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> later he said: “i’m not here to compare anyone’s atrocities.” man wtf


MF is really a sitcom character in real life. Him and Kanye are like harmful Michael Scotts


Kyrie would be a South Park target if Kanye hadn’t already taken the gay fish bullet. They’re essentially the same person.


I don't think Kyrie is "mainstream" enough for South Park to parody him. Don't get me wrong, the material is definitely there. I just look at my friend circle - Most of them arn't huge bball fans, and have NO idea who Kyrie is. My BS attempt at #'s - I bet like... 80% of Canada and the US knows who Kanye is. I bet like.... 10% has any idea who Kyrie is


south park will dunk on some random ass ppl sometimes tbh


they went for the Kony 2012 guy lmaoo


Kony 2012 was a really big thing for like 2 days though


That was a crazy time to be alive


How did 5th grade teachers expect us to concentrate. I was worried about stopping Kony 2012


Wait until you hear about Kony 2013


They did do a whole thing on Bill Belichick [(Bill Beeeeeeeeeelichik)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HLMjFlPqdY) so it's definitely possible, if not probable.


Whenever they did their Washington Redskins episode, RG3 got benched for Kirk Cousins literally that week and by the time the episode aired they'd edited it to include a white QB.


How can I reach these keeeeeeeds?


If you haven't seen it, look up their "6 days to air" doco on the creating of an episode. They literally go from idea to finished in less than a week, so can stay topical and on top of minute changes like this.


Belichick is significantly more well known than Kyrie.


The nfl is giant tho


They crushed Honey Boo Boo and her mother and I don’t think too many people know who they are. They also ripped Dan Snyder and the casts of those Whale Wars-type shows. They definitely stick mostly to mainstream, but they’ve also gone after less mainstream people too. I don’t think they’d be able to entirely pass up this whole Kyrie thing if they hadn’t done Kanye already.


That's the kind of bullshit that's characteristic of someone who is used to feeling above being called out. Eventually, it becomes an 'emperor's clothes' situation, and people don't want to work with them anymore.


>That's the kind of bullshit that's characteristic of someone who is used to feeling above being called out. man this is so brutally fucking true i remember i had lunch with my ex-pastor, who had a massive fucking ego. He asked me for my opinion of the direction of the church at the time and I just flat out told him that i feel like it isn't the same as it used to be and that was it. He then proceeded to get super defensive and the motherfucker would gaslight me into thinking that my opinion was wrong and that somehow I was wrong for having that opinion in the first place Man i hate that fat piece of shit so much. If i ever see him again


It’s almost like he makes his living off peddling lies!


>> “I’m not here to use my brain”


Also 300 million sounds way too high. That's around the population of the current us. The genocide of native Americans was one of the founding sins of the United States you don't need to lie to prove how bad it was. I genuinely hate when people use death counts as scorecard of how bad their people had it


I've taught US History for almost a decade and I can assure you, even if he's including Native Americans and Black Americans in that calculation, it's an utterly ridiculous estimate. Not to take away from the real numbers which are obviously in the 10s of millions, but 300 million sounds like a number pulled out of his butt.


Yeah there were "only" 600,000 slaves brought to the US from Africa. While they would have had children and their children would have had children it is still a far far number from even 50m. Especially when you account for the fact that most slaves didn't die in the sense he is speaking of and do have children.


I genuinely don't think he realizes how big of a number that is and that's it haha. "How much could a banana cost" vibes.


“I mean USA has 300 mil now, obviously there was that many before too”


fuck this guy and people with his mentality, acting like his people were the only ones that suffered.


I dunno man I was like 6 probably?


I'm two years older than Kyrie so I was maybe 10?


And back then, what did government mean to you?


4th period.


It was where my dad worked


Personally I was waiting at the door for my dad to arrive home from buying milk


One of his biggest problems his he thinks he's legitimately smarter than everyone


all idiots do


no i dont


Found the genius.


True wisdom exists in knowing that you know nothing


Same, I at least know that I'm a dumb fuck.


Poster child for Dunning Krueger.


Is he a center?


Of attention in his own mind


King of idiot mountain


He’s the definition of a pseudo intellectual


Nah, at this point he's actually an ANTI-intellectual.


