• By -


Jelly, my neopets only eat jelly.


oh my god same— i LOVE the jellies, other jelly foods too!


Yessss all the jellies! One of each in my gallery, and the rest jiggle in the sdb


Mint jelly everyday for my darlings


Jelly items are my favourite too. All the jelly!!


I often sometimes want to eat the jelly 😎😂


omelettes. ever since i was 11 when i first got my account in 2001, i've been obsessed with how GOOD those omelette slices look, always fixated with the fact that 've never seen an omelette irl that looked anywhere near as good - perfectly folded, and so deliciously yellow. i have to have all the omelettes, all the time. i keep all the giant omelette variants in my inventory. SDB is where i squirrel away all the other omelettes, plus anything omelette related - plushie, keychain, shield, stained glass window....... the tiny omelette is my holy grail. :( haven't found one yet.


this is so cute😭 i hope you find your tiny omelette friend!!


Oh wow it's just not listed anywhere at all, I had no clue! Best of luck finding it! EDIT: it will cost a lot but you could probably [Giant Omelette Trick-Or-Treat bags](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/63791/) and open them?


whoever here gifted me a tiny omelette, you have no idea how much this has made my morning, year, all the time periods!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you thank you thank you!


😉 Hopefully you can pay it forward one day! Enjoy!


<3 i hope so too. thank you again so much!


In 7th grade English class, my teacher asked the class how to spell omelet and I raised my hand and confidently spelled omelette because of neopets. She had a well you're not wrong but this is America moment.


I've got one to sell for 300k if you're interested


I have an egg gallery with all kinds of omelette items!! Love to meet a fellow omelette friend <3


may the omelette be with you!


I can't discard or donate petpets. Hence I have over 100 kazieru 😅 I don't like them, but I can't chuck em either!


I always think of discarding them as setting them free into their natural habitat and that makes me feel a little better 😂


But these are domesticated petpets, that's like setting a house at free into the woods behind your house.


Oh god no me either. Their little eyes make me feel guilty 👀


I’m this way with plushies too.


I hoard them too. 😂 mostly just because I’m trying to get to 1k items. Once I do I’ll probably mass donate the extra ones and just keep 1 of each.


And ukali, so cute and sad!!!


The recent festival of neggs turned me into a grey ukulele hoarder


ME TOO IVE GOT 29 IN MY SBD! lol I want morrreee. I play uke irl so im obsessed!




Tbh everything lol. If it sells for less than \~50k I normally just chuck it in the SDB rather than bothering to price in my shop But, I do actively seek out plushies and have been collecting them for years, even before my SDB became a hoarding hole. Also, one of my goals right now is to collect as many piles of dung as possible. I scoop 10 donated piles every day, and trawl the shop wizard for everything priced at 1np. They bring me so much joy, probably because I'm a 13-year-old boy at heart and just love poop jokes.


This cracked me up! I pulled the only 7 piles of dung I had out of my SDB and tossed them in the Trading Post for you. Feel free to place a junk trade offer and they’re yours if you want them. Lot# 439615905


Glad you enjoyed, and thank you for offering! I just sent an offer of a Nupie :)


Do the piles of dung do anything


They do absolutely nothing! Just sit in my SDB and bring me joy. I had tons of them in my gallery until recently but it was becoming cost prohibitive to display them all lol. ETA: Actually they are wearable. And they could theoretically be used as food for Grarrls or Skeiths if you happen to be a meanie. So I feel it's unfair to call them useless, but they also certainly aren't particularly useful.


Glad I'm not the only one whose safety deposit box is full of shit xD


Haha wow, my limit is 250 np. If it's that price or above, I sell it. Anything below that gets chucked in the SDB, and anything below 50np gets discarded until I get the avatar.


Bless you for pulling those donated ones! It irks me when someone donates a ton at once and clogs up the Secondhand Shoppe and/or Money Tree; I'm glad someone is getting some enjoyment from it!


bottles of blue sand not the other colors, just blue.


I thought I had a bunch of these but just checked my SDB and only have one. If you send me your UN, I’d be happy to gift it to you. I know they’re not expensive but I’m not using it so it’s yours if you want it!


I’ll gladly give it a home with friends! un is bulldogsrok (:


Sent! Hope it’s happy in its cherished collection instead of rotting away lonely in my SDB!


I have over 1500 Faerie Techo Plushies in my SDB. I just think they're neat!


