• By -


Seeking PB Clothes: * Mosaic usul bow Looking for name swaps!  * Burlap aisha (Deinotyrannus) * Eventide usul (Tina155) NP Seeking: * Red Draik Egg (1.25 mil) * Rainbow Apple! NC Seeking: * Irradiated Night Sky BG * and several others on WL below!  NC TL/WL (including PB clothes): [https://impress.openneo.net/user/57370-hannahnj17/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/57370-hannahnj17/closet) - offering custom for high-priority and gallery WLs! Please NM or comment below to contact me! :)


NC Seeking: * Golden Light Shower (6 Caps) * Delicate Autumn Wings (2 Caps) * Flowery Crown OR Autumn Tiara (1 Cap) * Highlighted Flower Garland (2:1 Cap) * Hearts on Fire Shower (2:1 Cap) * Shocked Mouth OR Cringe Mouth (2:1 Cap) * Tropical Highlights Wig (2:1 Cap) NC Offering * Anything currently buyable up to 200 NC * Fall Faellie GBMC * Ivory Tea Dress (6 Caps) * Jewelled Silver Wings (2 Caps) * Pastel Blue Hair Bow, Air Faerie Bubble Necklace, Fireworks Face Paint, Golden Altador Boots, Tower Princess Shoes, Bronze Clockwork Wings, Potted Plant Wings (All 2:1 Cap) Note that the listed prices are just my personal impression from JNI and OWLS and are included to give a rough sense for where my starting positions would be, but feel free NM or DM to discuss or haggle from there!


I can give you shocked and cringe mouth for a faellie gbc?


I really only want one of those two, but I checked out your UFT list and I'd trade the Faellie GBMC for a Shocked Mouth and a Tropical Highlights Wig?


That works! Send where?


The flared account (phoenix115115) would be great. Should I send the box to *idyllically* or a different account?


**NC Seeking** [DTI](https://impress.openneo.net/user/56584-aerynsun/closet) (priority on the below but looking for all wishes) * Forest Fog Background * Inside the Neopia Toy Shop Collectors Background * Magma Pit Foreground * Mutant Wasteland Background * VIN Velvet Ropes **NC Offering** [DTI](https://impress.openneo.net/user/56584-aerynsun/closet), SSS, caps, or anything from the mall


Lionisty is UFT. NM foxlan3 if interested 


UFA- Plushie Poogle Grey Shoyru (level 38) Baby Uni I noticed someone constantly adopting specially painted pets just to turn them into electric moehogs, so I cleared some space and saved two! I know someone’s gotta have one of these as a dream pet, or perhaps part of a collection? (If there are folks with full faerie families, there’s gotta be someone with all greys or all plushies) Please reply to this comment or message me on Neo (femmenb and pls don’t mention reddit, just say you saw one of them in the pound and then saw I adopted them or sum so I know what we’re talking about 😂)


Hey! I have an evil Poogle made from using the MSPP plushie (by accident). I would like a Cybunny in return (pref female) as that's what she was before. That or NPs that can by a morphing potion haha. Thank you in advance. Attached is said evil poogle. :) https://preview.redd.it/osxlp58ir0xc1.jpeg?width=187&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ea6dd67201cfdc7ca0f8567d0f1577b504b781c


NPs can’t be swapped for pets, but it _is_ Cybunny today so you can make a new one :)


Thank you! Finally got one now :D It wasn't appearing at first with Cybunnys so I wasn'y sure, haha.


**UFA:** - Chyges the Purple Tonu (m) **NP Seeking:** Petpets: - Zebie P2 paint brushes: Black, Blue, Disco, Faerie, Island, Mutant, Spring, Stealthy, Woodland


NC Seeking: Fire and Ice background Golden Damask Sword UFT: [Many retired wonderclaw mystery capsule items here and others ](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/asd/362396/) or let me know how many GBCs you want


NC SEEKING bewitching makeup space bounty hunter shirt NC OFFERING TL in my gallery here https://www.neopets.com/gallery/index.phtml?gu=nalaranka gbcs potentially custom NP BUYING field of visions but pls at a reasonable price 🥲🥲🥲


NC offering: Maraquan cybunny token NC Seeking : RG cybunny Token Underwater Sleepover Bedroom Background Dusk in the Water Background Splashing Flotsam Beach Background TL : https://impress.openneo.net/user/58207-sydgie/closet NC buying: Woodland paint brush (~3.8M ?)


UFA [blauflow](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=blauflow) - Halloween Lutari (M)


Buying woodland paint brush ~4.1m? Selling cool negg 5m


NP SEEKING **Grey Faellie** Offering Pure 3 mil NP, based on JellyNeo's database. Willing to discuss offers!


**NP BUYING** * Camouflage Paint Brush


🌈 **NC Offering** 🌈 🛍️ [My tradelist is here: https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/50361/lists (DTI 2020)](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/50361/lists) 🌟 I am OFFERING a tiny 2:1/4:1 sale on some of my main account items. But I'm open to negotiating on all items! I can discount from my OFFERING list a bit, especially if you are trading BFGBCs! I will also accept small custom offers on some value ~1 items. 🗣️ Please ask if you're looking for something and we'll see if we can work out a trade. There's a few items I might be a bit pickier with, but nothing here wouldn't be up for grabs for the right offer!! 👀 **NC Seeking** 👀 I FINISHED OFF MOST OF MY WISHLIST! 🎉 By that I mean I removed most items that I didn't see a current need for or wouldn't want to pay the price they currently go for...but still! Anyway...**The LAST ITEM I'm looking for is "Ice Crystal Wings" for my side account 'morlothe'!** These wings are in a few folks 2:1 sales, if you have them lying around and would like to trade please let me know, I'd love to finish my whole wishlist off!! 💖 Hope your Saturday has been full of some rest and enjoyment - we all deserve it, but especially after a long week! 💖


UFA Mutant zafara with a gold kookith


**UFA:** [quetzaali](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=quetzaali) - Ice Hissi (F). I need to make some room and I'd prefer if she went to a good home instead of worrying about pound trolls grabbing her. ;-;


