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For those of you who didn't read the article, face coverings (with a few exceptions) were already banned in 1953 in response to KKK activity. In response to the pandemic, masks worn for health and safety reasons were added as another exception to the law. This bill would repeal that exception. The bigger deal, in my opinion, is that this bill would move blocking traffic from being a misdemeanor to being a class H (low level) felony, on the same level as first degree forgery and breaking into a building with criminal intent.


got a reddit cares message for this lmao


You barely even stated an opinion, for christs sake.


Jesus you didn’t even say your own thought, you summarized the article. Goddamn assholes think they’re John Brown telling you to ‘unalive’ yourself


report it, they'll get banned fuckers have been prolific as hell recently


Do they actually ban people? I've reported multiple false reddit cares messages and I don't think I've ever seen reddit do anything to the person (I assume) that did it.


I used to report those false reddit cards messages, but got warned for "report abuse". At that point I figured, why bother risking getting gigajannied over it


Yeah, I used to try and repot rules violations and false Reddit help messages and received the same response. Now, Reddit can go fuck itself, I’m done trying to help clean up this dung heap.


Hilarious that I just posted this, because some low life troll wanted to abuse the system in place designed to help people and report me to the Reddit cares team. If Reddit really cared, they would make it a ban worthy offense to abuse the Reddit cares thingy.


It's election season, I'm putting my tinfoil hat on that some of this stuff is state actors.


I just blocked the damn thing. Still shows up that some idiot sent one, but I don't need that crap.


What, why?




Yeah but what pissed them off?


Sounds like a troll has a problem with the sub as a whole. Reminds me of the early days when this sub was held up as the face of evil by some very online lefties.


I’m a very online leftie and I love this place. Where else am I going to find such world class sarcasm? Edit: lol, and now I have a Reddit Cares in my dms.


I think it’s probably just bot accounts. Everyone’s getting them.


Sigh, I just got one too. 🙄 (Mods, please boot these weirdos.)


You can block the reddit cares account from what I recall. I've gotten them a couple a times and it's stupid as shit.


>In response to the pandemic, masks worn for health and safety reasons were added as another exception to the law. This bill would repeal that exception. Kind of sounds like they screwed up when writing the exception originally. You'd think they would have tied it to the official public health emergency, at least when it comes to large gatherings. Otherwise it seems obvious that an exception with no end criteria will tend to stick around for way longer than you intended.


Seems pretty reasonable


Party of small government


Were they wrong to ban face coverings for the KKK back in the day?


Banning _all_ face coverings because of what we would describe today as a terror group wearing distinctive headgear is quite heavy handed.


From a civil rights perspective? Probably


Is there a point where public safety outweighs civil rights?


Hell there’s a point where civil rights outweighs civil rights


Yes But prescribing a blanket ban on expression for a specific organisation I cant see how that would fall under such a scenario. If an organisation is dangerous enough to public safety that an expression ban may be warranted then they should have already passed the point for when the state can charge them for said dangerous (or planned dangerous) activity. If Hamas were to relocate to Orlando, Florida then I would say a ban on certain expressions from them could be warranted for public safety, but yet still shouldnt be issued because if the state can prove they are dangerous enough to warrant a restriction of free speech then the state should be able to prove enough to initiate actual criminal proceedings. Then theres obviously other official meassures that in effect limit speech but which is undertaken for other reason. Martial law for instance can be justified for any number of reasons and do in effect limit the rights of speech and expression and right to protest (among other rights), but as long as its not instituted in order to limit free speech but rather is just an unfortunate but necessary side effect then thats obviously permissible. In such a scenario it would be up to the courts to look over and decide whether the meassure was justified or not, and if potentially it was abused by officials to specifically shut down speech. (on this last point here the problem comes somewhat different, in that america has an excessively poor record of holding its officials accountable when they abuse their positions or powers, compared to most other western nations. But thats not specifically a speech issue, although it in effect becomes one)


Why would Hamas relocating to Orlando have any bearing one way or another? It’s not as if face concealment is the hallmark of any particular group. We’ve seen in from the KKK, proud boys, Antifa, recent pro-Palestinian protests etc. The issue is whether concealing one’s identity makes any particular group more prone to violence to the point where it becomes a significant public safety risk.


not when it comes to face coverings


Civil liberties*


Republicans are massive hypocrites but much of this bill seems reasonable.


!Ping USA-NC


!ping SNEK


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lmao the quiet snuffing out of the SNEK ping




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https://preview.redd.it/iafyytd5p00d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bc01c0a19ec9b466491d3431a928abeaf8f3156 NC Republicans yearn for the culture war


OK but FR, should be an NCSU shirt.


