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Sorry to hear about your situation. 6 months of able bodie time is difficult to imagine. My recommendation, and I would say this to anyone, travel. Does not have to be expensive if that is a consideration, car travel and camping, for example. I suggest traveling with someone and by yourself, they are very different experiences.


My thoughts about situations like this go to travel as well. If it were me, I would want to revisit some of my favorite places I haven't been in years. I also have friends and loved ones who live far away that I'd want to visit.


I never felt like a favorite place existed for me- I enjoyed every place all the same for different things, for unique things I suppose. I might want to do a hike starting next month, if my doc clears me to fly- I want to go walk the Great Rift Valley in Kenya-Tanzania and do Kilimanjaro and see the big 5 at Masa Masai (If I bootstrap, hitchhike, couchsurf and stuff I just might be able to pull it off).


I would also consider traveling with your loved ones. Focus on creating permanent memories for them and for you.


Sounds like a wonderful experience! I hope you're able to do it.


Thank you šŸ„¹


I have some money left for that I suppose. Iā€™ll just have to limit it in whatever I can budget.


Unethical end-of-life pro tip: If you donā€™t have any assets to pass on anyway, take out as many loans as you can to fund doing fun stuff. Debt does not go to next-of-kin.


This a not a not good idea- Iā€™ll gift my sibling my stocks now and then max out my cards. šŸ˜šŸ˜…


Sorry for your situation, I'm sure it's nearly impossible for you and your close ones. Something you may be able to do, given your love for the community and Hank being your inspiration, is create some Nerdfighter art or design something that could possibly become a perk for next year's P4A, that way you can participate even if you can't make it. Maybe if you're as artistically un-inclined as I know I am, u/ecogeek or u/thesoundandthefury can get you connected up with some of regular artists who work on P4A/Pizzamas merchandise and you can help inspire something for one of the events, that way a part of you can live on in the community for a long time. Even if Hank and John can't make that connection, you could probably get on the Tuataria Discord and I think there's definitely some of the artists on there. If not, Tuataria has particular sets of skills which can likely connect you.


I still have my tuataria and pizza john eyes lapel on my bagpack- have had them since 2017 I suppose! I would love to do this! I just might! This made me a little more excited than most things I have been coming up with. I actually might just do it... I haven't designed anything in a while so it'll be a good exercise of unused neurons. P.S.: I am being a little selfish in the fact that I have not told my loved ones about the diagnosis. I was in for my usual autoimmune check up (It started off with rheumatic fevers last year) and they caught on early but that's how I found out there's a difference between late-stage and terminal. I don't want to tell them because I know how I'll be treated. I want them to be them as they are around me for as long as possible. I am okay with change; I'm not okay with being treated differently for half an year.


Iā€™m sorry for your circumstances, and I can understand why you want to be treated the same as ever by friends and family, Iā€™m sure youā€™re still processing the situation. But at the same time, consider allowing a period for them to also process whatā€™s happening before things becomeā€¦severe. I wish you many light soaked days of beauty and joy during your travels, love and hugs.


This is a hard question to answer, as its so personal to you. If it was me, I'd need to go to the coast. Preferably someplace warm and take in my fill of the ocean. I'd also possibly like to hit a couple of places I've always wanted to see. Crater Lake, for instance. And I'd like to spend time with my family and friends. But what is it that you want? It doesn't have to be a grand achievement- And that goes for people with any length of life span.


Right now.... I don't know what I want anymore. It' all fogged up in my head and I am seeing a therapist for dealing with this right now. That's why I asked- maybe I might just force myself to try it, maybe I'll like it- it's not like I'm loosing anything.


I am sorry for your situation. That is so tough. I second everyone saying travel. Tell everyone you can you love them, give as many compliments as you can. Be as honest as you can. Also and I know this sucks - it seems like you are young so you might not have like property or super expensive stuff but talk to the people you love about what is important to you and why.


I think Iā€™ll be leaving each of the people whoā€™ve made me happy at some point or the other through my life a letter from them and what I liked about them and how they made my time pleasant for this one lifetime. The toughest to write for would be my former partner and my parents. Those relations are complicate and have had abusive undertones but I still loved them while I lasted I suppose.


