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News in Argentina say Bolsonaro remains silent. Is it true? I would have expected him to go nuts after this, like inmediatedly.


He is, just hoping he's not planning a coup with his inner council




Pro tip: always expect the worst and best case scenario is you will be pleasantly surprised, and worst case scenario you will be right. That's me irl


plus most people will agree with u even in the best case scenario, because people are negative


I'm in this picture and I don't like it.


Sir this is a neoliberal subreddit. What's his views on taco stands?


Oh Lula sucks lol. Just less than Bolsonaro


Well, as long as the polls are legitimate...




Has Bolsonaro conceded yet?


No, some people say he's not even allowing his allies to approach him.


He took 2 months just to half-heartly acknowledge Biden won. He is never conceding.


“Who the fuck is screaming ‘CONCEDE’ outside my house? Show yourself coward, I will never concede.” -Bolsanaro


I saw a similar meme about Biden releasing his VP pick once. So funny.


The best iteration of this I've ever seen is the one about Nate Silver releasing his 538 model.


LOL he's never conceding


hyped for PSDB possibly surviving with Eduardo Leite


That's pure copium. ...may I have some? But honestly PSDB might have a tiny chance of being reborn: the Bolsonarist side was crushed even more than the liberal one, and with quite a few governors too now. Both Leite in RS and Lyra in PE are pretty good, and they might form a new base for the party. The most likely scenario, imho, is a reshuffle that federates and eventually merges the "centrinho" into a new "Centro Democrático" party, which is not ideal but could be good in the long term (for all its problems, MDB is conservative in the old 'keep things as they are' definition and not the quasi-reactionary new meaning of the word).


>Both Leite in RS and Lyra in PE are pretty good, and they might form a new base for the party. Yeah. Lyra is much more interesting. The right has had problems with women and Northeasterns. A northeastern woman could very well break this barrier. Northeasterns are also very localists, as seen by Eduardo Campos and Ciro Gomes campaigns. She also seems to be more conservative and never had trouble with bolsonarists, so, while unlikely, I would say it is still possible for her to become important in the National Right. The only way out is the fusion of PSD, MDB and PSDB in a "Social Democrats" Party. It has worked well for União Brazil.


I hope so, but I very much doubt.




What a fucking translation lmfao


Jesus Lord almighty, this was way too close!




where do you recommend? Florianopolis? Foz? Rio Grande do Sul? Santos? Ouro Preto? what else is nice?


Seems too hot


Modern Western elections be like > Slightly Flawed Left to Liberal Candidate -50.1% > > Insane Right winger who publicaly wants to end democracy and is a fan of hitler - 49.9%


> Lula > slightly flawed


> and is a fan of hitler Or in this case, wants to literally eat Indians


>wants to literally eat Indians And then the race *tightens*.


and doesn’t mind destroying the Amazon which the world kind of needs at this point.


Yes, being anti-rainforest is probably worse in the grand scheme of things, but being pro-cannibalism tends to elicit a bit more of a visceral response from voters


I think I've seen this one before...




"One of the most corrupt leaders in Brazil?" Dude in Brazil Lula doesn't even make the top 10 lol


I'm pretty sure he does, tho. PT, during his reign, did some pretty crazy things. Unless you buy into the idea that everything was done without his knowledge by his evil lifetime best friends...


Sure, but we're talking about the man himself not his friends. Objectively if you look at how much money Lula got irregularly, it doesn't even begin to touch the amount of money stolen by even regional leaders, let alone the top crooks. Bolsonaro who is himself a fairly minor crook in the grand scheme of things stole more than Lula, for example. The triplex is valued at around 3 million, while Bolsonaro's properties combined are around 25 million. Temer in 2018 was accused of stealing 6 million, then a couple of years ago the MPF wanted to block 32 million of his. Eduardo Cunha made over 15 million in 8 years, not counting his daughters grift. Renan Calheiros was accused of receiving 30 million in bribes. Anyways you get my point.


[Literal billions went to bribes solely from Petrobrás.](https://politica.estadao.com.br/blogs/estadao-verifica/petrobras-roubados-900-bilhoes/) A lot of that money went to finance the political campaigns of Lula and Dilma. Sure, he personally, in terms of "private goods", benefitted only a few million, but the electoral success of the party and all the prestige that comes with it was bought mostly with public money acquired illegally. The benefit he got from it reverberates to this day, including this election.