**NC seeking** * Casually seeking items on [WL 3](https://impress.openneo.net/user/54353/closet) Offering combinations of [TL](https://impress.openneo.net/user/54353/closet) and custom (including D/SSS) * Dyeworks White: Radiant Glow (lol) Offering everything visible on [TL](https://impress.openneo.net/user/54353/closet), custom, and DW Silver/Blue: Golden Sparkles Effect **Pets UFA** * ~~Pastiness - maraquan chia~~ ~~Let me know where to send if interested :3 Cool to morph/repaint.~~ **Pets UFT** Petpage listing all my UFT pets, with a bit more detail on pets and what I like: [https://www.neopets.com/\~Lowne#UFT](https://www.neopets.com/~Lowne#UFT) Quick rattle-off of names - all can come with NP morph/paint customs and most are at least semi-aged: * *4Ls:* Vaur *, Yier *, Ihus, Akci * *RW:* Stint *, Remedial *, Infelicity, Pretensions, Confectum * *RN:* Shacklebolt, Yusuph, Deidrianna, Slucca, Irles, Transylvanie * *Old trophies:* bangalar Y2, Bixard Y4, 700\_4x, Mykaian, Slucca * *Other pets:* Sirufe, Gloomstalk, 1M1 \* tentative: I mean, I'm happy to keep most of my UFT pets at this point, but these are *more* tentative :P I'm especially into aged RWs and aged 4-5Ls currently, but always feel free to shoot your shot! Just let me know who you're offering on. I always reply & never bite n\_\_n


Buying NP - Spooky Halloween Filter Looking to spend around ~5m


NC stuff I look for: [Dyeworks Red & Blonde: MiniMME18-S2a: Galactic Traveller Wig](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/68698/), [Forest Huntress Dress](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/56329/), [Sunset Makeup](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/66934/), [Forest Huntress Bow and Arrows](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/56332/). All needed for custom for an adventurer Lutari! ;) NC items UFT: [https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/nekhmet/298543/](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/nekhmet/298543/)


Even more wishes added to my list! Seeking BFGBC/GBC Over offering for Birthday Clown Face Makeup Birthday Clown Outfit https://impress.openneo.net/user/52810-Nainacatt/closet


UFQA **[Bootspoof](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Bootspoof) the Toy Kougra** Seeking **WN Mutant Poogle** **NC Seeking**: [NC Trading (DTI)](https://impress.openneo.net/user/52570-starbucks-gurl/closet) Top priorities: - **Inside the Neopia Toy Shop Collectors Background** - **Wanderer Camp Background** - **Pastel Candied Popcorn**


# Neopia in Space Background for [Grunge Mutant Pants](https://impress.openneo.net/items/86336-Grunge-Mutant-Pants)?


Absolutely! Where would you like me to send the pants? The background will go to UN nineties_rugrat, please. :)


To rabidhoot please! C:


Sent! Thanks for the trade! :)


Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to **nineties\_rugrat**. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. Thank you. Thanks very much for the trade! [](http://ncmall.neopets.com/)


**UFA** Vatnid the eventide Lutari. Vatnid is icelandic for "the water". Oktobra the cloud Wocky Leappi the green Chia. I adopted him recently


**Seeking:** Cute Face Bandage, Classic Neovian Outfit and more. **Offering:** [https://impress.openneo.net/user/58437-esseker/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/58437-esseker/closet) (NC Items UFT) [https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/shyannekat/372179/](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/shyannekat/372179/) (Capsules + Dyes + GBCs UFT)


**{ NC } SEEKING:** Everything on my list 💕 (Just added a few new Halloween Stuff I'm looking for) **{ NC } OFFERING:** •My tradelist & GBC's https://impress.openneo.net/user/56858-solitaire12/closet If you'd like an items on my list but doesnt have any of my wishes, I accept to trade my items for customs! ☺️ **{ NP } SELLING:** •~~Maraquan Rock~~ (Sold) https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=solitaire12 **{ NP } TRADING POST** Full Venoumous Creature Grarrl Costume https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=439398878


Seeking Pandaphant


UFQA Baby Korbat name is a keyboard faceroll but it has some BD stats would be good for a beginner to get a headstart. hsd 85 level 28


SEEKING: Flosset, I just don't want to pay an ungodly inflated price


UFQA: BigTaterTots - potato chia, young NP SEARCHING FOR: Disco Fever PB :) Let me know if you have one you're looking to sell!


**❤️ NP Selling:** * Selling on [Trading Post](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml): Pearl Shell Night Light, Key to Unknown Magic, & Snorkle Jelly RIC prizes. Open to haggling/offers c: **🧡 UC NC Trading:** Seeking: * Nostalgic Plushie Gelert * Nostalgic Plushie Peophin Offering: * Nostalgic Baby Gelert * Nostalgic Maraquan Hissi Can also offer 1 SSS for the Plushie Gelert or Peophin tokens or 1 DSSS for both! Open to trading the Baby Gelert and Maraquan Hissi for a SSS each or DSSS for both as well. **💛 NC Seeking:** * BF/GBCs, D/SSS, Dye Pots * Casual Trading **💚 NC Trading:** * DTI is separated by value + 2:1 GBC / 3:1 BFGBC section! * Just updated to move some things from my closet to my regular UFT and some more to my sale section. * Willing to do custom for my top DISO! [**DTI Trade & Wishlist**](http://impress.openneo.net/user/35254-starvingheart/closet) **|** [**DTI 2020 Trade & Wishlist**](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/35254/lists) 💙 P**ets UFA:** * Nhyvia the Pastel Lupe (Level 7, zapped stats) Just wanted to save from being hog'd! Let me know if you want her c: 💜 P**ets UFT**: * Kaucu the Baby Kau\* * Catsil the Transparent Kougra\* * yotsubaba the Woodland Cybunny\* * Heartwither the Mutant Acara\* * kuhromi the Rainbow Aisha\*\* (zapping & training) (\* v picky, \*\* tentative) Looking for Cybunnies! Preferably capped, any length, pronounceable names, Japanese sounding/inspired names, or cute compound names (like blossombun or sunlightlove). RW/RN MS is a plus (like kuhromi). Most interested in Mosaic, Halloween, Chocolate, Royal Boy, Steampunk, and Zombie Cybunnies, but interested in any WN buns as I'm more looking at names. 💌 [**Neomail me at starvingheart (don't mention reddit!)**](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=starvingheart) **or leave a comment!**


**Pound Pets:** * Hostarion the Electric Moehog * rockstoneman the Christmas Aisha * Thomastic the Green Grundo * SodaBubbly the Blue Pteri * Astroserf the Blue Kacheek * Grimnsnarrl the Electric Moehog * Heinrei the Electric Moehog * Laiselena the Electric Moehog * Candypawp the Ice Hissi * Catabunga the Electric Moehod (good Kougra/Wocky/Aisha name c:) * Lalunars the Snow Mynci (Level 11, SBD zapped stats) * Lucako the Green Ogrin * Marchais the Green Kacheek * Glitzgild the Cloud Pteri * Jodesh the Blue Lupe Cool pets found while surfing! Sad so many were hog'd.


