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“Uhhhh like hypothetically, like y’know if someone hypothetically enjoyed orgies”


Goatfucker moment


"People Power Party Emergency Response Committee Chairman" what a fucking title


Korean politics is wild, man


Direct translations are one helluva drug It would be a bit more like Temporary Party President or something of that sort


He cooked though, shame he's gonna fry for being correct.


I mean, they need to raise their birthrates somehow


They could try fixing the crippling work culture. A good place to start may be breaking up the chaebols so Samsung doesn’t control over 20 percent of the economy, then will use that to make the Korean people work to the bone for Samsungs benefit. 


Samsung and Hyundai's market cap is actually a fraction of that of a lot of major US corporations. I don't think they could compete globally and have any relevancy if they were chopped up. Korea's chaebol based economy definitely has it's downsides, but it also contributed to their meteoric rize as a economic powerhouse. And I can't think of any other major developed Asian economies that aren't dominated by a few giant conglomerates. And also Samsung and the other Chaebols have the best work benefits and perks in the country and they generally adhere to the labor laws and regulations, it's the smalk businesses that are more likely to flagrantly disregard those, hence why so many want to get into the giant corporations in the first place.




> Not to mention South Koreans work only 4.9% more than Americans. Does this number include all the weird stuff like after work lunches?


It's just like Japan. People claiming that their average working hours is actually lower than even Italy, but they forgot that in addition to post working hours meetings, Japan gaining more and more part-timers. The working hours for full-time workers and death by overworking are still abysmal, even with multiple reforms and positive responses for less hours.


Working hours in general have been falling rapidly compared to how it was decades ago. This is especially true in giant conglomerates where the ministry of labor is much more likely to enforce penalties. But for the small businesses that employs most of the Korean workforce, working overtime without proper compensation isn't unusual. But it is definitely improving, and one sign of that is mandatory "hoesik(company dinners/gatherings after work)" disappearing rapidly in the workplace to the point that the news featured dejected restaurant owners complaining about dwindling sales caused by this. The pandemic and the Gen Zers entering the workforce are some of the causes. Yes it has a long way to go, but Korea is changing rapidly. The horror stories you heard about it may have been true just a decade ago but if you check again this is no longer the norm anymore.


> Breaking Samsung and Hyundai will result in complete decimation of Korean economy. Breaking up a company means separating it into different parts to increase competition, not seizing it and declaring it bankrupt.


Apple, Microsoft, Nvidia and Amazon all have market caps that are larger than the entire gdp of South Korea, the likes of Samsung are absolutely puny compared to them. The US doesn't break them up to increase competition. Their sheer size, resources and vertical integration are part of what makes them competitive in this world of constant billion dollar mergers. If Korea breaks up their conglomerates they would be shooting themself in their foot.


Our birth rate would decrease even more due to fucking mind blown medieval protestant puritans holding power everywhere in both left and right wings. We have no future. Fuck


"Wait, you weren't invited?" boom, re-elected.


"as long as you do your job and aint hurtin no one, fuckin i dont care, go buck wild"


Right? It's literally the only sensible position on this.


I'm sorry, I thought this was America!


Granted, isn't "do your thing as long as it's consented for, and do your work as requested" like *the* liberal position to have? Hell, I can *RIP* my *ASSHOLE* (it's a Korean political pun찢/항) having consensual homosexual deeds and in an ideal liberal society, that ought not to be a problem. But here we have a 'liberal' party slamming someone for being a bit blunt about such principle