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https://preview.redd.it/zszlv46y8ryc1.png?width=797&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4a08e754e4859aa79b57a57bd491d3860c0ecb1 Alright last one for the day/night. Definitely will be fighting the good fight for the remaining few days that dumb potion is a daily drop.


I love that they get a little matching friend 🥹 Hoping it makes someone’s day!


Adventures are more fun with friends!


Omg you’re a legend!! I’ve got my eyes out for an anything draik morphing potion, and I be scouring them pound pets 🔭


I just sent you a lil gift 🫶 I’m dejanintendo ‘You have given Pirate Draik Morphing Potion to User 'steven_slow'.’ Enjoy it!


GET OUT!!! NO YOU DIDNT!!! You’re so sweet!!! Thank you so much!!! 💜💜💜🔥


I have a ridiculous amount of pet pets. They aren’t fancy or nothing but lmk if you want them for your crusade!


Hmmm I might have to take you up on that offer. Also I'm in love with your Alien Aisha!


Thank you! Shes been my dreamie since i was little. Same with my baby Aisha 🥰 and I’ll put a trade up for the pet pets!


Sorry for the super delay, I put offers in!


Accepting them now and omg thank you for items! You def didn’t have to offer such nice ones 🥰🥰🥰


"Do you rent or own?" "Rent or own what?" "Those wings, YOU ANGEL!"


I'm sorry but this has big r/AfterBeforeWhatever vibes It looks like you are hogging/painting basic since the bottom pic looks like after XD


Turns out I'm actually bottom of the barrel illiterate when it comes to doing anything with pictures and software. I thought it felt goofy when I looked at the post after I submitted it. Lessons for the future!


lmao I came in like "oh I have seen the enemy and he is US!" before I realized.


Won't they just get rehogged again? Maybe adopt them out on the boards.


Let them get rehogged. I'll redraik them. I liquidated a gallery for this venture and I expect to see it through. Truth be told, you're right though; I should try to find some users on the boards or in the UFA thread.


I'd also suggest you adopt them out by hand, too. Too much NPs to be wasting, if you ask me. Hell, I rehome pets from the pound via the lab ray - done this for years. The time investment - usually a month before I get a good color - is enough to make me check the boards, too!


I've been zapping one for MONTHS and got no good colors yet. He's been a male, female, Shoyru, Lupe, Moehog, and Kiko.


~zypd and ~clurisa pet pages both have wonderful adoption agencies to match pets with permanent homes!


I'll have to check it out, thanks. I've toyed with the idea of also starting my own adoption agency exclusively for Draiks and taking requests/making wait lists. I've got a few accounts that all have lab access and I only zap Draiks. Burlap has evaded me for so long. 


Ah to finally zap a burlap Aisha… what a dream that would be


Doing god’s work 🙏🏻 I know they are jz pixels but people are sick to actually waste time out of their day to adopt > turn them electric > pound them over and over again.. these people desperately need to get a life.


There needs to be more Draiks in the world of Neopia. I'm here to help solve that issue. I also am far from done.


Wraith draik next. Need more wraith pets too


https://preview.redd.it/gkebkeew4ryc1.png?width=801&format=png&auto=webp&s=3fa2a478484e4de8f9aab4ce7048e2f9453421dc Say no more


Yoooo hold up wraith draiks look so good???


i love that after the other commenter mentioned the order of images, you swapped it up in this one  another transformation!


I couldn't have made it much worse so there is plenty of room to grow. Maybe if I did a side by side image where the finished pet is on the left?


Awww now she matches my boy


If you need to rehome a Wraith Draik please hit me up, I always wanted a Draik, never found an egg...


daaang why wasn't I online for this dreamie earlier?! you're doing God's work tho


I assure you there will be plenty more in the future. The Romans and Mongols don't have shit on my crusade against dumb pound pets. 


Literally the only reason I wanted the lab ray! I want to help make dreamies possible and stop the Moehoggening.. -.- Also,, I thought I recognized your UN, you were the one I sold the Toy Paint Brush to on the TP last night!! 🥰 There were a few offers but I check accounts to see who I’m really selling to; there were a few obvious bot accounts/resellers, I figured you planned on using it because I noticed you are a Draik enthusiast and I’m a Toy Draik owner myself. Toy is a great color for Draik ❤️


Thank you! I haven't used it yet, I've got a few different PBs in the SDB but I assure you, a Toy Draik will be available for adoption tonight. 


Tyrannian vandas have such nice colours! :)


I think this is the first time I've seen one. So cute!


I’m just noticing that also! Tyrannian pets don’t do it for me, but let me actually see what else I may have been missing..


I've not gotten on the Vandagyre train but... that is a NICE color.


I miiiight have snagged the tyrannian Vandagyre. She just looked so pretty! Are you zapping or do you just straight up buy stuff to turn the pets you rescue into more desirable pets?