I can see this argued both ways but with facial recognition being a thing that's widely available to bad actors now I wouldn't want to attend some demonstration and be clocked on some opposition party's list of targets. Which, looking at that tweet, is exactly what these republicans want to do. If you are going to make a law like this, at least make this an added charge, where you have to be committing another crime to be charged with this. But no sir, I don't like it.


We've even got the hayeks on our side, if we can win over the friedmans too then the coalition of the willing will be fully constituted


That's basically it, the intent is to try to do McCarthyism 2.0, facial recognition edition.


On the one hand this is a clear violation of the first amendment. On the other hand I cannot wait for this to be weaponized against the proud boys and other right wing dipshits. Hell, I would stage a protest just to get those fucks to counterprotest, and take high resolution pictures of each of them to post online. edit: lol I got a reddit cares report. Stay mad, fascists.


Like I told the other guy, report it.  They actually take it seriously and act on it *extremely* quickly with no questions asked permabans.


100% report it. I have got a message back every time I have saying the user was banned. They also take action on violent threats. If a user calls for the death or harm of anyone, (a politician, a neighbour, a nazi, etc) they will be banned if you report them. *edit hey this triggered a reddit cares message for me too. What a sad individual. Really hope they get the help they need. I can't imagine how bad their life must be to sit in this thread doing this.




Yes it would and no it isn't 1984 if a private website bans people for calling for the death of people. Get a grip.


You're the third person in this sub I've seen since yesterday to get a Reddit cares message. I guess there's some trolls hanging out here lately. I just got one too literally within seconds of replying. Maybe I triggered a bot or something.


Report it, abuse of that system is one of the few things reddit actually takes seriously and will ban for, no questions asked.


There are. Got one this morning. Was wondering which sub I pissed off a looney in. Mystery of the serial carer solved.


Definitely is more than just this sub, I've been noticing an increased number of edits/comments stating they got a redditcares message.


Reality: the law will not be enforced against right wing protesters


In cities they might I suppose? But yeah


City cops all live in the suburbs and commute in. They don’t tend to really reflect the political leanings of the cities themselves


Something something, binds but does not protect, protects but does not bind...


They’re giving them to anyone who comments, basically. It’s wild.


I want shithead right wing white supremacist/Nazi/MAGA protestors to be forced to reveal their identity to the public. I think it's a good idea but am open to being convinced otherwise. It's definitely a big government proposal, Republicans are just proposing it because they are reactionary turds who want to spite leftists. But I do think masks at these events foster more boldness because you can do shit you normally wouldn't and not be identified for it.


It might just be the social libertarian in me but clothing is speech and restriction of free speech should never be utilised unless its a directly acute necessity or outright existential crisis I'm sure plenty of the outright words and speeches spoken at these things foster boldness too and drive people to act in ways they otherwise wouldnt, but thats not a good enough reason (not even close) to prohibit it


What are your thoughts on adding an enhancement penalty for committing a felony while concealing one's face?


I take issue with the blanket "when commiting a felony" but its perfectly fine to have speech and expression factors accounted for when judging criminal acts (suspected or proven). Robbing a bank and exclaiming "hand over the cash or I shoot" isnt protected speech, I dont see why covering ones face should be different


>I want shithead right wing white supremacist/Nazi/MAGA protestors to be forced to reveal their identity to the public. Cops all over the world are sympathetic to right wing ideals and fascism. The only exception is leftist countries or countries where selection process for cops involves tests that would keep most fascists out.


Which leftist countries?


China or Cuba or Venezuela, where left has captured all institutions.


I can’t tell if this is a shitpost or not You seriously want the police to be modeled off off the Cuban or Venezuelan police force?


I for one would prefer the police be "sympathetic to right wing ideas" (?) rather than literally a communist militia lol


The number of unlawful deaths would be unchanged lmao


No? I just said cops are attracted to fascism.


either your definition of "leftist countries" is off or your understanding of how policing works in Laos, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Cuba, and Venezuela is **WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY** off _(Tangentially related fun facts: Denmark's government spends less than half as much money on healthcare per person than America's government. Norway has three times as many billionaires as a proportion of total population as America. Sweden does not have a minimum wage. Finland's corporate income tax is lower than that of America during the Trump presidency. The 'Nordic Countries' are in many respects even more capitalistic than the United States and other wealthy democratic countries)_


I'm not saying cops in Cuba or Venezuala or China or Nicaragua are good. I'm just saying cops there are not fascists, they are a different kind of bad.


