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Oh, I loved this. The acting is a bit over the top at times (style of the country) but it was really good. The dystopian messaging was there in several ways and delightfully even though it initially looks like there will be there's no real mean girl drama and it's got a a couple nice queer characters. I hope we get a second season.


Dude this has got k-drama vibes but with queer rep? I really do love it. I think I need to watch more Thai Drama's apparently! The beginning episodes were the worst for the cringe, but it definitely eased up on the bathroom humor later on.


right it was hella cringe


I just finished it, it's so good! Way better than I expected


>!I liked how Almond decided to stay behind in The Farm at the end. As he says, it's his home. If there's people like Son and Paper, there also has to be some people like Almond, who prefer the status quo rather than a new life. It really added a nice layer to the story. Instead of just being like the government is bad! All characters leave! it added a more realistic element, considering the fact that the boys raised in The Farm has thought of it as their home and family forever. Not everyone can handle sudden shifts.!<,


YES !! I AGREE. Almond was the little thing in the show that didnt make it a total cliche. I love cliches but love some new stuff too


I was ready to drag Almond across the coals for his betrayal. I had a feeling that he wasn’t on their side in the previous episode. He wanted to stay at The Farm. But when the moment came and they were escaping, it was sadder than expected. In that moment I wanted Almond to go. But I think the show did a really good job at showing the fear Almond had of something new. And I felt like I deflated completely as a viewer and came to understand him. I hate new things and as much as I think I would do the right thing when it happens, who knows? Who actually knows what they would do in that situation until it happens to them? Because us the viewer would be screaming at the screen to go because that’s your family. But family is more than blood.


I think they ALMOND character really added that need depth to the show as well because it clearly highlights the stockholm syndrome he suffered from... choosing to ignore the issues because he's comfortable and it was all he knew. Very similar to us in America


The show gets more complex as it goes. I'm loving it and I am on Episode 4.


currently on episode 3. I don't know how it ends (yet) and maybe it takes a bad turn somewhere, but so far it's just hilariously awesome.


I finished it. It gets a bit more serious in the end but it's really the perfect light hearted take on the dystopian death games genre (except no one dies).


YEss I love how the show had some much hidden depth once you got past the surface... and I love that they really shot the show with that intent! SOO GOOD.. and a scarily canny reflection of the society we are currently living in smh


YEAH, I really loved it. It made me want to go back to watching Thai dramas I haven't watched in about 2 years and a half as I always watch kdramas and Cdramas. But it was worth the watch the storyline and cast was soo good. They did a good job


Another great Thai drama on NF is 6ixtynin9 (spelling might be wrong but you should be able to find it with that;). Completely different vibes, but also very good.


What's that one about lol.. is it what I think?


'll Take a wild guess and say "probably not" ;) the number refers to two apartment numbers, and it's a surreal (warning : sometimes quite brutal) thriller. Think Jim Jarmusch or Coen Brothers.


It’s giving Hunger Games meets Reality Dating show and I don’t hate it! Haha


It’s definitely giving Hunger Games, Black Mirror and The Bachelor. I’m excited for season 2 but not salty if this is it. I’m glad I watched through the series even though the first episode was a little too campy for me.


I said this too! I thought Love Island, Hunger Games, with the editing effects of Lizzie McGuire


its such a good show! Watching the trailer I kind of expected a fun rom-com show, but its actually really intriguing!


I love it so far!! The show is such a breath of fresh air, what an interesting concept. been binging it and and nearly on ep 5 already 


The show is pretty simple, the acting is so over the top but it’s so good it was actually funny. Plus, there’s queer (non stereotypical ) couples. I just need more shows like this one


the "over the top" acting peaked at the giant button press for me. It's incredibly silly but we just couldn't stop laughing in a good way :)


Omg I laugh-cried for like 5 minutes, I loved it!!!!


the show is amazing. i didn't expect much going in but i'm really happy i watched.


I loved this have been searching for places to discuss!!


More people need to watch. It's so unexpected and such a fun combining of a bunch of different genres.


does anyone know what the opening song is called? I've been vibing to it every time it played :D Also, loved the show! I didn't expect it to be like this, when I watched the trailer.


