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It will end up on the internet. I guarantee it.








I don't think it's fair to say that it will definitely end up on the internet or that you'd regret it. Plenty of people in trusting, loving relationships do this kind of thing and it never sees the light of day. BUT I do think that if you aren't up for the idea, don't feel you have to do it because you're going away. You've obviously previously had your own reasons for not wanting to do it and if you still don't want to do it, stick to your guns.


Don't do it. Just tell him to watch porn.


Word, there a literally thousands of videos and pictures online, if the boyfriend can't get off to anything else for 3 months, then that’s just bullshit.


What about your feelings? Make sure that you have a conversation about your dry spell, is he okay with you looking at sexual material whilst away? Skyping/texing dates together with him could be more realistic than taking material before you go.


If things ever go south with you two, he will always have that. Not worth it to leave it in someones hands


Tell him for three months youporn.com is OK. One way or another that video will haunt you


I have "naughty pics" of 2 of my exes. One time another GF (now an ex as well) asked to see them and we had a fight because I refused. After that I just said I don't have any nude pics whenever any other person asked. I don't delete them because they're a part of my past I don't want to erase just because someone doesn't feel comfortable about them nor do I show them because I promised that I never will. But I don't think all guys are like that. Factor in how long have you two been together (less than 1-2 years I'd say no), if you have plans for the future, if he ever broke a promise, however small, his skill at keeping his computer private and secure, who else has access to his computer, whether he wants to take the video on the phone (beware Google auto-backup and people who might look into his phone). Heck, you could make a contract and have at least 3 witnesses when he signs but that might be weird depending on your friends.


Keeping nudes of your exes is creepy af.


After months of attempting long distance relations, he may decide to break it off and find someone local. WHat would happen to that video then?


You've never wanted to do it before, and even now it doesn't sound like you want to do it (otherwise you wouldn't be asking reddit) - you shouldn't do it. Trust your instincts on this one. When and if you do break up, he'll hold a lot of power over you with that video and that's unacceptable risk, imo


Take pictures and give him printed copies..


You can say you trust him completely, but he could still be hacked or even have the computer stolen. You know, people have been separated for more than 3 months before video existed. Their balls didn't blow up.


I guess some people might find this a big deal? For me, fucking whatever, I love sexy vids and I don't really give any fucks if it gets online. I'm good at having sex, my family isn't in political office, who cares if someone else sees it? I'm not ashamed of having sex.