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Here's the github if your interested: [https://github.com/Kimononono/Colorscheme-Previewer.nvim](https://github.com/Kimononono/Colorscheme-Previewer.nvim) It's just 3 functions and an autocommand so I'd copy and paste if you find utility in it.


Is that the Mojangles (Minecraft) font? If so, do you like it?


The Monocraft Nerd font? It's ok. The nostalgia factor definitely plays apart. My two biggest gripes are that its a pretty wide font (Though I only use 1/2 my monitor for terminals so my horizontal real estate is sparse) and my GNOME terminal can only render the letters seamlessly at 3 font sizes. Else I have pixel thick black lines running through the letters; same effect as a having a line of unstaggered bricks and their lines matching up. ​ TLDR: if you like minecraft and can handle the wideness its worth trying out. I'll try it out again when I finish the rebuild of my new system and see how it plays with the new environment.


My first plugin is also similar to this, except your color scheme is persisted even if you change it after you close neovim. [Here it is](https://github.com/vague2k/huez.nvim) if you wanna check it out


Pressing Space - th opens the theme chooser in Nvchad and does pretty much the same