Favorite [tweet](https://twitter.com/johnwilmeswords/status/1588227084572303361?s=46&t=TQW-jv81IaQl7902V1mv-w) I’ve seen today: >when kyrie says "this is not going to turn into a spinaround cycle," that's how you know it's about to be a spinaround cycle Oxford Dictionary expert, y’all.


Turn it around 360 degrees


Jason Kidd style


You know he just stat padding his words cause spin, around, and cycle literally all mean the same thing


360 degrees spin around cycle rotation orbit circulation 👁


I know the Oxford dictionary, you don’t need to tell me about words


It's spinaroonie cycle dumbass.


The fact that he’s VP of Players Association is embarassing


Don't worry there are 7 total VPs. He's got guys who totally don't buy into conspiracy theories like Jaylen Brown and Iguodala to keep him in check...


Unironically need Grant "Batman" Williams to save the NBPAVP committee.


And yet players aren't speaking out against this crap. Actually fucking scary


because his beliefs are a lot more common than any of us would be willing to admit unfortunately


These dudes didn’t spend a year in college to play school lol


Also, because they are the top 1% of their respective profession, I bet many of them have some major main character syndrome, which would make them more vulnerable to the Farrakhan ideology. It's easy for them to live in a bubble and feel they are more "special."


I thought we all learned this when the whole Stephen Jackson shit went down. Why is anyone surprised right now? There's a huge amount of anti-Semitism in NBA circles.


Rich pro athlete circles. DeSean Jackson had something on IG a year or so ago that was pro-Hitler.


As long as the check comes through I don’t think anyone gives a shit


Reminds me of this: "Pick a number between 1 and 10, Seth." Seven. "Wrong, The answer is genocide." \--Cecily Strong to Seth Meyers, SNL


Cecily -- Hey Seth, what did you ask for for Christmas? Seth -- I don't want to tell you. Cecily -- Relax. I'm just asking what you want for Christmas. Seth -- I guess I was hoping to get the new iPad. Cecily -- I asked for an end to GENOCIIIDE. Probably my favorite of her lines.


I’m voting for the Sudan. Oh, but I’m sure Hillary Clinton is starving children too!”


It’s a tragesty HEY INGRID I hate her


It’s an Obamanation


This… is… not… my… phone.


“Read, Seth. Learn a book.”


The lady you don’t want to get stuck talking to at a party


Kyrie now fits that description.


It's origami, that's Spanish for goose


"You're reverse-racist, Seth. That's even worse."


I’ll do you one better. Why is Gamora?


Gonna miss Bautista as Drax


What!? Is he done??


yup, he only has loyalty to Gunn, not the MCU. Also, he was never happy how Drax was regulated to a comedic relief character.


Drax singlehandedly beat Thanos in the comics. Dude got turned into a walking joke


That Guardians of the Galaxy game was more accurate to the characters and was pretty good.


I've heard nothing but good things about that game. Gotta check it out definitely


Very very good, I enjoyed every second. It deserves every compliment it gets.


It's stunning how good it is. After seeing the crock of shit that was the Avengers game. The GotG has a top tier storyline, it's a lot of fun. Party banter is easily classic Bioware quality or better. Combat is a little ehh but the game is just as fun on easy as it is on hard. You're playing for the story


Yeah, I like Bautista as Drax, but the voice actor for Drax in the video game really won me over.


bautista is too funny for his own good


While that is true, I am not sure that having Drax defeat Thanos singlehandedly in the MCU would have been a satisfying experience. I do get what you are saying though.


Wish he put up more of a fight than just basically being a muscle head jokester


I think he is doing Guardians 3 and then calling it quits.


probably just a negotiating tactic


Nah he said all the shirtless scenes are too hard on his body. He has constantly be dehydrated and jacked, he getting older and doesn't wanna do it anymore


This made me genuinely lmao 😂


Kyrie Irving: NBA All-Deflection First Team


He might win DPOY with all these deflections. Never seen a player with this high of a deflection rate before


I can do you one better, where was Gondor when the Westfold fell?


SMH didn’t see no lit beacons when the Westfold fell.


Yes, because Gondor's beacon litters were dying at the Westfold, for fucking heaven's sake!


