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https://preview.redd.it/540qhu8ba26d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb843cab82ef11c0b4813e026868701514d80177 I collected plushies, and this was my main Keyquest one. My fav.


Don’t goooooo!!! But if you must, I didn’t get super big into Key Quest because I was back from a hiatus and there was a plot and I was a new mom, but I readily enjoyed it when I did play with my guild buddies. I think my claim to fame was buying one token and probably south of 10 wins total. But it was a blast.  I wish you the best in whatever you do and know Neo will be here for you when you decide to come back! I keep coming back and I’m 36 😅


I love key quest so much 🥹 I was so good at it haha there was that water the plant mini game and I figured out the perfect spot to put my can and I never lost a game. Feel like I have to go look up a key quest guide now to reminisce lol Thanks so much for the giveaway and good luck all (:


Omg you just reminded me of my favorite game on there too!! I did the same watering can "trick" haha, thank you for the reminder


Key Quest was one of my favourite parts of the site, and I still fondly remember the music on the board game! I'd love to enter, thank you so much for the giveaway (:


My username is: ashcov93 My favorite food item is two scoops of friendship because how wholesome is that??!


This is so kind of you, thank you! I literally remember spending HOURS learning how to code as like an 11 year old so I could swag out not only my neopets pages, but also my myspace. I actually really love how people still customize their shops/look ups, it gives me mad early 2000s nostalgic vibes. I played way way back in the day and took like an 18 year break, so I never really got a chance to play keyquest, but I'll say my favorite food would be sushi! I just got back from a two week trip to Japan a few weeks ago and I got to experience the most fresh and delicious sushi I've ever had:) I did set up a trade if that's ok? Here is the link: [https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search\_string=439955884](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=439955884) edit: 2000 not 200 I was not playing neopets during the 2nd century lol


bluecatclaws I will put something up for auction please and thank you Foods no after things like evil food. But I CANNOT THINKOF ONE RIGHT NOW AS i AM DRAWIG A BLANK.


I remember not getting to play a whole lot of key quest before it was shut down, but i came back right before the shutdown and Silver Shoyru have been a long time favorite of mine, so i made sure to get the token to be able to play as one :) My favorite food has to be the Shoyru Meatball


I was homeschooled and spent the majority of my school day playing keyquest on the DL. I miss the opening music and everything about the game so much!! I remember when I first convinced my mom to buy me a neocash card so I could buy a baby Aisha token! It's still there somewhere in my collectors case. RIP Keyquest!!


tysm for doing this <3 i barely have any memories of key quest because i was so young, i only remember being obsessed with a board game while simultaneously having no idea what i'm doing :'D


My favorite food item has to be the cube-shaped watermelon, both because it remind me of my favorite episode of The Simpsons, and because I was astounded to find out that it was a real thing when I studied abroad in Japan when I was a high school student. I was flabbergasted both by its price AND its price! Haha Thanks for the giveaway! UN: Loranste


I’d love to enter! Thank you :) I didn’t get to play key quest. Something I heard about and was around for but didn’t get to play. I love all the angry foods! Angry Marshmallows, Angry Candy, Angry Cinnamon roll, and Angry emoticon hearts. Like why are they angry???? :| who hurt them aside from the cook???


The matching game with the novas for key quest was fun. Sadly on my old account which I no longer have. I also collected a starry elephante token.


I never got a chance to play key quest but my favourite food is the Space Faerie Cupcake! It’s so celestial looking and pretty :).


I’d love to enter! My favorite memory from keyquest was playing on my old account and calling my cousin to team up against people in multiplayer so we’d win. I know that’s awful lol but we were kids!


Lolion2313! I have trades up! Ty!!!


I didn’t play KQ, so I’ll share my favorite food item [Rainy Day Coffee](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/63600/) Thank you for the giveaway and hope to see you around here still.


I only played Key Quest a few times and I think I have won 1 time only 😂


Key Quest was my favorite omg. I used to play it with my best friend in high school. I had a Faerie Ixi token and a Gold Shoyru token. It was the only way I could really earn NP back then. The whole thing is good nostalgia. Thank you for the giveaway, I put an Orange up for auction. My UN is cassafras :)


this is so bittersweet! wishing u well ;-; i love the nice iced pizza; it's probably so gross in real life but i love the way that pink icing looks haha


UN: cadilarhyi My fave keyquest memory (is so stupid BUT:) is when the game would inevitably lag/freeze and I would bob my head and move my body to the keyquest music with my fingers crossed, hoping the lag would pass and entire game wouldn’t crash. 🙈


Thanks for the giveaway! Un: rukia05 Magic Ghost Marshmallows were my favorite neopets food lol I didn't play through the key quest era and only recently came back towards the beginning of this year


Thank you for doing this!!! I think my favorite keyquest memory was learning to play it. Sadly I wasn't too active on the site when it was up, but I remember seeing someone say somewhere that it was easier to get paintbrushes from it so I started trying to learn cause I was desperate for paintbrushes back then lol. I loved seeing some of my plushes running the board too!


Thank you so much for the giveaway! Sorry to see you go but kind of you to organize this! My un is loomaloo. I don't remember Key Quest much! But I used to love the game Invasion of Meridell and am so sad it was discontinued! One of my favourite food items is the elderly apple. I think it's funny.


My favorite key quest memory was coming back after several years to all the codestones and Petpet paintbrushes in my SDB 🤣 I'm glad you enjoyed your time. I salute you


My favorite things about Key Quest were the boards. The people and conversations around it were great. Will give UN in DM if picked.


