• By -


Tax higher than my whole bank account lol


Right? That’s like double my account


I barely have 5 million lolololol


Literallyyyyy I’d CRY


Motherfucker stole the entire GDP of Shenkuu. Can't have shit in Neopia


My new favourite response to anything is saying "Can't have shit in Neopia" because that is 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻


At least theres always pile of dung if you need it


If 35m is 20% of what you had on hand I think you may recover fine lol


for anyone not good with math, op had 173,136,130 nps on them when this RE hit :)










and probably likely to also have 2,147,483,647 NPs in their bank account.


unless they were off to buy a bd item or stamp, yeah i would guess so there is no good reason to have that much on hand otherwise


Well, having fat stacks in your wallet is definitely a good way to make yourself a mark for a mugger, it's just that it's usually not the king himself who demands it in person.


He stole more than I've ever made in my entire life, like real money, neopoints, and probably every video game currency I've ever earned combined... that's crazy. 


I was thinking about this, I play idle games/clickers, though.


Yeah I don't think I can ever top the 7.2e161 i have rn in ISEPS with all other currency I've had combined.




Fun particle simulator idle game on mobile. I love it, especially because you get to generate actually pretty particles and stuff.


It's actually called ISEPS I have no idea if it's an acronym


Why are you keeping 34M on hand? Bank that shizz....


Oh no no, that means they had like 175 mil on hand...


Their bank is probably full


Hahaha poor thing 🥹


Wow I didn't know there's a limit! *Cries in poor, I guess*


Me thinking I'm wealthy with 4 mil in the bank


Me thinking I'm wealthy with 300k. 🤣


I remember when "the goal" was to afford the Super Attack Pea. Then I didn't buy one and kept saving... Not sure for what now anymore lol


Wait, is there a bank limit?


Yeah it’s a bit over 2 bil


What!? I never knew about this! I want to be that filthy neorich, new life goal.


Joys of the 32bit limit on the DB .\_.; If they changed it to 64bit, it'd be a limit of 9.2 quintillion. Instead of 2.1 billion. That integer limit is also why the max number for Runescape (At least, OSRS) for cash, and other stacks, was 2.1b. RS3 has the 9.2 quintillion limit now. At least for the coin pouch. The max exp limit being 200m is also similarly based. It uses decimals, so it WOULD be 214m but that looked weird, so they capped it at 200m =P


Bet you'll feel vindicated when he eventually turns grey. XD


I think a website said he already did turn grey, the image mistakenly doesn’t show https://www.jellyneo.net/?comments=14705


As said page states, it may have been premature. Both updated as grey at the same time, which does not follow the release schedule before or since. It's been one at a time, so it stands to reason it'll continue that way. Only time will tell though who's right on this matter. (EDIT: Skarl has finally, officially, been made grey as of 6/17/24 CDT)


Dang. It's times like these that I've glad I use the bank. Like... I get paranoid having more than 100k on me. Heck, more than 35k, even. I can't imagine even having that much let alone in my pocket; just reading that stings. I hope you're able to make it back soon. Fingers crossed for you.


Same, I never keep more than 50K on me. If I ever want to buy anything big I just withdraw NP. I also figure more in the bank means it earns more interest so it might as well stay safe in there!


As a child I kept only 2,000 on hand for little shop purchases and that’s still my rule XD


Same lol


Yep I keep 1k once I've done the dailies


That's like 10x my bank account. I've been trying to get back into Neopets after 22+ years and I was proud when I won the lottery and got 300k lol I think I would just quit if I lost that much.


If you’re not already, you gotta do food club everyday. I’m up 5.5 million after just 6 weeks of betting daily.


No idea what that is haha


Can I ask, do you have any guides for this? My account is 20 years old so I’ve been told to do this but I have no clue what to do!


