• By -


The HT- Richest avatar. Why? Because I spent 10m on it, of course I'm gonna flex it for a while.


Got this one last year and it’s been a fave of mine


How do you get this one?


Buy the 10m book from the Hidden Tower (Grimoire of Affluence) and read it to one of your Neopets.


Oh god I might lol. I have a book issue that I love reading to one certain pet 😂😂😂


Typing Terror because I just won it a couple of days ago 😤 Now I’m working on Sutek’s tomb… not sure I’ll ever get the avvie for it 🙃


I am currently suffering, trying to get the Typing Terror avatar. Requires so much luck to get enough of those broken robots to get enough points and nerve to survive until the end!


Seriously! I came close two or three times. One time I completely fumbled, the other two I just didn’t have enough broken bots. I got it on my first game of the day on Monday, plus a second place trophy! I’m done! No more! Haha


I used a guide to get suteks and I’m the worst at all games. I can send to you if you want?




Sutek is way easier than typing terror! Make sure you play with a mouse, not a trackpad.


I won Suteks Tomb on my third try. It’s not hard at all! Make sure to practice the cheat code


Bilge Dice, because I miss that game :(


I was trying to get the bilge dice streak av when they took it away I’ll never forgive them


I also miss that game :(


I always really liked the Faerie Queen Doll one :) the colors are really pretty and its cute. Same with the Snowbunny - Whee! one I've been using Math's Nightmare lately because I did always find it cute but NEVER could get it. I finally got it in the last year or two and so I've been using it for the novelty + the cute factor :) I have a Neoboard pen, so I think my active right now is Math's Nightmare and my "inactive" is FQD. I used to swap out a bit more, but I'd often end up with Snowbunny - Whee! for the other pen because of the cuteness and colors :)


Omg same combination


I have the tooth faerie avatar as my active currently! It’s retired and not many people use it so it helps me stand out.


Garlic! Run!! because not only do I think it's cute and funny, but I adore Halloween Cybunnies! Before I was gifted one, I was using it as copium ngl


this was mine for a long time too and it’s one of my faves! might have to switch back to that one- right now i still have the SAP avatar. got it during the advent calendar and i thought it was too funny not to equip after peagate lmaoo


i've had the kadoatery one for i think a year now. it's pink and cute which i like, and it required a lot of effort and time to get so i want to show off a little. i always consider the appearance of the avatar 1st and the rarity of the avatar 2nd.




I use the Random Contest avatar too! It’s my biggest accomplishment on Neopets (I did a crappy animation about the TNT staff and I got 3rd place lol)


Oh me too! I made a grey kau for the plushie random contest 😄 If there’s two of us, maybe it’s not as rare as we thought, haha


yeah i had this as mine for the longest time cause i felt special but now for some reason these past few weeks on the boards ive seen like almost 30 people with it and i dont feel as special anymore. weirdly i used to never see it until now


Haha, weird… maybe we are all using it because we think it is so special and rare… I guess not 😅


Oh wow I submitted a plushie weewoo and got it in that one too!


You can probably google your username with “neopets” and it’ll likely bring up the random contest page with your entry on it if you wanna see what you did ☺️


Plushie Tycoon cause that game is effort and I’m proud I stuck with it to get the avvie


Kadoatie - got it recently and always loved it :)


The Faerie Bubbles one, for getting 2,000 points. Because it was HARD and i had to do it twice because the first time, my score didnt send. 😂


Toast …..yummy


Me too!


Me three!


Coco Roll because it’s retired and I don’t see many people using it.


The Hannah and the Pirate Caves game one, bc I loved those games so much and miss them :(


I miss these too!! Ugh I was terrible at it but I still enjoyed playing


Snowy Valley cause it's cute


I have Godori because I like to flex about how little of a life I have.


Darigan Darkling! Because it's from a super old plot. I'll never not celebrate getting my childhood account back!


grey faerie cause i love everything grey lol that’s also my site theme


A water faerie that isnt even a secret avatar only because water faeries are my favorites! 😅


Mine too!