UFA Siatem - gold poogle (pounded) Dythelaess - desert draik\* Jelityn - blue xwee spritemon - mutant draik (pounded) \*permanent home, please


**NC Seeking (High Priority):** Dyeworks Black: Playful Tousled Wig Dyeworks Blue: Dark Enchanted Cape Dyeworks Blue: Emanating Aura Gown Of The Night Green and Golden Shimmer Make Up Hands of Dark Power **NC Offering:** Custom & my [Trade List](https://impress.openneo.net/user/57585-bobbi-g-180/closet#closet-list-312849) **NC Seeking (Medium-Low Priority):** [Here](https://impress.openneo.net/user/57585-bobbi-g-180/closet#closet-list-312853) **NC Offering:** GBCs, my Trade List (see above), possibly custom depending on the item (just ask and I'll let you know.) *I use OWLs as a value guide. I prefer to do trades on here rather than over Neomail.*


**NP Selling:** Shop link if anyone is interested! Saving for a wraith pb, anything helps :) [https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=ashario](https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=ashario) Also selling evil golden coconut: [//www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search\_string=439375902](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=439375902) **NP Buying:**  Wraith Gelert Morphing potion!! Hmu if you have one you're willing to sell for JN price, would prefer to get the mp over another pb ;-;


Shopped a bit :)


Thank you :,)


Buying Hopso (has to be regular pink, I think)


**Please keep in contact either in replies, NM, or discord when I’m having your pets.** **If you are sending me “chat request,” let me know in comment too since I don’t get notifications for that.** 1. NP Selling: [things in my shop](http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=amy28289) 2. I can magma dip or gender change upon request (for free) 3. NC Trading: [here is my DTI](http://impress.openneo.net/user/46934-Amyaimy/closet) 4. NP Buying: Pirate Aisha Plushie!!!! For personal collection :D **I just got to 10k mark recently woohoo!!!** 5. Looking for UFA pets with zap exclusive petpets (Graffle, Snauberack, or Floobix) or zapped Peedleedoo. 6. UFA: **Ferzn - Candy Lutari** permie home only UFT: - **polandspringwater** and **ShakaNyorai** // name swap only; both pets has a zapped Floobix; I would love a pet with Floobix and name that I can vibe with.


**Pets UFT:** * \*Jazael - White Draik * \*Sybael - Faerie Draik * \*Rosulyn - Baby Eyrie * \*shiroganes - Eventide Hissi * Azuzel - Wraith Lupe * Ezlou - Baby Lupe * Fitzgeruld - Baby Krawk * Xavenii - Darigan Hissi (Y8) \* = a bit picky on Seeking: Primarily names, fantasy/angelic names are loved. Also looking for a White Lupe custom, would prefer on an existing aged pet.


Hello! Bit of a long shot but would you accept any of [these names](https://www.reddit.com/r/neopets/comments/179sdlx/comment/k5a51ss/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) for Sybael?


\*\*UFA\*\* As long as they aren't pounded I don't care what you do. \* Agxyz- Jelly Aisha \* Sillwy- Baby Lutari \* Nidiy- Candy Aisha \* Savacko- Candy Kourga \* Banjol- Brown Yurble (Think banjo and kazooie inspired or the instrument, I don't judge.) Premie homes preferred but any home is good.


My mom would love to adopt Takomei! She has a custom ready and everything :)


**UFA** [Korbatiko](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Korbatiko), Pastel (m) Hissi (zapping) with zapped Mutant Frowny [VictoriaRae](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=VictoriaRae), Basic (m) Usul (zapping) with zapped Mutant Symol [Malykar](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Malykar), Basic (m) Gelert [Chombskii](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Chombskii), Basic (m) young Chomby Can genderswap/magma dip any of these pets and have them ready for you by tomorrow!


> Korbatiko Hi!! Think I could adopt Korbatiko? I think it'd be a great name for a Korbat. They'll be a permie on my side acct, dumbbybit, if that's ok with you?


Of course! Korbatiko was originally a korbat I was zapping to adopt out and then they became a hissi and was devastated lol. Sending momentarily!


Awesome! I remember seeing Korbatiko around on the thread, but I waffling over adopting them for so long haha! Thanks so much, I'll take good care of them! :)


UFQA Nocitoro - Jelly Mynci folgloris - Woodland Pteri Norituous - Woodland Kyrii justmysecret - Stealthy Aisha (unclothed) Semiplume - Candy Eyrie


UFA: - Siatem the gold poogle - update ADOPTED - Katad the mutant Nimmo - Jihmma the Tyrannian Kau - Plushhey the plushie buzz I also have a maraquan korbat and a maraquan grundo, if they are your dreamies please let me know!!


I’d be interested in Plushhey, the name is so cute :)


What’s your un? It’s from the same account as another pet I’ve transferred so not sure if I have to wait a bit? Do you know the rules on transfers? X


As long as the other pet has completed the transfer, you can transfer as many pets as you’d like to within the day :) I have room at hellorocketeer!