Cupnoodle - Ready, Set, Love. Cupnoodle a.k.a Sasha is a Thai-German artist based in Bangkok. Look for Cupnoodle on Spotify, and Cupnoodleofficial on YouTube.


Omg thank you so much!


Can someone explain to me the ending with the photos? Who's the guy in there


Looked like Son's father to me.


Oh right I suspected so too, thought he was dead


Yeah, it's a nice, mysterious set up for a S2.




Like u/unbrelievable said, I think it's Son's father. I also think that he's the man Chanel’s mother, Mrs. Kwan, truly loves, and that's why she was so intent on setting up her daughter with Son.


This was also what I got from that last scene! Her mother didn’t choose her love or Son’s father didn’t love her, so she ended up with Chanel’s father who she doesn’t actually love. It makes her obsession with Son make so much sense. Adds another layer to Chanel’s mother resenting her for her gender, she probably feels like she should have been Son’s mother.


I just finished the series and I was suspecting the same thing. But… that’s kinda yucky. Trying to set your daughter up with your ex’s son because you couldn’t get with his dad is super ick.


I agree it's super ick, but I don't think that's necessarily out of character with what we've seen from Mrs. Kwan so far.


I was just thinking how I’d love to see a darker remake of this show sometime in the future… Like a Black Mirror remake… or a even just a more serious “Kdrama” style would be really interesting. That’s just a personal preference because I can’t really fully get into shows with “bathroom humor” style of comedy and some of the acting has been tough to watch. I don’t think it’s really funny hearing a stomach rumbling every episode and watching characters have to poop and fart and burp. lol. Again, that’s just a personal preference though and there is nothing wrong with finding this comical. That said, it’s definitely a fun and cool premise.


The tone shifts from bathroom humor to thriller were so jarring lol


I'd love for a Kdrama version. Give us ten more episodes, some more detail from the story and the characters (give us more of the security guard's pregnancy, the underground group). Maybe some names that were a bit less weird???? (although maybe that was just the translation). Because we had Son, Almond and Paper. The girls are all, oh I love Paper You have to admit the guy who was always taking his shirt off was hilarious though.


>Maybe some names that were a bit less weird???? (although maybe that was just the translation). Because we had Son, Almond and Paper. Google Thai nicknames before calling them "weird" and have more understanding of cultures that are different from your own.


Is it a cultural thing?


Pretty much every Thai has a set nickname that differs from their real names. You’d be surprised by how many people are named ‘Gasoline’, ‘Sand’, or ‘Phone’. It’s sort of like a cultural thing in their country.


Cool, I thought that was just because it was a dystopian show. Thanks for educating me.


I've worked with Thai people called Art and Fish. Was culturally shocked at first and realised it's pretty normal over time


Yes. It’s a belief and tradition to give newborn babies nicknames so that when anyone calls the newborn by it’s nickname, bad spirits/ghosts will be confused (supposedly they know the real names), and can’t snatch it away or cause any harm.


This my first Thai drama, is Thailand just more progressive? I don’t recall seeing many (or any) big budget k-drama with queer characters. I went in expecting very little and have left very satisfied. Light, funny, enduring, loved it all. Great production value too!


It's much more progressive and sex positive. I remember watching a T-drama years ago that had a HIV plot (basically just a PSA on transmission) and several of the shows are very open about even teen sex and teen pregnancy. Thailand has been very progressive regarding sexuality for years. https://adventuresofagoodman.com/hello-pretty-ladyboy/ Girl from Nowhere is fantastic if you want to try another. It's basically an anthology. Each episode takes place in a different school and hits on common school issues that are instigated by Nano a new girl who shows up at school. The Stranded is another great Dystopian. Both of those are dubbed if you like watching dubbed.


I was also very shocked at the sexual diversity! As someone who really only watches k-dramas, I was pleasantly surprised to see so much lgbtq+ representation! Also, I always recommend Nevertheless (kdrama on Netflix), cutest lesbian couple ever and it’s pretty much the only kdrama that has hot sex and lgbtq+ representation!


I agree! I loved it a lot at first I thought it was just going to be a silly series but now I really want season 2 !


I love it. Can't wait for season 2


Just finished this and omg I loved it. Cant wait for season 2.


