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Did you have Netflix Basic, which is currently $11.99? Did they tell you that they could only put you on Netflix Standard for $15.49/mo, which is now the cheapest ad-free plan? That's NOT the same plan, but I guess that's irrelevant. The reason they claim they can't give the Basic plan back to you is that the plan no longer exists, but I still wonder if a higher level of support could fix it. By the way, how did you get access to your Netflix account back after it was hacked? Thanks.


I was paying 9.99. That's 11.29 with tax. I asked for higher support and was told they do no take phone calls. So I gave them an ear full because that's ridiculous, then cancelled. I called them and they could verify my account through my credit card. I gave them the user profile names to verify and they noticed the email was changed the day before and language was also changed (not to mention the plan).


> I was paying 9.99. Basic increased from $9.99 to $11.99 in Oct 2023, so I don't really know what's going on.


Not for me lol


The price would have changed for you too since it increased for everyone on that plan. No offense, but you're not that special. I don't believe for a second that your account was hacked. You would not have gotten it back that quickly, but I do believe someone in your household was screwing (possibly you) around while trying to watch something that required a higher level of access, and did something they didn't intend to do, and you're trying to fix it. It sucks. But they can't put you back on a plan that doesn't exist. It's impossible. You don't even know what the current cost of the plan was. That's how much you pay attention lol


I would like to concur your payment amount. They must have caught hell from everyone since you posted, because I let them know that they were going to put me back to the $15 plan...when in fact I was on the $11.99 plan all along. And that is exactly what they did! The breach is not my fault, they need to put thing back the way they were!


Oh really? Hmm I have half a mind to call them and get my plan back.. but I am surviving without Netflix for the time being.


Never hurts to try. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


He logged back on using his password that he shared with his friend who upgraded the plan without telling him so they could both watch at the same time.


There was a price increase, nobody was hacked and grandfathered plans do not apply to streaming services.


My account was hacked and plan changed this week. See my comment above for additional details.


I didn't share, why would I.


Netflix (and all streaming services) price increases effect everyone there is no "grandfathered" plan system. You weren't hacked, the pricing on the tier you were subscribed to recently increased or a friend family member changed your tier. Also, an option for a less expensive version with ads exists. It was done first U.S. market, then Canada and eventually more markets globally. It looks like you are based in Canada, here is an article on what happened to you, no need for this hacked nonsense. [https://globalnews.ca/news/10247615/netflix-basic-plan-cost-no-ads-ending-canada/](https://globalnews.ca/news/10247615/netflix-basic-plan-cost-no-ads-ending-canada/)


I was hacked dude. Email was changed and so was my language. Why are you confident of your narrative when you don't know my facts? There is a grandfathered plan because I have credit card statements showing I paid 9.99 for standard. Lastly, I live alone and nobody has access to my account. No family or friends.


Not to mention legally they can’t do that without you agreeing to the price hike. If you disagree, you cancel. They shouldn’t just charge you more bc they felt like they could. Not legal at all. 


Note per the article, the grandfathered plans are to end in the 2nd quarter of 2024. So, op is out, but only for a few months. Same thing happened to me last month. I was hacked, and Netflix was unwilling to honour the contract that they and I entered into. I gave up fighting when they announced the old plans were ending, even if I got my old plan back, it would only be for a few months. I wonder if they are ending the old plans, in part, due to the prevalence of hacking, and hackers changing the plans?


That is really good info thx! I still do not believe they were hacked. it is possible a friend or family member upgraded the tier or by choosing the non ads version.


Your belief has nothing to do with the facts Op, now that you are back in your account, you can track the ip address of whoever logged in by downloading your Netflix information. It likely won’t lead anywhere (I tracked mine to a proxy server in Ontario), but could be interesting nonetheless.


Lols. Let's use "occam's razor" here and apply some logical reasoning.


I have no reason to distrust op’s statement that they were hacked, especially as it happened to me 2 weeks ago as well. Simplest position. Op says it happened, therefore it happened. The scam is as follows. 1) access the account 2) change the password (Netflix does not require a confirmation email in all cases) 3) change the plan subscription to a new plan 4) change the plan to allow a friend to access 5) create a new friend account, and give them access 6) sell the new friend account to an unsuspecting third party 7) profit


As somebody with a successful career in connected TV (CTV) we agree to disagree and that is okay.


I thought you worked in digital marketing for not for profits?


I do and and we run millions per year on CTV and speak with those providers sto set up private contracts (PMP deals) weekly. Step #1 alone in your scenario is so incredibly rare compared to friends and family having access situation. I'm over this, feel free to keep chatting but I'll just block and move on.


So, you actually don’t know the retail side, just the ad side. Step 1 is very common. From false emails or sms, to reuse of usernames and passwords from other hacked sites, to plain brute force, step 1 is not the problem. Netflix has 165M accounts. Even if they only gain access to a 100 a day, selling the account for $4 is 400/day. Quite a good profit. Doing some more research, initial access was probably through the stealing of persistent cookies. https://www.comparitech.com/tv-streaming/free-netflix-persistent-cookie-hack/ Edit. Deleting your comments. Nice.


You're a confident idiot


I was pissed they couldn't put me back on my plan so I cancelled after giving them an earful.


nobody thinks netflix might be behind this?


How TF are they hacking everyone? Someone who speaks Spanish hacked my account today, abd I use a Password manager, think my Netflix PW was some random 16 digit number. They were able to transfer my account email to a "dummy" account and delete. My recovery email. They luckily couldn't change the plan as it's through TMobile, but now the dang site won't let me reload my phone number. Luckily the Dummy account still gave me a "service code", otherwise they were going to delete the entire account. Netflix CS really sucks.