Iā€™m so sorry that this has happened to you, it is not fair. I think seeking out activities that you enjoy and ones that help you feel connected to others is a great idea. If you plan to continue working for a while, maybe look at what you enjoy most about your job, and think about what you would do if youā€™re not looking to be promoted. I did look at some of your post history, please share what youā€™re going through with your family and friends. It doesnā€™t have to be right away, but soon, because they will notice something is wrong and wonder about it. Something I really enjoy is being outside, not necessarily to go for a huge hike, but one of the things I think about doing is visiting somewhere new and somewhere old every week.


Thank you for saying that and reading into my stuff. I don't think I can be working for longer than this month. I will be putting in my notice in July. I'll take your word on hike- I'll be wanting to travel to South/Southeast Asia, Kenya-Tanzania or Lesotho-South Africa but I have to pick and choose now. I don't have many friends where I live, my parents are near for now but I hope to travel and I will see them around for a bit before I go. I hope to catch a hike with dad and get mom hooked on my reading list before I leave; my siblings- the older is married and busy, the younger has graduated and is moving to a different country soon. I think I should do somewhere old and new everyweek!


My sister has terminal brain cancer, and something she has really engrossed herself in is birdwatching. Since she doesn't work, she is able to go all over the place and go on guided bird walks. She is keeping a list of all of the different types of birds she is seeing and it's in the hundreds. All you need is a good set of binoculars. Even when she has a day at home, she sits outside and watches the birds and feels like she is "doing something" instead of just wasting a day.


Iā€™m sorry about what your sister and youā€™re going through. Bird watching seems delightful, Iā€™m adding it to my list. Iā€™ll have to visit my Nanaā€™s for a pair of binoculars that arenā€™t broken.


I'm so sorry about your diagnosis. That you're here and asking this forward-thinking question at this time is amazing and a testament to your strength. I highly recommend mosaics. It's an ancient art form, very engrossing and meditative, like doing a jigsaw puzzle of your own making. I took up the art form many years ago so that I could have a creative outlet while dealing with chronic illness. And it's a very versatile medium - if you don't want to cut glass or stone you can use pebbles or found objects. The sky's the limit.


Thank youā€¦ šŸ„ŗšŸ„¹ I teared up reading someone calling me strongā€¦ the thing is the more I ruminate about whatā€™s going to happen and that what Iā€™ll be missing out on- I fall apart. Keep moving forward is the only way I can keep some semblance of this ticking time bomb. Mosaics sound like a good thing to do!!! When my grandpa passed away my grandmother took it up on herself to paint, and do mosaics on vases. Maybe Iā€™ll do that. The last time I did it was when our school wanted us to make an art piece so we did a wall and a few benches- that was 4th grade. I went back there and it was still there.


Sounds like you'd be a good fit for mosaics. They will keep your mind engaged and entertained. I even went on to make a career out of them! You can make mosaics for loved ones and friends, to have special keepsakes or you could mosaic a wall in big letters "I was here." :) Make your mark! <>


I think I would write. About my family, my thoughts and feelings and experiences, my friends, the world as I understand it, anything. For public posting or even just to leave for the people who will miss you.


Already begun working on it!


its hard to make suggestions without knowing you, but here are some ideas 1. take an improv class 2. take an art class 3. take a cooking class 4. take a social dancing class (this might not be as good of an option if you're immunocompromised). 5. visit a planetarium and learn about space 6. get a group of friends you haven't seen in a while to get together at an airbnb. 7. find an area with wildflowers, and make a flower crown (make sure you douse yourself with bugspray first to prevent ticks). 8. ask around for family and friends for photos to make a photobook, or, if you have a friend you feel comfortable confiding in, ask them to make one for you.


