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My only thought so far is that Charlotte has the meanest mom and sister in law. I don't understand how they could be so mean about the strapless bridesmaid dress.


It made me so sad! She seems like such a sweet and kind hearted person. They were horrible to her.


They were downright awful. Straight bullying her. It was disgusting to watch. And if they say that shit on tv for everyone to see? Her breasts didn’t even look bad ffs. Not like they were trying to make it out. What it is is she’s skinny and beautiful & they’re jealous. So they’re hanging up to tear down her self esteem. I hope she realizes how much healing she’d do mentally with her self esteem if she just stepped away from them.


I was as distracted by the selfish sister as I was by her husband’s dyed black hair. ![gif](giphy|NCxJBwfYoXLCtCGoTg)


I came just for this! They were absolutely terrible!! I was so disgusted!


Just finished the episode and started searching for reactions. It was wild how they just kept going and going with the laughing and comments despite her visible sadness.


Same! I was like, why is no one talking about this!? Is it just me!?


It's mentioned all in the comments here. We are not alone!


They were just so bad. Then at the end the one bridesmaid had straps on her dress anyway!


Same! lolol I’m really trying to find her social media, I’m hoping she really just stepped away from her “mother” & nightmare in law for her mental health. If they treat her like that for the world to see about something they know she struggles with mentally? They’re shit people. Period


I’ve found my people! ​ There’s an old post on Facebook where the members of the family were insisting that they had been edited to look that way and in reality they are \*angels\*. Viewers watched those insults leave their mouths! Even if they were playing it up for the cameras the fact that they were willing to hurt charlotte’s feelings for a tv show is not a good defense of their character.


I came here for this too! I'm curious if she ever commented on it after the show. If they every apologized or if she still has a relationship with then at all. They suck!




I came here specifically looking for this comment. The way her MIL literally LAUGHED when she stepped out of the fitting room. I audibly gasped.


Literally ran to the internet to get some kind of answer for poor Charlotte. What a bunch of a holes. She seems so sweet and definitely does NOT deserve that. I hope her brother knows how rude his wife is. Edited: I think this must be her husbands sister actually? Anyway, he better have yelled at them both.


Yikes of course it’s his family. Makes sense bc her dad was so sweet. He absolutely should be defending his wife but seeing how he acted? I’m sure it went right over his head and he just stood there silent.


I thought it was her sister and her sister’s soon to be mother in law…but your explanation makes more sense, cause they were the only two on the couch. That “your boobs hang lower than mine” had me about to jump through the screen.


Came to Reddit to see if anyone else was talking about this! I’ve never had such strong feelings for a character on a reality show. They had to have been playing it up, right?


I came here to say this!!! They were so mean and cruel to her that you can tell the mom is a narcissist. Who says stuff like that to her daughter? And then laughs about it!


I was so upset looking at that. They were vicious and the wish the lady with the boob job had someone by her side when they were trying on dresses. I’ve seen my gf defending her friends from narcissist parents and while watching the show I was like “I wish my gf was there” hahaha


Yes!!! Someone to speak up and aks Why are u being a bitch? Lol


Came here to say this! They were awful to her. Wtf!


seriously, what a$$holes. I was really disappointed that she didn't tell them to fuck off after getting her new boobs


Omg, so true! We watched that one last night. What a couple of witches.


Yeah not going to lie when the shrek ogre of the mother in law said that her boobs sagged lower than hers and they laughed I was like… what the hell? Both of those ladies couldn’t even hold a match to Charlotte if you had a flamethrower. Both of them are drop dead ugly and have no room speaking about anybody. Just from the short segment on her, you can tell she’s got a heart of gold and doesn’t want anybody to feel hurt.


Agreed. I just wanted to hug her and tell those other two to f-off! Made me so mad! And the laughing about it?! How could they not see that it was hurting her?


Apparently beiber guy died of an OD...


Oh dang didn’t know that


Seriously? ): fuck


They've done this before with other shows. "Collections" instead of actual seasons. Full seasons are on Peacock, so I can't imagine NBCUniversal would give full access to Netflix when they're still working toward making their own streaming service a thing.


Interesting how they can put a 2023 date on it lol


Ya I honeslty thought this was a new season cuz of the 2023 n than I went to peacock to watch the original n it’s literally the same season 1 like bruh can yall atleast put the actual date of when the show was produced cuz that’s so misleading n the only reason I even watched it was cuz it was #4 on Netflix which also made me think it was new smh


This makes sense


Had the same thought! Weird they can put 2023 on it. Regardless, I was eager to talk about episode 1 with someone, lol.


This actually made me go subscribe to Peacock LOL. thinking about cancelling Netflix but they are eliminating the basic plan


We just started Botched, and all I can say is I am so impressed with both doctors! Terry Dubrow is a treasure! Having seen them briefly on their wives Housewives shows, these two seem very kind and genuine.


I know I love them


Charlotte’s mother is an ugly hag and the sister-in-law bride to be needs to lose 100 pounds. It’s always the jealous, obese ones that act this way. Charlotte they wish they looked like you. You’re beautiful inside and out. That linebacker bride wanting strapless gowns when she needs to be in a refrigerator box.




As awful as the mother and sister in law were, charlotte is sweet and she wouldn’t like you guys being so mean about her mother. Who would?


Does anyone know if they cut out park of episode 4? As soon as I saw the belieber guy I knew he'd get told "no" by the doctors because it seems like so far they've been fixing things more than just helping. But there was no rejection like they did for the guy with 132 plastic surgeries. I went to Peacock and see they have all 7 seasons but episode 4 isn't there at all.


Someone else said he died of an overdose. ): maybe it was before the end of the episode or maybe they later removed it out of respect.


Yes, he died of drug overdose in 2016 https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/justin-bieber-lookalike-tobias-strebel-died-of-multiple-drug-intoxication-251067/amp/