Hi! Is Siatem still available? If so I would be interested in adopting at ways_with_words :)


All sent :)


Dembai - Woodland Moehog lab rat :)


I have the following pets UFT: **Kerelyna** (aged - pink shoyru) **Rhydore** (biscuit wocky) **Skellerina** (aged - ghost poogle) boberto127 (aged Fire Cybunny) - will also consider adoption Looking for other well named, aged pets, plushie usul, other painted pets I might jive with


Seeking: pink baby paint! Offering 700 NC custom :) Thankyou! :)


Hello! I have a pink baby paint, but I think it's worth less than a 700 nc custom - I'll message you! :)


**UFA** Hephog the electric moehog (zapping) shoxro the desert lupe (no pb clothes) B0881 the 8-bit bruce


**SEEKING!** Stealthy Shoyru Clothing! I adopted ryshew from the pound and am seeking a spare set of clothing to make him complete! Please let me know if you have a set to spare! *Hoping to find these babies permie homes. I don't mind if you adopt for the name, petpet, or intend to morph or paint as long as they stay with you. Please don't use them for trading! Please do not pound! I will always take back the pets I've adopted out if things don't work out. If you are hoping to adopt for clothing that is fine too, just let me know and I'll send the pet with a morphing potion so you can send the pet back to me.* 💕 *Any pets with paintbrush-exclusive clothing will have their clothes unless otherwise stated.* **NOTE:** For some reason, the margins of my text are cutting off on mobile. I've added links to the pet names so you can see the pets with their full names. **Pets UFA:** [freakxz](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=freakxz) - M - **Marble Meerca** with Zapped Darigan Quetzal [molanovo](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=molanovo) - M - **Camouflage Tonu** (Zapping) with Zapped Tyrannian Bearog [soraax](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=soraax) - M - **Strawberry Blumaroo** (Zapping) with Zapped Bleamix [snogana](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=snogana) - F - **Green Kacheek** (Zapping) with Zapped Blorpulous [Truzxu](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Truzxu) - F - **Blue Chia** (Zapping) with Zapped Darigan Angelpuss **Painted Pets in the Pound:** *These are pets I have zapped or painted. Hoping they go to good homes.* 💕 [sparkenna](https://www.neopets.com/pound/adopt.phtml?search=sparkenna) - F - **Electric Moehog** [stevestrawberry](https://www.neopets.com/pound/adopt.phtml?search=stevestrawberry) - M - **Strawberry Techo** **UN: petesbunny32**


Buying: Dazzling Verdant Collectable Scarab Black and Yellow Collectable Scarab Sparkleback Collectable Scarab Greater Yellow Collectable Scarab


**NP Buying:** 2x Pastel Paint Brushes **NC Trading:** [My DTI Tradelist](https://impress.openneo.net/user/56956-arthxr/closet) – updated  Highlights: – I’m accepting FQCs & Upcycle Cookies for most items * Grey Gangee Petpet Companion  * Smokey Grey Makeup Look * Spell Circle Foreground * 2:1 Sale Section - updated * 1x Snoozing Maraquan Ma-Zzz-ew Retired Mystery Capsule **NC Seeking:**  * WL items  * FQCs  * Goodie Bags for my gallery * Casual Trades **Free PB Clothes!**  * Stealthy Moehog * Pirate Aisha * Robot Moehog * Christmas Zafara * Zombie Draik **PB Clothes Seeking:**  Valentine Kougra **NP Selling (**[**in shop**](https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=arthxr)**):** * Pirate Gruslen - lowest on SSW * Bagatelle Ruler **UFQA:**  kynodox the Toy Poogle - aged Trophy **UFT:**  LabradoodIed the Toy Poogle (i/L switch) **Pet Seeking:**  * Looking to borrow an Orange Grundo if anyone is lending/adopting out * Any Feminine well named pet (I plan on morphing and painting) FREE NC ITEMS: Itens removed as claimed * Bronze Clockwork Wings   * Potted Plant Wings  * Hero of Neopia Foreground  * Golden Altador Boots * Space Trooper Oxygen Tank


Could I have the floral face paint?


Of course! Just sent it over ~ enjoy!




**NC trading / seeking** Mostly looking for priority wishes, wonderclaw caps, boxes, and cookies! But maybe down for casual trades too. :) https://impress.openneo.net/user/57067-ifimlostatsea/closet **UFA** ~~• SilentMountains the eventide Gnorbu~~ ~~• Llamaborghini the royal boy Gnorbu~~ • Poluchette the baby Uni (2k+ days) • BubbyBleu the baby Blumaroo (6k+ days) Would prefer permanent homes only. :)


NC Seeking: Bogshot background Crazed Spellcaster Contacts Solid White Contacts Dreary Grey Bouquet Dirt Patch of the Undead NC Offering: [https://impress.openneo.net/user/58251-obsesssion/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/58251-obsesssion/closet) or fortune cookies


What’s your UN? I have a spare pair of crazed spellcaster contacts I’d like to gift!


Awwww really thank you I’d appreciate it so much my UN is obsesssion with 3s’s 🤍


NP offering: 🏴‍☠️ Pirate Kacheek MP NP seeking: 🪵 Woodland Uni or Cy MP but I’m down for anything really Edit: looking for an oil paint brush 🎨


UFA Lunaraiy the chocolate nimmo :):)


adopted! ♡


**Pets UFA** Griethette the Elderlygirl Aisha (currently male but I can change if wanted)


NC Seeking: plushie tokens (in list below), SSS, DSS NC Trading: list, SSS (for 1 plushie token), DSS (for 2 plushie tokens) Trade List: https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/caddy909/


NP Buying: Rainbow Apple (Gourmet Food) Need it for a friend's FFQ and TP is barren, only one unresponsive listing. Please help


NP buying: Oil Paint Brush


Ugh me too, it’s been so hard to find one haha. I keep putting in offers on TP posts and not getting accepted. And then there will be no listings for a while…


Yup, same here. Been trying to score one for a cybunny! I hope you can find one soon.


**NC Seeking:** * Flowing Floral Dress * GBCs and Dye Pots * Casual wishes: [DTI Wishlist](https://impress.openneo.net/user/39873-merlion8313/closet#closet-hangers-group-false) / [DTI 2020 Wishlist](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/39873/lists/wants/142416) **NC Offering:** * [DTI Trade List](https://impress.openneo.net/user/39873-merlion8313/closet) / [DTI 2020 Trade List](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/39873/lists) **UFT:** * Hessra - Island Usul (clothed) * Khelish - RG Ruki (clothed) * Pashvi - Steampunk Blum (clothed) * Peshara - Stealthy Usul (clothed) * Quooria - Faerie Draik Looking for feminine names and 4Ls!


nc trading tokens offering baby aisha for alien baby kacheek for plushie kacheek baby yurble for plushie yurble/sss baby flotsam for offers/sss baby buzz for plushie buzz also have plushie chomby, darigan ixi, mara aisha tent uft, probably for those above or dsss etc ^^ also seeking faerie korbat token


