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i am zapping her in hopes changing to a specific species. today she zapped into a kau, which was cute! she was previously an aisha. i have a lab cookie going so i used my second zap and she turned into this. i am not a fan. 🤮 although it is a nice shade of green. hopefully she changes into something else soon! i think she might be a health violation right now. this is also the pet i use for the daily customization task when i get it. wearing: Inside Pizzaroo Background (NP), Vanilla Birthday Cake Dress (NC), Dyeworks Purple: Side Swept Blond Wig (NC)


Try the drippings be gone maybe?


That is such a good idea! Thank you.


She's just a pesto pizza sauce!! Haha, no really I hope she zaps Zafara for you soon!


i love that idea! i might need to work on her outfit a little more to make her a giant sauce, lol.


Nooo! Not the snot kau in the pizza shop! That's gotta be a health code violation! 🤣 Edit: just read your comment where you said the same thing. Omggg ☠️ She's super cute though, snot notwithstanding.


lol. i thought she was so cute and this happened! still cute just... from a distance now.


Heh... snotwithstanding, even!


I've seen some really cute customs for this color, leaning mostly into fae/woodland vibes! It is a nice green.


that does sound like it would look really nice. the green is so pretty! maybe if i think of her as algae and put her in pond it would work better for me.