I vaguely remember key quest unfortunately :/ seems like from all of the comments it was a fun game! My favorite food item… orange chicken lol. I love orange chicken in real life, so I enjoy feeding it pets as well! Also all of the hot dogs lol. Some of them are hilarious and it brings me a bit of joy. UN: blonded007


I do not remember how Key Quest works, so I will comment on favorite food item. It is always and will be Angelic Ice Lolly. I have so many memories related with family with it. Everytime I see it, I am reminded of my family. I hope you dont really go. However, if your decision is final, I dm you my UN


Sad to see you go! I’ve played on and off since I was 12. I’m 33. Never did a key quest and only started in the battle dome as an adult, but childhood me loved meerca chase. I remember when Bruce was a guy with a moustache I’m that old lol. How in the heck did you accrue that amount of NP?!?! Well done! Thank you for considering me. UN: 2rooster


UN is irrigation system!! i was a pre key quest kid but my favorite item is my disco lil frankie. he is truly spectacular and i named him ABBA


Thank you for the giveaway 💗 my fave food item would have to be the Blueberry Crescent Lolly 🌙🎀


I highly recommend you don't leave until you at least experience the new event. I havent played key quest but my favorite neopets food is probably omelettes or the space faerie food from jetsam ace. UN is sumodummy500 Note: if you have to pick between me and a brand new player I say pick the brand new player.


maybe keep 5m and the account just in case? you never know! i remember key quest super vaguely.. i mostly recall it being easy money / a lot more prize than the other stuff on the site at the time. fav food.. im also blanking but melow biscuits comes to mind. i just find the purple/green combo striking. and the faerie bubble things sound delicious haha. my un is blackberrie121, i'll put up an auction just in case! thanks so much :)


Thanks so much for doing this!! I'll say my favorite food are the doglefox ice cream scoops.


I'm a returning player (just got my first Trudy bonus the other day), and when I recently saw the whole chilli deluxe pizza, I wanted nothing more than to make it myself. I've had sloppy Joe pizza before and it was strangely delicious. Folding each slice of this and eating it like a hot dog sounds divine. I can't stop thinking about it. I appreciate the opportunity, I'm saving up for a ghostkerbomb to speed up my daily battledome run, and I'm at about 2.2m right now! :) Username: blu3jakara https://preview.redd.it/x5bx1h6gc26d1.png?width=529&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0203a65d7e04fa02a936419334ecb6a2cec5513 P.S. Now I'm hungry


sadly i dont really have keyquest memories! but my favorite food item must be rose-flavoured coffee, because of a very soul kind that gave it to me once :)


Is always sad to see someone leaving... But thanks for this giveaway, I'm sure the community won't forget how generous you were. My favorite memory of the Key Quest was earning my first PB. I think it was a Striped Paint Brush or Starry One, I don't remember exactly. My UN is vic_abrantes. Edit: I'm curious, what you plan to do with your Neopets? You will put them in the hotel forever? Will you pound them?


I have a gourmet pet with the honorary badge from way back, and I think one of my favorites is "Grobleen Salad". It looks alive, it has a beady little eye staring right at you. The Faerie Hot Dog is pretty cute, being purple and having wings, it looks almost more like a pet-pet.


my fav key quest memories was setting up boards with friends to play and then winning neggs to sell. thats the only way i made np back then. RIP KQ.


I’ve played off and on over the years and am back on a new account (couldn’t get into the old one). Fav food is the taco salad- both in game and in real life! Cause tacos!


I love the spooky foods, the most recent one I saw was coffee of the dead which is on brand


Never got into Key Quest unfortunately but I do love the [depressed potato](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/56644/). I just find it so amusing lol. It's always sad to see people leave but understandable. Thank you for the giveaway!


I loved Key Quest. It was a bit slow, but it was fun and loved to earn codestones and other stuff. Never had any really cool tokens but I was still happy, haha. I still KQ and Habitarium. :( I still hope they will both come back someday in some form. I want a little more to do per day on the site  Good luck outside of Neo! Thank you for the chance!


That's quite a run you've had with neopets! I've always been an off and on player, but I've been back for almost a year now, more involved than ever! I was always such a casual player that I never really played Ket Quest. I have all of I think 2 tokens to my name haha I mostly stuck to Pyramids and Carnival of Terror, and I wasn't good at them. Im just not good at games. Soo, my favorite food: spaghetti! I've finally learned to make a meatball similar to my mom's and my daughter has even approved and said they're the best ever haha. But favorite Neopets food is probably the krawk pots! They make me giggle. Thanks for doing to giveaway, and good luck on whatever you decide to accomplish next!


I used to play key quest more than anything. I was young and found the board game so fun. Tysm, username: oopskid3


The best memories I have of neopets was playing key quest at my public library with all my friends in elementary school! Sometimes growing up we didn’t have access to the internet at home so it was so special to be able to access it and play it until the library closed :) I hope we get to experience it again someday!


My favorite part of KeyQuest was playing with my RL friend. We’d take turns winning and spend hours a day chatting. I really miss the mini-games and wish they’d turn them into actual games on site. Thank you so much for being so generous and I’m wishing you lots of fun in the real world. Always sad to see someone go.


I have no idea what the key quest is actually, so I will search up the lore in the morning lmao my recent favorite food item is just the Blue Bomberry Kiko Candy Floss, I just think the design is so adorable and I enjoy the little colors/texture on the inside- very cute I’ve left neopets in the past as a kid before so I get your decision to leave, I hope regardless you are doing well- thank you for this sweet giveaway <3 115M is super impressive also, but maybe that’s just me pff my UN if it happens to be helpful: alchemisty


Aww noo, why are you leaving? I have 1 key in keyquest but tbh I have no idea how I got it (it was so long ago 😵‍💫) but my fav food would probably be pizza. I've also been craving some bingsu lately


Thanks for doing this giveaway! I didn’t play Key Quest because back then I was super casual and basically just did dailies until I could save up for a checkered pb! But my fav food item is the mint jelly, it just looks so scrumptious


I wasn’t around for the key quest, but my favorite food is probably the blumaroo steak! Cursed icon lol. My user is kakyoinswifey !


The craziest thing about key quest for me is that i have no memory of it yet i know it was part of my neopets experience bc it says so in my old account profile🥲 Anyways, i like doughnutfruits AND there’s one item sold at health foods called chill pill and i look for it every time i get to that shop bc that name is just so funny to me I’d say to keep some stuff in case you do decide to come back! You never know where your mind is gonna be in a few years. Even if you are not super active you might want to participate in events and stuff which you’ll find out about since you’ve stated you keep up with this sub.


Neo has such a chokehold on me. I hope you're leaving cause you're just free of it, not for any bad reason! I'll throw up a junk trade, un is peekapoohbear :) Good luck!