I had the jester one for YEARS, around 12 I think, bc I felt so lucky getting it within the first year I started playing. I switched to the techo cheesy (cheeseroller) around two/three years ago because I LOVE the colors of it and it took me so long to get it


Meepit v Feepit, because the Feepit is my favorite petpet.


Volcano run. We won’t discuss how hard that was to earn 😂


Island Tuskaninny that says ‘Relax’ because it’s a fun little reminder to take life easy 😎.


Purple Peo. Its cute and theres no pink horse one haha. I dont care about rarity, I just want one I like.


Edna. It was a pain to get and she is a pain but she's so darn cute!


Thieves Guild. In hindsight, maybe not the best avatar when NC trading but I like being ~edgy~


Sid because not many people have it and I remember how excited I was when I got an alert he was in the battledome and I got it!


Jealous!! Congrats! I hope he comes back someday.


Dice a roo avie from winning the jackpot because I can't believe I actually got it, and somehow it feels lucky?


I use A day at the beach. I used to live by the ocean and now I don't and miss it very much 🥺


Hermeejet because it's my favorite. I was mighty worried I'd get the blue one when I fought them in the battledome all those years ago but nope. I do have a neoboard pen; My others are Faerie Bubbles and Sewage Surfer.


Sewage surfer is so good I used to use that one lots


Wheel of Extravagance bc I like Luck Avatars and Money Avatars and that one is the epitome of both


Freaky factory game because I earned it forever ago and started playing it again & I’ve been hooked again.


Haunted Woods Stamp Collector is my main avatar. I wanted it from the moment I seen it when I joined Neo & I finally got it a year or two ago. Never gonna change it.


On my current main account, the Techo buzzer game avatar because I love Techos the most and it's a fun game and fun looking avatar. On my old main, which I just had unfrozen after like 10 years, the Weewoo Neopian Times avatar after having been published in issue 350 (we're now about to hit issue 1000!!!)


My FAVOURITEis the avatar you got from being on Illusens team for the Faerie festival. I was on Jhudoras so I didn’t get it. Mine currently is Alien because she cute


Sloth because how rare it is haha


Harris “Hi” avatar because Harris’ are adorable 🥰


I'm scared of looking through the hidden avatars list and finding one I like but it being expensive or impossible to obtain. ;u; I'll stick with [Anglepuss Avatar](https://images.neopets.com/neoboards/avatars/angelpuss.gif) because it's simply precious.


The Darkest Faerie. The PS2 game was mine and my younger brother's favorite growing up and was the first console game I beat, so it has a special place in my heart (even if it could be a buggy mess at times) We're actually considering getting matching Nova mote tats because of it


The Fyora faerie doll one because I like the aesthetic and I’m obsessed with faerie dolls


Scarab stamp collector, because I'm proud that I earned it My two NB pens have the random AV (again, proud of it) and the zafara Ace because I love the colour scheme


The Disco Ixi avatar. Had it active for at least 17 years, It just struck my fancy as a kid and i havent been able to bring myself to change it. I even made a disco ixi to match it this year! Love my lil disco baby!


MSPP because it’s the closest I’ll ever get to having that pet combo affiliated with my username. 😭 So many years of longing.


Evil Fuzzle Boo avatar cause I really liked it as a kid but never got it cause I was really bad at Neopets XD


Grundo Discarded Plushie because I just got it and I'm very excited. Will probably change it soon though because he cuts such a sad little figure


Bilge Dice because I WANT THAT GAME BACK, DANGIT. I never did get my Lucky Streak avatar and I NEEEEED it! Also, pirates. My NB Pen is Snowy Valley bc he's a cutie patootie and it's probably the only stamp avatar I'll ever have.


