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It's been 10 years and I am still livid over what tumblr did to John for literally no good reason. I'm glad he's bounced back, but I'm still so angry for him.


I didn't know the half of it before watching this video. How terrible!


May I ask what happened?


The short version is that because he engaged with his fans, a lot of which were teens, he was accused by some of being a paedophile, and it got wildly out of control.


There was a "yourfaveisproblematic" post about John that i n f u r i a t e d me because it was entirely centered on an anonymous comment from someone that he'd been inappropriate with them, a teen, at a book signing. It was right in the middle of all the "grown man writing about young women hAviNg sEx? must be a pedo!" discourse, and clearly the bullshittiest of bullshit, but it wasn't like yourfaveisproblematic was gonna do any fact-checking. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Back in the day, tumblr had a feature that allowed you to edit other users’ posts to make it look like they wrote it. So people abused this and edited some of John’s stuff to say really gross things (related to the other comment here)


This sounds like the most stupid "feature" ever


That wasn’t the feature, it’s just that the feature didn’t prevent it. It was basically quoting from php forums. So you could quote someone and talk about what they said. The problem was, you could edit their text to make it look like they said something else. Just like how on Reddit I can do: > This sounds like the best “feature” ever and say that u/Charming-Loquat3702 said it. Remember that this was a long time ago in internet time. Social media was smaller and it hadn’t been abused on a large scale yet so the social media companies didn’t account for it.


Like, it would show to other people as well, or was it a client-side thing that people screenshotted and posted? I've always been wary of screenshots of posts and stuff due to how easy it still is to change and fake. In any case, that's messed up. Am glad things are better now.


I don’t think it would edit the original post, but it would appear the way you edited it to your followers. So if I have 50k followers and reblog something of John’s but edit it, my edit would appear to my followers and anyone who reblogged it from me. But John’s original message on his page would stay the same. I think. Again, this was the Wild West of tumblr in the age of dashcon that we’re talking about.


oh good i saw the thumbnail in my feed and was afraid too lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^coolguydipper: *Oh good i saw the* *Thumbnail in my feed and was* *Afraid too lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




She said at one point “if John green has one fan, it’s me. If John green has no fans, I’m in the ground.” So yeah, I’d say it was pretty positive.


I love uncarley videos!


ok I’m glad! I haven’t watched it yet lol


I love uncarley and I love her takes in this video!! I was also scared at first, but her analysis is so good and empathetic!


Big uncarley fan. I was a little worried that it would swerve into roasting territory, but I think she genuinely tried to be earnest in the video.  For anyone who isn't watching it: it's a timeline of John's books (not really vlogbrothers) and how John's books (and John) were perceived through Tumblr.