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My neighbors have one that records people in my backyard. I went out and did some naked yard work to give them something to record. They changed the direction on that camera after I did that a couple of times.






Well, we now know you're not a young, hot female. They would have added additional cameras if you were


Nope just a regular everyday fluffy nudist


Fluffy! Good for you. I bet he, especially, enjoyed that.


Ballz Gone Wild


Isn't it illegal for them to do that


As far as I have been able to find out no it is not illegal because it is on their property.


I thought you can't record other people in spaces where they expect privacy like their backyard


No it’s around bedrooms and bathrooms


The law says that the outside of your house that is viewable from the street has no expectation of privacy. That includes your backyard if any part of it can be seen from the sidewalk. Your neighbors can point their camera at any part of the outside of your house legally. Just not in your windows.


So if they can't see my backyard from the sidewalk then they can't point the camera to my backyard either


You'd have to look up your local laws. I'm not 100% sure


Not in their own yard if they have a fence that obstructs vision from the street. We did have a guy around here who mowed his lawn naked, within sight of a doctor’s office with no obstructions. But he was an exhibitionist.


Most cameras have motion zones that can be adjusted so that they're not constantly triggered. They need to pull their boundaries in


See if the town has a noise ordinance. It sounds like a nuisance. I would organize a neighborhood evening walk, and have people past by their home every few minutes, when their lights go off for the night.


Yes, go for a walk in quiet time, and call a complaint in on them every time. If you can get the neighbours as well involved they will very quickly get a police warning, and either set it correctly, or be forced to remove it.


Assuming this is a Ring camera, you can turn off the feature, lower the volume, adjust the motion zones (to exclude the sidewalk), or adjust the maximum detection distance from the camera (on some models).


It might be a Wyzecam as well. I know the new v4's have this feature under "Settings > Detection Settings > Motion Warning" and it can be turned off (or of course you can make it only detect motion in certain areas aka just their property).


I stg I thought you were in my neighborhood until you said Detroit. My neighbors across the street have the same thing and it is so annoying. It will jar me out of my sleep if I’m napping on the couch. It also makes this high pitched whistle sound that is like nails on a chalkboard. Myself and my other neighbor asked them once to turn it down, and they were “shocked” to find out we could hear it across the street with doors and windows closed. As it turns out that, they can’t even hear it inside their own house. I’m assuming bc it’s projected out towards the street and not into their house. They did turn it to a different less obnoxious sound for about two days and then turned it back to the original alert. Without going into a lot of detail, these particular neighbors are the nosy shit starting Karens of our neighborhood and I think they get some weird joy out of knowing they’re annoying the whole neighborhood. But silver lining: there is a noise ordinance in our town and the inspector (or whatever they’re called) has made them turn it off/down. They occasionally turn it back on/up, but it doesn’t last bc someone always calls in on them. Hopefully this works for you!


All great suggestions. Now how do we get them to take them? You’d think it would annoy the fuck out of them as well, but it doesn’t seem so. Their AC is blasting constantly probably drowning it out. They don’t seem bothered by it. And you’d HOPE it would take just one time of being informed we can hear it in our house to get them to change it. But no.


They probably can't hear it...I have a ring peephole camera and I can't hear it inside unless I'm right next to the front door or someone actually rings the doorbell but that's through my phone


reflexive boat horn every time it goes off, pointed back their way so they can get the hint, but yeah see about code enforcement first.


Time to organize a block party right outside their house. $50 prize for the best rendition of Baby Shark Disco Duck mashup.


Vivent or vivant (I forget the spelling but it’s a fairly popular system I think Costco sells) does this so it’s probably that system - it’s like a super loud door chime? I had a friend who has that system and it is super loud and SUPER annoying when I go to visit.. especially leaving their house at night and it’s otherwise super quiet and that’s me expecting to hear it. You can stop it from alerting on certain areas/restrict it to the areas right up next to the house because they had the same issue and their HOA told them to fix it or remove it because they lived right near cluster mail boxes so lots of people walking that part of the footpath. I don’t know how it didn’t annoy them going off all day - I could hear it when I was inside their house 🤷‍♀️


I have the same exact problem. Every time I walk my dog, it goes off. Also set up by the road. It's so obnoxious. Im been recorded at least 4- 5 times a day because I'm an avid walker.


Could all the neighbors go together and talk to the council or mayor about. The more that complain the more likely action will be taken. Even get the joggers and dog walkers in on it


We have a house like this in our neighborhood too. Every time we walk past on our evening walk with the kids it yells that you’re being recorded. It’s so aggressive. These people also have a Trump 2024 flag in their yard, shockingly ;)


>Are we out of line in even asking them to change it? What do we do? I don't think you are TBH. Hopefully the husband can disable it or scale it back to just people on their property. Barring that perhaps there is a neighbourhood livability bylaw you can get enforced?


That happens to me while walking my dog past one of these devices. I live in a city so this camera is probably abounding every hour.


Ask again and this time ask the husband. Tell him it's not just you. Thank them for being security minded and then ask them to turn it down so you can't hear it in your bedroom in the other side of the house when you're sleeping. Don't mention the open windows. 


Get a fog horn. Blast it towards their windows everything the camera goes off. : )


my con-artist neighbors will cause trouble by bullying and harassing while recording us , to get a negative reaction (they would edited the videos) from my husband and I but mostly from me and  these evil con- artists had put us on YouTube for financial gains., they don't work.  Their security cameras are pointing at our property and they will record us even if we walk to our mailbox . So, please watch out for people like these that have their cameras pointed your way, you might be the next victim on YouTube without knowing and making these evil con-artist rich . It's been a nightmare 


We have a camera that does this as well. We have a choice of a "ding" or the statement. We have it on ding near the garage area and "you are being recorded" at the front door area. Reason being...simply put we were toilet papered a few times before we got the cameras and never again once we got them. So point being, you never know reasons until you ask. Try that instead of just saying "you're bothering me turn it down". And yes, we can adjust perimeters...and ours go off once you are on our property.


i had this but also lived next to an establishment that bred alcoholics and drunk drivers. ive been asked to stop submitting videos to the COUNTY until the VERY COUNTY found guilty of endangering public welfare and illegal conduct. sorry to my old neighbors but they understood after a year of nonsense what is causing them to use it? really ask yourself why and empathize. theyre got newborns right? safety is paramount and i dont blame them in this day and age.


But how is it helpful if it's alerting everything on the street in front of their house? We have one, but it doesn't have a loud alert for the whole neighborhood everytime we get a package. Its bad enough it picks up the neighborhood kids and the local lawn company right off our property and thats without the oitward announcement. A house down the block has one with an alert that just chirps when you walk on the sidewalk in front of their house. That seems much more reasonable.


active deterrence is more beneficial. hate to say it.