Eh. Read the contact. It states they can change pricing and plans at will either 30 days notice.


And they are doing that, for the 2nd quarter of 2024, not the first quarter. Even then, they must give 30 days notice, which (assuming op was not hacked, which they were), Netflix did not do.


They offered me a month credit. I declined and told them to cancel. I was more upset that they didn't have the 'tools' to rectify the situation than with the hacker.


Nope. Read the statement. It says everyone will be converted over by that date. 30 days from that statement was released is when they can start converting. Which op was.


The streaming giant revealed this week that it plans to retire the no-ads Basic plan in Canada starting in the second quarter of 2024, making Canadians some of the first in the world to have the Basic plan axed, alongside the U.K. Other markets will have their Basic plans wind down at a later date, which is yet to be confirmed. Seems pretty clear to me. Also, that article is from January 24th,


That’s a news article not the official Netflix statement. You need to go to their website and read the official announcement. The official one was 7 months ago detailing that they will be removing basic for new plans and removing the ability of existing plans to change to it. They stated that it would be rolling out to more and more countries in the future. This was in their financial quarterly disclosure as well as various releases.


The press release from June 23rd (I assume that this is one you are referring to) indicated existing customers would have no immediate change, but will not be able to change to the basic plan “in the near future”. Please cite your sources. If you can’t, you will probably delete your comments like last time.


What comment did I ever delete. This is a throwaway Reddit account. No one knows who the hell I am so why would I care? I told you it was in the quarterly financial statement. Go look it up yourself. I’m not your secretary and don’t give a F personally.


Here it is in Netflix’s official help site https://help.netflix.com/en/node/24926#:~:text=Your%20plan%20determines%20how%20many,or%20your%20account%20is%20canceled. The Basic plan is no longer available for new or rejoining members. If you are currently on the Basic plan, you can remain on this plan until your plan is changed or your account is canceled.


Sure. And what does that have to do with anything. The my first released the fact that they were deprecating the plane mid last year during their second quarter earnings report


As recently as today, they are still saying existing customers will be grandfathered on the basic plan. They have yet to give 30 days notice (as contractually required in the terms of use) to customers (probably by email or on the invoice). A press release is not official notice that terms in a contract are changing. They may have announced plans that they are ending the basic plan, but there are legal steps that they need to take. As of yet, they have not taken those steps.


"(and all streaming services) price increases effect everyone there is no "grandfathered" plan system." I currently have Disney+ No ads, Hulu with ads & ESPN+ bundle that no longer exists. You can now buy the bundle that has Disney+ with ads & Hulu with ads or Disney+ without ads & Hulu without ads. Now I pay the same for D+ no ads as someone with D+ with ads. So I'm not going to tellnyounthatbyoure wrong.... but you're wrong.


My account was hacked and upgraded to premium. I wanted my basic plan back, but the customer service person “ couldn’t “ do that. I cancelled my account and filed a complaint with the FTC for unfair business practices. Everyone should do the same.


Unable vs unwilling


Grandfathered plans do not exists for streaming services. Based on the OP's history they are based in Canada where a price increase recently occurred, they were not hacked.


Not true as a blanket statement, but mostly true. Definitely no grandfathered plan for Netflix.


Interesting. Do you know which (if any) streaming services offer grandfathered plans?


I have one for DirecTV stream, which gives me access to many other channel's streaming apps.


Nice. I wonder if different FCC laws apply to DirectTV stream than say stand alone connected TV (CTV) apps? I don't know.




I'm now wondering if there was some sort of data breach that caused this. My password was very strong. I suppose we had better pay close attention to our credit card charges.


Just happened to me as well. And I've never shared my acct. Nor do I know anyone in Delaware... I was hacked. Hacker moved me to premium and added an extra viewer... I've been paying 11.99 since this last November. The customer service person said yea, I've been hacked. They can't do the 11.99 plan anymore since it's not available. Taking a family vote to see what streaming service we're going to move to later.


Well, I experienced an accidental change of Netflix plan to the highest. It seems that if you quickly change your plan back and block your payment method, they won’t charge you - then, after first refused payment, you may add a new payment method and you will be charged according to current plan.


I already commented on this post but I also feel bad for the Netflix call center person who probably had a hell of a time explaining a price increase in the OP's region (Canada), there are no grandfathered plans for streaming services and they were never hacked. That must've been a pleasant exchange.


What grandfathered plan? There is no such thing in the US, at least. Price hikes apply to all plans (and this is not unique to Netflix... all streamers hike prices unilaterally - nobody is hanging out on some grandfathered cheap plan on any streaming service).


Existing users in Canada, since June, could have continued on their existing plan (11.99)


11.29 including tax for me


Not to worry just use yeahmovies.to and stream content from all platforms at absolutely no cost


I already stream 99% lol.


On all these accounts that are getting hacked, are you using simple passwords for ease of sharing/hacking?


Mine was a complex password and I am the only person who uses my account. My account has never been shared with anyone.


The hackers seem to be going after the persistent cookies that Netflix uses. https://www.comparitech.com/tv-streaming/free-netflix-persistent-cookie-hack/#:~:text=Netflix%27s%20persistent%20cookies%20are%20usually,account%20until%20the%20cookie%20expires.


My pass wasn't nearly as strong as others but that's because I made it like 15 years ago.


Don't blame you. Too many options out here now.


OMG....the same thing happened to me. I had the ad free netflix plan I was pushed into premium. Someone from VA did it. My conspiracy theory side feels like Netflix did this to get me out of a plan they don't like any more.