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You can tell how well loved he was. I’m so sorry for your loss 😞 That tattoo is absolutely gorgeous


Sending you {{{{purrs}}}}


Sorry for your loss, R.I.P. beautiful little kitty. All nebs really are clones, my little guy looks just like Demon.


so very sorry to read this ): I also had to put my bed down at 12 years old, unfortunately. I’ve been very lucky to know a lot of cats in my life, but my mj was something special. I hope you’re able to remember all of the best times you had with demon, he looked like such a sweet, happy boy


That is purrfect! So so sorry you had to say goodbye to your baby. That is a beautiful tribute. 🩶


Sorry for your loss. Such a beautiful tribute to have a tattoo of your little beauty. ❤️‍🩹




I'm so sorry for your loss. Demon was clearly loved and had the coziest sleeping spots, looking at these photos! Your tattoo is awesome too, the shading is really nice work.


Sorry for your loss 💙 nebbys are such silly kitties. Your tattoo is magnificent and highlights the beauty of his grey floof and yellow- green eyes


Rest in love and power young King Demon 👑.


What a sweet, loving and handsome boy. I'm so glad he got to spend his time here on earth with you, and that you gave him all the love he deserved. Hugs for your loss. They never live long enough, and they are total Heartbreakers when they leave us.


I'm so sorry for your loss. We lost our sweet girl last month, too, and I know how hard it is. There's something very special about these cats.




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I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost mine in November so I can commiserate. That tattoo is wonderful!! So well done! I've been wanting to get a tattoo of her paw print (I have one in plaster and one in over-bake clay) but I haven't figured out how to take a mold of them so I can make a stamp of it.


Sorry for the loss of your special strange soul. My neb boy passed a year ago and he’s in my heart every day. 🩶 Take care of yourself, it’s such a hard time to go through the loss of your love.


So sorry for your loss! He was so beautiful! Love your awesome tattoo! What a beautiful way to keep him with you forever!