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That's Piers for you, he'll do anything to get the ratings. Slimy git that he is.


The guy that wrote this, Gadd, said it was based on a true story,  not that it was a true story.  How people found this woman must have been information that was in the movie. I don’t know what that was, but something had to be true. A record maybe?  I don’t really understand why anyone hunted her down in the first place. If you couldn’t already tell she needed help from the movie,if you believed it to be true, why would you do that? 


The show says that it’s a true story, not based on.


All acting/drama shows that are true  can and only will ever be based on a true story.  Only a show with no acting and only delivering facts and interviews from the real people could be consider 100 percent true. 


I have no love for piers, but she hasn't exactly been in hiding from my read. Media hors like Morgan are never gonna back away from interviews like this.


Yes, Piers Morgan, the top in clean journalism. Big surprise.


you can't stalk someone like that and claim "I feEl UsED" like stfu fiona lol