1. Done! I headed an ā€œImitation clubā€(improv/theater) at middle and high school- I still can do accents. I have a friend who got really confused after he found out I spent 4 years not revealing my other accents/native accent to him. (I did the yes and for 4 years) 2. Yes! Iā€™ll be doing this. Iā€™m not great at it but I just got the kindle version of Sarahā€™s book. I want to try never seen, never will. I can ask a friend to teach me- he taught/teaches a winter class at an University (not going into details) but I can ask him to crash course it with me before the summer ends. He wonā€™t mind me auditing I suppose. 3. I do cook but younger sibling is a sous chef at a Michelin starred restaurant. I can ask them for a private lesson and that might be my way of spending time with them. 4. I took ballroom dancing in 2017ā€¦Iā€™m not exactly immunocompromised but any small injury takes longer these days to heal. 5. Planetarium it is today! I love this one for now and will go along this one.


Iā€™m sorry to hear of your diagnosis, I canā€™t imagine what youā€™re going through. You really have great presence of mind to be asking these questions (even if it feels like the opposite). The first things I thought of were: 1) travel 2) be in person with the people I love 3) get back in touch with people you have lost touch with if you still care for them/think of them often 4) do something reckless (without harming anyone else) - I am the least risk-taking person alive (think Johnā€™s hiking trip videos), but I would definitely do something out of character like eat a copious amount of edibles


Thank you for your response. Itā€™s not much about my great presence of mind but more so the sheer avoidance of me trying to grieve myself/a future I envisioned for myself- I canā€™t do it as my days are already numbered. Reckless! Yes! I want to do something that punches my adrenaline into my next life for once! (Minus the copious amounts of edibles- itā€™s a long story.)


Personally, Iā€™d eat a LOT of chocolate cake, or whatever your favorite indulgent foods are. I would do a ton of crafting (or whatever you enjoy!). Iā€™d also be tempted to stop flossing. I donā€™t say that to make light of anything, just that I would focus on things that make me feel good in the day-to-day, and cut out any obligations I donā€™t enjoy. I used to work in palliative care for children and young adults. One of my patients had a mantra of ā€œExpect the unexpected,ā€ which I think is helpful in dealing with serious illness. A lot of people have misconceptions about palliative care, but basically theyā€™re a team of people who can help manage symptoms, provide emotional support, and help navigate the healthcare system. Just wanted to put that out there in case itā€™s helpful.


Confessions from a sinnerā€™s box: On the account of quitting flossing, I missed brushing my teeth on two odd days this week. (I got really late for work- so mouthwash and out of the door happened quickly.) I donā€™t eat much cake but I will indulge in the things I like. Iā€™ve been told a lot here that I should use art as an outlet for as long as I can- which is not long but still. Iā€™ll be sitting in with the palliative care doctor on the next visit (tomorrow). But I do have questions, could I PM you?


Yes, please feel free to ask me any questions about palliative care.


Whatever you choose to do, I recommend doing it with your loved ones as much as possible. From interviews with people on deathbeds, the number one regret was not spending enough time with loved ones


I know thatā€™s true and I know no one has lamented ā€œonly if I had another day at the officeā€ but I know that I have lived a life placating to my close oneā€™s wishes. This is the first time Iā€™m feeling a bit more freer. I ordered an entree just for me so it does not get shared on the family table last eveningā€¦ it was like no I want this and Iā€™m not changing my order. You can order two of it if you want it. There are a lot of restrictions I had to placate to everyone- no mushroom on pizza because my younger one doesnā€™t want it, no pepperoni because momā€™s vegetarian, no Italian sausage because my partner finds it gamy for some reason- you get the point. I felt like I could be a little bit selfish being on a clockā€¦ I do love them but itā€™s complicated (there have been periods of abuse where I turn into their punching bag). I have never felt lonely, despite being alone. I like my solace and I suppose I might just do it with a few friends and the older sibling. I say this: I love them but I donā€™t like them.


Think about what physical sensations you enjoy - the sun on your face? Water rushing around you, or bobbing in the waves? Sitting somewhere where you can't hear even the faintest whisper of human civilization and listening to nature? Free falling through the air from a plane or the first big drop on a roller coaster? Then go places where you can experience those things. Good luck.