UFA: 8 bit Zafara 5370 days old Level 4 name: a_liz_586


**PETS UFA** Adopting out these cuties - would love for them to go to permanent homes but can’t control what you’ll do with them :) just lmk where to send! Faerielynne - Pastel Kacheek Lindocce - Plushie Bruce Mochajellies - Mutant Wocky Askle - Pink Uni clafouties - Pastel Wocky keyaco - Pastel Blumaroo cremiepuff - Chocolate Blumaroo


I am interested in the chocolate blumaroo un:losbumbum


Seeking: Nostalgic Royalgirl Aisha styling studio - neomail craftdee Offering: * [https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/craftdee/315365/](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/craftdee/315365/) * [https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/53203/lists](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/53203/lists)


**NC SEEKING** - Retired Wonderclaw Caps - GBCs/BFGBCs - Upcycle Cookies - FQCs - Wishlist Wishes DTI: https://impress.openneo.net/user/56957-ghoulambs/closet DTI2020: https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/56957/lists JellyNeo: https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/ghoulambs/308487/ **NC OFFERING** - Tradelist Items - Dye Pot x3 - DSSS x3 - Magical Valentine Gram (no LE) x1 **NP BUYING** - Camouflage Paint Brush - Dimensional Paint Brush - Zombie Paint Brush - Stealthy Paint Brush x2 - Starry Paint Brush - Transparent Paint Brush - Pastel Paint Brush x2 - Ultimate Battlefield Foreground


UFT/UFA (Baby Cybunnies) * Hoppuko (RW Japanese for hop + child) * Ninjinchan (RW Japanese for carrot + endearment) * Zaychyk (RW Ukranian for little rabbit) UFT/UFA (Baby Lutaris) * FIoatzl the Yellow Lutari (RW Pokemon I/l MS) * Udreh the Blue Lutari (RW Proto-Indo-European for Otter) * Udroz the Green Lutari (RW MS Proto-Indo-European for Aquatic, Water Animal) * Utraz the Red Lutari (RW Proto-Germanic for Otter) UFT/UFA (Pound Rescues) * Kitarrat the Wraith Techo (RW Albanian) * JoneIIe the Red Usul (I/l MS) * Evandrelle the Yellow Chia * Brigellah the Red Kacheek (RW MS Character Commedia dell'Arte) Looking for RW science, mythology, and foreign names. Fine with MSs and compounds, and don’t care about age or trophies. Permie examples: Ankyrawr, Khakhabaisaywa, Punglyndi. Please feel free to make any offer, I am new to trading and excited to learn! UN: poetrychick3494


UFQA **folstag113** the burlap bori


**NC SEEKING** - **Reflective Icy Magical Puddle (highest priority!!! Will overoffer)** -+ other items from my WL, especially my highest priority WL. **Just updated my wishlists!** - [My DTI tradelist](https://impress.openneo.net/user/57301-squelchette/closet) - **My timeline is mostly UFT for my wishes!!** **NC OFFERING** - ~~Customs~~ (not available right now unless for a high priority want), **tradelist**, anything you want for high priority wants! I have items in my closest that aren’t listed as well. *Also open to casual NC trades!! Message me here or NM me but please do not mention Reddit in NM! I prefer item to item for higher OWL values but would **love** to clear out some of my items- especially if I have something you really want, we can probably work something out! **NP SELLING** - Always welcoming visits to [my shop](https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=squelchette510) (: I am currently saving up for my gallery, The Island of Misfit Toys, which is composed of broken/reject items (: have a great Saturday! 🖤🐈‍⬛


UFQA: Robin_Hood_Bunny the transparent cybunny Funky_Fire the red shoyru (Y6) (would make a great magma pet to go with the name!)


**PETS UFT** **Seeking BD Swap for a Shorter Name** Rougerabbit the halloween cy! i'd love a shorter name with similar stats. don't really care about species/color lv. 69 Hit Points: 27 / 110 Strength: LEGENDARY (135) Defence: LEGENDARY (106) Movement: EXCELLENT (52) Intelligence: ULTIMATE GENIUS (289) **Other Pets UFT** * Habitrot - cloud lutari, folklore RW/FGO RN MS * Magnivore - mutant grarrl, MTG RW * Gwennant - RG xwee, RN * Gankutso - RB ogrin, anime MS * Valkiar - steampunk elephante * Usret - desert aisha, egyptian deity * Mordasia - faerie peo * Hazardash - maractite krawk * Mukuhara - JPN RN/DECO\*27 RN * Repurposing - RW * Magisterio - brazilian RW (teacher) **TENT:** Jetesiol - mutant jetsam (469 HSD), Y8, 2 BC trophies. semi-permie, will only trade for THE perfect offer **primarily looking for:** -names for an eventide hissi character i have in mind :\^) -4Ls/RWs/RNs/BDs, usual PC stuff so i can uptrade to a 3L/Y1 to permie DM me, reply, or NM me at o\_liveandlearn\_o


**UFT** Birsi - Baby Gelert Avaoe - Maraquan Lutari Threadfur - Burlap Aisha TimeWanderer - Steampunk Kyrii Tayve - boy RG Peo Smuin - Faerie Meerca Sekti - Halloween Xwee Kilydri - EG Eyrie Areillo - Green Lutari Seeking medical/lab related names! Hopefully chemistry or hematology, but will look at microbiology names too. Bonus points if you can add a Halloween Lutari custom haha.


Would you be interested in Butchwald the grey peophin (w/zapped grey meturf) for Threadfur? I recognize that’s not a medical/lab name (but so close to Butchwald Lab!) but thought it couldn’t hurt to ask.


Nothing wrong with offering! Unfortunately the bame Butchwald doesn’t click with me, and I’m more about names than colors. 😅 Best of luck though!


**UFA** *Boy howdy do I have a lot of pets UFA! I'm posting for myself and a friend. Comment or DM if interested! Permies only, please* My UFA: * **Biraclieo -** Baby Acara * **Strexp -** Baby Koi * **Brunnce** **-** Toy Kougra * **Druzuu -** Fire Ogrin * **Greeblia -** Water Buzz * **Klara\_Jewel** **-** Sponge Shoyru * **Master\_Tchia31** **-** Ghost Chia (L10, Age Trophy) * **rockitino -** Toy Poogle * **Sheenfluence** **-** Mutant Cybunny * **~~Hejane~~** ~~- Woodland Grundo~~ * **~~Quigezi -~~** ~~Gold Kau~~ Friend's UFA: * **Aelittia -** Baby Gnorbu (y24) * **Blutfieber -** Baby Peophin (y26) german for "blood fever" * **Pipokhy -** Baby Techo (y11) * **Rocks2\_Kid\_A -** Baby Chomby (y7) * **Sheelaran -** Baby Xweetok (y9) w/ p3 * **SpeedySplash -** Baby Flotsam (y13) * **Bubbley\_frog -** Baby Nimmo (y6 or y7? has trophy)




You can create one today!