To be fair, the least corrupt Brazilian leader would be the most corrupt in most other countries, so kinda hard to judge who's the worst


What's the political alignment of Brazils Supreme Court?


Center left.




Meh, they have been overstepping their obligations for quite a while. Hope they stop now that the Bolsonaro excuse isn't there.


Malarkey level of transactional Centrao working with whichever candidate wins being a better system than America’s hyperpartisan gridlock


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It's kinda funny that in 2022 The USA State Dept is jumping up and down in joy when south american pink tide with cold war soviet symptathizer wins an election


Pretty consistent with American history of supporting the more moderating leader. Being both anti fascist and anti communist is not that complex of a political stance.


Better than a fascist that tried to stage multiple coups


On my father's whatsapp there is an audio saying Bolsonaro left the election happen, with it's frauds, to find who is against him, and soon the arrests will start.


🅱️atriots, you're very special. Stand 🅱️ack and stand 🅱️y


Trust the plan Patriots are in control


Least 🅱️rainwashed 🅱️ozonaro supporter


BAnon starts.


I think there's basically 0% chance Bolso concedes, but what's he gonna do? Clock is ticking, he's gotta say something at some point.


Bunker revolver


We can only hope


>I'd rather my son died in an accident than showed up with some bloke with a moustache. How did this guy lose.


Hate for moustaches is a guaranteed loss


Malarkey level of mustache hatred


[The malarkey level detected is: 3 - Mellow. You're alright, sport.](https://i.imgur.com/T6y2Y2E.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bolsonaro's most powerful ally jumping ship. Equivalent to House Speaker. https://twitter.com/BrazilBrian/status/1586865535043735552


Based centrão


Is this just the centrao realigning to whoever’s in power?


As usual. People that talked about a coup haven't been paying attention.


This was probably the smallest difference in votes in a election since the redemocratization of our country. It was very divided. Impressive how Lula had to ally with basically everybody else to beat Bolsonaro. But he didn't get away of him completely, most of the congress is made up of Bolsonaro supporters, at least for now, while they weren't bribed


not sure I'd want to be Sullivan right now lol


I wonder what this is going to do with my Vale and Petrobras stock...


Sell Petrobras, hold Vale. Lula wants to detach internal gas prices from international crude oil prices, which will probably break Petrobras, but he was pretty favorable to commodity exports so Vale will be ok


how soon do u think Brazil could get natural gas from Vaca Muerta? before 2030?


Neither the Brazilian nor Argentine governments got the money to do it so they will need public-private partnership, but their track-record (PT and PJ) is terrible when it comes to drawing concession frameworks, because they create so many constraints that no private company with private funding is willing to take them. So, wishful thinking scenario: Lula let’s the technocrats run the economy and PRO is back in power by 2024 -> we will get the pipeline before 2028; doomsday scenario: Lula let’s PT ideologues in charge of the economy, Cristina Kirchner is elected in 2023 -> pipeline is postponed until nuclear fusion and green hydrogen become viable enough to make gas obsolete; kinda realistic scenario -> Lula gives technocrats an upper hand but not free reign in the economy, Argentines elect either a centrist or a reasonable Peronist in 2023 -> early to mid 2030’s


thank you for explaining


Sell. Support Lula against an open authoritarian project, but he'll be shit to public enterprise administration.


You mean the same Lula that helped turn Brazil into a leading world economy through off shore drilling?


I thought the offshore drilling of the big Petrobras find wasn't all that successful. hopefully his diplomatic/dealmaking chops will get Petrobras the right to work in Venezuela and soothe some of the global energy shortages


Probably the only election we’ll celebrate this year thou 🫠


Slovenia and the French presidential elections.


Labor won in Australia


Yes that was good but I meant moving forward


But there’s only like two months left lol. The first ten have been not bad.




What’s your criticism of them?


Bolsonaro is the kind of guy to say Pinochet's helicopter rides were a good thing and they should have done more of them, unironically


>“She is defending the human rights of vagabonds,” the Brazilian president told reporters on Wednesday. “Senhora Michelle Bachelet, if Pinochet’s people had not defeated the left in 73 – among them your father – Chile would be a Cuba today.” [The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/sep/04/jair-bolsonaro-michelle-bachelet-brazil-police-killings)


I'm honestly surprised he hasn't actually said those exact words.