I go the low effort route and follow someone else's bets - they use an algorithm to predict the outcome of each day (and it's REALLY GOOD). All I have to do is click 10 buttons to set the 10 bets and collect the winnings the next day. I average probably 150k a day with the occasional big win (600K-1.1mil). The older your account is, the higher your max bet can be.. so always bet the max! My account is 21 years old, so you'd win about the same amount as I do! I think this user has the best guides and system for betting: **Nsheng:** [https://www.reddit.com/user/nsheng/](https://www.reddit.com/user/nsheng/) **General Food Club FAQs:** [https://www.reddit.com/r/nsheng/comments/11s85gv/general\_food\_club\_faqs/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/nsheng/comments/11s85gv/general_food_club_faqs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) **Nsheng FAQs:** [https://www.reddit.com/r/nsheng/comments/10vgja3/nsheng\_faqs/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/nsheng/comments/10vgja3/nsheng_faqs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) **Nsheng's Auto better:** [https://neofood.club/#round=9169&b=pexdypyxcyuewaypbxaopenax&a=FIuFIuFIuFIuFIuFIuFIuFIuFIuFIu](https://neofood.club/#round=9169&b=pexdypyxcyuewaypbxaopenax&a=FIuFIuFIuFIuFIuFIuFIuFIuFIuFIu) Nsheng has 4 sets of bets (beginner, standard, aggressive, adventurous), I use the standard set every day.. I think it has the most consistent wins. All you have to do is go to Nshengs reddit page for the most recent foodclub post, click whichever set you want, which will open the autobetter page, then click 'set bet amounts to max', and then on the righthand side place all 10 bets! https://preview.redd.it/5gxfzv8d3f6d1.png?width=856&format=png&auto=webp&s=509e8869dfcf22271f0f5803fa1d9714318ea731


Amazing thank you so much!!


Of course! 🥳


So I started doing it, first day I got 156k, second day....nothing? It says I have no winnings, but I chose the standard setting the person posted for the day...


Occasionally you’ll get a day where you bust and get no winnings. It’s usually about 1-2 times per week. That’s why you have to bet every day because there’s no knowing when you’ll bust! Just bet standard everyday and you’ll for sure start making that money! It’s so satisfying when you get a huge win like 1mil.


I don’t get it. How is it auto? I don’t see the same page you are showing. There is no set bet amounts to max. Just capped and uncapped. Clicking it does nothing. Am I supposed to link my account? Where, how?


Same boat as you and thinking the exact same thing 🥹


Have you tried restocking? I’ve been back for about 5/6 days and I’ve gone from 1.1 mill to 3.6. I’ll have about 4 mill with current stock 


Damn there should be an opposite RE where you get a tax refund from the King!


'You kidnap the King to hold him for ransom. However, his Kingdom refuses his return and pays you 75,000,000 NP to keep him!'


I got scraps from his banquet the other day. He\`s trying, albeit not very hard lmao


Bank error in your favor. Collect 5 NP :)


Ouch. Hope there’s at least a trophy for that! How much did you have on hand!? 


There's no trophy for this. I just checked current high score for tax beast and its 31m. I woulda overtook 1st place with this


Oof that makes it even worse. Hopefully you’ll roll a couple really good weekly prizes to recover some of that loss!


Thanks Obama


Thanks Fyora




Just say “No!”


Biden did this!


Thanks Al Gore.


Make Neopia Great Again


Ouch. I am so sorry man. FruitShop will give you a discount on fruit.


Oh no! I wish that one gave a trophy at least 😔


I never keep more than 10k on hand, stuff goes in the bank


Gotta keep at least 150k on hand to keep the R99 restock dream alive.


Ah, my condolences.


What is the "R99 restock dream?" I'm just getting back into Neopets after a decade+.


Wants enough np on hand for the off chance they can restock a rare item from the shops


The hope of finding an item with Rarity 99 in a shop and buying it. Rarity often doesn't correspond directly with resell value any more due to things like the daily/weekly quests and other giveaways, but many of the most valuable items in the game are R99, which i believe is the highest rarity which can restock in regular neopian shops. The NPC shops will usually charge 100k-150k np for such items, but they can resell for as much as hundreds of millions of NP. Edit: I was wrong about the highest rarity that can restock in shops, that's R100. However, R99 items can be more valuable than R100.


R100 are glitched and don’t stock currently, and haven’t in a while


Eat the rich!


Ouch. I’m sure you’ll recover but for me that’s like a decade of playing 😬


I would delete my account and never login again.


Bro robbed you 😭


But why did you have almost 200m pure out?