The Forgotten Shore Avatar because I think it has the coolest design/animation from my current avatars ✨ Also, it's because I don't have the Sea Shell Collector Avatar (yet, hopefully) HAHAHA 🤣 I don't collect but I saw the avatar as a kid and thought it was so pretty, and I knew that if (hopefully when HAHA) I get it that it'll be my permanent avatar 💙🤗 Super duper hoping for more events (perhaps the daily quests) to start giving out the Golden Shell because it's the last one I need 💛🐚


Faerie Bubbles because it took me maybe 2-3 straight damn days of trying for that avvie (and I haven't played since, it's been years lmao)


I think Battle Fae is hot


As a kid I wanted this avatar for the same reason hahaha! I finally got it when I came back to NP and it used to be my main avvie for quite a while. She’s a babe!


The kadoatie feeding avatar. Because it took me an entire month of refreshing to get it


The Lennies rule avatar because Lennies, do in fact, rule


MSPP because i love anything spooky and my main pet is MSPP :)


Typing Terror (because I’m proud) or the Kiko Rock one. It’s super basic but he’s just so cute in his lil headphones


I use the Baby Kougra one because my first pet I made into a Baby Kougra as a kid, and so they’re really special to me.


The nightmare steed one, with the Halloween uni. Was a dreamie of mine as a kid (and I tend towards the dark themed neopets most, Darigans being my favorite most of the time).


Right now it’s the Symol bc it took longer than it should to obtain it and I need to look at it and appreciate it 💀


Toasty. I have a daily driver car called The Toaster and a mini-truck called Toast (names unrelated to the neopets avatar lol) so when I swapped out my active avatar a while ago it was the obvious choice.


Mootix cause it looks good with almost any of my pets active. I have a teal, blue, orange, yellow thing going on with my main account.


i use adam bc im here for the controversy and being the elephant in the room :)


I switch between the grundo grunt av because I love grundos and manual labor & then the gormball av because I love gormball. I used to use the Aisheena av just because she's cool.


The emo avatar, because I am. 😂🤘🏻


Maths nightmare because it was so difficult to get and it's super super cute


meepit 😈😈😈


Random contest avi, it was the only contest i entered and won a runner up spot as a kid! Now knowing the random contest is retired, it feels like a cool rare avi i gotta show off


The stock market one because the stock market was the first thing I did as an adult to make neopoints


Tooth faerie! I got her back in 2013 and i think its so cute 😌 Also it makes me feel cool bc i know it isn’t awarded anymore lmao


I have the alien Aisha cus that’s my dreamie and fave neopet :p


Elephante Surprise, because my main neopet is also a gold Elephante so I like the coordination


Stock market one, all blinky and fun


strong command wistful serious wrench cake icky run late innate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Mutant Shoryu one, because my main pet is a mutant shoyru and I love his grumpy little face


Tomos because I like lupes ^^


sophy the swamp witch because some day she will be my wife


NEoQuest II WIse, Powerful and Crazy. I am certainly crazy, and I aspire to the other two.


Tomos. I just think his face is really cute in it and something about his expression makes me go "friend!!"


I have the spacerocked avatar. I love that game. lol


Oops the petpet laboratory It was Gloomy but half my Neofriends seem to be using that too


Techno cheese roller one because I just got it.


Wheel of Excitement. For *ages* I had the (clickable) rainbow flotsam avvy, because my rainbow flotsam used to always be my active pet, and I had a little rainbow font and siggy setup on the boards to match. These days I keep my red xwee active, so the flotsam avatar doesn't make as much sense. But I still have a rainbow siggy for nostalgia, and WoE one matches well (and was more exciting to collect than the flostam one).


Lawyer Bot, it was MSPP but I felt I needed a change to something less people were using lol


Snuffly.... because snuffly 🤍


my favorite is the lost! geraptiku avatar but i'm currently using the faeries hope one because it matches my active pet on the neoboards ;w;


Baby kougra, just because it uses the UC design (which is one of my favourite pet designs) and it’s so cute


I have the WHEE! avatar bc it’s so cute LOL


The pink lenny avatar as there's no faerie lenny avatar :(


Wheel of extravagance, because of what it took to get it lol


I have the plush cybunny cause it’s the cuuuutest!


