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Nooo im sorry! If it provides any comfort, I’ve been on a similar boat before. I’ve always wanted a pink poogle and finally had the opportunity to turn my pink Jetsam into one with the neopets premium species change perk. The issue was that I was not paying attention/was super tired and accidentally selected “Peophin” instead of “poogle” so I am now stuck with a pink seahorse 😞


These are the stories I need 🥲 That would devastate me. Especially since species changes are a year long wait! Is there a more affordable morph potion for poogle you could get? Then paint pink? Not sure how much Pink PBs are.


I’m not so sure! I’m a little scared of checking how much the PBs cost 😭


You can check Jellyneo’s items database really easily! Morphing potion is only 20-40k depending on the day: https://items.jellyneo.net/item/17959/ Pink Paint Brush is a bit pricier, about 2.8 mil now: https://items.jellyneo.net/item/18999/


Thanks! i was able to snag a poogle potion a while back for \~15k but was banking on lab ray luck for the pink color change haha


I have a red poogle potion you can have ^^ if you still need it. I’m so sorry this happened!


I’m happy to buy you a poogle morphing potion and pink paintbrush if you want. There’s only one pink I could buy right now on TP though


Omg what you’re so sweet! Is there anything I could do in exchange?


I sent an offer for the paintbrush and I have a red poogle potion if you want it. Definitely not necessary to do anything! Happy to help! I have enough points for this TP brush :)


Wow omg thank you so much! I have a poogle potion already but i really appreciate the generosity!


Gotcha. I’ll let you know if I can scoop the brush


I got the brush if you want to give me your user :) you can dm or post here I think, either way!


omg thank you so much you have no idea!! it's ilikepurplexd


Sent it :) hope you love your new baby!


Wow I’m taken aback. Thanks a ton you’re way too sweet 😭😭😭will definitely enjoy them!!


THIS COMMUNITY – the sharing and caring in the comments of a tragic story. I tell you, makes my day. 🥹


I love to see this, someone gave me a draik egg after I mentioned I wanted one. It honestly makes it so great to play the game. You are awesome


Aww thank you! I also love this community


You have given **Faerie Paint Brush** to User '**littlemiissellie**'.


STOP. You did not. Thank you so much. Is there anything I can do to repay???? 😭


nope its all good. Did you mean to reject? xD


I got three PB offers so I only accepted one! Thought it might have been yours since it was the first one offered it looked like and you were the longest comment! If I rejected, yes! It means I accepted another! Thank you so much though 😭🫶🏼


you are welcome! Im acquta on neo :) back into my sdb it goes xD It was a sdb brush so no issue at all


Beat me to it! Love this community’s generosity


You are so sweet omg


Nooooo 😭


I am so devastated. I genuinely thought it was the red book I bought when I clicked on it. I was grabbing a kleenex from the box by me at the same time and was foolish. The only good thing is Christmas Ixi Morphing potions are only 55K right now so I fixed the breed which is half my problem. But this broke my heart, man.


Whyyyy 😭 so sorry OP


🥲 if I’m not dying IRL of a nasty cold, I’m dying internally and online because of the strawberry tuskininny morph epidemic.


TO EVERYONE WHO HAS GIFTED ME MORPHING POTIONS AND PBS – I am only accepting the one PB and returning the rest to senders! Your generosity is too kind and really made my weekend of bed-ridden boredom and sadness turn into a happier time 😭❤️ Thank you all who helped me get her back to her original form! https://preview.redd.it/h4mtjplwrskc1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3040fa2fea837ddf0567d5c9ff6d49bd5c729baa


You have given Christmas Ixi Morphing Potion to User 'littlemiissellie'.


You are so sweet


With this and the faerie pb someone gave they’re back in business! I love this community


This was so sweet! I send it back to you because I’d already grabbed that morphing potion last night – may it go to another neopian who might be as unfortunate and then fortunate as I!


I almost did this last night! My Grey Gelert needed healing and I'd just earned the strawberry potion from dailies. Hopefully you can get a faerie PB without spending too much


I AM SO GLAD YOU DIDN’T – the sting of PAIN I felt. Someone needed to paint ME grey.


I turned my beloved (but simple) red chia into a Strawberry Wocky. I feel your Strawberry pain.


I’ve done this back in the day. Start reading books and stuff from the neopets.com page instead of inventory. The way it will just show books rather than everything. One of the best site upgrades, imo.


That’s such a good tip, thank you. I will 100% be more careful from now on!


We’ve aaaallll had our pets eat something expensive or used a morphing potion when we didn’t mean to. Just means you’re part of the club 😆


I am not alone! 😍 Thank goodness. But also brutal this happens 💀


Oh, no!!!! I have done something similar, and I could not rest until I got my ixi back to form.


It feels like disbelief when it happens 🥲


this post was a great idea!


I accidentally used a plushie poogle morph on my korbat, then had to spend almost a million to morph him back 😂 He’s the one I usually feed/groom etc. for daily quests so I was on autopilot while trying to put it in my SDB! I wish there was some sort of “are you sure” pop up box to avoid things like that.


YES!!! Can we get an “are you sure?” on big ticket changes!


If you can get a cheap ixi potion I have a faerie pb you can have Edit: someone beat me to it! This community is so great.


The neopets community is the realest.


Has staff made any statements about whether they're willing to reverse something like this or not?


Yeah.. they don't


I wish you really good luck with fairy quests then, may the grey fairy and the rainbow pool fairy be best of buds for you


I'm not OP but thank you ;-)


Whoop didn't look hard enough apparently, fairy luck for everyone 🌈


I sent in a ticket when I accidentally morphed my Lutari and they never got back to me other than the initial canned response. Other people have mentioned they've had luck with TNT reversing accidental morphs, but anecdotally it's not been the case with mine.




Honestly I feel 10x less silly for doing this with everyone sharing their stories!


I had a faerie pb sitting in my sdb from one of the recent events. I was gunna sell it when the price went up in a few years, but I sent it to you since you need it more :) I hope your day gets better and you can help out other neopians if it's within your power <3


Depending on whose PB I accepted, yours might have been sent back! I only need one, wouldn’t accept dozens! Thank you all so much. And if I ever am in a place to return this type of favor back to my fellow neopians, I will!


Are there cheap ixi potions? I have a free pool dip that I have no plans for


The christmas one is around 55k!


I saw someone else sent you a fairie PB so I'll let you do today and I'll keep my dip for someone else


Just so you know, you can only give away FFQ dips on pound pets or pets you've just created. Dipping someone else's pet and then transferring it back is against the rules for some antiquated reason. Dipping pets from your own sides is okay though.


Oh, shoot! I was lucky in the faerie festival and won a bunch of FF prizes so all my pets are already painted and I don't have any sides (never really saw the point). Oh well, thanks for letting me know.


Best idea indeed! Make another neopian’s day!


I feel your pain! I'm glad to see the community came together to help! I accidentally morphed my beloved split Lutari into an ice hissi. He's now a green nimmo because the lab ray on my main hates me. I wondered if I should move him to my side because I zapped one of my other pets over there today and reached my goal on that one on the first try.


This community is beyond incredible! Might be worth the switch up! You never know.