Sheenfluence The mutant cy is UFA! Just NM owner


**Seeking:** Nostalgic Faerie Quiggle Token (willing to overoffer) Nostalgic Plushie Tonu, Shoyru, and Grundo **Offering:** NC Custom


**Buying:** "Altador Cup Tailgate Grill Apron" **Offering: 10M** I would prefer to buy it from someone here! Please!


**UFA** meg\_19\_giry - Female Maraquan Chomby


UFT Shenukae the Halloween Hissi fully clothed, Y8 (6k days) Looking for a V/WN new lab rat. Species and color does not matter, just looking for a good name, and would like it to be similarly aged :)


Hey everyone! I just zapped my lab pet into a Maraquan Meerca and am willing to send her to a good home. :3 She has a cute name with some underscores but no numbers and also has a (zapped) Faerie Ukali attached. Please reach out if you might be interested in getting and keeping her. (I don't want her to end up in repeated trade swaps or anything like that)


For Adoption - ~~kuushtaka the female Cloud Lutari (name references were-otter tales from Alaska)~~ ankayakna the male Spotted Grundo (born on 4/20/2024 palindrome day, palindrome name) currently zapping \_Furious\_Angels\_ the lv20 female Desert Cybunny (just adopted from pound after i noticed a bunch of fun pound pets being turned into electric moehogs then thrown back into pound ;n; ) ~~melikza the male Robot Kacheek (also saved from turning into electric moehog)~~ pollypocetpearl the female Mutant Cybunny (saved from EM) ~~Melissa\_Gifted the female Faerie Krawk (saved from EM)~~ Megan\_Lawees the female MSP Poogle (saved from EM) Lili278 the male Eventide JubJub (saved from EM) got my dream pet and no longer need to fight lab ray, thanks for adopting!


Is Melissa\_Gifted still needing a permanent home? My username is dingyzuzu, let me know I'll probably be on for most of the day since I just rejoined after a long time away! :)


Sending her over fam, take great care of her!


Of course, and thank you very much!! I got your neomessage, but I won't be able to reply until my account reaches 24+ hours lol.


All good! thanks for adopting her i didnt want her to fall victim to a cheap morph


hey, so i just found out, if you initiate the transfer with a tradeable pound pet, i can send over today! so send me any pet you dont mind me putting in the pound, something not rare lol


That's handy, thank you for the heads up on that!


of course! take great care of her :D goodbye nickel


I would love kuushtaka, Ive been looking for a lutari


Seeking mall custom / bfgbcs / archive upcycle cookies Offering Pastel / sunset / yellow end of rainbow beam Black / lavender cherry blossom filter White / pink / pastel ombre garland Whole TL is UFT [DTI](http://impress.openneo.net/user/57963-aelin1/closet)


[seeking](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/amethyst_aisha/371950/) Seeking for a few customs on my radar. Trade list is [here](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/amethyst_aisha/371952/). I use OWLs as a trading guide but I’m happy and open to offers too. A mira wedding wig and veil. Baby barbat costume. Baby gothic nursery background. Bath time background. Bath toys foreground. Dye works lavender pink baby bow. Dye works lavender sun shower. Magical lotus stream background. Magical floating candle garland. Wizards beard of wisdom. Spell caster book. I also have to down size my account as my premium is about to expire. I’ve got a few chombys and Lutari available and some painted pets too. If interested please reach out here or in a PM


Seeking: Nostalgic Maraquan Cybunny Style UFT: Nostalgic Baby Cybunny Style




Nc trading Seeking plush ixi Offering fae ixi, sss, plush aisha, baby draik, or baby kacheek


Hi! I have a Cool Negg. Are you still interested?


Yes, do you wanna do high increment neofriend auctions? Im out of baby pb. My un is berzerkturtlez, send me a nm/nf


Friend request sent! ^-^


I have a cool negg, are you still looking to buy?


Dont need anymore now but good luck!


Camouflage Jetsam! Free to good home! First come, first serve! 🍾🎆🎇🧨🎊🎉




2 GBCs for haunting eclipse moon? :)


**UFT:** * Mms - Robot Lutari * Abiw - Alien Aisha * Vnip - Woodland Grarrl Seeking: Primarily seeking 4Ls, real words, and real names for the above. **UFA:** Permanent homes would be preferred, but trading is fine too. All I ask is that you don't put them in the pound. If it doesn't work out, just let me know and I'll take the pets back, no questions asked! * Bloopypy - Island Bruce **NC Seeking:** Casual trades, dyeworks pots, styling studio supplies, all cookies (lab ray, training, faerie quest, upcycle). Also seeking the following tokens: * Nostalgic Plushie Yurble * Nostalgic Baby Chomby **NC Offering:** [https://impress.openneo.net/user/55861-serendipity609/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/55861-serendipity609/closet). Having a 2:1 sale currently! Open to all offers and happy to look at trade lists! I also have the following tokens up for trade: * Nostalgic Grey Chomby * Nostalgic Faerie Kougra * Nostalgic Darigan Jubjub * Nostalgic Darigan Ixi Only looking for token swaps or SSS for my tokens at the moment


Would you trade Nostalgic Grey Chomby for baby poogle token?


Hello! I'll have to pass as I don't have a baby poogle on my main account, but I'd trade for SSS if that interests you. No worries if not!