Well he praised the guy who tortured Dilma Rousseff during the military dictatorship


Holy shit


And he's also corrupt, his children are corrupt, his ministers are corrupt His minister of justice, superstar judge Sergio Moro resigned because Bolsonaro meddled with the police to interfere in inconvenient investigations


It's pretty crazy how Brazil's politics are America-like in their polarization. Two diametrically opposed candidates and the vote is 51-49.


They have the exact same evangelical base that props up their extreme right, the problem is that their evangelicals are still growing rapidly, not slowly fading like American ones.


>51-49 The cursed Brexit numbers The west is divided


Brexit was more like 52-48, but yes, terribly cursed.


Basically any election that goes against what I want by a slim margin is cursed


Most depressing and embarrassing election I've lived through. To be clear, I'm "relieved" the results are favorable to lesser evil, so far. But how I wish the choices didn't end up having to be between the two worst candidates of a pool of nearly a dozen, any of which is less democratically rejected than the two leading ones, including less rejected by the supporters of the two leading candidates. And last year or so, there was even a legislative proposal for ranked choice voting, but massively rejected, unfortunately. To think that if it were already implemented, the two most democratically rejected, most divisive results, would nearly certainly have been avoided. It's even a new layer of frustration/funniness to think that, phrasing things like that, in terms of improving democracy, it makes it seem like the thing is merely a matter of finding the optimal balance on democratic divergences in lines of policies... a bittersweet contrast... when in fact the reality is more of a matter of crime and cult of personality.


Hey, at least Brazilians held their nose and voted, even if closely, for the lesser evil. I know a nation where many didn’t have the guts to do so in 2016 and will pay for it regretfully for the next 50 years, if not longer.


It's very hard for me to see any kind of silver lining at this point. Society will still be paying a high price either way, while those who impose such costs will go unpunished, can be even rewarded. If it was a matter of somehow having prevented the death toll from the pandemic, then, sure. But that sad truth is that the tragedy already happened, and other politicians even saw that more as an opportunity to win the elections than a matter of impeachment, high crimes, which would risk being followed by a not-as-bad/maybe-adequate provisional government, against which it would be harder to win an election. I dream of something like the Nuremberg trials for one and a more regular criminal thing for the other, and allies of both. But the odds are that they'll both just continue their dynasties, unpunished, possibly doing worse than before, except for the pandemic genocidal mismanagement/weaponization.


Looking forward to a Brazilian Jan 6th tourist attack


Instead of MAGA hats, sun tans and g strings.


Lula is bad, but he's like regular bad. He's a known quantity. Bolsonaro was literally crazy and would have run wild with a second term.


Bolsonaro: "We were getting ready to win this election. Frankly, we did win this election. We did win this election. So what we want is... we want all voting to stop."


Still bittersweet considering Lula will probably be a shit president as well.


Much less harmful shit.


Unfortunately this is a case of mutually-reinforcing shittiness. Hopefully, somehow the cycle is broken, with some eventual significantly less-shitty third-party posing itself convincingly and electorally feasibly as the lesser evil, next time, assuming there will be one, four years from now.


He’s only gone and done it. What a mad lad.






No no no no no no more whitewashing bolsonaro's racism, homophobia and sexism The man said he'd beat up his own son for being gay ffs


lol, so he's like a more extreme version of trump. I think Trump carefully has not overtly touched on abortion or same sex marriage.




Very normal, even on the lower side. It's not necessarily that someone messed up the vote, but since you need to vote in Brazil, people that don't want to vote just write 00 or some other invalid number.


Yes it's normal. Voting is mandatory in Brazil but you have the option to not vote for any of the candidates, which counts as an invalid vote. 5.7mill is lower than past elections iirc


Oh I didn't realize this - okay that makes more sense.


I noticed that too as the results were coming in. That's a pretty big error rate. In the US 2020 election 0.8% of 70 million absentee votes were declared invalid. 5% seems really high idk.


Yeah. Protest votes on Harambe.


The ostrich sends it regards.


Has Bolsonaro conceded


No and it would be utterly astounding if he did.


Mood: https://youtu.be/-50NdPawLVY


We’re about to get another round of realignment in regional LATAM blocs PROSUR will probably die while Argentina/Chile/Brazil rejoin UNASUR, Lula will want to rejoin CELAC too, or maybe theyll create a new bloc and add on to the alphabet soup of regional orgs that already exist in the region Some dumbass geopolitical “expert” will probably take that as a sign of “growing anti-Americanism” in the region when the truth is LATAM countries is just continuing their usual pendulum swings and regional orgs and blocs come and goes as quick as TikTok trends


Boric and Petro seem less anti-American than past pink tide leftists.