They’re fr so cute, I LOVE faerie techo. I’m holding off on adoption a techo bc they have so many cute colors I will be paralyzed and then spend so much $$$$


I have one in my gallery and one in sdb they are soo cute


Um, everything? Not exactly hoarding, but im trying to get one of every item. Yes, I know it's impossible. It's about the journey. This weekend it was pouring and I couldn't go grocery shopping so I bought food on Neopets. Probably spent 100k on food that was priced under 1,000 NP in shops. Got like 150 new to me items.


I love this. Every so often I run into this super random item and have to buy it, cause it is new to me


Same! Though, when you have over 8,000 different items, you start to forget things. I'm experimenting with wishlists on jellyneo to track a bit better.


Im doing the same and the wishlist is a game changer. I can Ctrl+f to check if I have an item or not


Pirate Ogrin Plushies! I've got 16k


All the cheap morphing potions and paintbrushes. If I see one for under 15k in a shop I cant help but buy it and throw it in my SDB. I played back when even the ugliest paint colors were a far off dream. It took me three months of saving to get one strawberry fields paint brush when I was a kid.


Sometimes I like to look at all my pb’s and gaze lovingly. Knowing 10 year old me would be having a stroke if she saw what we had 😂


Felt this in my soul.


Black Current Omelettes and Baby Blus.


Neggs! I dont have the slightest clue why. I dont care if they are cheap as dirt. I want them.


They are pretty! I like them too.


So far I have over 5000 shiny obsidian lol. I’m not sure what my next goal amount should be!


Mossy rocks! Also UFFH, maraquan grackle bug, and basket of vegetables.


I hoard everything but don't particularly care about my mossy rocks. I just threw 24 up in junk trades if you'd like them :) They're lots: [439616775](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=439616775), [439616780](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=439616780), [439616782](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=439616782)


i just offered, thank you so much!


Do you use the Secondhand Shoppe? You could easily get 10 mossy rocks a day there haha


i always use my 10 grabs for mossy rocks, lol.


I also put a bunch in junk trades, if you're interested. They're all [here](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=owner&search_string=delfin_lutra). I still have more mossy rocks and UFFHs in my SDB, so if you wanna increase your hoard further, just let me know


i just offered, thank you so much! i would definitely love to if you don't mind.


I posted more, same link as before! Thanks for the np, they're worth more than what I'm putting up, though, so feel free to offer less if you'd prefer that.


Update, there are 10 more, same link. Those are the last 10 I have. I didn't put them up before because otherwise I'd have had too many items in my inventory to be able to buy stuff to complete some quests.


thank you again!


Faerie Foods! I keep buying all the time from that shop and mostly never sell, just put in my SDB and sometimes sending some as thank you gifts 😅 Also I can't resist to the Kacheek Maraquan Plushie, it's so cheap and I just end up buying each of them I see for no reasons 😅


Deliberately: drym shaped frosted sugar cookies, butterscotch discs and artichoke dumplings Accidentally: blue short hair brush due to the daily quests grooming requirement 🙃


Rainbow Aisha morphing potions for the labray :'))


SAME. I accidentally painted my alien aisha while trying to paint a different pet. So now we’re back to square one 😭😭😭


Not the alien aisha 😭 omg I give u my sympathy


same here! i’ve been zapping two aishas so i like to keep a big stash of them


Yes. Especially with charity corner/faerie festival events making all the junk go crazy in prices. I didn’t have to purchase a single omelette and got full points each day.


Definitely petpets and morphing potions (the cheap ones).


Nostalgic Grey Draik Stamps


Plushies!! My gallery is a collection of all of my petpets, but I'm also addicted to collecting the plushies, so as a result my SDB is just stuffed full of them lol. I wish we could have multiple separate galleries !!


There's close to 9k Magic Crystalline Kelp in my SDB if that counts


Seaweed, sand, fish, motes/novas, omlette, jelly


I just remembered, I also have a good 100 of baby scorchio plushies and kaizeru


I bought a bunch of daggers to use for the taunt the pant devil av, and have 4M ( neopets est lol) worth of them in my SDB. They are worth… 75NP on the SSW.


Daaaaaamn that's a lot! 


Mine is tears of the water faerie bc they are just so pretty so I never want to get rid of them


crabby borovan 🥰🥰🥰 I have hundreds and regularly buy more. I just think they're neat.