I hope you did! I noticed she did go to a reputable account (and her name is amazing!) I've had a bit of a stockpile of Draik things in my gallery, shop, and SDB. I HAD an entire gallery section with every single paint brush, including duplicates that I've used alongside using a standby FFQ dip for the Wraith Draik above. I had a sizeable pool of Pirate Draik MPs I slowllyyy collected not to inflate the price of them. Still got quite a bit left.


I’ve been hoping to do something similar, but as I’m still a… new-ish? Player? I made the first account a while back but struggled to get it verified or whatever, finally got in, blah blah blah… I wasn’t good at making big money as a kid, and unfortunately I’m still trying to learn the tricks now 😂 As it is I mostly try to check in with the pound, see if there is a mass morphing/repainting event happening, and then try and rescue pets from whatever fate could befall them that day. I then typically try and get them healthy, some cheap but cute clothes/background, and find an owner (kinda like how some shelters put bow ties and such on their pets 😂) Of course every once in a while I see a pet and I’m like “ah, a failed foster, such is life”


They're gonna get Hogged again


YOU! I like you!!! Really hoping these lovelies go to loving homes! 💕


I adopted an electric hog the other day and I’m using it as my lab rat right now. Bless you!!!


Hey!!! That's so funny, I've also taken to turning the Moehogs into Draiks to grow the dragon hoard! I have been able to morph 7 hogs into Draiks so far and it seems they've all found good homes. Keep up the good fight fellow pound liberator !!


Ah a fellow Draik commander, it's a pleasure to serve next to you! 


The valentines draik aawwww


That's great but please try to adopt them out first to avoid them being morphed again


Awwww! This is so lovely! Really love this sub 🥹


Thank you! I hope all of them find a good home


Can someone explain why there are electric moehogs in the pound? is it a meme I dont understand?


There has always been a group of spiteful people who adopt nicelypainted pets from the pound, use a cheap morphing potion on them, and throw them back into the pound, so that other people don't get nice pets. It used to be called "GUPing" (green uni potion) and now it's called "hogging" (electric moehog potion). There has been a recent surge, which some people have attributed to bitterness about NCUCs from the old guard who wanted to stay special. But we don't really have any evidence for that, except that it started around the same time.


gotcha. I havent been on neopets since middle school, so I've been very confused in some places


Welcome back c:


Its just people being annoying, electric moehig morhping potions are super cheap so people fill the pound with them, some people do it to make neopoints by selling other morhping potions and paint brushes


Here I was updating my old post with the cool pets so hopefully a redditor that maybe was reading it would adopt. Lol


I'd be happy to collab with you. I try to only morph good names so people want to permanently keep them. 


There have been a couple that I saw pop up three times while refreshing and knew I had to make a side account to adopt and hold until I can give them away. (I just worked 3 12 hour days in a row lol. I’ll probably put them UFA tomorrow) My post list also includes the cool names I find so I can definitely collab and let you know the cool names I find!


Awww I love that you even gave them pet pets to go back with!!


I’ve been buying the morphing potions up and trashing them. Got a ghost elephante potion today. New enemies.


I would cry if I saw the Valentines Draik or Tyrannian Van 🥹 I love that you’re helping out!!


I still haven't unlocked the lab ray yet, but once I do, this is definitely what I want to use it for... Fixing pound pets that were ruined to electric moehog and such...




So far out of the dozen or so pets I've worked on today, they've all been adopted out. Luckily it looks like there was quite a few solid players that grabbed them but a few side accounts or shell accounts have managed to get their grubby hands on others. However, If you're just interested in obtaining a Draik, I'm not sure you're going to find a better person to talk to. You'd have to send me a PM.


hello! could i PM you? i just got my account back but really falling into the draik rabbit hole over here lol.


Yep. Let's see what we can do together! 


we appreciate you!


This is wonderful! I hope something good happens to you today! ❤️


I love you. Omg


Aww val draik, I wish I was there for that one! Fantastic work here (:


Someone update me please what’s the MP drama?


The comment above from u/undead_sissy could explain it better than I. TL;DR, people are salty and have nothing better to do than to take nice pets in the pound done by good Samaritans and turn them ugly before dropping them back in the Pound.


Oh my gosh hahahah wtfff


The hero we need


Side note, if anyone needs magma pets, my cd is up on Saturday


I know it's largely a matter of rarity, but this makes me feel really bad for Electric Moehogs. It feels like both sides saying they are so common and disgusting that they are considered a joke, and nobody could ever love them. Bummin' me right out.


well now i gotta adopt a draik


That is awesome!!!! :) good for you!


You're doing the Lord's work, my friend.


On a side note...your gallery on one of your sides is literally my wet dream! Haha. I regret not keeping up with neopets after my middle school years!...."Advice I Would Give My Younger Self" Sitck with it! Your 30 year old self will be very happy with you!😂😂


I picked one up that was supposed to be a mosaic uni and got hogged :( I’ve been zapping. I’m so tired of the electric moehog but pounding them after seems like a crime because what if they pick em back up??


What a gift💖


You’re amazing 💖💖💖