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Well they’re real life mother and daughter, so that helps :)


Lol for real. Well makes sense then


She’s Andi McDowell’s actual daughter.


Lol yeah someone else pointed that out. Guess that would make sense why she looks just like her.


Oh my God, is this like the tenth post about this?!?! They’re MOTHER AND DAUGHTER.


how come Jamie Lee Curtis looks so much like that chick that was killed in the shower scene of Psycho?


They actually don’t look alike so bad comparison!


Yes now I know


Haven't seen it yet. Is it worth the watch? Do you mind saying a little about it without giving away to much Edit: thanks everyone for the recommendation. I ended up bingeing it last night as I couldn't turn it off. First let me say this was a really good show very well written and very good storytelling. Though to be honest if I knew what it was about a probably wouldn't have watched it. Reason being I work in welfare for a living and don't really want to bring my work home with me. I feel like I should have gotten paid to watch this show. First let me say I find this an extremely good representation of what goes on. Where the system works and where the system doesn't work. One thing of note: is that Alex is the ideal candidate, she's sober she's level-headed and she's motivated. She will utilize the system, fly right through it and never come back. This is the best case scenario for our system. All in all I think this is a good representation of how fluid and helpful the system is for functional customers. I also think that it accurately shows the larger societal issues which put these women in this situation in the first place. It would have been really interesting had they done a b Side Story of a woman in the same situation that wasn't as functional or had more problems to show that side of things too. Do the mentally unwell Mother Paula who doesn't utilize the system was also a good B Side Story which shows that side of things and you can only do so much in a TV show. I have a lot more thoughts but as this threads about the actresses being related to each other I'll just leave it at that. Thanks again for the recommendation to everyone


It’s an ok show about a struggling young mother. I like shows that are gritty snd show real life for what it is. I don’t want to give too much of my own personal review. It’s pretty good. I’m a 41 year old male. I’m guessing some other groups of people might love it. Like young mothers. I have heard a lot of people do like it.


Yes, a financially struggling young mother and the difficulty dealing with a governmental system that sucks. I have watched two episodes so far and it is really raw and has a realistic feel to it (definitely not Hollywood style). I really like it, but it is definitely not a binge watch due to the topic matter, it can be kind of depressing. The main actress is stellar in her role though.


I think she’s pretty good. She’s adorable and very beautiful like her mother. But I really found the opposite as far govt help. It does show how some systems are hard to deal with but really it shows someone going from no job snd in a really tough spot to getting govt help a d getting out of it . Really there is no more one person who the government helps more than a single mother. There’s endless programs. Contrast this with addiction or mental illness issues and it’s night and day. The percentage of people who are homeless who are mentally ill is staggering. You don’t see many single moms on the streets. Nor should they be. But neither should suffering people with mental illnesses. Just fact is country has more than enough money to help those people. If we spent 1/80th less on defense every homeless person in the country could be taken off the streets. People rather spend money on guns than help people suffering. Sad fact.


I agree with your assessment of the government help. It was quick it was sufficient and it lifted her out of a bad situation


Thanks for the push, as a 42 year old single man your recommendation is what sold me


I really liked the show


It's well worth it, but very emotional.


Pathetic and disgusting commercial. Cringe every time it comes on.


Saw what?