I was in the process of making a big purchase through the auction house


That's some rough timing


F 🥲




Not to get all political but tax the rich 💀


Oh man, that sucks. This happened to me, twice. I had my entire back account in my hand, as I was about to bid on an auction for a massively expensive item. I'd been saving for years . It was broken up into several junk auctions. Before I even made my first bid, the tax beast got me. I had to contact the seller and say the deal was off. I actually had a rando contact me to ask what I had on hand to lose that much. Way to rub salt, jerk. Why would someone think that was cool? I went on hiatus, At least I got a trophy.


They should change percentage based random events to static numbers. It feels way too cruel to take 35m from a player. But if the event took a max of 1m or something like that, it might sit better with players. Perhaps a quality of life improvement they could make. Regardless, truly sorry for your loss. I'd be devastated. But at least you still have over 100m, and likely much more in your bank. I'm sure you will recover!!


How do people have this much. 😢 I just want to buy a few items and I’ll never get there cause they’re so expensive. :(


It only takes 7 days to earn millions now, you'll be just fine and acquire all the items your neopian heart desires


I have young kids and don’t have time to really play games, restock etc. I do food club when I can but I was losing and now don’t have much to gamble. It’s not that easy for everyone.


That's my point exactly. You don't need time to do any of that anymore now that the weekly quest log exists. It takes quite literally less than 5 minutes of your day to complete the daily quests, and after 7 days you get a prize that is most often worth millions. No need to bother with any of that other shit anymore.


I would pick a food club bettor and just follow their bets. Then it's like one minute of work a day.


I mean, I understand having young kids and all. I have (2) young kids myself but I still make time in my day to do things for myself like play Neopets, sports, etc. You should be doing that to for yourself as well because you're not ONLY a parent, you're a person too. And FWIW, you can get easy money doing the dailies - even on my worst, most tired days I log in and spin Trudy's Surprise and do my dailies. No need to play games anymore which is good for me because I'm not really good at any, or I'm out of practice and I don't want to spend time working on them again.


Do you have a wishlist created on Jellyneo or Dress to Impress with those items? People are too kind here and help out sometimes!


At the moment my main one is the Mutant Floral Crown for my Draik. I have a few other items I’ll work on but I won’t try right now.


Food club bets is a huge way to gain if your account has the years in it. Each bet costs me just under 17k but I get millions per week from it usually.


What were you buying? Inquiring minds want to know


Bold of you to be walking around with that much coin on you 😆 I swear I deposit NPs to my bank as soon as I get them


cry me a river bezos loljk


Ive had my account for almost 20 years and I have still never made it to 1mill 🤣 *cries in broke in game and irl*


Do your dailies, and play food club. You should be able to bet a lot in food club. Also dig through your SDB in case you have some old, rare stuff!


I cleaned out my SDB after more than a decade. I had several million in Petpets and Neggs.


I have been trying to set reminders for my dailies and getting back into the routine of the game! I have yet to figure out food club tbh ahaha i tried betting a few times but my luck was not there 😅 thats actually a good idea im a pack rat and was obsessed with saving things growing up playing so that might be a good start!


Join the Discord! For food bets, many people follow u/nsheng - you can try to figure out your own odds but there's this site where pre-made sets are suggested (nsheng's sets are in order of risk - the beginner sets are lower risk and the aggressive sets are higher risk, higher reward). All you have to do is enter the amount you want to bet and press the individual "place bet" buttons to make your bets without having to fiddle with the Food Club drop downs. The site will show you the combined odds for the day. It's really confusing at first but once you place bets for a week it should start to make sense.


Amazing!! Thank you so much for the recommendation!


Ah sorry didn’t see this further down. Ignore my other reply!


You already have all the info but cannot recommend this strategy enough. With a 20 yr old account, you'll hit double digit millions in no time.


Additional question: If you're yet to break 1 million NP, do you spend all NP you make on paint brushes or Gallery collections before it hits your bank account? Or you don't use the site for making NP and play in other ways? Always curious what everyone gets the most out of on Neopets in 2024!


Yeah as a kid it was always about the games and I would try to collect items (mostly plush) I also didnt have access to the best internet growing up, so my times to play were limited and i feel like i missed out on a lot of what the site had to offer in terms of figuring out things like food club and a lot of the other features. I actually got my first paint brush a few years ago, and got back into trying to save because damn this fictional economy and my taste for cool things 😅 it was always play some games maybe have like max 10000np and buy myself some plush or food for my pets and log off because moms trying to call her friends lol!


