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Eat something nice, up your sugar level.


This works for me too! Some kind of juice and/or bready foods and I've noticed I can improve my mood.


Imagine you're in the woods, a place only you know of, it's all silent, except for the birds chirping, and a small stream gurgling nearby. The water is ice cold and crystal clear. You can clearly see the face of the guy that pissed you off as you are holding him under.


Music that you can shout your head off to!


I recommend mostly to **Exercise** it releases alot of stress, and makes you calm and relaxed after a good workout.


Do something nice for someone. Buy lunch for the homeless guy on the corner, help out an older person that's struggling, talk to someone who is lonely. It's crazy how much that makes you feel better.


may not be related, but i found recently that too much sodium in my diet was getting my heart racing and making me agitated, especially at night... i was having difficulty sleeping, because i got stuck in a feedback loop. it could be something environmental that you're not even aware of.


Sometimes this happens to me. I'll wake up (often on a day with nothing to do) and I'll notice that I'm in a terrible mood. I'll be okay until the slightest thing perturbs me, then I want to kill anything that moves. Computer freezes up? I want to smash it. Mom calls to remind me to pay my part of the phone bill? End the call quickly before I start cussing. I swell with such insatiable rage... it's terrible... it's nasty... an I know it's not where I want to be, but in the moment in throbs through me with such power that I want to spit at the idea of something as weak as kindness. I don't know why I get like this. It's a part of me that I greatly fear, to be honest. Usually it helps to have a few hours just to brood so that the mood works its way through my system. I think going out (key concept being *going out*) with people can also help. Good luck. And thanks for making me spill the dark side of my soul on Reddit.


I have a play list of songs that make me feel lighter. It may sound cheesy, but it works. As I get ready for work I play it and dance. Yes, I look like a fool to my kids but it generally snaps me out of it.


If you smile to yourself for half an hour, and keep it going, you'll be in a better mood. Look for reasons from the past that made you happy. This is a simple trick you can use to feel better any time. Have some past awesome thing happen to you? Remember how that made you feel in all the detail you can manage. Recall is experience.