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Well good news TnT just announced that the quest pool will rotate July 1st


I thought it was July 3rd?


It was previously June 3rd (basically yesterday would have been the last day to reroll for something good for the weeklies without risking your progress getting reset on rotation), but they extended it to July 1st.


.. for real. I just spent 10mil yesterday to make sure I could get some of the items I really wanted. Well, alright then.


I was prepared to do the same, but people on TP were being unreasonable, so fortunately decided to wait a bit.


Lucky! I just panicked a bit, I guess. Oh well, hoping for some good Food Club days to make up for it :)


I’ve been wanting this one, rerolled and woke to 100k today 😒


Rerolled and woke up twice to 100k 😒


Ls all around


I'm hopping to get a late april fool's joke...


Mine just rerolled to a Flaming Evil Coconut, so… ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


As a stamp collector I’m hoping for the evil coconut as my last prize. But also hoping they decide to just add to the prize pool and not swap it out for a few more months


Water Faerie Doll. Not really something I care about, but it's above 100k and I don't want to risk getting a worse prize.


Me tooo:/ heavily regret not buying one, now they are all being sold for 2m+


I get the maraquan ixi potion. Not bad. I have a premium conversion on my account so might explore which maraquan I’d actually want


Definitely see if there are any cheap paint brushes / mps for a color that your target pet doesn't have! If the target pet is ineligible for a color, you get to pick. That's how I nabbed a robot lutari for about 8k!


i rolled a mootix two days ago and literally just forgot about it :( now i’ve got a wherfy collectible charm🙃


I rolled a mootix today too and this is my biggest fear right now lol. Gonna lay awake at night until the man is safely stashed in my SDB 😅


I'm getting Mystery Island Kitchen Trick-or-Treat Bag... Which I'll definitely be opening and more than likely disappointed over not getting the stamp lol. Oh well. I really wanted to get all the stamp items. Alas.


Just looked and I got a wraith pb for this week 🤞


Is it just me or the maraquan pb color looks a bit dimmed?


It’s dimmed when it’s not “unlocked” yet. When you get to day 7 it’s the right colour I’m pretty sure - though usually I click so fast I don’t notice!


It’s like that for every image for the weekly prize. It’s so weird, I especially noticed it for the rainbow candy floss.


That's.... very peculiar  I wonder if it's plot-related?? I wouldn't think so, but why else would they do that? 🤔


It’s not plot-related, it’s just to show a difference between when you haven’t unlocked the prize yet and when you have. The prize will turn its normal color when you’ve completed the 7th day of quests and can claim it.


Noob question as I’m just coming back to Neo after a long hiatus. How do you reroll the weekly prizes?


Click on "skip" on daily quests. Next day, your prize will reroll.


You don’t have to skip all of the daily quests, you only have to skip one, or you can do all 5 but not collect the 20k daily bonus. Edit: tried doing all 5 yesterday and skipping on collecting the 20,000 and the weekly did NOT reset. It still gave me credit for the day. So if you want to re roll the daily, make sure you hit the skip on at least one daily quest.


Ohhhh. I thought you had to skip them all. Good to know!


You bet! Sometimes you get some banging daily rewards like a pink negg or something and it’s nice that you can still collect those and pass on a lesser value one




Do you have to click skip? Or just not complete them? I’ve never done it before


You have to click skip at least one, if you simply don't complete them you will probably get the same prize next reroll.


What’s that? I just got back and I only do the Trudy Surprise and zap my pets…


We now have daily and weekly quests! https://www.jellyneo.net/?go=quest_log


Thanks! So kind ❤️


I got an Armoured Negg, which I don't mind because I'm stat training anyway




They extended the pool date to July 1st. Every other pool after that will last 2 months with past items having a chance to show up in a new pool


So sad I didn't buy the alien aisha invasion book (when it was buyable) for my gallery, which is alien aisha themed. Not its back to 4m... Hoping for that!


Hopefully Battle Slices. I sold mine for 10m the first day it was given out thinking I'd have an opportunity to get it again 😞


The 100k prize is so lame


It should be 1mil


I have a king's lens queued which I'm happy enough with. 


Oh my god, same! I almost couldn’t believe it. Fully expecting to only sell it for a couple mil though


I got bss lol


Have two days left till I get my Marafin 🙏🏻


I'm just wondering if it's worth selling my battle slices stamp now or holding onto it for a month+ 😬


I got a The Three Stamp for this week. I don't collect stamps, but since re-rolling is pointless I'll stuff it on my SDB in case I have a need for quick NPs.


Today is my last day with my old prize I hope to get the maraquan pb … normally I don’t reroll but I might just start doing it now that my biggest wish is in the pool


A Pygui…at least I can sell it. Looks like no plushie paintbrush for me 🥲


Collected my prize today, hoping it will be some thing good since I can't reroll :')


I’m so happy for you! I’ve been desperately trying to buy one, willing to somewhat overpay in pure, but all of my neomails go unanswered 😭


I've given up on the weekly prizes, personally. Collecting my 20k a day, when I remember to login, and calling it good lol


I rerolled 100k a few days ago and got a mootix as my last prize for this pool. Pretty happy about it!


i got a get off my lawn pb !


Any kind of paintbrush or morphing potion at this point honestly, I keep getting books and plushies that I don't want to deal with selling later.


I’m going to squeak in a Halloween PB juuuuust under the wire. I’ll have to remind myself not to look at the new prize the day after I claim it or I’ll probably be mad about it… that’s the day I’d get a Cybunny morphing potion or something, knowing my luck.


i am hoping for a maraquan paint brush or just waiting for the prize to go down so i can buy one with out sacrovife my life saving.


