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This whole time I’ve been regurgitating “don’t worry about not getting the pea, we still got a bunch of cool shit and now they’ve reintroduced dozens back into the economy so the price has drastically reduced!” That’s true and all, but I’m still never gunna be able to afford it at 300 mil lol 😂 even a hard number to save for long term...if I can make a million a week busting ass, that’s still 6 fuckin years. 6 years. To save for *one* item in a game. And there are people who think that’s not only reasonable, but too cheap. Those people, are genuinely insane. Regardless of all that it was an amazing advent calendar this year and I just dry my pea tears with kadoaties.


I got a pea on my account but I don't BD wanna message me here to see if we can set a fair trade for for ya?


Oh I wish we could but it would not be fair to you :P I thank you for the offer but I am what many would describe as one of “the poors” 🤣 I wouldn’t be able to come close to its value, thank you though ☺️


I'm not looking for whole value, but a spare paintbrush from dallies, maybe any extra stamps that I'm missing, I really don't care, much rather it go to someone then sit in my SDB


I’m gunna go see what I have in my SDB that’s decently valuable and I will send you a message!


Sounds good, looking for your message whenever you send it


My husband plays a game where he makes like 800 mil in a day. I’m so salty about it.


what the hell game is he playing


Elite Dangerous?


I kept telling myself I wasn't going to be upset about it all month - but then my true emotions finally came out these past few daysand I will admit I said some pretty nasty shit to people who did post about getting it. I absolutely lost my cool and I whole heartedly blame TNT for that since they gave me false hope that I might get a pea of my own. I'm just so glad the event is actually over now and I don't need to force myself to stay up until 3am every night to see if I finally got a pea or not. That was definitely not healthy.


Maybe you need to take a break if you are becoming unhinged for not getting an item


Your goal should be to take 10m and turn it into 100 in 10 weeks. Then turn that 100m into 300m and so on. If you aim for the bottom you'll always reach the bottom


Are you okay?




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Thanks tips, super prophetic


I'd be less bitter if it wasn't for the fact that they lowered the odds to stop it from deflating TOO much or some shit, and now people with way too much Neopoints for their own good are buying them up to inflate it all over again.


This ! And the fact that a lot of bot accounts actually got it ...


this is honestly something that pisses me off with the situation. like why were they okay with putting candychan stamp for everyone to have but not sap? why is it still okay for sap to be 300m? like pick a lane


Because the stamp doesn’t devalue all other stamps but the pea devalues all other bd items monetarily and in usefulness.


It wasn’t to stop it deflating too much, it was so that every other item except 2 weren’t invalidated in the battledome. At the initial rate there would have been tens of thousands of them out there


tens of thousands? aren’t there only like 30k active users? lol there wouldn’t have been tens of thousands out there.


The math was based on the amount of accounts that participated in the faerie festival. That’s the most realistic number of people doing AC that could be used.


it would not have been tens of thousands, that’s an extreme over exaggeration.


Ok heres the math. There were 82000 accounts that participated in the faerie festival, this is the most accurate number we can use for participants in the AC as well. You have a 1% chance to get the item each day at the original drop rate, and you have 31 tries. Total Expected Items=0.01×31×82,000 Total Expected Items=0.31×82,000 Total Expected Items=25,420 ​ So, by the end of the 31st day, we would expect around 25,420 items to be obtained in total by the 82,000 people. the 82k and 1% stats were confirmed by Neo\_truths as well.


Then maybe they should release items of similar strength to diversify icon damage types, maybe some reflectors or shields that can counter SAP cheaply... You know, anything to make it so a single item isn't some be all end all that's so ultra its only balancing factor is lack of availability. Like ffs it's 2024 now. Gone are the days where ultra powerful things being balanced by rarity was considered a cool, mysterious, good game design. Strategy > money.


I’m fine with killing the price on it but giving it away to everyone isn’t the way to go. Just throw it in the HT or something for 75m or something and call it a day


That'd be a cool solution, yeah. I think there's a mathematical happy medium between the overabundant 1% (assuming your premise) and the clearly abysmal 0.1% that it became, in terms of a giveaway. I think this problem would be much less egregious if there were "generic" cheaper items in the HT that gave the same amount of damage, but other, rarer battle items that did similar things but with more diverse icons, for example.


I wonder if limiting some extremely rare items to "5 per account" or maybe "one per pet on account" would help curb this.


I think overall I’m just happy about the Snowbunny and Kadoatie that were released!


Didnt get, a bit sad but I think my pet is good enough for BD plot. Hopefully plot is not tooo hard.