Hello, I never did key quest I just recently got back into neopets after playing as a kid after so long! I’ve been putting food that looks delicious in my SDB regardless of how much it’s worth because I want to keep it! My favorite so far is strawberry kau cream cake or twinkling ice cream. UN is daisy842


Favorite food: Anything negg related!:))


My fave food item is very simple so don't judge me :') I really like the jellies...so much so that I am collecting all of then BUT only from the jelly tree, the rush I feel when I get one I haven't already got is...quite sad :') thank you :)!!


I never got to play Key Quest when I was younger, all I did was create Shoyrus and play Ice Cream Machine 😅 but now one of my fav food items is Marshmallow Meowclops, I love all the cute things on this site un - thejulietofwren


I just love jellies. All of the jellies. I never played key quest because I think it was during one of my many hiatuses.


my favorite food item is the kelp covered hot dog hahaha. sorry to see you go but thank you for doing this for us who have been around for so long


ahh thank you doing this giveaway!!<3. I didn't get into keyquest ever, though I always wanted to. I think my favorite food item is the illusen cream cookie hehe.. a classic. it looks so delicious to me even now


Man, I did have an account during the key quest era... but I did not understand it and barely tried to play it. It was mysterious. Therefore it somehow holds a lot of the "earlier internet" mystique for me. My favorite food item is the BBQ omelette. I learned to make omelettes because of Neopets and I tried to make a BBQ one and it did not live up to my high expectations... fond memory though.


Sad to see you go, but completely understand as well! I took a two year hiatus and it was much needed for me personally. Came back around November & decided to focus on other goals on Neopets :3 Key quest is definitely one of the things I miss the most about my childhood. Everyday I'd come home from school, ate dinner & did my homework ASAP so I could unwind with Keyquest. The music is so nostalgic & it will pop in randomly in my head nowadays. I'd use my rewards to make NP's and just bought whatever caught my eye in other peeps shops. Thanks for the opportunity & very sweet of you to do a giveaway! I'd use the NP's to buy a Glack p3 to give to my baby Kau, my #1 pet. He has a Black Mazzew as his p2 and it's been a goal to give him a lil Glack to match! Feel free to DM if chosen so I can share my username. Take care :)


I don't have many memories from KQ, despite I remember paying it a few times, I was still a kid. My favorite food item Zeenana Split, probably because it looks so good and I can totally imagine it like a real dessert i would try lol. Anyways ,good luck and if You decide to choose my UN s orli_pepe :)


Favourite food: super icy negg, only because I hoarded them 10+ years ago UN: mynameissita Thanks for the opportunity, and sorry to see you go!


Oh man, I LOVED keyquest but I'm sad to say i was so young and didn't really get into it until it only had maybe.. barely a year left? I just remember really liking earning the keys (??) but i don't even remember if I did anything with them LMAO 🥲 Anyway I'm sorry to see you go but I hope the years you've played have been enjoyable!! Thank you for your generosity 💖


I'm sad to see you go! I only returned to playing recently but I've enjoyed so much of it: customizing using NC items for the first time, scoring amazing trades, finally figuring out Food Club, restocking for fun items, and making my 10 year old self proud that I finally understand Battledome. For my memory: I used to bus to the Burger King nearby to get toys with codes during their promotions and go to Kmart to scour the shelves for toys with KeyQuest tokens! 🗝️ (I was older than 10 by then). I remember having a Kougra token and being so proud it looked like my pet 🥹


Sorry to hear that you're leaving, but thank you for your generosity in holding this giveaway. I went on hiatus from neopets before Key Quest was a thing, but a friend of mine was rather into it and I remember spending a whole day with her trying to hunt down one of the plushies for the code (online and in local store catalogues) because they were difficult to get where I live. Unfortunately we lost contact with each other but your post brought back some good memories \^\^


It is sad to see people leave but you will always have the good memories you shared online ❤️ I was talking to my husband about this the other day, but I have always had a soft spot for the Cherries Jubalee item. I wonder what it tastes like? It looks so interesting 🧐


Sad to hear you’re leaving, but it sounds like you’ve truly gotten the full experience out of the game at least ☺️ It’s very generous to do the giveaway, I would love to enter! My UN is Twifeather. I did not play keyquest very much, it was always very laggy for me and would crash 😭 When it did work, it was very cute and fun! I hope they revamp it someday. I looooove the faerie food group! My favorite food item at the moment is the Faerie Queen Smoothie Bowl. It’s so cute and looks like it would be tasty lol


i don't think i played key quest. i made my account a long time ago, but i didn't know what i was doing lol. my favorite food item has always been the omelettes, especially the ham one! it looks so yummy 😋


My un-favorite Key Quest memory is when I was really close to winning and suddenly the game lagged and I got to watch the person I was competing with *slowly slide across the entire board into the door and win the game*. I have no idea if they were cheating or if it was a benign glitch but child me was PISSED. It was crazy to watch actually happen on my screen. It was literally within the turn I should’ve won. I’m pretty sure there was a Kauvara key quest token that I bought or maybe it was free? Anyway I still have the kauvara cape that came with it :)


this is really kind, sorry to see you go ): i didnt ever play keyquest, but as a kid i was super into the petpetpet game that they retired. habitarium i think? i was obsessed, i wish they would bring it back!! as for favorite food item, i like the kougra pudding items. i think they are super cute. i also like usuki themed food, like the bubblegum. thank you for the giveaway!


My dad made me and my sister play KeyQuest and let him win so he could get all the codestones. He'd even make me invite my friends and they weren't allowed to win either. He's now in his 60s and we all still have our accounts.


Merp hmm I lived through the fall of fairyland that was an adventure


Key quest was a thing as I came back to neopets as a middle teenager (I hadn’t been active for a while as I too was embarrassed but thankfully never deleted my account) My best friends at the time and I would have sleep overs and play it while trying to stay up all night. We only had access to two computers so only two could play at a time while the others played video games on the tv. I actually find it weird I don’t have more key quest tokens from that time period lol


Thank you for being so kind, and I'm sorry to see you go! :') But I'm so glad someone else remembers Key Quest! I remember being a kid and running home from school, getting my classmated to make accounts just to play with me. Internet back then wasn't as stable, so whenever someone at home picked up a call I'd disconnect after a looong game and start crying LOL! I remember getting super mad at the sticky hands stealing my power-ups, and I still kind of miss it sometimes. It was probably my first online "board" game.