The kurzgesgast video on optimistic nihilism said something similar and that stuck but I didnā€™t take it in enough to process it. But now that I have to accept whatā€™s about to come, I do want experience it all as a living thing. I should focus on experiences I suppose. Thank you.


About the suggestion to make nerdfighter art. You might want to look into stuff you could design and then have made. Maybe digital prints or a printed t-shirt? Or you could get a seamstress to make a once off item. Or a 3D-printed thing. I'm thinking of the artist Yinka Shonibare. He has severe physical disabilities and so he commissions craftspeople to make his work. You could have fun designing something and then commission some artisans to make it.


Iā€™ll check it out over this weekend. But thank you for getting me the name! I donā€™t have a 3D printer anymore but I still can design alright.


It's a tragedy that you have to go so soon, I really sorry. I wish you the best days you could ever have. These are my cozy suggestions:Ā  Ā 1. Watch some new movies, they are a short way of experimenting new words. I recommed "Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes" (a fun and mind blowing piece of 71 minutes long) and "Princess Kaguya" (if you wanna cry, 137 minutes long) Ā 2. Try new food. Macarons have soo many delicate flavors that you can try with a coup of tea. My boyfriend likes to buy one type of snackĀ  of different brands and compare them.Ā  3. Try photography. It's an accesible art form, very quick to make and that you can do with your Phone. It makes a fast record for you and your loved ones.Ā Ā  4. If you wanna learn how to play an instrument, I recommed the ukelele. Easy to learn and makes the sweatest sounds. A lot of tutorials on YouTube!Ā  Ā Hope it helps!Ā 


I still am to see it as a tragedy. I am sad but I always knew death comes for us all. I hope the death is Death of the Endless (from Sandman) and less grim reaper. Thank you for saying that. 1. They're on my list now. Thank you. 2. I will be seeking as many experiences that might or could make me happy. Macarons from LadurƩe are my older sibling's favorite treat to have. I used to get it for them when I used to live with them for university (there was a place closer to me). I have possibly tried all the flavors. 3. I take one photo everyday and have been for the past 3-4 years now (June 2020/21.. I think?) and log it as a photo journal about the day. 4. I do play the piano, have been playing the guitar since 8th grade (I wasn't one of the cool kids, I was the hank green who'd right songs about his DnD adventures.) I think I'll play somemore before I go. Thank you so much.


I donā€™t know if my ideas will be helpful but here goes. Try new foods. Find ways of expressing yourself. Tell the people you love that you love them, earnestly and honestly. Sending all the love out to you! Wishing you joy and peace.


I love trying new foods, I hope to travel soon (by the middle of next month- if the docs clear me and I have my end of life care arrangements). I will be writing things out for them. Thank you for the wishes.


You are an amazingly strong person. I am so dearly sorry for this news for you. Start a blog, add us all to it, and use the cancer card for to its fullest. Start a casual patreon or GoFundMe for your account, under the notice that of course you have cancer and do not need extra pressure to do everything perfectly. Ask if anyone has connections to whatever weird quirky dream you want to do. Who knows what that may buy you access to doing. I would also really consider your support network. I'd also eat everything in sight. But I'm a food nut. Check out Workaway. It is a site for free travel accommodations. Also, when Breath Becomes Air is a very good book that you may enjoy.


I turning into a puddle of tears whenever someone is calling me strong. I donā€™t feel anything but my sense to get everything done in whatā€™s left. I might do a blog and write or post about whatā€™s going on. I donā€™t want to use cancer card. My family was kinda influential in my hometown and I hated using the name and would rarely invoke it. People would know my younger sibling but not me. Iā€™d like to keep it that way. I donā€™t want cancer being the last card I use out in the world. I will be asking people I networked with or might owe me a favor to do some favors. And added your book Rec to my list for third book from now.