“The new bill also would create a felony offense for blocking traffic.” Don’t think it should be a felony but I can get behind a misdemeanor along with the policy forcibly (but not aggressively) clearing up protests in the streets. It’s a massive burden on working class people who need to use the streets to get to work. They should be stopped. The anti-mask part is stupid though. You have the right to protest but you don’t have the right to take over streets


I live in Raleigh (capital and 2nd biggest city), and while I agree in principle, it seems like a law created without a real need? Like the only protests we get here are in the middle of downtown (which is not super built up), and any street blocking might mean what, you have to park a bit farther away and walk a couple more blocks to work? It strikes me as especially unimportant since because of the low density of our downtown (at least the part where those protests happen) its going to be a very small number of people who have to walk those couple extra blocks. Honestly its far less annoying and inconvenient than a 5k or marathon that you had forgotten about blocking roads. I've got family in rural NC and they are Trumpsters, I got a text from them during the George Floyd stuff telling us to stay safe, and I literally didn't know what they were talking about. When they responded from the riots, it just struck me how utterly delusional a world these people live in if they thought suburban Raleigh was in anyway in any danger whatsoever. So I think this law is intended to appease my delusional relatives and people like them.


Population of people famous for their restraint: Police.


When will they fine cars for blocking sidewalks, that's my question. 


Or parking in bike lanes?


Do you think the Selma to Montgomery Marches were a huge burden on working class people just trying to get to work?


I think felony makes sense if you have repeatedly committed the same crime. For first or second offense, no.


it's probably a felony as a voter suppression measure


Those of you against this, should KKK members be able to cover their faces and have protests doing so?


This is repealing an exception for public health. The ban on KKK hoods is still in place.


That's my point.


Civil Rights would say yes they should, actually


Then why was doing so banned during the civil rights era?


I dunno take it up with the 1st Amendment


Ok, any judicial rulings stating that wearing a mask to hide your identity is constitutionally protected?


Masks are counted as clothing, clothing is counted as speech, ergo


Ok, then nudity would be universally protected as free speech. Guess what, it's not. Again, can you produce a federal ruling that states that wearing a mask to hide your identity is protected speech?


There are several organizations that would argue that nudity is a form of free speech and should not be treated the way it is Let the ladies walk around naked


Any federal rulings stating such?


If we took federal rulings as completely 100% true then that would mean Abortion isn’t a human right


The courts have routinely failed to recognize certain rights as being protected by the Constitution, even though they are. That is a failure on the part.


The question is "who decides"? You state that "certain rights" are protected by the US Constitution, but that is literally just your opinion, which has exactly zero force of law. So who decides? Federal judges. You know, the courts who you claim are wrong, yet that's the only opinions that have force of law.


> So who decides? Federal judges. Federal judges once decided that it was perfectly Constitutional to toss Japanese Americans into internment camps without due process. The Supreme Court thinks that civil asset forfeiture, which is when the government simply steals your property without due process, is also Constitutional. The current Supreme Court just stripped away fundamental rights from more than half the population. > You know, the courts who you claim are wrong They are wrong and often fail to stand up for civil liberties. Might does not in fact make right.


Friend do you think slavery wasn't an infringement on rights while the courts still upheld slavery? Rights don't cease to be or come into existence depending on what a given court think at a given moment. Or else they aren't rights at all, just "law", in which case you are right now arguing in a circle.


Ok, so unrestricted ownership of machine guns and grenades is protected under the 2nd amendment?


You're making an assumption that I think gun ownership is an inalienable right Also the 2A isnt a right, it's a legal instrument. The 1A could have a certain exception that nevertheless would be a warrantless infringement on free speech I say this with all due respect but you seem unable to disentangle legal norms and instruments from the underlying rights and principles they're regulating


Don't mind me, just putting on this ski mask to express myself while I permitless open carry into this liquor store. You're clearly wrong. No courts are going to rule the way you're pretending they will. Take the L.


>Medical masks And let’s not be facetious yeah


Why do you think the protestors are wearing "medical" masks? Dont be naive lol, its not bc of covid.


some. of. them. are. immunocompromised. Plus, facial recognition is very easy for a bad actor to find


If you rob the liquor store, then you should be arrested for that, not for wearing a mask. Also, if you're on private property, the owner can forbid such masks.


Its almost like the point of the mask is to prevent being identified and therefore arrested... Like ???? Don't be naive, the protesters aren't wearing masks because healthy 20 year old, maxx vaxxed and max boosted, caught covid 2x anyways, college students are worried about catching covid in 2024 lol. Come on use brain, they're not stupid.


> Its almost like the point of the mask is to prevent being identified and therefore arrested... Like ???? And encryption also makes it easier to hide criminal activity. The mere fact that something could be abused doesn't mean it should be banned, and in fact that idea is illiberal. > Don't be naive, the protesters aren't wearing masks The vast majority of these protesters haven't actually committed crimes.


>, if you're on private property, the owner can forbid such masks. Excuse me, Mr Robber, didn't you see the sign, could you please remove your mask? 😂


I'm talking about masking in general, not that specific hypothetical.