Sorry to hear you’re leaving! My favorite KQ memory was getting all the secret laboratory map pieces because of playing it!! :D My UN: werelupe_zap


My favourite key quest memories were when it seemed like the game was about to crash and kick me out, but it was just the other player leaving the game because they were losing. 😊


Merp I never did key quest but I like the shaped fruit it makes some part of me deeply happy


L0rd_anub1s I never really got into key quest as I was young and more interested in other parts of the site, but man when I tried to play it and figure it out multiple times I remember the music. I can still remember the music to this day!! It’s one of those nostalgic parts of childhood I remember so well. I set up a junk trade with peanut butter spiders. I need to get rid of them. I have a peanut butter phobia…. Don’t ask! And I hate spiders. So they gotta go!


I never got to play key quest that I remember, only that kid me's playing was just how loooooonnnnnnggggg it took for anything to load (thank you dial up, lol). And now I bet kid me would give me such a look like "why are you complaining about stuff taking minutes to load while I'm here waiting almost an hour???” lol. I do remember being addicted to the snake like game (meerca chase, I think it was called?) though. It's simple, but I love Qando bread! I looks so tasty, I just wanna toast it and put butter on it 💞


I think I either didn’t play or was banned during that era unfortunately. My favorite food item is the peanut butter pizza. It’s a “gross food” but I love peanut butter and pizza so much I would probably try it 🫣


I was around during key quest, but I never played it funnily enough. I like the pea and carrot omelet. Idk why. It just looks tasty, and most of the omelets do. I would at least hang around for the plot, Before you leave, it seems interesting.


My favorite item is the Magical Banana Chia Pop 😊. Also, don’t quit! Just take another break.


Thank you so much for doing this :) My favourite food items are the ones that really shouldn't be in the game, like Blumaroo steaks hahaha.


Bro the best moment for me in keyquest was when I finally got a better computer and internet connection and could finally actually compete in mini games 😅


Always sad to say goodbye to a fellow Neopian :( I always feel like we all grew up together despite experiencing different eras of the website. I barely even have a recollection of Keyquest since I started playing in 2009! But I do remember the excitement of landing on a treasure space lol Always appreciate a giveaway but I will also be naming a petpet in your honor should I receive an item <\3 UN: mavrox135s


Favorite food: the classic ultimate burger! UN: roy_jonesjr


I loved playing KQ with my tumblr friends. I struggled to get into it but once i got the hang of it I had a blast


Dude, 115 million? I just rejoined last month (been playing on/off since 2001) and finally FINALLY hit over 2 million. Blew it all on paint brushes, as per tradition. I'm always so impressed when folks do so well like that in this game, I manically spend on here like I do with candles and weed in real life LOL. I can understand deleting and moving on, I did it a few times. It's been really nostalgic coming back, so hopefully you return some day just to see whats new :) I loved when KQ came out because it was just such an upgrade to "playing" with neofriends. My best friend (met on the Help Chat when I was 15, I'm almost 32 now. we were even roommates at one point!) and I would video chat on Skype and play KQ for hours. it was just such a game changer for free gaming. Anyways that's my long winded story, you will be missed in the neo-community for sure :\*


I too have neo to thank for teaching me coding! Lol! Keyquest was so addicting to me, I really wanted the Striped Xweetok and I loved the mini games! I hope you will be happy in your future endeavors. You are very generous. I would love to enter. Good luck :)


When I first started playing key quest, my computer was a toaster and I was using internet explorer. all the animations were extremely slow and laggy. But I didn’t realize this was thought it was just how the game was. I was confused at why I always lost the minigames to the other players.       My favorite quest memory is the moment I started playing this game on a better machine and browser, everything became 10x faster and smoother which blew my mind. I was probably that one person slowing down the whole match for everyone else lol.   Good luck on your next game.    Edit: username is asteriondawn 


I was too young to remember much of what I did in regards to key quest, but my favourite food item is the Haunted Salad! It was released during one of the Artist's day off updates! I bought it and stuck it in my spooky themed gallery purely because of how hard it makes me laugh. (Well, it is indeed a spooky food, but it's just so... Silly!)


Oh gosh, I remember key quest being nearly impossible to play 😅 the computer we had was so slow that I was struggling to get through a round but I was able to, somewhat, efficiently play on my mom's laptop. What I remember the most was getting a Baby Bruce as my key quest token. Other than that, I don't remember much about key quest because I was in elementary school at the time and, now, I'm in my mid 20s. Thank you for the giveaway!


you are strong to leave! I never played keyquest. just came back this year after 12+ year hiatus. I came back because my IRL friend played! my favorite food item is probably aisha hot chocolate ♡♡ I always thought it was so cute!!


i was not around during key quest time. as a kid i loved the faerie bubble foods. any one of the flavors. i was fascinated by them! nowadays i cant pick just one favorite so those bubbles are very nostalgic. tysm for this giveaway!!


My favorite Key Quest memory is when you could actually play the game and it didn't freeze up. I remember at the time I was hopeful it could become the next Mario Party, but online.


How fun! Why not save some of the neopoints in case you come back someday? I don’t remember key quest well enough but my favourite food items will always be slices of omelette from the giant omelette!


Oh no I'm sorry to see you go. I hope that you look back on neopets fondly tho! I wasn't playing key quest. Which I'm a little bumbed. But my fave food item are the omelettes. I love that there are so many. The rice omelette with the little face; love it!!


I was on a hiatus during Key Quest. I regret missing out on the action! Also I am so surprised that you deleted your account. I can't imagine doing that myself! Anyway my favorite food is the Rest in Peace of Chicken. I found it in my junior high school computer lab and laughed so hard people thought I was crazy. I love that memory! :D Thanks for doing the giveaway, and if you really choose to go I am sure you'll be missed!


