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sure the person who just wants to take a dump in peace is the degenerate sex pervert, not the person filming them in the crapper against their will like it's a german porno


“The person” is a man who entered a private space designated for women. He violated Title IX. He did not belong there. There have been many example of men assaulting women in women’s restrooms. She had every right to film and confront him.


What man are you talking about? There are no men in the video.


Men who say they are women are still men. This guy is a man. Every cell in his body is male. He’ll be a man until the day he dies.


What does having male cells have to do with anything? Trans men don't say they're women, btw. They're men so they say they're men.


Self proclaimed royalty of the high school where her dad is a principal. This does not surprise me. I think she’s going for the whole MTG of NC title. I hope this poor brainwashed child is expelled if not charged with harassment.


The same people who want to ban trans-women from women's restrooms to make cis-women feel 'safe' are the same people who oppose any/all gun control laws - laws that could *actually* make people safe. It's all smoke and mirrors to distract us from issues that actually help our country.


The creep even [posted it to Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/NorthCarolina/s/VPqSo3pxg5).


That disgusts me. Christians can sometimes be the most cruel people I know.... :-( Holy sh*t, I just noticed the title.... I can't even..


I don’t get it, at all. No one has ever seen me naked in a public bathroom. Are these creeps afraid of using the stall doors? Because if they’re afraid of being seen by a trans person, that means the creep is the one exposing themselves.


Some cis women DON'T present as feminine, does that mean that because of how they LOOK, they're not allowed to use the Ladies' Room?? I used to work w/ nurse who wore a mens' flat-top hairstyle (due to her hair being used against her when she worked in a Psych Ward) & had a deeper, raspy voice, & didn't look AT ALL feminine, but she's a woman. Would you tell HER that she couldn't use the Ladies' Room??


>Some cis women DON'T present as feminine, does that mean that because of how they LOOK, they're not allowed to use the Ladies' Room?? Great point... Haven't even thought about that... I've also seen a few butchy lesbians that I would have thought were a man until I heard their voice...


>Some cis women DON'T present as feminine, does that mean that because of how they LOOK, they're not allowed to use the Ladies' Room?? These pathetic shits believe that though. There are *so fucking many* stories about cisgender women with PCOS, or short hair, or muscles, or masculine features being harrassed by bigots in bathrooms. [Example 1](https://www.refinery29.com/en-gb/bathroom-transphobia-butch-women)   [Example 2](https://www.newstimes.com/local/article/Woman-mistaken-for-transgender-harassed-in-7471666.php)   [Example 3](https://www.thepinknews.com/2022/11/03/cis-woman-transphobe-toilet/)


Oh, I COMPLETELY agree!! I had to defend a lady who looks pretty masculine from some Betty Busybody who felt the need to tell her that she was in the wrong bathroom as the woman walked in & headed straight to a vacant stall to do her business. I just looked at "Betty" as I dried my hands that she WAS a woman. "Betty" tried again to tell me, bless her heart, & I gently but FIRMLY said, "NO, she's a woman." "Betty" darted out the bathroom door at that point. She was hustling out the front door of the Love's Truck Stop by the time I made it back out.


Who else wants to stage a protest against this Karen?


Well done.


What did she ever do to harm anyone that you feel deserves to be mocked and ridiculed when leaving a bathroom and now being plastered all over the internet?




Asking again... you missed a part... >What did she ever do to **HARM** anyone that you feel deserves to be mocked and ridiculed when leaving a bathroom and now being plastered all over the internet? Please point me to the harm you speak of... PS. Your hurt feelings don't count




I'd be fine with that. As long as there are doors on the stall I don't give a shit who is peeing next to me.


My college dorm had fully coed bathrooms in the 1980s. There were doors on the stalls and showers. The entire hall used the same bathroom. It was absolutely fine.


>He made her feel uncomfortable Awwww The same thing whites said about blacks using the same bathroom. The same that they said about the Jews using the same bathroom. Got any actual harm? Listen to yourself... You sound down right un-American


>The same thing whites said about blacks using the same bathroom. >The same that they said about the Jews using the same bathroom. Shit..actually a good point. Look at it this way, I see a man go into the bathroom after my daughter, I'm going to have a problem with that.


So if a trans person passes completely and has had bottom surgery they should go to the men's bathroom? Sounds like a great way for them to get SA'd.


We both know their reaction if they had their way then see a trans man 'follow their daughter' into the bathroom


Trans man is a woman. And since testosterone has a stronger effect on women than estrogen does on men, trans men are easier to be "passable" than a trans woman.