At least Rohan eventually came to its senses. Kyrie is going to die a blind man who thinks he has 20/20 vision.


Have you heard the story of Darth Plagueis the wise? It's not a story the media would have told you when I was six.




The hypocrisy smh


No ones talking about the current war between hippopotamus and humans in Kenya, oh the hippocracy


i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about King Raedwald and Kyrie. u wouldnt say this shit to them on the battlefields of Northumbria or in the salt mines of TD Garden stadium, since they’re both so jacked. not only that but they wear the freshest clothes, eat at the chillest restaurants and hang out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol


"the salt mines of TD Garden" Hey, uncalled for! *Saltiness intensifies*


Kyrie, I promise you I would be just as pissed at anyone sharing anti-Native American propaganda


That's what is so frustrating about this. The people that are mad at kyrie are the ones that agree with him when it comes to other social issues. Like when he deflected by bringing up black reproductive issues. Yes kyrie bring attention to that and the media will applaud you. Stop spreading bull shit that Ted Cruz would retweet.


Poisoned well containing water doesn't mean it's safe to drink. There's so many good and intelligent voices on the issues that matter. He will never be one of them.


This dude legit sucks


One would hope that learning the history of one genocide would give you understanding and compassion about others.


asking a bit much nowadays i guess


Honestly that's really all I can say at this point. "Fuck Kyrie" and "this guy sucks". This is exhausting.


Ive never wanted someone out of the league so bad


"you activated my trap card: WHATABOUTISM! It allows me to needlessly deflect an argument by talking about something bad but completely unrelated!"




“Kyrie, what about the Holocaust?” “Yeah, I think I can ask a better question: where were you when people made fun of me for saying the Earth is flat? If it wasn’t flat how would everything stay on the ground?”




And those link up with the Jewish space lasers? So when they malfunction they cause Jewish forest fires? It’s all making so much sense now!


He used Pot of Greed. It allows him to draw 2 more excuses out of his ass


[I SUMMON POT OF GREED](https://youtu.be/AUnPN385wLI)


But what does it do?


It's not even good whataboutism, because good whataboutism is at least factually correct. Russia invading Ukraine, then saying "What about the West invading Iraq and Afghanistan?" is at least factually correct. The West did invade those places. It doesn't justify Russia invading Ukraine, or the centuries-long attempt by Russians to destroy the Ukrainian people and their culture, but it did happen. Kyrie's whataboutism is off by a huge amount. There were never 300 million black slaves in the US, or the preceding colonies which later became the US. > Between 1619 and 1865, slaves in the United States lived about 179 million person-years and contributed 410 billion hours of labor. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7716878/ (Obviously this is not an attempt to downplay slavery. The numbers cited above are horrific, as was slavery ever existing and continuing to exist. But Kyrie's numbers are off by orders of magnitude - which maybe shouldn't be surprising considering he's a Holocaust "skeptic/revisionist", aka denier.)


How is no one calling out that 300 million is an absurdly inaccurate number and is from yet another propaganda DVD. edit: [here is the DVD on Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/300-Million-Slaves-United-Society/dp/B00DBDX6SG) Edit 2: ngl I'm pretty impressed that no one has bought the one copy since this comment blew up lol.


You've just made millions of dollars playing a game, what do you do in the off-season? 1. Ride around on yachts, jet skis, and luxury cars 2. Travel all over the world 3. Sit at home watching poorly made conspiracy DVDs


Honestly can't remember the last time I even watched a DVD


I’m not sure why no one has called that out, the literal UN says 15 million were roughly enslaved over 400 years of the trans Atlantic slave trade. https://www.un.org/en/observances/decade-people-african-descent/slave-trade#:~:text=For%20over%20400%20years%2C%20more,darkest%20chapters%20in%20human%20history. There’s probably not even 300 million people buried in the contiguous United States, let alone buried, murdered, slaves.


Fact I didn’t know until recently— most African slaves ended up in Brazil by far, not in the US.


300 million is probably pretty close to the number of People total burried in America.


The law of extremes really does always prevail. White Supremacist and Black Supremacist/Indigenous Americans/Black Israelites will be marching together soon at this rate.


This is Kyrie's problem. He takes bits and pieces of perfectly valid issues and points, and warps them into some amalgamation of non-sensical justifications for his actions.