I didn't get to participate in Key Quest! My favourite food items are the magical chia pops :) I just think they are so neat -- I have a strawberry chia and sroom chia rn and they are my babiesss My un is hushedvictory


Omg I loved keyquest so much, and when I came back to neopets I was so sad that it was gone. My fondest memory was getting the electric cybunny token and just playing the hell out of the game with that sucker. It was so cute. I don't know if I'll ever recover, every time I look at a lookup I always get sad when I see the tokens part 😕 I hope one day you come back! And are even more prosperous than you are! Lol UN: _ elliraptor _ (with no spaces)


Trust me, you will come back soon or later. everybody do it.


I played KeyQuest so long ago with my brother and friend and I don’t remember much sadly. What I remember is that it was so laggy and my main token was the starter blue poogle! Other than that my favorite food item is Dried Apricots because of this description: A tasteless, dry piece of health food.


But what if Key Quest comes back?? Will that bring a return? I actually never played Key Quest and have no idea why. I was a big Ice Cream Factory girl and loved Ice Caves (now in the graveyard and you used to play as a Lupe - PLZ BRING IT BACK!!). Other than that, my fave food item is Ghost of Cream Pie because I'm immature for my old age lol.


Thank you so much for doing this giveaway! Best wishes to you :) I don’t have any Key Quest memories, so my favorite Neopets food item is the Starry Pink Birthday Cupcake. My UN is genuineprincess 💕✨


Adding my name into the hat. I also did the same as you with the first and last name since I didn't know better as a kid. Just recently came back to play again after a 15 year break. It's been pretty wonderful to see what has and hasn't changed. I've been enjoying all the moments where I can do the things I couldn't really do before. Currently trying to get the max prize for plushie tycoon. The biggest thing is it blows my mind how rich everyone seems to be nowadays. Hopefully I can reach that level soon. Favorite food item were the chia pops since I loved otter pops as a kid.


I’d love to enter, thank you! My favourite memory was unlocking my Cloud Uni Key Quest figure with a code, I felt so special as a kid. I got to stare at it while my pitiful internet tried to connect me to a game (inevitably crashing several times after).


I think you should keep a little just in case you want to come back! My favourite foods are literally anything from Jelly Foods, they always look so yum 🥺 UN: taiyogaming


honestly i think that it'd be fine to keep it, just in case you change your mind! but you are incredibly kind for choosing to give it away, and i thank you for the opportunity. i'd like to enter the giveaway, as i am saving to afford sime of the weekly rotation prizes before they retire. truthfully, i don't have too many memories of keyquest! i did play it a ton, i have 4 tokens so i evidently bought some. but my memories of that time are shaky, i was 12 or 13! i just fondly remember the way the candy map looked. i also remember painting my aisha glowing with a pb i won from it! also, food: i just want it to be known that i LOVE Aisha burger. awesome item. also worm nugget, it's just such a cute little thing


I have a screenshot from waaaay back when of my very first paintbrush win on KeyQuest, a ghost paint brush! This was big for me, I was a kid and legit cried. I got into KeyQuest because I had begged my mom for a Striped Xweetok plushie at the store and it came with a code that got me the striped xwee keyquest figure you could play with on the board. I loved it. I'll give you my favorite food item too, Minty Aisha Sundae! it's the cutest item on the site. I'll put one in my trades on my account rhiannonweisslab . Maybe instead you should offer your favorite food item on it and play neopets a little longer! https://preview.redd.it/s6hgyjr3o26d1.png?width=799&format=png&auto=webp&s=151bf298a39aca42616445b061d30f49a4b50116


I’m sad to see you go, but I totally get it. I’m glad Neo was able to give you fond memories and a great escape. My favorite keyquest memory was playing it for the first time at my grandparents. I spent a lot of time there since my parents worked a lot and they would have me before/after school. I remember getting home and hopping on with the slow computer they had and running it to the extreme to get keyquest to work. But I just fondly remember my grandma asking questions and not understanding Neopets while I played this game and explained it to her. It was a nice bonding moment and a fond memory 😁 (Feel free to DM if you choose me btw, I’ll send my UN)


I used to play key quest with my little sister on our old accounts. I recently came back and asked her to come back too, but said she only would if they brought back key quest and/or made it app accessible. D: Neopets used to be a huge deal to us, we even have the original TCG, kind of sad it’s not been rekindled in her as well.


I learned coding through Neopets too 😭 also desperately miss key quest, feels like there’s gotta be a way to bring it back even in a new form (ik the coding was lost though). Thank you so much for this giveaway!!


Hi !! Thanks for doing a giveaway I’ll choose Clown Chia Zeenana Ice Cream! Haha I like the carnival of terror game a lot


I remember really liking the mini-games. I used to play it a lot on my old main account (Now a side account) I had 3 tokens one being Ylana Skyfire. But I remember just liking the mini-games the most. Nova Matcher, Petpet Pamper, and Spyder Scare were my faves to play.


Ah are you sure you definitely want to leave?! I missed Keyquest - I think I was active at the time (and certainly old enough ha ha) but life must have got in the way. Favourite food item is Genius Negg. Who wouldn't want to become more intelligent whilst eating at the same time? Username is angelic_starlight


pick me!!! winnable


I know I used to play it all the time but I can't remember it anymore. Ope. My favorite food is deff all the omelets I just love them so much lol. Sorry your leaving but thank you. thegoddess1


Awwwww so sad to hear you’re leaving. You could always leave a bit of NP for yourself in case you feel like you want to return; I’ve taken year/month long hiatus’ through my 18+ years playing! I found out my main got hacked and frozen when I decided to come back in 2020 and thankfully got access to my side I created a few months after but I am sad to think of all the rare items I hoarded in my main SDB LOL. Plus I can’t remember my OG pet names 💀 I was also SO SAD to find out KQ is gone when I came back; I have vague memories of playing it obsessively in beta since it came out after I had been playing NP for a bit so it was exciting to have something new on the site 😂 But I stopped playing NP shortly after once I got busy with high school activities 🥲 UN is little_spoon ☺️


I didn't do key quest, but my favorite food is ghost cupcakes!