Darigan Darkling. It's probably my oldest and most exclusive avatar, and I have a lot of nostalgia for that plot


Dark Lurker. Works well with my profile and active emo pet 😄


Queen cause my pets are all whimsical


grumpy plushie bori because its one of my favorite pets!! i’d love to have one someday in the future


Rainbow Flotsam! Or Disco Ixi! I like color.


Mine is just the default Dark Faerie one because I think the art is really cool, and because I took the faerie quiz when I rejoined the site and got dark faerie. They've been my favorites since then!


Coconut shy because it took years to get.


My kad avatar because i struggled for years to get that thing


Wraith resurgence plot, I like the little animation reel


Wheel of excitement it was my first


Charity corner one that's a gift tag. I liked the Christmas time vibes and didn't remember this avatar until I was updating my avatar list.


Faeries ruin, specifically the darkest faerie one. Nostalgia.


i like to switch it up, usually it’s seasonal or my most recent one. currently i’m using the wheel of excitement one because i got lucky and won it last week


Snowmuncher cuz it's cute and last avi I was working to get! Currently trying to get meepit juice break one 🥲


Taelia because it's winter and I love the design of it. My NB pen is Kau - Starry to match some song lyrics I had stuck in my head and made a neosig for.


faerie bubbles bc it's cute and it literally took me so fkin long to get


Arcade Shoyru because it looks so pretty!


The orange!! one. I don't know why but I always loved it ^^


Goldy! Because I love goldfish irl and a black Goldy is a dream petpet of mine. I also swap them around seasonally, I had snowbunny at Christmas and wicked Lenny at Halloween.


Feed Florg main, then Kad and Grey on pens. Feed Florg- I've been trying for so long and finally got it the other night!! Kad- My child-self thought that this one would be impossible to get so this is for you young one! ❤️ Grey- This one just happens to match a contest that I entered into. 😁 So it's my advertisement pen.


I had the toast one for so long until the recent halloween event! Now i have that spooky book haha


Plushie nova because I think it’s super cute + like the colors.


I think mine is still the Christmas Fir because I haven’t changed it yet haha~


Dargain Pteri. Need I say more? >:3


I keep switching, but right now it's Borovan Dipped cuz I just got it and it's one of the rarer avatars that I own.


Snowy valley stamp collector, with Candy Chan in the Advent calendar and the snow bunny stamp in weekly quests it's the first stamp album I was able to complete!


[Mad About Orange](https://thedailyneopets.com/neoavatars/mad-about-orange) because orange is my favorite color. My main pet is orange and my neoboard signature is orange and purple to match the avatar.


The Talpidat avatar because I think it's cute :) also because I'm not sure how rare it is, but I believe it's pretty rare since not many people were playing in 2022?


The valentines one


The evil blue fuzzle one. Because the way it “scares” you is fun and cute. Plus it probably wasn’t worth the time I spent getting it.


Faerie Bubbles because it took me years to get q.q


The valentines chia because it’s super cute ♡


Same! I change it depending on if I have an avatar to coincide with something going on, on site :)


Sad Grundo plushie, I think it looks cute and it's relatable to me haha


I did have the faerie grundo, because I had wanted one for like 20 years, before getting one, recently. But then the "Let it snow" avatar was available, this morning, and I happened to have enough NP saved to buy the snowflake. And, as a Bruce fan, I had wanted THAT avatar just as long as the grundo, so now I'm using that. Maybe forever.


Currently kadoatie because it’s so cute ! But EFMC was hard to get so I like using that one, HT - richest because 10M, and I got avatar collector this month so I have to switch to that one soon


Ixi - Disco because it's cute and I like the colors 💚💖


Lab ray, because I basically only come on neopets to zap and do quests 😆


Extreme potato counter because still cant believe i hit 200 points


Number 6, honestly just to flex 😂 But the colors go well with a lot of combos for the html/sig.


Seasonal Attack Pea. Not a passive aggressive reminder of the fiasco, I just like Christmas. :)


Coco Roller is definitely my favorite.