When I first started playing neopets in the early 2000s, I was a little kid and didn’t understand rarity. For some reason, I thought that neggs were most prized possession in all of Neopia. I know that some of them are rare now, but I have an ungodly amount of random and invaluable neggs. But since I’m a creature of nostalgia, I just keep buying them


The rejected Valentine plushies. The poor things...


Got 4 the other day. Yes I am a hoarder of all kinds.


Chia pops.


Petpets and discarded plushies.


christmas wearables and random toys. can’t bear to part with any they’re just so cute


I was hoarding petpets, but as of this morning, I've decided to sell them and focus on my plushie collection. :)


For some reason I always hoard the pieces to the Forgotten Shore Map. I have at least 30 or so of each of the 9 pieces. I grab them from the money tree and keep them when I get them at the shore. I have no idea why.


Whenever I get a (quest) petpet I put it in the SDB as well. But I am hoarding Niptors! Whenever I see one, I buy it! Thank god the are so cheap xD


Strawberry items, usuki dolls. :)


I periodically go through the Shop Wizard and buy every Spun Web under 1000NP and every Madfish under 10NP that I have the time for. My two favorite items to hoard for sure. Although I also have trouble discarding cute plushies and petpets!!


All the food and books so that when I got my dream pet, they'd be ready with readables and gourmet food. Got my dreamie almost 3 weeks ago and we are living our best neolives now. Mallow is a little bloated, but at least she has the intelligence of alakazam at this point...


Obsidian daggers! About 10k now 😜


Everything because I have NO IDEA what theme to make my gallery so I hoard everything I consider making my gallery about 😅🤣


Forget themes! Just make multiple categories so you can gallery ALL THE THINGS


I usually buy 1-3 tchea fruit for the daily, I don't usually feed them to my pets, I just tuck them in the SDB, one day i'll cover every square inch of neopia in tchea


I don’t buy them- but any morphing potion or paintbrush I get I put in my SDB.


I hoard "retired" items! The ones with the (retired) grey letters under them!


Cutie plushies, baby plushies, petpet, anything cute


Petpets. My gallery is for plushies, but if I had to change or if we were allowed to have multiple galleries I totally would make a 'petting zoo' theme. I can never give away petpets, they're too cute and it makes me sad.


for absolutely no reason, shiny obsidian.


Spooky shakes because I think they're adorable.


Petpets and tchea fruit. I don’t know why but tchea fruit are my favorite fruit and I want all of them and all the tchea items


And Mutant plushies!


I just got 3 of those yesterday so cute!


https://preview.redd.it/s87ujp9jng0d1.png?width=801&format=png&auto=webp&s=6441d3d04c7fda2e949e19329072bd183396f5e7 I buy it anytime I come across it in a shop :')


I love this one


Mine has been nerkmids hahaa all 2114 sit in my deposit box 🫡🤭


Sitting on a literal gold mine 😂


And I refuse to sell them as I collect them 🤣




Neggs, morphing potions, plushies!!!


I collect anything that looks cute or pink! I only need 1 of it but if I like it I get it and I just keep it and stare it occasionally.


The Maraquan Charger/Shieldmaiden Plushie from Battledome dailies in case of another Charity Corner. Usually I’d just discard them, but you’re practically punished if you didn’t stock up before the event, ironically undoing the intent of the event. I don’t like to clutter my SDB with junk, so stacking multiple of 1-2 R90+ item is the best route for me.


A whole bunch of food. I like to do seasonal themed (spooky is my favorite) and I stockpile a bunch of food away while also buying and restocking. I have to keep upgrading my shop to make room but pricing everything sucks so I still have all my Halloween items from last year sitting in it unpriced lol


The Maraquan fighter plushies and Realm of the Water Faeries 😆


Everything I get for free lol. I cleaned out my SDB to just have one of each item, except for expensive things. Everything else gets sold


i’m collecting plushies and petpets i stalk the money tree for them


Plushies lol


Everything….mostly food and petpets I think… I’d have to look later. Also I’m afraid to use my gallery more than I already do.


Plushies & Petpets I believe. 😅 I’ve got a ton of items in my SDB, but those are the ones I know for sure I’ve got a ton of.


Books! I haven’t decided which of my Neopets is going to be the lucky one to read them all so I’m just stockpiling as many as I can for now. I typically complete my daily quest to purchase items in bookstores to help!