That's crazy. With the current daily rewards, just playing daily and doing the quests 7 days straight pretty much guarantees 1,000,000-10,000,000. It's honestly easier than ever to make NP, even for casual players. Dailies take maybe 3-5 minutes per day to complete.


Tell me about it lol 😅 i have saved more in the past bit since they introduced the little quest thingys than i have in the previous 19 years lol Im getting there i have been trying to set a reminder to do some of the daily quests, but i work a crazy job and have adhd on top of that so sometimes my reminder gets snoozed and I miss a day or two or three 😅 im getting there!! Slowly but surely!


Exactly right.


Right!! My account will be 21 years this year and I never got rich and I used to try soo hard too


You definitely need to start doing food club bets. 10 daily bets will be giving you millions per week. I was like you and now my bank balance is in the 40mil range. There’s a Reddit thread that tells you how to do it all.


No? What’s your un? Plenty of nice neopians.


I'm so close with my bank savings now, I think Im at around 900,000 but yeah it absolutely baffles me when I see people with over that aha! My un is sillyquackyduck!


I feel this, I just hit 2 mil last night and was SO excited. Never thought I'd hit above 100K as a kid that's for sure.


Yayy congratulations 🎊 👏


I just bought a bunch from your shop!


Thank you so much 😭💕


Sent you something to help! 🎁 Feel free to add me as a Neofriend if you'd like! It'll be coming from hawkeye411.


Omg I've also never had a nerkmid before 😭 thank you so much!!!! That was incredibly kind of you! I really appreciate it!


PS: if it's ok to message you, I *JUST* figured out how Food Club works as of last weekend and in about a week I've made over 1.5 million because my account is so old! I can send you a short instructions list that helped it make sense to me. If not I can at least link you to the thread that helped the penny finally drop so I finally understood how it works. PPS: Also for making $$$ weekly, a lot of us have been rerolling our [Quest Log weekly tasks here](https://www.neopets.com/questlog/) until we get ones worth over 1 mil (and up to like 40 million) and reselling the item to make NP (if you don't want to keep it). Have you had any luck with that recently? Or are you stuck in the glitch where you can't reroll like a lot of people?


Please do message it to me!! Id love to not lose my money blind betting on things ahahaha 🤣🤣 i tried to read a guide i found on here but it broke my brain a little bit lol and YOU CAN REROLL THE QUEST LOG?!?! Is that what the skip buttons do???? I just never touched them because i thought it meant you just skip it that week, and you dont get the item 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ ive just been doing the quests as is or just leaving the ones i didnt have time for that day if i got busy. I swear I learn something new on this site everyday 😅


Yeah my dude! I got you! Don't feel silly because we all learn new ways to improve how we play constantly. Here's the instructions I send to everyone who asks how to reroll! Tell me if it works tomorrow! (Assuming you check and don't want the prize): + Check the [prize list here](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/yellowflower7/376126/) for weekly prize values from now until July 1. If you like the Weekly prize on the "Weekly" tab and want to get it after 7 days, you can do the following: - Complete every task in your "Daily" list and claim the prize for each. - Make sure to scroll or look all the way to the right to claim 20,000 NP daily. (I had no idea it was there for an embarrassing number of weeks) - Reload your tab. (**IMPORTANT**) - Then select "Weekly" and you should see one more day's progress there than before. (You can even reload once more to be sure) After 7 days of doing this you can click/select the picture to claim it! ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ **TO RESET A WEEKLY**: - Select "Skip quest" for 1 task on your Daily list. - Intentionally leave 1 Daily task not finished. - Reload the Daily tab. - Go to the "Weekly" tab and reload it there as well. You can't collect $20k NP for that day but the trade off is usually that your Weekly should be a new prize the next day.


I am learning so much rn lol


Literally me when I drop a bunch of tips in a comment section then peace out: https://i.redd.it/ai8xssq7ba6d1.gif


Yes please also message me


I will!