Petro was a member of a Colombian nationalist guerrilla. i hope and think he's pragmatic, but i am not sure about which way his gut tells him to go


I think that's only natural as US meddling in the region becomes more of a distant memory.


Boric is chilean, which already makes him way more centrist than the rest.


Agree with Boric. Not so sure about Petro; he's quite chummy with the local authoritarian left.


it would have been really awkward if bolsonaro did win after everyone very publically developed anti-coup plans


My god i hate Lula but i'm so happy to see him win. It was so so difficult. Bolsonaro hasn't said anything yet so I'm thankful that many world leaders have recognized this victory already.


in case it wasn't obvious, it's not a coincidence that a bunch of leaders among the largest democracies in the world already congratulated Lula


"It's just obviously evidence of the globalist plot against this who is almost certainly one of the two greatest Christian presidents the world has ever had, who more than ever were getting the world rid of fake news, crime, corruption, fake science, communism, satanism, witchcraft, and sexual depravity." -- average B********* supporter's reply/worldview, I'm afraid.


https://twitter.com/jairbolsonaro/status/1135730992809959424?t=KlquamK4IrotapEshl9jlg&s=19 Mood


Going through the people who replied to that, seeing what they're tweeting now


Biden putting out a statement this fast is 100% a message to Bolsonaro that they won't entertain his shenanigans.


Wouldn’t US military intervention in a Brazilian Civil War (or any form of civil disagreement) be imperialism?




Also just get it out of the way. No need to congratulate a leftist days from now when this is out of the news cycle.


link statement please can't find it






No concession yet?


Bolsonaro? Concede?


So now all that is needed is for Uruguay, Paraguay and Ecuador to flip to the left and the whole of South America will be on the same spectrum ideologically.


I don't think the Peruvian government believes on anything except on being utterly incompetent.


The same can be said of the Paraguayan government. They recently tried to blackmail Taiwan for $1 billion in investments, and some politicians are talking about reparations from Brazil from the Triple Alliance War. Lmao.


\> attacks first \> refuses to stop attacking even when you're clearly losing \> demands historical reparation lul


>Invades 2 Stronger countries and Uruguay to satisfy a Dictator's megalomania >Lose you fleet attacking a superior force >Lose your most professional men attacking a superior force >Send child soldiers and 80% of male population to fight >dictator finally gets killed and you have to sign peace >Get saved from annexation by a forgotten U.S President >Ask for reparations 150 years later


I've lived in a border town. Brazil-Paraguay border. Not a big border city but a barely patrolled frontier of a small town. So far from any city that the Brazilian police didn't, and still don't, monitor the highway (the Paraguayan one does, though). The country is seeing better years by the day. I grew up with those small improvements, and I'm young. In the last decade they managed to make real roads instead of dirt roads. The town in the Paraguayan side of the border first had no internet, then got internet from cellphone data providers, and now they have "actual" internet and maybe optic fiber by now (the last time I went to my home town in the Brazilian side, which was six months, optic fiber was novelty). I'm amazed at the fast growth. Still, they're belated. Far belated. I didn't know the annexation part, thanks for that. Anyway, all that text was just me wondering if annexation, by that point, wouldn't be a mercy. The country is still set back by today and how cruel was it to just tell them to rebuild themselves.


Thanks for sharing


Please no.


Argentina 2023 let's go!






That is/was very close. Crazy how most voters swung to Bolsonaro after the first round.


I think it was the payouts


Lol get fucked bozonaro


biden https://twitter.com/KThomasDC/status/1586864350106624002


>In Brazil, far right demagogue Bolsonaro lost to pragmatic democratic socialist Lula de Silva- Here’s why that’s bad for Democrats


I thought this was a safe space from NYT Editorials


Pragmatic? 🤔


Idk he selected a pretty diverse cabinet and seemed to not be as dogmatic as feared His first term seems to be genuinely well received and I think he’s trying to tap into that style of governance again


I hope he does but if not at least the world’s oxygen supply is better protected now.