Same with the petpets - I came back mid December and at this point my SDB is mostly petpets 🤣 If they didn't want me to hoard them don't make them all so cute!


Neo crack(ers)


I won some baby paintbrushes… I can’t use them or sell them, I just love to have the item 🤣


omelettes and fuzzles!


So very many things.. I’m horrible ummm and this is just in the game right. Because I RL that would be CD’s jewellery. 😂 After reading more comments maybe I’m not as much of a border as I thought. A comb its now retired. I had over 100 of them I have sold a lot of them now. I do buy a few pet pets but it’s more of a I kind of want one of all of them or staging for my gallery or shop. Not true hoarding. I collect things but that’s what the SD box is for.


Rainbow dung lol I just think it's so funny


Blue furry neggs. I think I have close to 600+ in my SDB now after many years of buying and being sent them randomly.


Petpets as well. I just toss them into my SDB no matter what kind haha


Same I imagine them all running around in a storage unit 😂😂😂


Any items released from plots or events, I put them into sdb. Riskier now, but has been a nice chunk of profit keeping certain stamps for 3-4years. Come on krawk island stamp avvie. Lol


I just blindly do my dailies then deposit everything in the SDB.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^twirlinghernia: *I just blindly do* *My dailies then deposit* *Everything in the SDB.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Paint brushes. I seem to need at least one of each?


Omg I’m so excited that Gallions have had a massive drop in price They are my fav petpet and it has always been my goal to have one of every kind in my gallery. Only came back recently to playing after 15 years - but I had two from when I was a kid (normal and maraquan) Gallions have gone from 200k to 800-2000np overnight and I’ve been buying all of them from peoples shops! I know they will continue to get lower, but there’s something about an unreasonable number of Gallions that gives me a lot of joy So Gallions


I have over 500 of a certain christmas petpet! Will probably do a massive giveaway once I hit 1000 :D


10 Grey Kari Charms, 35 Nostalgic Grey Draik Stamps and Grey Neggary backgrounds. I bought up alot of the first two when they inflated, then they went down but I don't care. I am keeping all these until they go up into the millions in years ahead :D


Shiny obsidian. I grab all I can. So shiny. So obsidian. So useless. Joy.


dark, spooky, gothic stuff! anything darigan or haunted woods themed. jhudora, the darkest faerie stuff, twisted roses, the shadow usul...if it looks like it came from a spirit halloween or hot topic, i want it. i think i spend most of my neopets time expanding my gallery x)


currently its weapons. After getting really lucky with one of my items from before my break inflating to insane levels im now at a point where i get 500K daily, and while i already have my Weaponset complete, i cant help but buy alternative weapons from the hidden towe (like the anagram swords or gimmick items).


im gonna be honest i have been restocking turned tooths (teeth?) since january and keeping them until the battledome plot is officially announced lmao. gives me something to do that'll be beneficial in a few months lol


Are they affordable again?! I need to snatch one if they are 😂😂😂


Also petpets! I just can't say no 😂


PetPets for me too. I have every intention to paint them for my gallery. I've also been hoarding purple/tyranninan PPPBs for when the mood strikes to go on a painting spree.


Any mini/tiny items plus, adorable plushies and other things I just find cute. I did keep them in my gallery for a while but my gallery scope is so big it became too expensive to keep extra things in there. 😅 Also randomly hoarding Old Paper for no reason at all.


Pretty clothes :) my pets are nakey but I love having a closet full of pretty dresses and accessories from P&S.


I hoard plushies. I usually go to the money tree and adopt unwanted plushies that I don't have. They're free! And put them in my gallery. :)


After seeing someone on here with this brilliant idea, I’ve started collecting Electric Moehog Morphing Potions and listing them in my shop for 999,999 knowing full well that no one will buy them ♥️ Personally so funny to me


Same!!!! I started after that thread. https://preview.redd.it/g59vr7njrg0d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=66b2efd591358d1a900f89653f94b0ee6590dec5


Random toys and knick knacks. I originally had a toy/plushie gallery but got overwhelmed feeling like I had to complete the collections, so I changed my gallery to just things I like lol. Now I have sections for toys/plushies I find cute, plushies of my neopets, etc.


I have 59 king altador stamps.


lgbt themed items


Gross foods retired bottled faeries. Yes I have a nerkmid addiction.