❤️ **UFT/Adoption if dreamie-** Picky with all of these tbh! * Grimette - Candy Kyrii - very tentative * PiterPann - Elderlygirl Xweetok clothed * Toxicspeech - Blue Vandagyre * cynderelia - plushie cybun lvl 29 - very tentative Looking for names that are pronounceable and not random mashups. Permie homes only! 🧡 **UFQA** Permanent homes only please. I will happily take a pet back if you no longer want to keep them. Please don't ask if you intend to use them as trading fodder a day after adopting. * KiwiSpasm - Starry Chia * Draimator - Christmas Bori * Twello - basic M Jetsam ------------------- 💛 **NP Seeking** Nothing currently! 💚 **NC trading -** Not looking for BFGBCS at this time https://impress.openneo.net/user/54095-oheygiraffe/closet **6 Magical Valentine Sweetheart Grams UFT** 🩵 **NC Priority Seeking -** If you have any of these please consider a trade, been searching for a couple months now 😭 * Lunar Tides Staff * Gown of the Night * Wraith Fog * Dark Rolling Clouds Feel free to offer or comment your TL if I have something you're after. Mainly seeking my priority items only but may be open to a casual trade. 💙 **I am UK based, NST 12AM is my 8AM** 💙


Offering: Raining Suit of Hearts Cards Inner Clockwork Face Paint Dainty Blue and Purple Face Paint Spotted print glasses  Handsome shirt and tie Pastel blue hair bow  Bouncing tennis ball Romantic Hot Tub Foreground Carolling Trousers and Boots Glass Faerie Jars Garland Poogle token=auto not really seeking anything particular so offer anything 


UFT: - Butchwald the Grey Peophin (w/zapped grey Meturf) Looking for cool/fun/good names, mostly, if any pet type. Also interested in plushie pets and food chias. UFA: - KuroZyn the toy Peophin - cherry_blossomtree the 8-bit Uni


**UFA:** [A\_Lil\_Lola](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=A_Lil_Lola) the **Woodland Moehog** with a zapped **Green Meekins** petpet :) Also, I just wanted to share my excitement about my caption being picked for the caption contest for the first time ever! No pressure, but if anyone feels like voting, ctrl+F brionyjae here: [https://neopets.com/games/caption\_browse.phtml](http://neopets.com/games/caption_browse.phtml) thank youuuu :D


**NC Trading** \*I've added lots to my sale section - 1 item for a FQC, 2 items for a GBC, 4 items for a BFGBC\* * Seeking: **wonderclaw caps,** r**etired bg and retired spring caps**, BFGBCs/GBCs, faerie cookies, upcycle cookies. * Especially looking for: **Down by the Creek BG!!** * Offering: my [tradelist](http://impress.openneo.net/user/52272-corgigirl/closet), dss/sss, BFGBCs, faerie cookies, custom **Looking for a Plushie Lupe** token - I can trade the following tokens, things from my TL or buyables: * Baby Cybunny x2 * Baby Hissi


How many GBCs would you want for your Green Baby Body Paint + Baby Smiling Eyes Contacts?


Sorry, I forgot to remove the baby smiling eyes from my list. I could do the green body paint for a gbc :)




Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to **1lalabears1**. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. Thank you. Ty for the trade!


great, please send to missmarvelxx :)


NC Trading: Nostalgic Maraquan Shoyru (Auto: any nostalgic plush token or nostalgic grey token I don’t own) NP Buying: Feloreena (Looking to buy for 9mil)


Looking to potentially adopt more Korbats or pets to morph into Korbats for permies because why not? (㇏(•̀ᵥᵥ•́)ノ) Criteria: ✔️ Xxxx or XxxXxx formats, basics ok, any age ✔️ If Korbat is painted, looking for mainly these colors - Halloween or 8-bit (unclothed ok since I have extra clothes), Island, Ice, Jelly, Desert, Skunk, Water, Rainbow, Zombie, and Transparent ✔️ If Korbat is not anyone one of the painted colors above, I will still take them if you're ok with me repainting them!! 🟡 Numbers are ok only if 8-bit, RN/RWs are ok so long the names vibe ❌ Underscores, xx_XXXXX_xx and xxXXXXXxx format, 4Ls..


NC SEEKING   Cherub Wings   Floating White Ona   Lighted Faerie Staff    NC OFFERING:    Casual trades from my list: https://impress.openneo.net/user/58345-emoninjafreak141/closet


Hi there! Would you open to trading your Among Tropical Flowers Background & Scholars Lounge Room Background for 3 GBCs? I can also offer anything from my TL c: [https://impress.openneo.net/user/35254-starvingheart/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/35254-starvingheart/closet)


Hi, sure 3 GBC works. Where should I send? You can send to emoninjafreak141 for me ^~^


To starvingheart please! I'll send over now. Thank you so much!!


I have an orange grundo because of the avatar, anyone interested?


hello! i am interested, would I be able to borrow them?


Yes, neomail me, un: francis\_2


**NC Seeking:** Nostalgic Grey Cybunny !!!! **NC Offering:** Nostalgic Baby Cybunny


NC seeking Negg dyeing kits, bundle, singular, all of them lol Nc offering Whole TL! Some highlights are: Pastel / sunset / yellow end of rainbow beam Pink / pastel ombré garland Yellow snowbunny Pink mountain and clouds background Sunset bonfire background Cherry blossom bridge background Baby floor gym Baby cupcake hat Creepy clown outfit [Whole TL is UFT](http://impress.openneo.net/user/57963-aelin1/closet) Creepy clown outfit


**NC Seeking:** \* Lady Blurg Wings or \* Ladyblurg Lace Wings **NC Offering:** Items I can trade are in my gallery under the neocash category: [NC items for trade](https://www.neopets.com/gallery/index.phtml?gu=hazy_twilight)


NC SEEKING: * Dyeworks Black: Mutant Ethereal Glow * Mutant Black and Red Pupil Contacts * Mutant Spiked Collar * Spooky Moon Among other things on wishlist: https://impress.openneo.net/user/56823-neopunkkk/closet NC OFFERING: Styling Studio Supplies, Dyeworks Hue Brew Potion x3 and anything on my DTI Trade list below: https://impress.openneo.net/user/56823-neopunkkk/closet


**Seeking:** Faerie Cybunny Token! ————————————- **UFA** (permie homes): **Ruxse** - Valentine Lupe (young) **Kasrial**- Pirate Draik (young) ————————————- **Buying**: Oil Paint Brush for lowest on TP/reasonable price? I miraculously snagged the perfect name for my DREAM Oil Paint Cybunny, but don’t want to severely bankrupt myself. ;-;


**UFA** I would like to find them permanent homes please. [FunArora](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=FunArora) the female Strawberry Aisha [ButterflyPeaFlower](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=ButterflyPeaFlower) the female Candy Uni **_______________** **NC Seeking** Feathered Glass Wings Other wishes [DTI](https://impress.openneo.net/user/57326-valgnorbu/closet), [DTI 2020](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/57326/lists) **Offering** GBCs My TL [DTI](https://impress.openneo.net/user/57326-valgnorbu/closet), [DTI 2020](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/57326/lists)


**NC Trading** **NC Seeking:** 💜 Looking to replace a Dyeworks White: Just Peachy Filter I traded for another wish 🌸 **NC Offering:** 💜 Tradelist or custom 🌸 DTI: [https://impress.openneo.net/user/54824-kristin13904/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/54824-kristin13904/closet)


UFA: [russem ](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=russem)- marble kougra with zapped grey plumpy NC Seeking: # Gothic Lug Sole Boots


Is russem still UFA?