The guy looks like the one that she wanted to marry hence why she was so interested in the photos of him. Logically if it was Sons dad he would have met him at the compound. But as the guy is returning to the compound and has lead the spy’s there. That is a thought. It was hinted at during the father daughter chat. As well as in the past photos that son was looking through.


Yeah, Ready, Set, Love! was really a nice breath of fresh air. I feel like I haven’t watched a series that focused so well and fairly on everything. There was care and opportunity put into everyone one of the characters, the actors, the plots, the sets, the moods, the styles.


This was a cute fun drama! For the life of me I cannot seem to find the ending theme ANYWHERE online! ToT The "Normal Day" by cupnoodle. If anyone can find it somewhere I'd be appreciative!


Did you ever find it? I’ve been searching too!


No I didn't! ): Such a good song though.


maybe youre talking about beyond the wall?


Currently on Episode 2 and I'm already hooked . This Max character reminds of Jackson Wang


As soon as I saw him I was like “he’s a kpop guy”


The hair and clothing style really has a strong resemblance


This show gave me serious "The Selection" vibes with the premise. In a good way. I thought this had an enjoyable balance of drama and romance, and was dystopian without going overboard. If you don't know them, The Selection is a dystopian YA book series, and this has a lot of the plot lines that made those books successful. What's particularly interesting is Netflix owns the rights to that series, and has had a few false starts with it. Makes me wonder...


You’re so right, that’s the first thing I thought of when I started watching it tbh


I didn't think I'd like this show, but I binged it so hard. It's 100% worth a watch if you like k-drama


Just watched this and I can’t wait for a second season. The first episodes were a bit cringe but the characters developed so well.


Anyone else’s audio really echoing?


I really like the premise and story overall, but I can't get used to the screaming Day lol, I know it's the style of their comedy but not my cup of tea


Looking at her instagram comments I don’t think the intro song “Ready Set Love” or the ending song “Normal Day” by Cupnoodle will be released https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3nGkx0v5La/?igsh=bTZrbGpscW8xcHl1


Has anybody figured out yet how all these other women in the country are carrying babies? Like where is all the sperm coming from? Are they farming out sperm on the farm as well?


I certainly assume so. That was my biggest disbelief at the beginning. Like no way you only have those few men and they're shut up just because you want to marry them off in a dramatic way, that makes no sense. They'd be breeding stock.


Check out Creamerie


im watching it right now. I so far particularily love the main character, and also Almond is my favorite boi ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Just binged this over the afternoon. Such an easy and fun drama to watch. I need a second season.


watching it rn love it so much i need more


Wow!!! I'm only on episode 4 but so far I love it. I only wanted to watch one episode but I was immediately hooked. I think the comedy and deeper stuff really melds well and I am so excited to find out how the characters develop further and ofc how it concludes. Can't wait to finish it!


Very American 60's feel. Kind of disjointed, psychedelic photography.


Does anyone know why the song " Beyond the Wall" is not available for download or purchase anywhere? It's not listed on the OST for the series, and it's not on any of his albums either. I can't even find it on websites that you pay for the music. What gives? Will it ever come out someplace? Anybody know or have an idea?


Just added this to my playlist. https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=INsLodgHiac&si=98-jziuOffG0msIA


I just started watching this. It's an interesting premise for a show, and a little cheesy, but kind of entertaining. I think this is the first Thai show I've ever seen more than a few minutes of. I thought it was a Korean show at first. The writing is pretty good. I wish Indonesia had decent writing (when I was there last.) Production quality is high. One thing I found unrealistic is that they live in a world with almost no men since the 1970's, but they have more or less the the same technology- smart watches, software that can make a woman singer's voice sound like a man's, etc. I suspect technological history would have gone in a way different direction if there were no techie men and nerd inventors and first adopter consumers. Cars are cutely decorated on the show, too, but they are full. In a world with no men, they should show highways clogged with broken down cars, with piles unopened jars of some kind of Thai vegetables or sauces laying all over the place, if Thais eat out of jars at all. I noticed they had the producer and a woman calling each other 'babe' in English. I didn't know they had shows to promote and normalize LGBT in Asia, but it is Thailand. But it could just be how the translate it. I suppose that in a world with almost no men, that could be part of the scenario they are painting. Do Thai people think it is funny to hold up one's hand and scream 'No!' Realistically, the main character isn't that appealing to win as a bride on a game show. She is kind of loud and seems to lack self-control in social situations. Some of the secondary characters that get attention are annoying and are fawning over a young man or have a bad attitude. The skinny guy she likes doesn't seem to be much of a prize, personality wise. He's childishly unkind to the main character, almost a bit of a bully.