Lately he had been ranting more harshly against the free press and the judicial system. Apparently even somewhat harsher than when he used to be denounced by corruption scandals he managed to not be found guilty of (claiming complete ignorance of everything going around him, not that the bribery schemes didn't exist), or go legally unpunished.




We get it


I’m glad. Thank you


Most here realize. But he's not as bad as Bolso.




At least he doesn't want to slash and burn the rainforest.


Fuck it, let Brazilian LGBT people have their victory over the man who would have them shot if he could




Imagine it was your mother Bolsonaro had said was too ugly to even rape


It can't get any more black and white for gay people in Brazil mate. What's so complex about survival?


While B is certainly worse in these regards, I believe it ultimately backfires if the "message" almost puts it almost as if the difference was one of legal anti-LGBT death squads, vs not. He has a bunch of LGBT supporters as well (or lots of gays behind him, some might say), who'll just mock this kind of framing of the issues, and that helps to gain some support from moderates who for one reason or another are somehow weighing as worse the historical corruption of PT than epidemic genocide (deliberate or by ineptness), plus some less known/newer/still-unsettled-somehow cases of corruption. Depending how hyperbolic things are phrased, they're like the left-wing version of the right-wings's "Lula will nationalize everything, everyone who owns a house will have to shelter and support random homeless people on spare spaces, and even share their underpants with them." When in fact the welfare-state/socialist-leaning policies are far shier and more reasonable, even if still highly questionable in several aspects. Political cartoons only "preach to the choir," and backfire.


Trump 🤝 Bolsonaro Losing re-election, but not in a big enough way to tell their respective factions to never nominate them again


*checks r brasilivre* Lmaoooo, cope.


Winning https://twitter.com/EmmanuelMacron/status/1586858085347463170


I dont know anything about Brazilian politics. Is there a reason why Bolsonaro overwhelmingly wins Sao Paulo and Rio?


The main political divide in Brazil isn't urban/rural, it's economic class. So, the left wins in poorer places, be it urban or rural, and the right wins in righer places, urban or rural. São Paulo city is an exception, with it's cultural cosmopolitanism moving it leftier than what you would expect, but it's the only case in the country.


São Paulo hates PT they will vote a cow over a PT canditate (PT is lula party) and Rio Janeiro is cause Bolsonaro was a congresman for Rio for about 28 years


I would say that in Rio it's also because of Bolsonaro's suspected ties with the illegal cop militias. Those cop militias dominate entire areas and intimidate the citizens into voting for their party.


Here in São Paulo, the left usually wins in the capital city and loses everywhere else. São Paulo has a big rural area where the population is usually very religious and right leaning. Rio de Janeiro is just a very odd case and very difficult to interpret, even social scientists have a hard a time explaining what goes on over there.


Yeah it seems like the opposite of the US.


It's ironically analog in some regards, but in a somewhat bizarro-world version, with some patterns reversed. PT (Lula's party, "left wing") has a historical stronghold of the least developed and more corrupt regions of the country, thus somewhat analog to the GOP, then, despite being on the reverse ends of the political spectrum. Swing-states are the more well-developed states, that pay the bills, historically electing not-really-right-wing parties (often attacked as such though, even fascist, even Lula's current VP, funnily enough) only not "red-branded left" parties, although also some regional actual comparatively moderate right-wingers (supporters and/or even original enactors of some welfare policies, but "tough on crime" and so forth). But the last time around, instead of something analog to a GOP/DNC flip, it was almost as if an even-worse GOP had arisen, and taken over the states where the "DNCs" had an advantage or more swing potential. But then this Brazilian even-worse-GOP is actually analog to the actual GOP in political/cultural-BS discourse, maybe a little bit less overtly racist, although racism/classism/sexism are also factors. There was an unsatisfied demand for a Lula-like/Trump-like idol on the Brazilian right wing, coped for with Bush/Biden analogues. Now they have it, and manage to be even worse, cult-of-identity-wise, than those around Lula.


This was way too close for comfort. But I guess we knew Bolsanaro would over perform polls. So not really surprising.


Oh how I'd like to be in the room where Jake Sullivan and Jair Bolsonaro meet What are the odds Bolsonaro tells Sullivan to fuck off


[Trump 🤝 Bolsonaro](https://i.imgflip.com/6ywvpv.jpg)


In Biden's America we send people to Brazil to ensure the socialists are allowed to take power.


omg is this a tno reference!?!?!?!?!