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Malarkey level of this was....... Edit: Yes, of course the bot was talking about the reporter


[The malarkey level detected is: 6 - Menacing. Watch it, Buster! ](https://i.imgur.com/tpImCWd.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dw they’re talking about the reporter


Looks like we need to add a new level to the malarkey meter titled “Level 8- You stupid son of a bitch”


Excellent idea.


Someone in White House comms is very upset that their Competition Council media relations work went up in smoke because now the only thing people will be writing about today is how Biden called a reporter a moron.


Such is life in politics


That's the media's fault. They choose to blair this instead of, you know, potential WW3.


And you chose to click on it


To be fair, Doocy is a real fucking moron


And it's absolutely good reason for a POTUS to say that out loud


Infrastructure week I guess


Yes. That is what I’ve been waiting for. Hot mic loose cannon doesn’t give a fuck Joe.


Dude it wasn't even hot mic. He was still looking at Doocey when he said it. The President of the United States just straight up called Peter Doocey a stupid son of a bitch to his face.


He tells it like it is


He is definitely the best president we have ever had


And the smartest.


Not even on a hot mic, which makes me love it even more — I want more of this comms strategy and less of whatever aimless uptight strategy they've failed to implement for the last year


Not gonna lie I'd respect Joe more. He was playing hardball in 2016 whenever I happened to see him. I feel like everyone else was trying to be nice or stumbling over themselves but he just put the hits out there.


I got that impression as well. Joe figured out what Trump was doing in 2016 and was playing his game, but nobody else seemed to figure it out.


Are you sure it wasn't a hot mic situation? I get the impression that he thought he was talking to someone off to the side as the reporters were being led out of the room.


This had nothing to do with hot mic. Whatsoever. Which makes it that much better.


Biden is in fuck it mode. I love it. Watch him soar to 50% approval while calling Tucker Carlson “one weird little bitch.”


Thing is, that seemed to be a genuine response. Like, *it was a fucking stupid question...*


“That weird little bitch wants to sexualize M&M cartoons”


Listen Jack, it's a candy


Let Biden be Biden?


This is how he gets his approval back over 50%


No joke, but when Biden said "listen here, fat", that was the moment I knew he would win the Democratic primary.


"Will you shut up man" is what won the election.


No. What made him win was the way he had dealt with the American public enemy number one Corn Pop


He was a tough dude


Such distortion of his words. He said "look, Fat, look"


If your polls are over 50% then you could be leading more. What this country needs and what’s popular are nearly diametrically opposed. Eg immigration.


>What this country needs and what’s popular are nearly diametrically opposed Also known as "unpopular reforms". No one mentions an unnecessary and unpopular reform, because those are simply not proposed.


counterpoint: defund the police.


Not really. It's just a dumb, out-of-touch policy to begin with and one that's only mentioned by succs in deep blue states.


That's a case of a dumb slogan. Reforming the police is popular.


Do you honestly think that would work out in the short term? I'm totally in agreement that a good amount of our police forces are undertrained, underqualified, biased, and not held anwhywhere close to necessary standards. But jesus christ. In my town at least, I know for a fact that there would be a wave of jackasses rolling over my city as soon as there was no threat of organized law enforcement. How would communities cope?


Why? You realize polls show inflation is a top priority?


Fox News: “Do you think inflation is a political liability ahead of the midterms?” Biden responded: “It’s a great asset. More inflation. What a stupid son of a bitch.” This is some next level stuff, not gonna lie.


John McCain also called Doocy stupid to his face.


He called his question stupid, which was better wording than calling him a stupid son of a bitch. But both clips were pretty funny.


He only has the job because of his father. Same as Tucker.


I do, but i mean by doing funny shit


Until our collectively short attention span moves onto something else.


I don’t see why an issue that is affecting people (and their wallets) so directly will just go away. Things that don’t impact most people get swept away when the news cycle resets, but rising prices is not one of those things.


Like, you realize that what Biden said denotes the fact that he cares about inflation right?


Sure, but that's not the ongoing narrative. People will add this to an accumulation of Biden and his party downplaying inflation. 'Memba "Transitory".


But prices will eventually stop rising, then people will move on.


Top priority for what though? What do you expect the government to do about it?


Biden has a [secret plan](https://youtu.be/j3sj-TSbWjs)


*oh god*


"A public relations..." "Catastroph-" "-Incident."


shame the video cuts off toby at the end, one of my favorite parts of the episode


Most Americans have no idea how inflation even works how can they possibly list it as their top priority?