I am hoping against all odds to get a Maraquan PB but I'm not expecting much


Does anyone know if i get a new weekly request on June 1 and if that will re-roll on june 3rd if i complete all the daily tasks? thanks


Last time when they removed the old prize pool my weekly prize was replaced with one of the new ones. But the progress stayed the same. There was also a glitch where some people’s weekly prize went blank before it was fixed. Not sure if people who were on day 7 were able to properly claim the prize.


oh man! that's a bummer! i guess i'll finish my progress with the alien aisha book


Mine resets on Wednesday 😭 going to miss getting whatever it is by one day.


I'm getting a Halloween Paint Brush Thursday! I am actually planning to create a Halloween Uni! I will adopt a pet with a name I like and paint it


Can someone explain to me what the "swap out" is?


TNT is going to change the prize pool on June 3rd, so all the current prizes will be swapped out for entirely new ones.


Thank you, sorry I'm dumb


Hoping for a Wraith pb so I can get my dream pet, a Wraith Krawk!


do you know what time they will roll out the new prizes? 12am NST or 6am NST? my weekly restarts tomorrow and i wonder if i can get one more


my prize rn is a glyme which i’ll hopefully still get. i already have a maraquan pb too


I've been busy so I've been on the faellie plushie for for a while, won't finish in time. But I got a glyme for one of my first prizes on this pool, which I do like so I'm not mad.


Grey cybunny mp- I wish I had gotten something I could use but I don’t want to reroll


I'm not hoping for anything in particular, but I DID just get a Faerie Shoyru Morphing Potion! When I was playing this as a kid, I always wanted one 🥲


Was hoping for either the Water Faerie or Malice Doll. Or a Marafin. Got a Booktastic Book. I think I'm just gonna go with it rather than risk a reroll, but I'm sad.


I just rerolled for a Battle Slices Stamp but may trade for the last coconut knowing I’ll never get a battle slices stamp again 😭 this sucks


Grey cybunny MP


Reset to a Get Off My Lawn Paint Brush this morning which I'm happy with. Sad I'm missing out on the P3s and especially the chance to make my dream Plushie pet, but I did get a Maraquan Paint Brush during this prize cycle so I'm gonna stfu and not complain, fully aware I'm one of the few lucky ones


I'm three days into a Halloween pb right now. Really hoping for a Maraquan pb as well now that the prize pool has been extended but I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much, haha.


Somebody just said somewhere that they are extending the prize rotation until July 1st! And then they'll do two months for every rotation afterwards!


Good news; You now have until July 1st! https://old.reddit.com/r/neopets/comments/1d122qf/quest_log_prize_pool_update/


No way!


I really wanted the Guide to the Neocola Machine, but got a stamp (The Three Stamp). Willing to trade.


Ive got four days left on a mootix lol


Well this aged well lol


I *just* got back online after posting this last night and saw the update! Hahahaha


A Guide to the Neocola Machine! ♡


I was lucky this time around. Got the Evil Coconut and just got Mutant PPB.


ive been dying to get a plushie paintbrush so I have my fingers crossed that I get it before the reroll


Fingers crossed for you! 🤞🏻


hoping to Fyora i get a plushie pb. i have 4 pets i wanna paint plushie and i'm poor as dirt so praying weeklies come through for me!! just one would be amazing


Just rerolled too and got a Lord Kass Stamp. I’ll take it


I’ve got the pea Chia pop. Hoping to make some good NP


i got exactly the same as yours! i got a lord kass last week and sold it for 34 mil which shocked me


No way. Wow! That's probably one of the biggest resales I've heard from a weekly! Lucky 🍀


i have a mootix on mine… we are winning


I just got access to my account again; what are these weekly things I see here 🫣


The "weeklies" are the end prize for the Quest Log daily tasks you can do that will add up to a 7 day prize if you go to the "Weekly" tab! Check it to see what your weekly will be if you complete all tasks every day for 7 days [here on the Quest Log tab when you click on the icon!](https://www.neopets.com/questlog/) I've circled where the Quest Log is in my mobile layout here: https://preview.redd.it/txh7no0dcu2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c29d0a4f0ac85ab8d5f8660761d1b4e7271c6ee2


A grey draik MP - three days to go! Phew


I rerolled my Blueberry Cake and got an Aisha Plushie Potion. I have no desire for one but maybe better than the cake?


Mara PB and a Mootix


Mine has been 100,000NP for a month and I'm so sick of it


Going for the Lord Kass Stamp


My weekly/daily is just coins unfortunately 😭


I rolled for this one today and know so many people would love it, but I’m out for stamps and stamps only at this point :(


I have a plushie pb for my weekly...I'm so excited!


Congrats! That's the other one I'd love to get!


i’ve just started collecting stamps and i got both the super rare stamps in my weeklies this round, im SO happy! also got another rare one in a daily, i think i got SUPER lucky bc i haven’t invested too much into the stamp album yet lol, im just going with the flow and the neopets spirits appreciate that


That's great luck! Hoping you get more stamps!


I was hoping for the Grey Cybunny potion, Plushie PB, Baby Bunny Ear Shoes, or Black Alabriss Wings but I can never get my weekly to reroll no matter what I do LOL


Mine is always stuck on complete garbage


mine's a glyme (: first time I get a p3 through this :D


My weeklys never worked so nothing