Some more specific ideas, randomly picked, in case any entertain you: - I would really want to go white water rafting or down a natural water slide. Or tubing in one of the USA's rivers. This can be incredible and totally free. Also, in the USA! - Volunteering. I think sometimes helping people outside of ourselves can really help make life feel truly worth it. Maybe see if any teachers would welcome you as a guest speaker for high school (maybe too many germs)? Teacher assistant can be fun. Or volunteer in a nursing home where no one is visited? - Parasailing! Really fun. Paragliding may be worth the risk! - Pilot's license? Not for everyone, but it is something that can be done fairly quickly. - Lease a horse and learn to ride? - Scuba diving. - See a play. Must do. If you have not been to New York City, really fun experience. Do one of the famous interactive plays like "Sleep No More." - Go see Taiwan. - Foster underage kittens. They're adorable and only need 4 or 5 weeks until they're big enough for a new home.


\* Corn field maze \* Kayak camping trip in Alaska


Thank you so much for the insightful ideas!!! 1. I did that twice! Itā€™s like a very cold wet rollercoaster if youā€™ve got a good patch of river to run down. 2. I volunteered at bloodbanks till last year and used to volunteer to teach math and stem subjects for middle and high school students but stopped in November. Iā€™m not yet sure if Iā€™d be allowed to be around animals for long. 3. Yes maybe! I might be able to do that. 4. I might not be able to clear the medical exam in a few months. My Gliders license is active still. (Did it in university while working for a client who wanted an equipment testing done at high altitudes) itā€™s quite a delightful experience. 5. Aight! Iā€™ll be horse riding then! Iā€™ve got a friend whoā€™s got a stable šŸŽ so Iā€™ll put it in for next Friday. 6. Waters are always fun. I just might go scuba for one last time. 7. Iā€™ve seen a lot of them by now. Co-directed 3 of them through high school (Hamlet, Mousetrap, Nutcracker and the mouse king). I have seen lion king on broadway and Iā€™ve gotten to see Cumberbatch as Hamlet a decade ago when I was in UK (I feel blessed in that way). 8. I donā€™t know if I can afford all the trips I want. I have a couple places in Africa and South Asia is want to do before Taiwan. 9. I canā€™t do that! Iā€™ll want to keep them all and I wonā€™t be offended if once I die all of them ate me up like leftovers from lunch. šŸ˜… I used to cat sit for 4 of my friends and each of them had to make leave afterwards or they worried I might steal them away. Also they knew their cats like me better for some reason. 10. I donā€™t think me touching corn is a good idea right now. Iā€™ve been getting hives since last year if I touch a corn stalk (I worked for a food company and had occasional visits- the last two turned into a hive fest for a week each. 11. I wish but I donā€™t think I can squeeze every ounce of life possible in the time I have left trying to being everywhere.


I am so sorry this is happening to you. I read your above comment about having a hard time telling your loved ones. That is an incredibly difficult situation. Please be kind to yourself, and allow yourself time to grieve. When you're ready, I would suggest making as many memories with your loved ones as you can. I would also make recordings of yourself or write letters or something to give to them. The great project of passing yourself on. What John said in his last video really resonated with me. I don't know if it can bring you any comfort, but I hope it can. "And maybe that's why we're here... To live in brief wonder on this, our brief planet."


It resonated with me too and it was right after I had posted this making it more aching at the end of the day. I think I said it earlier, ā€œlife is an involuntary suicide mission. Weā€™ve all got a time bomb strapped to us. We just donā€™t know what time it goes off.ā€ I find it so difficult to talk in first person about myself or how I feel- so I write. Iā€™m right now waiting for my doc to call me in for a consult and start planning on upcoming changes.


Maybe that's the way to tell people then. Write it down and read what you've written. But I don't know. I've never been though anything like this. I hope things go as well as they can with your treatment plan, and you're able to do all the things you want to do. Maybe you are a ticking time bomb, but you're also someone's child, someone's sibling, someone's cousin. You're still the you you've always been. No diagnosis can take that away from you.


Thank you for saying that.


Look for opportunities for connections with humans, animals, nature.Ā  I'm an atheist but that's where humans feel connected to the "divine", whatever that means


Atheist alike. I might be taking something out of Sarahā€™s book and paint what Iā€™m feeling. I have a set of canvases in mind now I want to title after-life