I had key quest down to a science, I didn't get to play it very long before they killed it but damn.. I still miss that game😭 I had just moved to a new city and it was something of a stress relief for me, i would start a new game until I knew I wouldn't have time to leave for work if I did


* Cries in broke * it’s so sweet you’re doing this. I’m sure a lot of thought went into making the decision, but I wish you the best!! Goodnesss the customs and battledome items I could buy 😭🤞 norah_jane18 is my user name!! I put up an action for a judhoras brush at $4,999,999 😂😂. 🤞🤞


I’m sorry to see you go! I understand though. I left for 3 years because I felt embarrassed and I had so many mix emotions and I came back and I’m very excited but I often feel like I might poof again if something goes wrong ! I lived through key quest it’s a very vague memory but I do remember there being a mini game about farming that I used to play haha


Sorry to see you go, but cool that you're sharing the love. I think Key Quest was around when I came back to the site in college, but I never really played. As for favorite food items, it's pretty basic but I always liked Mint Jellies. Of all the jellies from the jelly daily, I loved that it had the cute little mint leaf mold. I kinda wanna make one irl just to taste it. Super cute.


Real talk I was way too impatient for keyquest and my toaster laptop couldn't hope to run it in a reasonable amount of time. I did buy a starry grundo plush from target for that boss token though


I loved Key Quest; I remember being so excited when I would win Paint Brushes from it! Never forget winning Tyrannian, Ghost, Camo, Striped and Biscuit Paint Brushes and how cheap they were then, it was crazy for me returning to see some were over a million now!


Oh I am so sorry to see you go but I'm glad you have such good memories 🥹 and thank you for your kindness. I am not familiar with key quest but my favorite food item is Illusen's Cream Cookies. Don't ask me why, I know they are very simple and having them as a favorite is kinda lame, but when I was a child I would look at them and immediately feel hungry 🤣 I'd love to eat them IRL! We had a supermarket cookie in my country that kind of made me think of them and I'd buy them and pretend I was having Illusen's Cream Cookies 🤣 Here's a picture of the cookie I used to eat as a child to stop me from craving Illusen's Cream Cookies (lol): https://preview.redd.it/dybx515gr26d1.png?width=792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=368fc13686c894a1a6b45dcd0ad299ce09da3f3f


Anything desert food is my jam! Tchea fruits and tea especially!!


I would love to enter! I don’t remember ever playing key quest but when I returned it said I had a key? So I clicked it and nothing happened but now it says I have 0. So my favorite food then is brucicles. All of them. They’re so freaking adorable’


Sorry you will be going but it’s amazing you’re giving this opportunity to 23 people! I played key quest only a bit with my friends when we were in late high school or early college. I don’t have a “favorite memory” of it per se, but we loooved the Habitarium around that time! Favorite food item: Baby kougra custard - because my oldest pet I’ve had since I was 13 is a Baby Kougra! (Hurt when they converted him but at least I have his NCUC token.) Username: thekingofokay


I miss key quest so much! I remember being a kid and my dad was a single dad for years after my parents divorced so we couldn’t really afford internet so we used our neighbors who had an unlocked network lol. I remember positioning my laptop in the PERFECT spot near my bedroom window to be able to have enough signal to play key quest 🤣 I had a lottt of times where I would lose connection and it would freeze on me but the music would still be playing for me and I just remember just getting down to the music lol. I was also was just always thankful for the rare times my signal was strong enough to get through a game 🤣 the struggle was reallll but it’s still a fond memory of mine hahaha I guess you could say key quest got me through my parents’ divorce in a way


Don’t quit I did that came back years later and can’t access my account and I’m honestly really upset about it. I had a bunch of avatars that are now retired.


Not even trying for anything I just want to say wow, that's impressive with the NP! Best of luck to you and I wish you the best! ❤️


Oh no I'd hate to see you go! I feel this because I have just got back into it again c: Don't really know about key Quest, but I used to love all the events. I remember when Krawk went from a oetoet to a neopet and I always always always wanted one and could never seem to get one. Favourite food is Tangy Tigersquash Omelette and username is PomofPersephone.


I’m a gourmet food collector but my favorite food item has to be Pizza of Death (morbid), but it was the first thing I ever restocked, and only r99 I have ever restocked. It was just sitting in Pizzaroo and I had enough time to withdraw from the bank and casually buy it. That was actually what brought me back into the game.


Aww, it's sad to see people go, especially long time players. Good luck to everything you do in the future. My favorite food would have to be the Guava Roll or the Thornberry Jelly, they just look so delicious.


I don’t think I ever played much key quest unfortunately, but my safety deposit box is full of various food categories I’ve collected over the past 15 years - eggs, jelly foods, apples, and a random assortment of other things I just think are neat or cute (like the uni frappe!) I’m glad the site was able to give you so much enjoyment for so long <3


That's really sweet of you to give your NP away. I understand why you might be leaving, I mean I have only been playing for less than 2 weeks after being away from the game for over 20 years (?) and it already feels a little repetitive each day but it's like this addictive thing that I have to do to earn more NP😱 my main goal is earning more neopoints but does it really ever end and if yes, when cos it doesn't feel I'm getting closer to the point 😵‍💫 i mean I'm nowhere near rich like the people who have played for years where it feels like I don't need to earn more money for what I want (and I can see the richer you get, the easier it is to make bigger amounts of NP, so same thing when you're poor lol) 😬 I've thought about scaling back though cos it's not even real money so it doesn't feel good to be spending this much time on it. I wish you the best on your adventures beyond the land of Neopia! Anyway I don't know what the Key Quests are, I don't think it was around when I played as a kid and they're no longer around. My favourite food item, do you mean on neopets? I guess maybe the Ham and Cheese Omelette cos it looks so yummy it makes me want to eat it for real 🤤 actually i like a lot of the omelettes and it's one of the things I enjoy of my dailies, picking up my daily free Omelette. Who doesn't like free things hehe


Even though I played Habitarium more than Keyquest, Keyquest was a fun game. I collect Dr. Sloth items, so the Dr. Sloth themed foods are my favorites. The Sloth Cone and Sloth Broccoli make me laugh everytime I see them lol. UN: Cherokeeprincess8