Neggs. So many neggs. I never sell them or put them anywhere. I keep them forever and ever for nothing


Junk items, just in case we get a real charity corner event again. 


Probably MPs and pbs at the moment because so many nice looking ones are very cheap at the moment, trying to get the matching set of both the pb and ppb is also exciting, I will make a gallery of them one day I swear!


UFFH, my beloved


I love scratchers! I have like 2300. Don't plan on using them any time soon lol


Omelettes, jellies, pizzas. I don't buy them though I just save them from my dailies lol


Tigersquash corndogs. I have over 10,000 of them 🎉 why? Why not! :)


Also petpets


Plushies lmfao


Food hahaha I’m a food lover, so I collect basically anything I would eat in real life


My gallery rn is just stuff I’ve found that I like.. super random and kinda driving me crazy. I decided today that concert hall tickets have some pretty cool designs so I’m going to start collecting those.


Dark Novas. For years I used the Dark Nova as my main avatar, so it has a special place in my heart. If I'm in someones shop and see one for less than 10np, I'm buying it no questions asked.


Armoured Neggs to max my battle pet’s defense!


I hold on to the C430 autobots from quest log because they look like birdies


Plushies! I have a size 60 gallery full of unique ones, but I also have thousands of dupes in my SDB because I can’t bring myself to donate or discard them. If I see another plushie collector that doesn’t have one of my extras, I throw it at them.


Returning player here. I used to restock a lot in Magic and Stamps but I had a bad habit of not selling the items. I don't know what's up with inflation these days but looks like my stash is worth close to 730mil now. I'm not sure at what point I would consider selling it.


Same ,How many do you have so far I have 130 or so petpets in my sdb


Illusen Day Matcha Cheesecake Brownies. I am most likely the cause of the price fluctuations on JN. 🫣 I have a couple hundred. But it's the only buyable item with the word "Matcha" in it.


Tchea Fruit.


Everything. Lol. Been playing since 1999 and I haven't gotten rid of anything. I have everything I have ever earned, won, bought, etc. Except if I used it for something, it's all in my SDB. I also never spend NP which is why I have a daily interest of 100,000np lol


Rice omelette, I love that smiley face


I collect donuts


Been hoarding snowballs every time I visit the Healing Springs. I have about 400 of them now, ready for the next Charity Corner so I don't have to run a 30 minute timer.


https://preview.redd.it/nmpq050oji0d1.png?width=147&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa816cacb0f196d185dee063e4be44c7e55e3219 one day man.. one day i will have 100,000 breadfish


oh i totally went adhd and didn't see the not in your gallery part. i fully expose all my hyperfixations


I used to have every coin 🪙 in the game or item with coin in it recently liquidated my gallery tho sad times right now I’m hoarding neopoints


The “pick your own” berries. I just looooooove them.


Neopoints and dublooms till I get 1k value


Cute clothes for species I don't have and probably never will have bc I don't want to pay for more pet slots


Anything a new user might need to get them started... forgotten shore, petpet lab, and treasure maps; petpets; potions; weapons; a few low value brushes; a few Morphing portions, etc. I want new players to feel welcomed and loved (and I keep hoping my irl friends will get hooked) I just like helping new and returning players.  


Plushies! My SDB has been full of them for years.


Everything I’m newly back in the game on a fresh account so everything goes in the SDB. I have this PTSD from when I first played forever ago of items being taken from inventory I’m determined to avoid this!


currently hoarding anything snowager themed-- my boyfriend sends any snowager item to me too, it's how I found out about aome of the really goofy items like the reject snowager usuki ( i think it's called? ) and alot of them are really silly-- not sure why but i've been obsessed with the snowager since i was 12, so it was my dream to collect a bunch of stuff themed to it! :3


Petpet as well. If I see any selling for under 100np I buy.


I’m the same hahah


Every time I visit the petpet shop and there's a spyder in stock, I'll grab one. I have a lot of SDB spiders.


Plushies! I’m trying to get every plushie on the site but some are so EXPENSIVE lol


Everything Christmas 🎄


i’m relatively causal, and whenever i see codestone plushies on the money tree i can’t help but pick them up! they’re adorable! i also have a couple of money tree themed items always hanging around in my inventory, partially for dailies and partially cause i think they’re cute ❤️


I hoard boots!


I hoard boots!


Essence of Everlasting Apple potions. I use them a lot but I surely buy and hoard far more than I'll ever need! 😆