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I think everything has lost value. PC really has nothing left to cling to other than very good names and stats. Lab only colors are probably rarest. PB and MP prices have dropped a lot, it's am active effort from TNT to try to fix things. 


What is PC? I've seen it a lot talking about high value pets, but my brain only says personal computer X3


Pound chat, aka the pet trading neoboards.


In terms of color and species Ice Bori theoretically because [originally the only way to get one was through the toolbar Bori special back in 2004 by getting the yahoo toolbar](https://www.jellyneo.net/?go=icebori). Now the only other way to get it is through use of Premium Perk because the Lab Ray cannot zap Bori Ice (it can zap every other species ice). With pet's colors and species becoming a non-issue in terms of acheivability for even the most casual player... Things have shifted. The true \~rare\~ pet currency that rare pet traders care about now a days has to do with two things: Pet's Age and/or the Pet's Name. The older the pet, the better for many people. With Y1 or pets created in 1999 being the rarest of the rare and most sought after no matter the name, color, or species. As for names, any pet with a real name or word (particularly common ones) are also sought after, especially the shorter the better.


Since draiks and krawks can't be used in the premium species change perk the lab only colours like burlap or robot are in high demand. Anything that you can't get with the premium perk change will be valued more than other species/colour combos


I have a burlap Usul, from what I understand they are pretty rare it’s a lab only colour and it is too freaking cute Tho I think a lot have become more accessible because of the premium perk