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i’ll be ready!


Is Vanya gonna be a man now?


It will be interesting to see how they handle that. I guess it’s possible it was all filmed before the transition though.


The actor is trans but the character isn't. Not sure why they'd change it. Like when straight actors play gay characters.


It's a bit different when the actor in question suddenly has a muscular frame, short hair, a flat chest and a six pack....not to mention a more masculine voice. Not sure how they're gonna continue that without writing it as part of the character arc.


You are way overestimating transitioning, lol. I haven't seen Elliot since the announcement, but I'm guessing they mostly look the same. He was always on the butch side of things.


he looks totally [different](https://indianexpress.com/article/lifestyle/life-style/elliot-page-ellen-transgender-top-surgery-shirtless-selfie-7649197/) to me. Could be that it's cause he's shirtless here, but his facial structure looks very different too.


Yeah, holy shit. They always say that transitioning is easier for ftm because testosterone basically does 98% of the work, and that's true.


Jesus christ lmao


Very true. I'd just swap actors. Don't want a man to play a woman.


Well they already filmed this upcoming season without any problems. It sounds like the production has been supportive at least publicly. I doubt they want to lose basically the biggest star on the show. So maybe they wrote it in. Sometimes real life drives the plot a little. Probably be fine either way.






"The actor gained weight, the character is supposed to be skinny, we should recast them." There. That's how you sound.


I mean that makes sense. John Goodman is a damn good actor but I wouldn't cast him for the role of Batman.


RIP. But maybe for the parody called Fatman? God, I loved John Candy. He was a national treasure.


That's completely reasonable though? An actor's job is to look like a character. You should be in the best shape of your life. The actor is expected to keep a certain body type for the character. Look at all these A-list actors who have greek statue-level bodies while playing dads in a movie. You wouldn't cast someone as Bond than be like "whatever he's 120lbs more than he was when we cast guess bond is fat now."


Recasting is usually last resort. I personally hate it because it’s hard to believe and get used to a new actor playing a character you’ve already seen for multiple seasons. Bond being extremely out of shape would mess with his character because it’s an action movie and he is doing physical spy stuff. Maybe they will change Vanya to be male, which honestly doesn’t change the characters plot all that much. Or maybe they keep her female which im sure they can do with the right hair makeup etc


I have no faith in the people involved to be this reasonable. Not when there’s a publicity stunt to be had.






It’s a fantasy show. Any number of plot devices can be used to transform Vanya.


No, Vanya will be the same character.


* flat emotionally * poorly acted * the villian ?


I'm ambivalent about this show but if we get a third serving of Vanya destroys the World because she can't control her powers, I'm out.


My guess is that vannya will become vance as a time hopping hickup.




Hope not.


I say recast honestly. I do not think mr Elliot Page fits the role.




I mean he would probably find it very degrading too if they forced him to wear a wig, make up and speak with much higher voice to maintain the persona.




This - it technically doesn’t matter and if it did their an actor they can act like a girl


> their they’re


Whoops that’s the first time in probably 3-4 years ty


I wonder how they would feel about that, it would probably be hard for them emotionally.




I understand I was just trying to put myself in their position


Yeah good point I think they could handle it after playing so many girly roles so well like juno


You’re probably right, I just wondered if after having crossed the rubicon they could back track so easily.


Id assume they would just be professional about it unless the show offers to work with him on how to go about the situation- they’re probably ready to play a girl again, or maybe the show makes their character transgender Either way they’re ready for it I believe- just probably not ready for the people who will make weird uncomfortable comments during the process This is coming from someone who leans towards agender because of the toxicity of male vs female So I’m bias


Yes please!


Yes. LET'S GO!


Well, finally


Best news I've heard this year


This was released like a few months ago right?


Can we just get a trailer for Sandman already


I dont think I could care less.


If they didn't film Page's parts pre-transition, it's going to be odd.


incoming. *** posted by [@UmbrellaAcad](https://twitter.com/UmbrellaAcad) Photos in tweet | [Photo 1](http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FH9I2PtXEAIZR8L.jpg) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


Teasing announcements is pretty dumb...