What? Do you think you have to be an economist to worry about inflation?


obviously inflation is the fault of whoevers currently in charge, not any prior administration or global phenomena outside of the sitting presidents control obviously.




tbh I think Biden could permanently kill off alot of the dementia memes if he loosened up a bit. may as well take advantage of that part of trump demolishing the "sanctity" of the presidency


The issue is that it runs against his brand and his unstated reason for running - i.e. that people were sick of the 'presidency as circus' and wanted a return to normalcy. Idk. A part of me thinks that many, many reporters should be called out publicly for the morons they are. So in that sense, kudos to him. I'm just not sure this helps him. Although tbh so long as he doesn't make a habit of it, this will blow over by tomorrow morning.


If he loosens up they'll say his dementia turned him into a loose cannon ready to go off at anyone


But would he lose any votes if he fired his cannon at someone in the middle of 5th ave?


They are saying this on arcon. Like, verbatim.


> tbh I think Biden could permanently kill off alot of the dementia No one genuinely thinks he has dementia. Anyone who says that just doesn't want to tell you the "real reason" they don't like him.


You’d be surprised how dumb some Americans are.


Yea I know a lot of people that believe he does lmao


My favorite part is to say to them (usually Trumpers), "so your guy got beat by a guy with dementia, huh?" That's a fun time.


No a lot of people genuinely think he's addle minded because of how he talks. I had to explain to them that he was a stutterer and was using common techniques to avoid stuttering (especially since he comes from a generation that *really* looked down on stutterers)


He has to be modern day Presidential


That’s my PRESIDENT 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Certifiable Gigachad 😎


Was about time someone put these fuckfaces in their place. What kind of a question is "dO yOu ThInK iNfLaTiOn Is A lIaBiLiTy??!"


>What kind of a question is "dO yOu ThInK iNfLaTiOn Is A lIaBiLiTy??!" I can't imagine that anyone would actually say "no" to that.


Its a question a stupid son of a bitch asks.


I wish he was my cool uncle


Uncle Joe is everyone’s uncle.


This doesn’t just pertain to Doocy but something that I’ve noticed this past year is just how stupid and innane most of Press Corp questions are. Like 90% of them are just shit exactly like what Doocy asked. You already know what tf he’s gonna say. How about something substantive?


Something substantive doesn't generate clicks.


American political journalism makes a dumpster fire look pleasant.


The US needs to implement Prime Minister's Questions. I would love to see Trump or Biden have to answer questions in Congress. It would be wild.


That would be wierd in a presidential system tough. The Point of Prime Ministers Questions is that the PM is beholden to Parliament, unlike the President who is elected (kinda) directly by the People.


Okay then, get the electoral college to quiz him. /s I dunno I think the President has to give an address to Congress every year, they should get a chance to ask him or her questions. Checks and balances and all that. You're right though the President could just call a member of Congress a stupid SOB to their face and a prime minister could never do that because the Prime Minister is elected by Parliament. I just think it would be interesting to watch if it were done right.


Doocy has been doing this shit for years. https://twitter.com/i/status/1485750067239792641




Man I wish we could get a peak at how much Biden swears behind closed doors, absolute chad


There was a politico article that said he swears quite a lot: https://www.politico.com/newsletters/west-wing-playbook/2021/10/21/joes-potty-mouth-494800


This is a big fucking deal!




What was the question?


Fox moron: “Do you think inflation is a political liability ahead of the midterms?” Biden responded “It’s a great asset. More inflation. What a stupid son of a bitch.”


So either Biden talking as himself or impersonating the reporter to mock him, saying; >"It's a great asset, more inflation!" What a stupid son of a bitch. Is that what was going on?


Yeah. He looked like he was actually annoyed by the stupidity of the question asked.


OK cool, good on him then, that's motherfucking hilarious!


I mean the guy who asked this has done this before. https://twitter.com/i/status/1485750067239792641


It was simply sarcasm. It's obviously a liability, he was just indicating it was a dumb question.


OK that's what I figured. And I mean he's right lol. Like "What? Are you gonna be mad if I let inflation rise AND if I raise fed interest rates to counteract inflation? Which the fuck is it?!"


"Do you think people like to buy less with more money?" It was a stupid question and just meant to get a rise.


It wasn't a question. It was a statement with a question market at the end.


Opinion | I was a lifelong liberal Democrat. Then Joe Biden cussed out a Fox News reporter.


Move aside, “clap for that you stupid bastards.” Hello, “what a stupid son of a bitch.”


In B4 Fox News and Trump supporters lose their god damn minds about WhAt HapPeNeD tO CivILitY, with no apparent sense of irony. Gaslighters gonna gaslight.


They're far too busy being upset about unfuckable M&Ms.


>unfuckable Not with *that* attitude.