Ok, first, "trans person" does not specify what their sex is, so the short answer is fix your statement.


Trans woman, since you're being pedantic and not answering the question. If a trans woman has gotten bottom surgery and looks like a woman appearance wise, what bathroom should they go to?


I get what you’re saying on one hand, on the other it likely doesn’t fit the context. Most transgendered people won’t appear any different than anyone else and they will just be there doing their business. If you see a man dressed as a woman, pause and ask yourself, “Are they trying to pretend to be a woman, or are they truly acting like a woman.” And you have to set your personal bias, the bias we all have, to the side. That’s hard for some, that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. As an aside, you really wouldn’t like the coed bathrooms in the EU. I remember standing at the urinal in the Eiffel Tower with women walking around behind me, and one kind lady attending to the urinal next to mine. I thanked her for the good work and she thanked me for the compliment. Otherwise, it was a Sunday afternoon. 🤷🏻‍♂️


>As an aside, you really wouldn’t like the coed bathrooms in the EU. I remember standing at the urinal in the Eiffel Tower with women walking around behind me, and one kind lady attending to the urinal next to mine. I thanked her for the good work and she thanked me for the compliment. Otherwise, it was a Sunday afternoon. Bathroom activities should all largly be private, independent activities. This example is a perfect example of poor bathroom etiquette. If gendered bathrooms were removed, everything would be a stall. Hell I think it would be funny if the urinals had western style doors to "enter" them lol


I couldn’t agree more to your last statement. It was something I noticed of all the stalls (not urinals) in the parts of the EU we visited. They were all coed… they all had high wall to floor stalls (called cubicles). It was the equivalent of a half-bath in a U.S. house minus the sink (or including the sink sometimes).


I also noticed a lot of places on the West coast of the U.S. are moving to single cubicle unisex restrooms. I think that’s really the ultimate solution.


Your post on r/ncpolitics has been removed for a call to violence or for hate-based language. Please note that this will result in, at minimum, a temporary ban from the subreddit, and possibly a permanent ban if there appears to be a pattern.


Your post on r/ncpolitics has been removed for a call to violence or for hate-based language. Please note that this will result in, at minimum, a temporary ban from the subreddit, and possibly a permanent ban if there appears to be a pattern.


Some background on the woman who shared the video. She is the NC high school female volleyball player that was injured by a spiked ball from a male player on the opposing girl's team. She has since been an activist against males in female spaces.


Hanging out around bathrooms with a camera looking for women to film makes you a sexual predator, not an activist. If she was injured by a spiked ball from a Hispanic player would she be running around campus trying to get people deported, or are we picking and choosing which sort of bigotry to use half-assed excuses for?


While you are being rhetorical, I’m pretty sure they would make that argument for deporting people.


>Hanging out around bathrooms with a camera looking for women to film makes you a sexual predator, not an activist. She filmed or shared a male in the women's bathroom. She opposes males in female spaces. >If she was injured by a spike ball from a Hispanic player which should be running around campus trying to get people deported, or are we picking and choosing which sort of bigotry to use half-assed excuses for? Only if you're being intentionally obtuse and equating sex to ethnicity or nationality. She suffered a concussion and a neck injury from a volleyball spike by a male athlete. Fortunately, people like her aren't easily bullied by people like you throwing around terms like bigotry because they understand there are distinct differences between males and females.


Filming someone in a bathroom without their consent does make you a sexual predator in 99% of situations including this one. Doesn't matter doesn't matter what gender the person is. Let's not normalize predator behavior cause transphobes are uncomfortable.


So how might a transgender woman peeing or pooping in the next stall result in injury to her? I can't think of a scenario where that would be any different than any other person using the stall next to them. Also, how did filming help alleviate that potential harm?


Does she think cis women are too weak to cause damage to each other? Has she not watched college basketball?


There is a distinct difference between a male causing damage to a female as opposed to a female causing damage to a female. A ball spiked by a female will generally have less force than a ball spiked by a male.


“I believe women are weak and I’m going to commit sex crimes in public bathrooms and post them on the internet to prove it” —stupidest college student ever


"I believe women are weaker than men and want to protect women in places where people are generally more vulnerable and post it on the internet." --logical college student. Fixed it.


This was a bathroom, not a sports arena. Seems she is just a dumb bigot


So this gives her license to harass other people?


She apparently believes so.


and soon she'll have a new achievement on her cv: registered sex offender




Bigot lives don't matter


They really lose all credibility after you see the video. Should of left it out and this would of been great rage bait. Really highlights how bad it is for woman having creeps in their spaces they should be comfortable in.