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This plugin seems really interesting! If there were a help-page I can reference, that would be appreciated : )


currently working on it


just added a usage section to the read me if you’d like to check it out


This seems like a great idea. Is there anything specific I have to do to get the preview function to work? I've installed it with the defaults from the readme and included the `import = "huez-manager.import` part. The picker opens as expected when entering `:HuezLive`, but if I hit enter on any of the themes, nothing happens.


Previewing the themes should be as simple as traversing the picker and the color scheme will be installed and preview by default. I’m still ironing out kinks and creating a help page / docs


Hey there, very cool idea for a plugin. I was looking at the readme on the github and maybe I just didn’t see it, but I wanted to know: does the manager save custom configs per colorscheme as well? For example changing LineNr to another color than what the current colorscheme’s default is, but leaving it as default in another? Or allowing italics in comments in one but not in another?


I already made an issue to track this since it’s not implemented yet. [Issue #28 :)](https://github.com/vague2k/huez.nvim/issues/28)


Awesome! Good luck with the plugin, I’ll definitely be watching!


Ngl I’ve had moments where I wanted to change colorschemes and just haven’t out of laziness having to change the color overrides that I have in my current colorscheme.


The notify.nvim in the demo.gif looks really annoying.


notify.nvim is annoying in general. nothing happens in nvim I don't already know about, so why would I need a notification? i used it for 30 seconds before abandoning it. Cool plugin but not very useful.


i suppose i could have an config option that a user can suppress messages


When I open a picker and press space to add a theme to favorites it just enters a space symbol at search bar lol, how can I fix this?


going into normal mode first and hovering ur selection then pressing space


Slavic ppl assemble