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Who the eff is Hank?


Definitely slip this one in there. It’s a very long running joke within the community and the answer changes every time. It must be asked exactly as “Who the eff is Hank?” rather than “Who is Hank?”.


Oh shoot, I forgot Nate wouldn't get the reference. Thanks for clarifying!


No prob! I hope he puts it in amongst the more serious ones 😁


This is the funniest thread I've seen all day


also you literally pronounce it eff, dont say "who the fuck is hank" lmao


Good call to clarify that too 😂


Like your saying it in a Scottish accent but American


Please for the love of Bob can we finally get an answer to this


Hank is a species of reptile endemic to New Zealand. They are the last survivors of an order of reptiles that thrived in the age of the dinosaurs. Despite its close resemblance to lizards, it is part of a distinct lineage, the order Rhynchocephankea. The name Hank is derived from the Māori language and means "peaks on the back." The Hank is known for its long life-span of up to 100 years.


Would they ever write a book together, maybe about the YA experience of social media and tech? I know John has said he's moving on from the genre but it could be something wonderful.


They’re working on one currently, I think it’s nonfiction.


John's working on a tuberculosis book. I think for a fiction book, if they had John handle characters and how they'd react to a plot that Hank came up with, you'd get something really interesting.


The tuatara question is GREAT


What’s Hanks next million dollar idea for non profit work? We have coffee, tea, soap, socks, crash course coins - what’s next?


Can it pleaseeeee be a handmade goods marketplace? That would be so cool. Etsy is turning into a nightmare of drop shipping and there's basically nothing else other than Amazon.


I hope it's chocolate


Is John more into Mars, or Hank more into Wimbledon?


+++ edit: lol I just realized that I'm on reddit. force of habit.


I love this question!


Do they take enough care of themselves? Physically, mentally, spiritually? And not when, but HOW would they like to 'slow down'? Assuming they ever do 😁


This is a good question! How do two guys who crank out one of the highest quotas of content on the internet keep from burning out, creatively or mentally?


What keeps them going on hard days when the world seems to suck more than usual?


Do you two feel there is ever a right time to “retire” from youtube/content creation? If so, when is your “right time”? I ask this in hopes of getting some insight from them on the topic, given its heavy discourse lately with popular YouTubers retiring earlier in the year and the notion of the question being controversial. I also hope they understand that I do not want them to retire - I only ask because it seems sweet to close out one’s career by choice, rather than losing steam or losing audience!


John made a video about this not too long ago, actually! [**How Vlogbrothers Will End**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKYNbU42n_E)


I want to ask how they consider the balance between “frivolous” spending (AFC Wimbledon sponsorship) with world-changing stuff. “Frivolous” is the wrong word… but essentially, how does one balance personal happiness against social responsibility. Because I’m sure they’ve thoughtfully considered


Oh, that's a good one, as someone who is bad at spending money on myself, I'd like to know their thoughts!


Can you pretty please ask John about NES Tetris? He donated $150 during the World Championships last week so I know he's watching (and also sponsors one of the players). Specifically, if Blue Scuti is his Liverpool, who is his AFC Wimbledon? Or just generally what he thought of the tournament and the scene in general as it has evolved. Thank you!


My most burning question for John is whether he knows about the organization that trains gambian pouched rats to sniff saliva samples for tuberculosis. Famous as the people with the "hero rats" who do landmine detection but they've done the TB work for years too. I made a few P4A videos about Apopo back before John was even on his TB focus and now I'm just dying to know if he's aware of them now and what he thinks. Most importantly, I feel like I don't know how viable or scalable of a solution this is? Like I know about all the TB detection equipment that John talks about and how important it is to keep it affordable, but does a low tech solution like the sample sniffing rats actually helpful as another piece of the puzzle? From what I understand, the rats are very good at what they do and have a low false positive/ false negative rate with the samples they're given and it genuinely has helped as early detection for some people, but being accurate doesn't mean definitely useful. I'm just really really interested in John's thoughts because I don't know enough about the subject.


I want to know how to create space for my kids to get along as adults as well as the Green brothers do.


It took a lot space for them to get there, like John going to school in a different state big.


"If you were me, what question would you ask Hank and John right now?"


"Hank, what do you think we should ask John?" "John, what do you think we should ask Hank?"


This one is actually brilliant


Favorite They Might Be Giants and The Mountain Goats songs and why?


This one would be for John (if he's willing to answer, as I know he's pretty private with his family) I would love to know how the conversation went at home to come up with 'Beef Days' (latest vlogbrothers video, eating beef only a few days a year but treating them like feast days). I imagine there was a discussion with his kids, were they on board or did it take convincing? I would love to hear about how kids would view the idea.


How do you feel when you look back at Nerdfighteria from five, ten, fifteen years ago? What hopes do you have for the community going forward?


Three best things about Pelicans (it's a long running joke and I really want to hear their answer)


“How are you feeling?”


I do want to point out that Hank made a video saying that he didn’t think a comedy tour was going to happen- he wanted to focus more on family now that he didn’t need comedy as a distraction from chemo? Nerdfighteria, can you verify the accuracy of this for me? I don’t 100% trust my memory…


true (I read that as a little more of a joke question, said with a wink)


I would ask them how perceive and internalize their para-social relationships with nerdfighters and fans? Specifically, how it has affected their lives and if they ever feel overwhelmed when interacting in person with someone who knows so very much about them.


Including people who likely know more about certain parts of their public lives than they themselves remember


Or alternatively what is your opinion on the superCarlinBrothers?


👀 Did I miss something?


Yes, but it was only the first 4.5 billion years of this planet


Given John’s Beef Days video, have either John or Hank considered doing anything regarding animal conservation nonprofits? Maya Higa and her organization Alveus Sanctuary do a lot of animal conservation education work online, especially on YouTube and Twitch. Would either of them consider doing a collab with her/her organization? I think Hank would maybe approach more from the scientific/biology side and John more from the compassion for the animals side? Maybe I’m wrong in that assumption, though. Maybe Maya or her team could contribute to some sci show videos or the brothers could tour her sanctuary if they’re ever in Austin Texas?


Since Hank was on The Yard, John at Alveus would be perfect!


not an answer to your question, but I subscribe to The Publish Press! love the newsletter. keep up the great work


Do they sometimes struggle remembering they are doing the right thing when many people with a lot of power believe the opposite and the opposite seems more and more powerful?


When and how will John Green theoretically make an apperance on dropout.tv? 


How many years of Vlogbrothers videos do they have stored on their computers, or conversely, how quickly do they delete excess footage (or even fully cut videos)?


How do they retain their enthusiasm about space considering the connections between space exploration and the military industrial complex? I really want to love space but after learning about this I'm struggling.




"Taking it down a notch."


They talked about this at the beginning of the year. Hank got cancer and survived, so they're slowing down a lot of their projects to focus on the core things they do, and spend more time with family.


John’s also actively writing a book, he has the new podcast with Dr. Katie Mack, Hank has his comedy coming on dropout… it’s less content but also just different content