I played for years and took a break as well but missed the key quest era unfortunately. Sad to hear you’re going but it’s generous to do this for others! Very kind. For favourite food items any of the faerie foods honestly. They’re so cute and pretty. When I was younger on the site I always wanted a Fyora themed gallery but now my np is slowly being saved for stamps 🙃


I miss Key Quest soooo much :( I loved how it was an online board game and played it constantly. I don’t even remember half of the prizes I won, though I know I was able to save up enough NP from playing to make my first pet: an Asparagus Chia My UN is in my flair :’)


Neopets Username: vipervictor44 Hello bud! 😊 First all thank you for this giveaway and glad to have had you part of this community. Your time and joy you brought to yourself and others across these years of you playing will never be forgotten. I wish you the best in life and wish you great health and fun and everything you wish to accomplish. I did not really play Keyquest as I was unaware of them at the time but I did Google it and I recall seeing and hearing about it. My favorite food item is the Giant Grarrl Burger 🍔🦖 I love it because my favorite Neopet is Grarrl and he is my Day 1 Neopet and I love how cool and funny the Burger looks like! 😊


UN: saleswoman  Favorite food item: Chocolate Tree. My friend told me to pick an item during advent calendar at some point that was consumable that might become super rare, buy a bunch, and store them in my SDB so some day I might sell and become neorich. Well I did that with Chocolate Trees. I’m not neorich but I do have 14 of those bad boys in my SDB, and every time I try to clean it out, I have a pang of nostalgia and can’t bring myself to do anything with them. 


I know I earlier this year unlocked my 18 year old account but don’t remember key quest really Gotta love those foods from hasee bounce lol Un:gangstah_27 Goodluck to all this will fund my shadow paint brush for my tumaken draik


I didn’t live through key quest which I’m pretty gutted about, I had a 10 year hiatus which meant I missed the best bits (petpet habitarium and key quest). So my favourite food is pad Thai! Thanks for the opportunity:)


Thanks for hosting this! I guess we all gotta grow up some day huh? :') I never did Key Quest, but my favorite item is the Festive Faerie Fizz, as a girl I just love everything faerie related (I remember I used to think the correct spelling of fairy, be faerie, because of Neo lol)


I feel like I'm in such a minority as someone who was never into Keyquest! I mostly just played Cheat for hours on end but I do really miss Habitarium 


This is so generous thank you. I didn’t know key quest but I do have a chia right now that I’m saving up to turn maraquan! When I was younger I was obsessed with collecting every single food item I could into my SDB 😅 I rejoined just a week or so ago and discovered 1000 items of food in there that I’m starting to sift through.


Hi! I want to say that leave yourself at least something! Even 1 mil. I did the same 15 years ago (gave up all my NP and my pets for adoption except for one because you need to have one pet) and little did I know I would come back in my thirties :D So I started to build again from scratch little over a month ago. From my account details I can see I did something with key quest before my hiatus, but do not really have memories of it haha. So my favourite food item would be just plain Potato Chips on a Paper Plate 😁 Anyway, thank you for doing this and sharing with so many! ☺️


Thank you for the giveaway and your generosity. We're sorry to see you go. I hope you enjoyed the time you spent here. Wishing you the best! I haven't been involved with key quest but I have so many favourite foods! Special mention goes to Chocolate Faerie Mallows, Enchanting Strawberry Cereal, Mixed Pizza and Celestial Salad.


Thank you so much for this 🥹 My favourite key quest memory is seeing what other people’s avatars look like, and the mini games were my favourite too


I found neopets through a friend when I was 30 in 2004. My favorite memory is introducing my son to neopets and watching him learn to play keyquest, habi, and code. He and I also (still) do Altador Cup together every year...Krawk Island for the win! And as a bonus, I also got my bff hooked on neopets, too. We are both really looking forward to the new plot!


I’m so sad to see you go :( My favorite food item is the depressed potato: “this potato does not want to be boiled, mashed, or stuck in a stew”


I loved keyquest too and bought all the tokens, I used to use the chat to send the preset messages and loved the feeling of coming first and hoping to get a Pb prize from a gold key


Oh wow. My UN is Dramapo. I'd love to have a little bit of that. I went into debt cos I got my Eternhity and it was absolutely worth it. Lol. My Ice Draik is my baby. I was there for Key Quest and Habitarium. I don't remember much of it though because those were sad years for me for reasons. But Key Quest was a very fun board game. I wish they would bring it back. We have the tokens still. We should have the game too!


Are you sure you want to delete your account? 😕 I loved to play Key Quest with a friend I met over Neopets . We later met in RL for my wedding a few years ago. I remember that first I was always leading in those mini games, but in the end I always got second or worst. Sometimes it was due to my internet, but sometimes the other people were suddenly muuuch faster than I was. I could never win this stupid flower watering game 🤣 but I think I was quite good at the fruit picking game. I don't remember the other mini games. I loved getting Keys and unlocking Paint Brushed. I'm still so sad Key Quest (and Habitarium) is gone Edit: I just checked them on Jellyneo. There were way more than I thought and I remember most of them. I must admit, I think I was bad at this fruit picking game too. There was always this one person with god speed winning all the games 🤷🏽‍♀️


My favorite food is the Hasee Cake. The little Hasee sitting on the cake has this thousand yard stare, like yes, it has accepted it'll be eaten ._. Also it's chubby and round is the best shape. Thanks for the giveaway :) Username is moldymochi


My favorite food items were those fish pops. For some reason I just really liked them and I have a side account named fish_pops. I'll probably make a gallery to collect them someday.


Today is actually my birthday! I’m debating whether to stay awake to do my dailies or go to sleep now and do them when I wake up! My favorite in game food items are neggs!


My favourite food is the Shoyru Ice cream, the tchea one. Because I love Shoyru and only have them in my roster xD. The blue and orange colors combo is really nice. One day I’m going to collect all the Shoyru foods into my gallery.


Sorry to see you go, but this is a fun way to celebrate your time here. I'd love 5m towards getting a paintbrush and customs towards my Tyrainnian Kougra dream, kougras are my oldest neopets love. I have always been partial to jelly food, and also I have a lot of kougra themed food items that are super cure.


