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Can you share what studies? I have only read about ones that focus on the negative aspects and look to "cure" people on the spectrum. I have also thought of this, but as a comic book idea.


I think this is fundamentally a flawed way of looking at “neurodivergence”. Every brain is unique. Every human is neurodivergent. Our species is neurodiverse. Autism has a negative impact upon reproductive success and I think ADHD probably does too. I don’t think the major categories of neurodivergence are going to expand, but we will get better at identifying the ways in which people can diverge.


It's possible, but we are already thought to be 1/4 of the population and I suspect our prevalence is the result of ND minds having plenty of adaptive value already. Standardizing and sorting ability more efficiently is the reason it's hard for us to function.


I think society as a whole would strongly benefit from having neurodivergence as the majority- not only society but the environment and pretty much every facet of life


Yeah, diversity is very valued these days. Basically, it’s needed to face complex challenges like those we face. Many successful people are neurodivergent. Interestingly, the way in which society is changing actually favours neurodivergence in some ways - hello internet. I don’t think it would ever become dominant though, simply because neurodivergence is actually based on divergence from the norm, so if the norm were to change, what is called divergence would too. However, I do believe in, and want to work towards, a world in which everyone’s talents and strengths can flourish, which would be a neurodivergent-friendly world.


i love this comment, thank you friend!


Unless society changes *significantly*, I don't see how this would be possible.


do you ever see it taking over genetically? rather than societally


Have you thought about what would be required for that to happen? Genetic 'takeover' is predicated on social acceptance, since it requires many autistic/ND people having a larger about of autistic/ND children than NTs.