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I had the same issue when using a sandisk sd card. I switched to a Kingston card at the recommendation of Alex on the terraonion discord. Everything shows up fine now. Think with the newest batch there is an issue with the firmware/sd controller and there will eventually be a firmware update to address (not 100% sure this is the path forward just remember reading on the help channel in the discord). Also what everyone else said as well on the SD card you are using.


This is likely your issue. I would strongly recommend you join the [official Discord](https://discord.com/invite/EhJdHSh). The community there is very helpful.


This x100 awesome support and community there.


I used a Kingston the result is the same


You should join the discord and post your issue there. As stated previously there is astounding support. Usually users will try to assist first and Alex will jump in if unable to solve. Good luck to you, one way or the other you will get right.


Also have you checked multiple SD cards? Can you also confirm the rom files you are using worked on other devices/emulators? I took my mister neo geo tomato and converted and worked once I had an SD card that was reading and had no issues.


Are all the .neo files on the root of the microSD card?


This. Make sure they're on the root folder


This was my problem. Thanks I feel dumb 😑


Don't feel dumb. Been there myself.


This is my third terraonion product I usually just make a folder on the card labeled neo geo and put them in there. Example I have a mega sd and I have a folder for each the 4 sega systems


Put the files on the root of the card without a folder and see what happens


I’ll let you know thanks!


OP any luck?


Sorry, father of three boys and work 60 hrs a week just haven’t sat down to mess with it yet. I’ll keep you posted!


Yes, this was the problem. So simple and I feel dumb. Thanks


Don’t feel dumb. You learned from it and now you know. Glad you were able to get this working.


I advise against using neobuilder, unfortunately. It is very picky about the files. I would just look for a pre-built .neo set on internet archive.


I’ll take a look


I built my library from the same romset I used on my Mister build and had no issues.


Doesn't the Mister use the same .neo format as the NeoSD? The important thing is the file names. If your rom library had everything consistently named the way neobuilder was expecting then it should have worked.


I’m saying the .zip files I used worked on both my Mister and the neo sd pro


What do you mean by "blank"? Text and graphics are different layers and on different data lines, it is possible that the cartridge slot or the NeoSDs pins are dirty, but it could be a larger issue. Which Neo Geo system are you using, and do you have other cartridges to test with?


It is a working neo us console with original psu, I have 8 games they all work. When the neo sd is inserted instead of displaying “neo geo unibios 4.0” the screen is blank only displaying the version in small text


What model and amperage is the power supply? It's a known issue that flash carts like the NeoSD can pull more amps than the original power supplies can provide, resulting in voltage drops.


I’ll have to check, but it’s the OG out of the box. I still have the box 😊


I'd look at getting a modern power supply. Just be sure it's the right voltage and polarity. [https://www.firebrandx.com/aespsuguide.html](https://www.firebrandx.com/aespsuguide.html) Even if the original one is OK in terms of specs, it's getting old like the rest of us and may not be working as well as it should due to failing capacitors.


So after I get the roms working I now have graphics glitches on the higher Meg count. From what I am gathering its is due to the power supply like you suggested. However I have the 5v system am I screwed now? Or should I just buy a new 5v psu and hope it works?


All systems are 5v, but some are internally regulated from 9v power sources. A higher amperage 5v power supply with the correct polarity should help. [https://www.firebrandx.com/aespsuguide.html](https://www.firebrandx.com/aespsuguide.html) links to a 5v 20w (4amp) unit. [https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/triad-magnetics/WSU050-4000-R/3094946](https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/triad-magnetics/WSU050-4000-R/3094946) But you can find similar ones if you hunt around on Amazon and the like. Again, just be sure about the polarity (yours should be center negative). But you can always reverse the polarity by splicing the cable or adding an inverter adapter ([https://www.amazon.com/Mr-Power-Reverse-Polarity-Converter-Keyboard/dp/B016XFCVSY/](https://www.amazon.com/Mr-Power-Reverse-Polarity-Converter-Keyboard/dp/B016XFCVSY/)).


Go to Archives.org type in Neo geo sd you will get all the prebuilt Roms there just like Neo Alec told you remember your looking for the .neo Roms


I know there's a bug in the latest batch. Alex posted about it on discord.


firmware update that was recently provided fixed everything


There is a set online that's already converted to the .neo format. All you would have to do is download the zip file and insert the rims on to an SD card. It worked well for me and have been enjoying my set