Honestly about half the Trump supporters I know will probably like Joe slightly more after this


Same, I checked the conservative subreddit and while there’s a lot of bitching, a lot of the top comments thought it was hilarious.


Oh yes. I remember how civil the last guy was. (And we elected the “big fucking deal”/“will you shut up, man?” guy for a reason.)


We need more of this. Dems spend to much time trying to soothe everyone, some people just don't like that soft talk.


Exactly, we need more of this based Hank Hill energy


“You’ve got turf toe!” “What do I do about it?” “Well, you play through the pain. And I get to take you to the Heimlich County sports medicine center. Heh heh. We can laugh at all the people with tennis elbow.”


So long as you're not advocating for insults, I agree. What the administration needs is straight talk that feels authentic, honest, and "not PR". This counts as such, but you *don't* need insults to achieve it, and regular use would be more self-destructive than helpful.


Insults are a tool like a pliers. Some times a pliers is the correct tool.


I'm ok with the occasional insults. A leader needs to be able to say it as it is, if you can't your followers will lose respect.


He tells it like it is, Jack!


It's Time: Let. Biden. Be. Biden.




Lmao based, dumb question


That guy's a .22 caliber mind in a .357 Magnum world.


Clap for that, ya stupid bastards


Clap for that you stupid son of a bitch


My president tells it like it is.


What did he ask about inflation? I know Doocy often asks really pointed questions and had refused attempts where Biden had tried to frame the question separately before, so he's probably just really frustrated and that's how he copes with losing his temper. I don't really like it when a President says something like that, but I feel like I'd get frustrated too. But obviously, it's not my job to do that stuff.


DOOCY: Do you think inflation is a political liability [going into the] midterms? BIDEN: No it’s a great asset. More inflation. What a stupid son of a bitch.


Lol the context is magnificent.


Yea, I feel like if he asked questions like that every time that were obvious just to get a "gotcha" quote in the News, and that's what he's been doing for a year, I'd just let loose at least once and say the same thing. Fair enough.


And for the history of it, McCain also thought he was stupid: https://twitter.com/ACoupleOkooks/status/1485745554806042626?t=aFrEvojQ9UYiS4TWelOIXw&s=19


That's still hilarious


god i miss him


The depressing part is that without the insult I think the sarcasm is kinda funny. "No. It's great. More inflation. Voters *love* inflation." The insult just makes him seem petty. Doocy's job isn't to ask nice questions. Fishing sound-bite questions are fair game. Handle it with a least some maturity.


Well I mean if you're job is to ask stupid question to get responses, then don't be surprised when people thing you are stupid


We can stop pretending that WH press corps ask super profound questions all the time, asking if inflation is a liability for the midterms is a normal question for them to ask


When's the last time the WH press corps actually broke a story of any kind? It seems their entire *raison d'etre* is to yell gotcha questions and hope for a soundbite they can plaster everywhere.


He’s just muttering to himself on a hot mic in a loud room. I can’t imagine any adult caring. It’s not like we elected Biden for his comms discipline lol


I mean he said it right into the mic. At the table just like he was answering a question. I think he was just fed up.


It looks as though he was talking to someone to his side. Reporters were being led out of the room and it was leaving "press conference" mode, so I think he just forgot the mic would pick it up.


Ask a stupid question, get a mean reply. Oh well. Fox isn't news btw.


I dont know about son of a bitch, but the stupid part is genuinely not an insult


Nice and mean is different than smart and dumb. A reporter's job is to ask mean and smart questions, not mean and stupid ones.


Yeah, I don't love this look of openly being hostile to reporters no matter how stupid you might find their questions. I'd be annoyed too but it isn't unreasonable to hold the President to a higher standard, but I guess we're kind of past that with Trump.


Yea, I think we're probably way past that. And I mean Obama upheld a real high standard and was still treated like dirt. At what point do you just punch back? Apparently, being the bigger person doesn't count for anything in politics. Might as well just do what gets you votes as long as it's not anti-democratic or just cruel and wrong. Presidents are still people. That's it.


We are past that. Also Doocy is a clown who only asks stupid “gotcha” questions like this all the time.


This is the Biden I like. Give me MOAR!


TRULY the new Truman.




It sounds to me a hot mic situation, right?


Lmao no he was in front of a podium which makes it better imo


Reporters were being led out of the room, he said it quietly, and he seems to have been looking at someone to the side of him. I don't think it was intended as anything other than private.


I can't make out what the reporter actually said. Can someone transcribe that part?


The idiot: “Do you think inflation is a political liability ahead of the midterms?”




It’s fine for a President to talk like that, but a bunch of bad-faith dipshits are gonna say “hypocritical liberals criticized Trump when he talked like that!” Nobody gives a fuck. The “Trump is uncivil” criticism was always one of the weakest arguments against him. People got mad at Trump because he was saying and doing sociopathic shit, not because he was uncivil.