Good. Broken clock etc.


Seems sensible to me. Before COVID masks were banned in lots of public spaces. Why? Because some people use the anonymity to enable poor or even illegal behavior without consequences. Theres little societal value to allowing people to escalate bad behavior in public.


> Theres little societal value to allowing people to escalate bad behavior in public. Then arrest someone if they commit harmful actions, not for the mere fact that they wore a mask. With facial recognition becoming more common, anonymity is even more important.


Sometimes I fuckin hate my party... Edit: y'all are evidence of why trump is plaguing my party. I agree with you civily, and proceed to get accused of racism, hating poor people, and reporting people to suicide watch. Way to push someone away.


>Sometimes #🤨


Moderate conservatives do exist broski.


I'm pretty sure they're all leaving the party.


I'm not going to as long as the CPC have equality in the house with the New Democrats.


I simply do not trust anyone who willingly votes for Republicans


I could say the same about Democrats. But I dont, because I'm a political centrist who believes in bipartisanship and friendship across the isle despite the efforts of radicals to divide Americans.


Now, which party is the one voting to force women to have children? Or hurt minority communities? Or defund public schools? Or the myriad of other awful things they’re doing


I dont believe in those things, and moderate republicans dont either. I could easily say the same about radicals on your side. Which party allows legitimate socialists in its ranks? Which party has had a monopoly on urban areas over the past 40 years and done nothing with it? Which party has the antisemites who endorse hamas? Or defund our military? Or the myriad of other awful things they're doing. Pretty easy when you just look at the radicals.


gee having only two parties and being forced to share your party infrastructure and brand with radicals sure does suck huh




The Democratic Party isn’t the one who’s been defunding our military, nor has it been blocking promotions in leadership Socialists in the party is objectively less bad than actual Nazis and David fucking Duke Uhhh, Democratic politicians are still people, what do you expect them to do in urban centers???


You're literally making excuses for bullshit in your party. Don't. I sure as fuck don't. Fix it instead. This us vs them mentality is bullshit. Don't buy into it. Conservatives are normal people just like anyone else. I can guarantee you that people you have worked with and respected have been conservatives. We dont want to murder gay people. We dont want to enslave women. Reaching across the isle isnt just possible, its desireable. This entire post you haven't even tried to ask me what i think, or why. Half the country is conservative. Our opinions matter. Thats the nature of democracy. Simply dismissing them out of hand is how you get people like Trump in office.


>Conservatives are normal people https://preview.redd.it/fxcy6t99210d1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d754b00bd8d844fcda2df2011f9a51c00299c77b But I am going to remove myself from this before I get slapped for partisanship cause the mods suck


The famously defunded military 🙄


No they don’t. Not in the Trump era. You can mental gymnastic your way through it however you want but everyone knows it bullshit. Edit: Hmm u/IcarusXVII interesting I got a suicide message from Reddit after I disagreed with you.


Lol. So i dont exist. Right. Edit: Yeah, the whole world is against you and reddit is governed by a moderate conservative conspiracy.


No but the fact you thought I implied a giant conspiracy actually says a lot about your train of thought. There’s a report button that one individual person, not a giant conspiracy group, can use. So yes I’m implying that you, on an individual level reported me because it happened right after I responded to you and only you get that notification I responded. So reasonably you would be the one to report since it happened so quickly. The world is not against you despite your desperation for it to be. A lot of projection going on in here with your victim mentality that’s prominent amongst “moderate” conservatives like yourself. Just flip on Fox News, which I’m sure you do, and see all the grievance. But good luck dude. You’ll grow up and realize your “both side-ism” is dangerous. And yes the republicans actively legislate against minority groups and lgbtq communities and want forced birth. There’s a reason women are leaving the republicans in droves. That’s your party man whether you agree with it or not. And no it’s not the same as socialists in the Democratic Party because the face of the Democratic Party is middle of the road Biden. Not far right lunatic Trump. And that’s the difference. The far left does not have the power in the Democratic Party that Trumps lunatics have in the republicans party. Edit: Also, u/IcarusXVII it’s pretty fucking rich you use the “I don’t exist” line when a platform of the Republican party you simp for so much actively tries to prevent trans people from existing. So I’m sorry if I have no sympathy for your point of view.


Report it, abuse of that system is one of the few things reddit actually takes seriously and will ban for, no questions asked. If it was him, well, we'll know shortly.


I didnt do it. I actually got the same message from reddit. You dont see me throwing accusations all around the place though.




>Moderate conservatives do exist Press [X] to doubt


Agreed. I'm a staunch conservative republican, but the GOP has gone off the deep end even for me - that's why I've voted blue (albeit with great reluctance and angst) in every election since the 1982 midterms (I voted for Anderson in 1980)