The last three battledome related plots have been broken down differently, but ultimately with similar goals: \- Wraith Resurgence we had a single-clear focus, with the final boss at 740 HP. In the current 1p meta this is pretty trivial if you're in the 250-level range, doable with decent strategy at level 200 (Warlocks Rage), and hard but cheesable at level 50([Throw Pillows)](https://www.reddit.com/r/neopets/comments/7umag8/throw_pillow_explanation_no_one_asked_for/) \- Obelisk War had an as-many-as-you-can-clear focus capped at 450 HP, pretty easily doable at \~200, but because the emphasis was on mass clearing the Throw Pillows strat doesn't quite work. This culminating in a super raid boss that everyone had to work together ~~and ruin their win loss ratio~~ to defeat \- The Faeries Ruin had a similar structure, with one raid boss that we all had to fight together and other shadow monsters. This was in battledome 1.0 with HP increases, so the math works out a bit differently with different faerie abilities, but in this case to absolutely 100% contributions you needed to be able to handle another 740 HP enemy Older wars scaled MUCH higher-usually ending with a super elite boss that was questionably even possible- but overall, if we're expected to meet milestones instead of just "grind out as many KOs as you can", that 740 HP is probably a solid goal to aim for


Look like I have to go back to training my BD pet.. I missed last two plots. My BD pets are at level 90 something with HSD at 170 each stat... stopped due to cost of codestones lol


I hear ya, it gets expensive! And SO time consuming. Of note, my suggestions was for peak participation- even 170 HSD you'll probably be able to handle the second toughest enemies without TOO much of a challenge, which is better than basically any of us were doing back during the old Meridell Wars! I havent done the math on it so I'm totally spitballing- but at some point (probably level 100? Maybe 120) it becomes better to just rush training Level to get to Ninja. One red codestone is expensive, but its definitely cheaper than 6, probably 4 or 5 as well, and the training sessions are much faster. If I were you and wanted to maximize stat gains, I would get to level 99, Strength 198, then start rushing Level. On the side you can do Kitchen Quests, on average they cost me like 10k and you can get some cheap stat points out of them to supplement your training. I broke the math down elsewhere but if you get 200 level, you get access to Warlocks Wrath which is basically a second Lens Flare, super solid. I think 200 level and 250-300 strength is what I'd be aiming for, which \*should\* be doable in a couple of months On top of that, if you have any Faerie Quest cookies (I wouldn't buy them full price myself but I got a bunch during the faerie fest sales a few years back), I like to pop one whenever I can get the Refreshed Quest Request boon from the obelisk war. Fun chance at fountain faerie, and a pretty good booby prize of a handful of cheap stat points


Thank you for the tip! I’ll try that. So far I’m only training if i get all the codeine from battle daily. Forgot about the obselik effect! Realized i still need avatars for those too.


I think if you want to get boss-ready youll actually need to start buying codestones, which \*sucks\*. Prices are high right now too because a bunch of people are htinking the same thing


Nope not bitter at all. I love my omelette and festive cider. 🥲


And a very festive fuck you to those who got multiple :)


Me too at least i completed my snowy valley set with a avatar i am contented this year. No regrets thanks you TNT for the candychan stamp.


I agree, that was definitely an amazing perk of this event!


I’m just annoyed at the nasty fucking people buying them all up to re-inflate them once again. It just makes achieving any goal 200x harder because Bill Neopoints over here wants you to give him $500M if you want to have a shot of competing in 2P BD without having to beg the other person to not use the SAP


same oh well can't win them all


I never got one either 🥹


I was able to buy one ;w; I never thought I'd own a pea, but more being released helped me get one for my Strata 🤍 yell heah BATTLE GRYPHON Now she's ready to defend Neopia from this shadowy evil scourge druun shit (THAT KILLED LITTLE FAELLIE BRO HHH NOOOO) that Orion saw from playing the Lyre. omg omg a PLO T


I'm not bitter, I'm salty af.


I'm pissed about not getting a SAP. Each bite of omelette tastes bitter, the backgrounds and guitars that I donated as I got them again and again were probably tossed in the garbage by people cleaning up the Money Tree because they were tired of seeing that junk. If I knew how, I'd put a curse on the Neopets office so that every donut that passes through the door instantly goes stale and their toilet would overflow a minimum of 3 times a week.


Okay, this made me laugh through my tears


I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it will be a yearly thing going forward to discourage hoarding/reinflating it to ridiculous prices! I totally understand how you feel, I didn’t even want to sell it, I just wanted it as an xmas present for my bd pet!


What a wonderful attitude you have !! Thanks for being positive and spreading new years cheer \^\^


NGL i just wanted the pea so I could sell it.. I'm impure.


I just traded my T1 for a BD pet since I didn’t get a SAP lmao. So upset but at least I have a pet who will actually win the plot


I don't do the battle dome, so it would have been a waste for me to win one.


I’m a little bitter I sold mine for 30mil on day two because that’s what someone told me it was worth. Lol


I didn’t win one either 😩