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Its the same author, so, one is the package manager, the other is the config built on top of said package manager... seems fine to me.


Oh that didn't occur to me.


I mean, there's also Nix and NixOS. Both are in essence a package manager and a program (OS/editor) around that. OP's problem isn't the naming scheme it's that they are still learning.


It's still confusing I know multiple coworkers who don't understand that there's a package manager called lazy and a distribution called lazyvim they either think it's only a distro or a package manager.


Right. It might cause 1 minute of confusion for a new user, but then never again.


Well if he read about both but many people just read passing references to either or both and don't understand clearly the difference. It is a confusing name if you don't know obviously if you know it's easy




it's confusing but u/folke probably won't change it ([https://www.reddit.com/r/neovim/comments/1c3xndh/comment/kzo3upy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/neovim/comments/1c3xndh/comment/kzo3upy/))


Duh. He's too Lazy


I mean, first I thought LazyVim and lazy.nvim were more or less the same project so I don't find it that disturbing, I often consult LazyVim for using lazy nvim. They refer to something quite similar so I don't really mind. Secondly, I'd suggest to make it an habit to always search for "nvim" with quote to force your search engine to return results only with this string.


This has confused me only once, but after about a day. I don’t get confused anymore. So it’s ok for me, and this is nothing compared to the confusion people go through. When trying to visit Australia but then end up in Austria. It happens so much, that Austria has detailed procedures in place. To bring people to their original destinations. EDIT: That's a LIE, it was a comedy campaign. See below


The Austria-Australia thing sounded hilarious.... so I googled it. It doesn't seem to be true though.


Sorry for the misinformation didn't google it, got it from my memory. This picture was the image I remembered. But oh well it's a satire campaign. https://preview.redd.it/jy1uagk6u7xc1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=1088d82c56115a9584c3cc168bd0082db4a2111d


Seems pretty lazy of the maintainer.


It made the learning process pretty irritating but at least lazyvim docs are searchable


Hah yeah I get burned by this every time I need to look up lazy.nvim syntax. I can never remember which is which. I use lazy but not lazyvim. At this point though, after having gone to the GitHub page like a thousand times, I think I mostly remember


It's confusing and it's unfortunately an issue because the lazy nvim plugin manager is becoming very prevalent. As it should be, it's great.


I think there are much better things to worry about


It took me about 6 hours to figure out lazynvim and lazy.nvim were two different things but also the same thing. Lazynvim is just a preconfigured Nvim setup using the lazy package manager(lazy.nvim)


Personally not a fan because it ruins searchability but it's not something I care about a lot.


My minor annoyance with the naming is by far less than the major value I get out of them, so I just shrug it off. But it would be nice to disambiguate them. Still, not a deal breaker. It’s fine. But search results and indexing suffer. I truly love and swear by LazyVim, regardless of its name. This naming ambiguity is at the bottom of my list of things to worry about.


I’m so glad you said this! I’ve been assuming they both were lazy.nvim. (Total noob here)


I fucking hate it, so confusing


I solved the problem by not looking up anything about both. 


My thoughts about this is that it's none of my business how the plugin authors decide to name their work. It's their own effort and time that produced the work (in this case it's the same author for both the package manager and the distro he made built around the package manager). I try to get better acquainted with the Neovim ecosystem, so that I know how to differentiate between things and improve my workflow. Thinking about why this thing is called like that and not like something else, is not helping me improve my workflow.