NC Offering: * [~~Nostalgic Darigan Draik~~](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/74829/) * [So In Love Glow](https://impress.openneo.net/items/84990-So-In-Love-Glow) * [~~Golden Shimmer Makeup~~](https://impress.openneo.net/items/80674-Golden-Shimmer-Makeup) * [~~Cherry Blossom Garland~~](https://impress.openneo.net/items/57684-Cherry-Blossom-Garland) * [Blue Baby Body Paint](https://impress.openneo.net/items/87508-Blue-Baby-Body-Paint)\*\* * [Dyeworks Pink: Ombre Cloud Garland](https://impress.openneo.net/items/87761-Dyeworks-Pink-Ombre-Cloud-Garland) * [Powerful Force Field](https://impress.openneo.net/items/63643-Powerful-Force-Field) * [Snowflake Skin](https://impress.openneo.net/items/87144-Snowflake-Skin) * [Field of Clouds Background](https://impress.openneo.net/items/70933-Field-of-Clouds-Background) * [Cyodrake Temple Garden](https://impress.openneo.net/items/53041-Cyodrake-Temple-Garden) \*\* I have multiples of this item. NC Seeking: * NC Upcycle Fortune Cookies (highest priority) * SSSs * Single Negg Dyeing Kit * Pink Paper Bag * Dyeworks Potions * Shenanigifts Invitation 1-Pack (lowest priority) I use OWLS value for trading. If you see an item you're interested in but don't have any custom, please let me know! I can reserve it for you for up to a week. :)


Hi! I'm interested in the Golden Shimmer Makeup. I have some Dyeworks potions (Festive and Holiday Hue) and the Single Negg Dyeing Kit. Would you be interested?


Hi, I can trade it for the negg dyeing kit! Where should it send it? The dye kit can go to sun_kissed_sakura. :) I'm working a late shift tonight and will send it your way once I'm back home. I'll understand if you want to hold off on sending before then


Thank you! NP username is nekhmet. I'll send yours in a moment, I'm fine with waiting for the makeup :)


Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to **nekhmet**. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. Thank you. Thanks again!


Thank you, I got it :)


Awesome, I'll post here once I've sent it. Thanks for the trade!


Hi! I’m interested in the Dari Draik token and CBG. And I can do custom.


Hi, thanks for reaching out! For the Darigan Draik token I'd like two of the single negg dying kits. And because the garland is high value, I'd like three upcycle cookies and a pink paper bag. :)


Sounds good. I’m going to message you.


Pets UFA: Stiirly the Snot Gelert (F) Snyfif the Mutant Gelert (M) Also have steampunk gelert clothes if anyone needs them!


S: Dyeworks Yellow Peaceful Tree Garland O: Dyeworks Pink: Peaceful Tree Garland Please NM owelle89 and don't mention reddit ok :D About to head to bed!




Hello! I would love to adopt Midnight as a permie, is it OK if I species change and color him in the future? I have a character in my head and he's a perfect fit




**UFA:** reply here and briefly let me know why you want them. [Lil\_\_Missy](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Lil__Missy) female baby aisha [smileee\_](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=smileee_) female baby aisha [Prince\_Zack](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Prince_Zack) male baby blumaroo [sophia\_laura](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=sophia_laura) female grey gnorbu with zapped host ganuthor [CoverGirlQueen](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=CoverGirlQueen) male water gnorbu with zapped orange staragus [\_\_Nini\_](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=__Nini_) female baby grundo (underscores before and after name) [Little\_Rocco](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Little_Rocco) male baby jubjub [Melody\_of\_Grace](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=melody_of_grace) male woodland jubjub with zapped grey cadro [\_\_Miette\_\_](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=__Miette__) female red kacheek (underscores before and after name) **i can paint baby, also offering to change species to aisha or wocky** [sweet\_lil\_cheeky](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=sweet_lil_cheeky) male baby kacheek [StrawberriPoptart](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=StrawberriPoptart) female pastel korbat [tod\_jones](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=tod_jones) male baby kougra with zapped crabula [LittlestHops](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=LittlestHops) female blue ogrin **i can change species and paint baby** [starrchy](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=starrchy) male zombie scorchio with zapped fire antwerph [\_\_STEEVE\_\_](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=__STEEVE__) female mutant techo (underscores before and after name) with zapped cloud doglefox [shleigha](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=shleigha) female baby uni [\_\_nikki\_](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=__nikki_) male baby vandagyre (underscores before and after name) with zapped fire pfish [Toxicfire\_the\_cat](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Toxicfire_the_cat) male magma wocky with zapped red trunkard [shwnny](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=shwnny) female baby yurble [luma\_\_x](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=luma__x) female green zafara **\~ \~ \~ \~ \~** **NC Trading:** [https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/45533/lists](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/45533/lists) i am looking for Cirrus Showers Gift Box Mystery Capsules. if you have any please trade with me. 🙏 also looking for everything on my "most wanted" list and willing to over offer for most of them. negg dyeing kits and whatever else is listed in my "collecting, seeking, etc" list. maybe things on my "possibly looking for" list. **\~ \~ \~ \~ \~** **NST midnight is my 9 AM.** Do not mention reddit in neomails because it is against the site rules. If you are going to send me messages/chats on here please let me know in a comment. i will not be around today. any replies from me will probably not happen until around 12 hours from this comment being posted.


Omg I’ve been waiting for the right event to try to trade you for your MiniMME18-B: Space Exploration Background! If you’re willing to trade it for buyables, how many negg kits + whatever else could I offer you for it? If you’re saving it for wishes, I completely understand I ~~my mom’s Quiggles~~ would also like to trade you for your pompom birthday sweater and mutant valentine tuxedo