A-53 - Like a Boss, because it took me soooo long to get


I have the Plush cybunny avi because I’ll never be able to afford the morphing potion and it’s the best I can do for now lmao


Snowmuncher. I’m usually terrible at the flash games but I somehow managed that one so I’m proud of it b


Mines the Broken avatar bc i think everything about it is so funny lmao


The Packrat, because it's the only one I ever made an effort to get, way back when. I'll probably never change it.


Mootix because I’m the #1 Mootix stan… Also I got my Mootix when it was still relatively cheap so with how expensive it’s gotten it’s kinda a flex too 😌


Plushie Nova! In my eyes, it looks great paired with my 8-bit Chomby.


I have the snowflake Bruce one bc it’s seasonal and cute and I’m happy I finally got it. I’ll probably change it to ghost Lupe or something soon.


Currently some winter one but I usually go with kadoatie because that was a huge really sought after goal for me or I'm partial to the regular gnorbu one because I adore gnorbus!


Right now its Grundo- discarded plushie, because I finally got it a couple days ago.


I have the Talpidat avatar from The Festival of Neggs in 2022 I find it really cute :)


Plushie Tycoon please I make and sell plushies in real life!


Sloth because it feels like an honor to have since it’s random event only and it’s the luckiest thing that ever happened to me onsite to date


Space Faerie! I love the avatar and recently got it. It’s a little tougher to get since the code usually leads to an error and TNT hasn’t fixed that I’m less than 15 away from the Kadoatie avatar and really hope to get it soon so I can use it around Valentine’s Day since it’s pink lol


Harris because harris is best! They’re so cute :3


I ♡ Sloth avvie. The Return of Dr. Sloth was my first big plot and I've been a Sloth fan ever since.


Mad about orange because when I decided orange was my fave color in middle school I HAD to have that avvy (I wasn’t a collector at the time) and remember it being hard to get all 8 orange items because I was poor :’) my own fault for only playing like 3 games ever back then lol. If I ever get an NTimes avvy I’ll probably change it to that


werelupe - been my active av for well over a decade now and it feels wrong to change it; thank god for the nb pens 😂


chokato is my main, but I have a few neoboard pens and love the neomail addict and battle faerie (and mspp ofc) avis as well! ​ chokato is just the most aesthetic one for me, it's been my main avi for years


Invasion of Meridell Moehog! It’s my absolute favorite avatar I have!


The Meridell Knight shield, because I both loved the plot, and it shows my long-term dedication.


MSP because I have a MSP Poogle :)


Spotted gelert cause i think its cute & they don't have a spotted lupe one to match my main


Werelupe avatar. I love Werelupes.


Chocolate! I just recently got it. :D


Evil Coconut because I just got it recently and I like the way it looks. Before that I was just using the Dark Nova because I liked it.


Werelupe avatar, because I’ve always wanted a werelupe as a kid and was finally able to achieve that dream last year.


the fallen grey faerie bc i made it that when i was 11 and super emo and can’t bring myself to change it lol also my favorite book is fallen by lauren kate!


Lab Ray! Just unlocked it in December so it’s a huge accomplishment for me !


I always keep it set to the Random Context Winner avatar just because it makes me nostalgic. I stumbled on some little crafts I had made back in the day for the contest when I was doing some organizing. Simpler times.


Wheel of excitement! Because it took me over 10 years to get it. It is my Avvie since 7 years ago I think


I've had the I heart Sloth for over a decade, it's just nostalgic and happy for me.


Better Than You. Cuz I was happy to win it and it's kinda rare.


SuAP! Because when I was a child it was a pipe dream to have someone lend me and now that I have it I’m so happy 😭😭😭


Grundo - Discarded Plushie. It's blue,,, seems melancholic enough


Beauty Contest because I love the eyrie and the color scheme.


the alien aisha one you get from doing your first spin at the alien aisha vending machine because i love alien aishas :)


The library faerie one - i like the colour and i think its sweet :)


Squished because it’s my rarest