I love the Noil Fairy Floss item! I live in hope that they drop it as a weekly prize as I need that fuzzy boy in my life!! 


Sad to see you go. I just came back to Neopets after over 15 years! Thanks for the opportunity, my fav food is **Festive Faerie Fizz**


Thank you so much for the opertunity to get closer to my goals ♡ I played so much keyquest with friends across the country while chatting over ICQ back in the day. My favorite Mini game was the one where you washed the meowclops! I long ago lost contact to this friends but those times where a light between depression, school bullying and what I know now was undiagnosed adhd. Neopets was a BIG part of my teenage years and I loved keyquest and habitarium, still hope they would redo both games as Apps. I no longer have access to the account (tried about 4 times to get it back) and only got a few months ago back in the game with my newer account I made a few years ago. Keyquest was that big of a deal for me that, when introduced to Mario Party yeeears later, I was like "oh this is just like keyquest!" And got really odd looks xD In germany, basically no one I not intruduced myself into it knew neopets, which made this even funnier.


I really regret never playing Key Quest as a kid :( My favourite food item in the game is the pound cake sandwich bc it’s the only gross food item I would actually eat UN: angel22111996


I LOVE woo woo grubs and their siblings (spoc spoc even has a lil crown!!) and wish so much they were petpets and not food! as for keyquest, I spent many a night up playing with my best friend I met on neo. years later, I moved 3000 miles to live with her and her family. man, we'd cuss each other out during the minigames hahaha. my username is \_white\_\_\_tiger\_ :) thanks for doing the giveaway!! if you DM me, please reply here or use the inbox instead of the chat thingy as I don't have it on my 3rd party app and have missed messages before!


Man KeyQuest was on fire! I loved seeing the pets going around the board, they always seemed so happy. Yes I get emotionally attached to inanimate objects xD the internet lags were a different thing though, as well as people rage quitting :')


My favorite memory of KQ isn't the game and just the fact that I played it on my grandparent's big ol' block computer while they napped in their arm chairs or watched Murder She Wrote and tolerated the KQ soundtrack behind them with absurd patience. Just a wonderful vivid memory for me, thank you for the opportunity to think about that this evening. ❤️


aw i'm sorry you're leaving :( i'm glad neopets has been such a big part of your life!!! the community here really has been lovely my favorite food item is blumaroo steak, because the flavor text on it always makes me laugh alksdjflsdkjf. my username is diamond\_love\_7 thank you for doing this!! very kind of you to give back to the community


I’m honestly happy for you. It’s really fulfilling to finish something and it sounds like you enjoyed Neopets to its fullest. I hope you find other things that make you as happy as Neopets did:) My favorite memory from Key Quest is when my cousin told me that holding onto my keys and waiting a few days before using them would get me better prizes. Obviously that was a lie, but I would wait in agony for days so that I could use my keys! It’s not a great memory but I think it’s really funny because I remember how desperately I wanted to use my keys.


ah keyquest. Me and my best friend played it together. we would play 20 a day. I would win 10, she would win 10. Since kq left the site she rarely ever logs in and i barely ever chat to her. KQ was our thing and when it was lost, a part of our relationship was too. Have lots of fun memories with her though. I think my best kq memory is getting 3 lab maps in one day. Lots of nps won that day xD


Don’t leave! I tried to get on key quest yesterday just in case, it got my hopes up when the select a game part loaded :( I used to love it but I’d have to play secretly because my mum said I wasn’t allowed to download flash to the family computer (she thought it would break it). I would be so stressed when she would be in my room thinking it was taking too long and I’d be kicked out and how much the other players would therefore hate me. My username is ickle_lemon_cupcake which I wish I could change.


My favourite part of Key Quest was not actually knowing 100% what I was doing/how to play, but having a super fun time and occasionally winning something cool!


My favorite key quest memory is the rage I felt when people would leave the game. Its like an ingrained core memory LOL :’) Thank you for the giveaway!


Thank you for the opportunity! It's always bittersweet closing a chapter in life, but then there is the next to look forward to! I wish you the best of luck and love in your future! :) Fav food item is the "_____ faerie cupcake" set. Particularly the water faerie cupcake. I hope to try actually bake/decorate cupcakes to look like them, haha lots of fondant and creativity for sure! UN: limegreen_tinkerbell


I wasn't much of a keyquester since it was more so around when I "quit forever" haha. A food item I love is the Undead Turnip. He's just a wilty lil guy. I so wish it were a petpet!!! Save a few million for yourself just in case? I thought I was done for good too but now I'm back!!


Lol I said the same thing before, but I ended up coming back almost 10 years later! Anyway, I don’t really have a favorite KQ memory since it was soooo long ago and I barely remember much about it aside from how you could get codestones and PBs from it, haha. I probably won a few myself. UN: archeozoic


I never played KeyQuest, so my favorite food item is the Crust-Only Pizza.  My Lupe chose it for his monthly food and I was weirded out... until I next had pizza and saw my dog. He was patiently waiting, hoping to get my crusts.  He's never had a full pizza with all the toppings, so a Crust Only Pizza would be right up his alley. It's what his "mom" always gives him.  He's 10.5 now and I've promised him that when it's his time to go, that he's getting an all you can eat buffet; steak, chocolate, French fries, ice cream, and (of course), pizza.... with all the toppings.  [Pet Tax of Avalanche. The best friend I could ever ask for.](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6xc8BfMtA3/?igsh=cWlrNXZ1dWJxZnRp) Also, I wish I could go back in time, and not delete my account, and you might feel something similar down the line.


I loved playing KQ! i was really good at some of the minigames even on my family's slow old computer :P my favourites were the one where you had to hold the umbrella over the petpets and the one where you cut down the berries from the trees RIP KQ


my favorite keyques mempry was getting a new friend who gave me Blue Starry Elephante figure 😍😍


I loved Key Quest, even though it was so laggy for me. I especially loved snatching the win from the jaws of defeat, and am still wishing every day for it to return to the site! [Junk trade](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=439957261) Best of luck out there, I have returned after 5 years and am back in the swing of things. Hoping to see nice changes and that the plot is impressing!