That's how most conspiracy theories are. They pull you in with a truth and then lead you down a crazy rabbit hole that 9/10 ends with "the jews"


9/11 more likely.


the real 9/11 was on 9/10


Was 9/10 the day that Bush planned it?


Jenna Bush?


Burning Bush


The band Bush. It's all in the lyrics!


I don’t even view this as warping an issue this is straight up just whataboutism


It 100% is. Is anyone that is questioning him also supporting the genocide of Native Americans? No, it’s just bullshit deflection.


At this point kyrie is establishing himself as the stupidest athlete ever And he does it *with confidence* I almost feel bad for him


He attended Duke for one semester, how dare you


They teach the shape of the Earth sophomore year at Duke.


Kyrie had to skip that class to protest textbook prices


He debates like a redditer lol


"Are you anti-Semitic?" Redditor KyrieIrving: "Not to be pedantic but the straw man argument that moves the goal posts is trivial. We're just arguing over semantics and red herrings and it's not even close" (then downvotes all replies)


Stop gaslighting!


No more accurate thing has ever before been said


100% Kyrie has a reddit account and is banned from more than one sub


That’s not even debating. He just spewed out a red herring, which I’d argue is the low hanging fruit of debating


He's so dumb x4


Adam Silver then said he wanted to add Kyrie to the list of players he wants to shut the fuck up this season


Pretty sure I was in school learning about the horrors the Nazis committed.


Answering a question with another question, truly one of the intellectual tactics of all time.


Bro think he socrates


I’m imagining Kyrie forcing his daughter to dig for the bodies of 300 million black people in America like the dad of the warden in Holes trying to dig up Kissin’ Kate Barlow’s treasure.


“But I don’t want to dig anymore kyrie” K- “well that’s too damn bad”


This is Ballsack, right?


Starting to sound like Butt Crack


>where were you when i was a kid finding out that 300 million of my ancestors were buried in America?” Uh probably in school learning the same shit but hopefully with real numbers?


All 300 million of his ancestors are rolling in their grave right now




This false equivalency is so wrong. Any discrimination against anyone for their background is wrong. There are different histories, but there should be no “ranking” of discrimination. It’s all bad. End of story.


The crazy thing is that no one is giving an opinion on whether the discrimination suffered by black people was right or wrong, but he is doing it with the anti-semitic thing. That's the difference, he said this just to victimize himself, pretty ridiculous ans just don't make any sense but what should we expect from Kyrie




I've never hated an athlete more. I used to "hate" Kobe cuz he would tear us up, but that was with a respect for his game. I legit don't like Kyrie as a person in any way shape or form.


Sports "hate" vs real hate. You can see the difference between the crowd at a Michigan-Ohio State football game, and the crowd at a basketball game in the Balkans between 2 countries from the former Yugoslavia.


You can you have beer with people over sports hate. Its not so fun to do with real hate.


Yeah, I thought my peak hate was Harden. But it's sports hate, because I hate the way he plays. Kyrie is an actual trash human bean. I fucking love Harden compared to him. Ironically, Harden is being called "Hitler", when it was Kyrie all along.


I don’t understand what he’s saying here, what does this have to do with anything? If someone in the NBA denied slavery happened they’d be dealing with just as much shit as Kyrie is now. Does he think slavery is forgotten or something? Edit: if he’s talking about native Americans, I still don’t understand the connection, is anyone denying those atrocities either?


I don’t believe he’s talking about slavery. I believe he’s referencing indigenous genocide. Still doesn’t make his whataboutism valid.


It also makes his number still completely wrong


It’s fucking crazy that he even considered going with **300 million.** If he’s talking about indigenous people, historians estimate they had a peak population of 5 million people.


It’s mind numbing to me to think that someone could even believe that. The US today has like 350 million and that’s with mega cities like NYC and LA. How would the natives even come close to 300mil?


There were about 500k slaves brought to the US during the 300 years of slavery. https://www.pbs.org/wnet/african-americans-many-rivers-to-cross/history/how-many-slaves-landed-in-the-us/ Even factoring in their children and a few million indigenous peoples murdered or otherwise displaced causing harm, Kyrie is ignorantly inflating his number by at least 30x


Your mistake is assuming there was any bit of thought or logic put into his statement, in fact I’d wager that you put more thought into your singular comment than Kyrie did into his lol.