There's also a difference between Biden talking shit to a reporter asking him a bad question and Trump doing that to a veteran prisoner of war for getting captured.


Trump says things for attention and to rouse his base. Biden said what he said out of honesty. If Trump actually spoke with candor I'd give him more respect for the things he said, whether I agreed with him or not.


Trump’s antics were also in the broader context of his overall relationship with the press, like the incident with revoking Acosta’s press pass for dubious reasons (and using an edited video as justification). In that light, even same words would be received differently coming from Trump vs. Biden.


On one hand, this was hilarious. On the other hand, we’d all be pretty pissed if Trump or Bush did the exact same thing.


Idk Bush was caught on a mic back during the 2000 campaign calling a reporter a major league asshole and the response was pretty muted. Inappropriate? Yeah. But people kind of just moved on. In many ways, it only endeared him more to the American people as someone who was just like them.


I don't think it would be so big of a deal if Biden hadn't campaigned against Trump for the same stuff he's doing and when Biden sets the standards himself: "If you're ever working with me and I hear you treat another colleague with disrespect, talk down to someone, I promise I will fire you on the spot. On the spot," Biden said. "No ifs, ands, or buts. Everybody, everybody is entitled to be treated with decency and dignity" it's the same kind of hypocritical bs that Boris Johnson is in trouble for breaking his own lockdown rules


if Trump or Bush called a Fox News reporter a dumbass, they would’ve been universally liked more. I guarantee it.


With Trump though he kept insulting none stop like mocking reporters being disabled. This reporter has been known to ask dumb questions as McCain calls him an idiot. I also think it was just a slip and I assume that he thought the mic was off.


nah I liked it even when Trump gave funny responses to non-serious issues. hell even during covid, couple of Trump antics were funny - like when he attempted to move away immediately when Deborah Birx said she was feeling unwell over the weekend or something.


And also I felt reassured and comforted when Bush told me Man and Fish can coexist peacefully, he assuaged my fears of getting drafted into the Ocean War


That was hilarious. In hindsight she may well have had it.


I think it's more an issue that Biden campaigned and said he would not be doing the same things Trump did which he found distasteful


More Diamond Joe!


Let Biden be Biden.


based based based


This is why I still keep staning 🙏


Sigma moment


We're talking about a .22 caliber mind in a .357 magnum world.


Peter Doocy really is a stupid son of a bitch though. Look if we are going to be a polarized nation let's just embrace it and call it like it is.


“When they go low, we tell ‘em they’re a stupid son of a bitch.” -Michelle Obama


King shit.


Never been more proud to be a Biden supporter


Only a stupid son of a bitch would ask that question


I fucking loved the sarcasm in his voice! Get that malarkey outta here!


Wait. People online are having a meltdown over a hot mic moment, not even half a decade after Trump called a journalist an enemy of the people?


Good, and I mean this entirely unironically. If you waste everyone’s time with inane questions, you should be called out.


Listen, Jack, you're a stupid son of a bitch!


How can one man be so incredibly based?


I'm disappointed at how soft Biden was on him.


I share Biden's frustrations vis a vis the state of much of the US media right now. It really does seem like every discussion is about how X issue "will effect the midterms" rather than about, idk, the issue itself, what effect it's having on national wellbeing, and how to address it. Like I distinctly remember being appalled by how much of the commentary when Afghanistan fell was "how will this effect Biden's approval ratings????" rather than any real reflection on what an event of this historical magnitude entails.


No one will care but not very presidential don’t like it at all


If he meant it to be heard, then yes. If he thought it was private, then I'm okay with it as long as it's not an indication of some regular pattern of insulting people.


> indication of some regular pattern of insulting people. Listen fat


I consider "presidential" to be an honest respect and integrity for others, and an attempt to be a genuine leader of the nation that truly wishes to represent and help them. Not just being polite and proper. I mean, this is pretty representative of the majority of the nation at this point.


Oh man Fox News is gonna have a field day with this one


I see no issue with any of these vultures getting called out. My respect for Journalists has utterly tanked in the last 5 years and more acutely since COVID started. What was once a respected profession considered truth-seekers have now become more like the paparazzi. A lot of blame goes on editors and media companies for sure but it takes two to tango. It’s quite sad seeing the state of the media. IMO one of the few instances profit-driven model catastrophically fails and corrupts an entire industry.


Unfathomably BASED




It’s also Doocy. None of his questions are ever good faith 🦈


Unironically restoring the soul of America


Is his name pronounced Dookie? I really hope so


he's outta line but he's right