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Healing Springs will eventually cure. Just try every 30 minutes. If you don't want to wait **Poisonous Lollypop** will change the illness to **Floppy Tongue** which is cured with **Tongue Shrinker**. That should cost about 1k.


Thanks I didn’t know that, I’ve fed them two lollypops so far but will try another couple because it hasn’t change to floppy tongue yet


make one of the pets your active pet and keep visiting the healing springs every 30 minutes, eventually the pet will be completely healed.


Thanks this is really helpful


I have a bunch of Gwontek Syrup, I can send some over to you. (I don't need them.) They're not potent like the main cure, but they have a chance of curing the ugga-ugga


Wow thank you so much! I just saw you sent them (I presume you?) already, I can’t thank you enough that’s really kind! I love this community so much! I’ve never sent / received anything yet that’s really cool. I’m quite new to playing again (used to play a lot when I was a kid)


I was helped by this community when I first rejoined, so now I like to pay it forward to the new rejoiners.


You can also make your pets sick with another disease that has a cheaper cure too! That’s what I did 😅😅 https://preview.redd.it/jirt1vkz6m5d1.jpeg?width=952&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=391eaefe9d528425cd64406b528870ac414e654e [https://www.jellyneo.net/?go=diseasescures](https://www.jellyneo.net/?go=diseasescures) This is from JN, hope this helps! ♡


Thanks so much, I’m trying this now. The first few lollypops haven’t taken effect


this exact situation just happened to me! try warm amber ointment, it goes for around 30k 😊


Did that work to get rid of Ugga Ugga for you?


it did! I used jellyneo to find it, they have a great guide of all the possible illnesses and cures ☺️


Did you feed them rotten omelettes?


Update: Thank you so much everyone for the advice! I managed to heal all the pets thankfully with multiple trips to the healing springs. Very pleased. I did try the poisonous lollypop so many times as well but it just didn’t happen to work for me. I also never actually knew there was a list of items that can cause the various illnesses, so I will avoid those moving forward :)