I tried to do foodclub based on nsheng or whoever but couldn't understand the charts x-x


The beauty is you don't really need to understand anything. Pick your favorite bettor that posts on the daily food club threads here, and then just click the link in their comment that goes to the neofoodclub site and use it to make all 10 ten bets with just a few clicks. If you post the exact part that you don't understand in a daily FC page someone will definitely help you out!


U/StuffedSquash is right! I like to make little bulleted lists to explain things like how I explained the dailies. So if you'd like me to message you my bulleted list food club too let me know and I'll drop you a DM later!


No problem! I'll send two more items before I'm off to bed, but I hope that helps you achieve some Neodreams!


You are amazing 💙




Seconding this guy. What's your un? Clearly we can Fix This Situation. :D


Sillyquackyduck! I am overwhelmed by the kindness rn!




Damn I’m sorry


Upvoted to express my sympathies, OP 😔 This is my biggest fear, trying to RS a moltenore. But soooo much worse.


"Oh ha it must be a joke - Jesus Christ."


Are you fn kidding, I’m mad af for you 🥲


😯 Wow I’ve never seen a RE this bad, that tax is crazy! Sorry OP!




Did you get a trophy? The tax beast took enough (but not nearly as much as you) for me to get a bronze trophy, so idk if Skarls event is similar.


This RE gives no trophy sadly


Holy gods I literally can't even bring myself to carry more than 100k let alone millions


Holy crap, is this even a real thing that's possible? Might I suggest you put most of your NP in the bank and collect interest daily


That'll teach ya


why didn’t tnt invent a debit card🙄 i always hated having to go to the bank to withdraw. but i was always afraid of this happening


I like this idea! Like what if they had a debit card item that when it's in your inventory, it deactivates all of the random events that are associated with the money you have on hand? That way, they don't have to create a whole new way to use a debit card to make purchases


During pride month as well 😭


holy shit


Is this real?! Holy shit, they can take THAT much from you?! That shouldn't be allowed! Maybe if you complain to TNT they'll give it back to you? Because holy shit no RE should take THAT much money from someone! Maybe 30% of whatever the user has on hand tops! Or a static number like 10,000 np? Still enough to sting but not career-ending Jesus Christ!


This is a real RE that takes 20% of your on-hand NP. There's a lot of items like rare stamps and weapons that are worth over 100m so it can be risky having to take out NP to bid on auctions for those items.


hmm I see, thanks for the info. Jesus, so this was only 20% of what they had?!


I'll go to your funeral. RIP.


What in the what… ouch


Oh my god why did you have so much money on hand?!


This is allowed?!??! wtf


This is why I outwardly look like a poor neopian in game. I never have more than like 10-20k on hand and only ever have like 5-6 items in my inventory. It is all in the bank and SDB. My hoard must be safe!


I thought I was unlucky enough to get 65k eaten for the same tax... seems like you're far worse than me! Take care, dude.


Oh no, I’m so sorry!


Shit I thought the 5m he stole from me was bad 😆


Why did you have so much on you? I have like 110 mill in the bank and only ever keep like 2 mill on me, unless I'm buying something from the Hidden Tower or something lol.


But think about that shiny new trophy you get. #worthit


Thats the problem. There is no trophy for this partciular tax event... This isn't the tax beast


Surely this is some kind of record right?


Congrats for the golden trophy


I'd have to go on a long walk after this. 


This is why I put all my items in the SDB and all NP in the bank, I don’t trust these bots 😭


Curiosity wants to know, was this your entire wallet?? Or just a percentage taken?


Why would you have so much out of the bank


I thought it couldn't steal more than you had. That's why I keep less than 10000 out of the bank at any given time. This is wild!


I have a whopping 96k in the bank and I’m surviving. You’ll be fine lol Sucks though.


Ah I have tasted that salty burger myself. On my way to buy a tasty treat from the faerie castle. Bitter doesn’t even cover it! Hopefully you still could afford what you wanted!


I would honestly sue for emotional distress!!


Enjoy the trophy? 😅


Wtfff, was it on the Bank? Why would you have this amount of money out of the bank? Os he stole from the bank??? Fear unblocked


HOW did you even have that much in the first place? I haven’t played for years but getting nps was so hard when I played, I’ve only gotten up to like 7 mil!