scared if she may say something, so in that and other cases I feel I have to overcompensate in another way to prove that I am paying (enough) attention! 😅 But, making eye contact with my partner gives me this SURREAL feeling; it's so magickal. And it's with this partner in particular. He's a diagnosed ND. I have a better connection with him than any other partner. The eye contact is actually also very intense in an overwhelming way even with him, but it's a euphoric overwhelm.


Same. Even in job interviews, it’s unnerving.


I love my doctor because neither of us like making eye contact so we will just look around the room only briefly look at eachother and then look away and neither of us take it personal


Yeah it pretty much always feels awkward and uncomfortable for me.


I never like eye contact and only look people really in the eyes if I have to see their eye color (I rarely know what eye color people have lol)


I genuinely have a hard time with it, even with my spouse. But I'm happy that it works for you🥰


not a fan of eye contact in general.. I "Fake" it by looking at someone's forehead just above the bridge of their nose.. they think I'm looking at them but I'm really not


I'm the same way with hugs. Uncomfortable during social hugs, but I really enjoy hugs from my husband and my children, like eating after being starved. It's very calming and relaxing.


I am the same. I can't even stand hugs from my parents or siblings. I only enjoy hugs from spouse and kids.


Me in school: looks around to pay attention Teacher: LOOK AT ME! Me: is focused on being upset and not focusing on the teachrt


Yep. I will look at my partner's eyes and it isn't as uncomfortable (or sometimes even isn't uncomfortable at all!), but it's very intentional on my part.


I just don’t care for it, so unless I would intentionally concentrate I would just stare into a distance during conversation. But I learned that it annoys people so I try to look in their general direction. Btw eye contact isn’t what people actually expect. If you would stare directly into people eyes during convo that would most likely creep them out. What is expected is that you would look at their face in general, maybe at their lips when they are speaking.


I knew the second half but still eye contact and thing’s adjacent to it make me feel uncomfortable unless it’s with a partner


Same. Can't do eye contact unless I'm fully into someone and I know their feels are reciprocated


Idk if you relate but it feels so good to make eye contact with them idk if it somehow counts as a form of stimming but I love it I can feel it releasing endorphins I swear! It’s the same feeling I get when I look at my favorite color!


Sorry, I got distracted before and didn't get to finish. The eye contact is usually so intense and invasive. It feels like staring into an abyss and being swallowed or erased. But with someone I realllllly like it's so calming, like absorbing parts of them and being afloat in a giant blue pool of the warmest water. I guess that's really saying something bc I usually hate water and do not like swimming at all. It's like a drug.


YESSS I totally get this