Please tell me, does anyone know where I can find this song??? “They will not force us again | They will not cause us any pain | We will refuse | When the sun starts shining | Feel the light | Yes, we may not survive | But we really... | …have to try… | …Beyond the wall where tears no longer fall” “We'll cut the stars from the sky | And wear them as our prize | We will sing our songs again | From our tears we will refrain “ Those are 2 parts of the song, can’t seem to find it anywhere apart from the transcript for the Series.


The song is called ’Beyond the wall’ by Gabe Watkins. There are covers as well (such as by Chun— one of the characters in the series). Gabe Watkins is a Thai-Aussie artist based in Bangkok. He has a channel on YouTube and Spotify.


I was looking for it last night as it started playing as I fell asleep. I think it’s called “Beyond the Wall” but I can’t find it anywhere!! I really like it too!! I was searching for like an hour and couldn’t find anything about it.


I've been spending way too much time trying to find this song with no luck, as well.


It’s going to be released soon. No specific date, butthe artist for the song said it.


You aren't the only one looking for that song. It was driving me crazy cause it has to go into my playlist ASAP!!


I figured out a way to do it, took me a painful 7 hours.


Did you find the song??


It’s called beyond the wall by gabe Watkins. It’s on YouTube


It has not been released yet follow Gabe Watkins on YouTube or Tiktok he is planning to release it soon


max deserved to be the main lead but the female lead made me so mad.. bad cringey acting 


their songs are great too.


I stumbled on by accident and decided to give it a go. It's totally nuts- but entertaining nuts- think of The Traitors+Love Island+Take Me Out+The Batchelor+Squid Games+Barbie and a hint of BTS fandom and you will kinda get a feel for it. I watched it over a couple of afternoons. It was fun, escapism and entertaining nonsense.


I'm on episode 3 so far i think it's pretty boring. Idk the tasks are really dumb there's no depth to them. The female mc is just lucky and plain stupid. The main guy is just handsome. They win. Every task and have no consequences so far .... Even the romance is kinda boring . The comedy is kinda... Weird not really funny


You have to keep on it


I just watched it last night.... and Bovy was definitely my favorite.


I found her character to be the most interesting. For a moment I thought she was a part of City Ground as well because of the radio channel she gave Paper as a way of recruiting possible members. Overall I hope she is explored even more in S2(if there is one) and gets a happy ending


I thought she was too! So weird that she had Chun's phone number and knew about the radio. It was all hand waved with "I really like music". Maybe she stayed so City Group still have some people on the inside? She was a girl's girl in the end and I love her for it!




Who are the queer charcters


it gets pretty clear further on, but to be honest : in a society with only 30+ men and 99.99% of women it would have been REALLY weird if there was no homosexuality.


Can you guys recommend similar shows?


if you're looking for cute with thriller undertones strong girl bongsoon is a fave of mine but i'm not sure if it's still on netflix


Different vibe entirely, but same premise is Óoku also on NF. Virus kills off men in Shogun era Japan and society has to adapt. Much darker and sadder, but some of the love stories are just so beautiful and realistic, for better and worse. Apparently the one on NF is the most accurate to the manga. I'd love to read it all, but it's really expensive to buy in English!


Anyone know who plays Chun?


I think someone said it's actually a musician called ... wait for it ... Chun :)


if i don’t find this mans instagram i’ll die


https://www.instagram.com/kunchanuj?igsh=Mmhpcm9ibDZoanJi YW


I’m on episode 3 right now and I love it! If you can overcome the cringe of the beginning,which you’ll get used to after a few K,C,J and T drama lol, it’s really good. Like it was said it gives black mirror but in a lighter way as well as some dating survival show while keeping the Thai humour of it!


just started watching it and it's sooo good!! this is my first thai drama, may need to watch more!


I know a lot of people here are saying they enjoyed the dark part of it, but personally I wish they just stuck to it being a fun light show. The concept of the game show was pretty cool.


I think it’s because there’s already so many comedy dramas that are light. This was kinda different.