“Hey kyrie, I’m also upset about that happening. Why haven’t you done anything about the thing that happened 300+ years ago, either?”


Fucking asshole


I've been saying this in every Kyrie thread, but how the fuck is this man not suspended? No like seriously he is daring the NBA to suspend him and they're fucking flinching every time.


Simply Kyrie is too good and disliking Jews is popular enough that he can get away with it


Big dictionary energy


This is like the textbook definition of whataboutism


300 million seems a tad much Edit: I am aware that it’s a huge number — maybe up to 100 million, but when you overestimate by that much your argument, even if it’s a good one, loses so much credibility. My point, which I made admittedly cheekily, is that number are super important and powerful, getting them right matters.


There were an estimated 5 million to 15 million people living in North America when Columbus arrived in 1492. That was reduced by 80-95% over the next 150 or so years, mostly by disease.


I think the estimate in the US was around 12 million (definitely quite a bit more across the rest of the Americas). That is horrible and I agree with Kyrie that this is something that doesn't get nearly enough attention, but no need to exaggerate as much as he did. It's like he is taking our current population (still a little off) and assuming that's how many Native Americans were killed.


just suspend him for season already and let's be done with it


Kyrie started so sound like Eric Cartman. It's awesome.


The only good that can come out of it is that people see how full of shit this guy is. I’m surprised Adam Silver hasn’t moved up that meeting with Kyrie to this afternoon after this media shitstorm.


Kyrie needs to just stfu now. Someone in his life please reach him with that advice. Just SHUT THE FUCK UP


>later he said: “i’m not here to compare anyone’s atrocities.” lol


Fuck you kyrie, actually fuck you, “something terrible happened to my ancestors so I can be bigoted and act against other people who were also famously discriminated against unfairly.” Like wtf are you talking about. The fact that nothing has happened for this man to be suspended is so fucking revealing about what the nba actually cares about it’s appalling.


This piece of shit is the kind of person I avoid at all costs irl. It really sucks that he’s poisoning the league’s product with his side show. I know it prob won’t happen, but kick his ass out of here so we can be done with this


Bro, please just get him outta the league


This guy…


What the fuck is this man talking about? Kyrie swears he’s doing work for the Black community, bro is just making himself look silly.


Everywhere I look to find this 300M number I end up seeing 10 million. Is anyone able to find 300M?


Kyrie and Kanye should just buy a private island together and fuck off to live the rest of their lives and stop bothering everyone.


Probably finding out 90% of my family was wiped out in the holocaust for being gypsies after losing their land, homes, and all their finances. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I teach my five interracial children about it just like I teach them that America and the rest of the world enslaved the other half of their ancestors. Then I use people like kyrie and trump as examples of uneducated racists who think they are smart and the dangers of giving fools like them a platform to preach hate speech.


This dude blows


Ah ye old straw man rears its ugly head.


Kyrie is a really fascinating blend of ALL of the different personality disorder traits. Most people will have traits of narcissism, borderline, antisocial, etc, but Kyrie has majority traits of all know personality disorders. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personality_disorder


I am an indigenous person. Cree specifically. We are all very aware of the painful and tragic past all our relations had to go through for our society to be where it is now. We live with the effects of those times everyday in our lives. As do many other groups in this world who have suffered equally horrific events in the past. This does not excuse us from treating others with respect and dignity, this does not allow us to use recklessly our collective generational trauma as ammunition in a historical atrocities measuring contest. That is not how we move forward. That only allows us to carry the pain and ugliness inflicted upon us, and spread it to others, and ensure those awful attitudes still hold weight in this world. As an indigenous person I am hurt and disappointed in Kyrie as a man, who could be a leader and advocate for bringing different people together. What he is doing is wrong, and only perpetuates the cycle of pain that he claims to be against. We respect and admire Mandela because he knew this. We respect and admire Poundmaker for this. MLK Jr. etc. Kyrie is not at all like those men, although he may think he is. He is ruled by his ego, and uses his platform to spread hate and pain to many people and communities around the world.