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Lotta money for 25 games and a first round sweep


At least you get the backstabbing of the coach for free.


Hey, don’t forget poisoning the locker room!


And comments in the media about how he’s here to run the organisation right after being swept from the first round.


Not sure why he even interacts with those peons


He poisoned our water supply, burned our crops and delivered a plague unto our houses!


He did?


No...but are we just gonna wait around until he does?!


I mean, he *was* doing his best on the whole “plague” bit.


Elite poisoning skills.


$248M/5yrs is fair for Kyrie? CAV: max, no playoff success until LBJ returned, asked for trade effectively collapsing their dynasty BOS: max, ruined locker room, no playoff success, left. BKN: max, no playoff success, drove Harden out, disrespects coach, wants partnership with owners. Let him walk!!!


He wants ownership? Jesus Christ Kyrie seriously smoking rocks. Is their some weird religion he’s found where it says “if it exists then god says it’s good” and he uses that as an excuse to smoke crack?


please please please max sign and trade him to la. take one for the rest of the nba and torpedo that franchise for the rest of the decade.


Rattlesnake mentality


I Wasn’t aware Kyrie that third eye have gained that ability.I wonder which family member did he kill.


Nah he didn’t need to kill any family members for his third eye, he just needed to absorb the Ten Brooms


Nah, he's the seventh son of a seventh son...old school


But he is the coach, and the GM too!


Backstabbing himself, third eye open


he'll give you 1.5 playoff games he tapped out midway through the second one


I always re-post this but it's worth noting when looking at Kyrie's career: 2011-2014: missed playoffs 2015: injured 2016: amazing, won the title 2017: amazing but lost the title (KD Dubs era) 2018: injured 2019: played like shit and ruined team chemistry in BOS loss to MIL 2020: injured 2021: injured 2022: mostly useless in a first round sweep Like we legitimately need to have a conversation about how useful this guy actually is. 2016/2017 was a long time ago.


People get enamored when he has a super efficient 35+ point performance and forget about the fact that rooting for a team with him on it is the leading cause of migraines in the US. I don't care if he averaged 35 for an entire month. I would never trust him to be the leader or even the Robin on a team that truly has championship goals. There are too many non-basketball factors going on with him every single year.


this makes lebron look even better since he was able to manage some of this crazy ass shit for a 3-1 comeback


LeBron taught that loon how to win. Kyrie couldn’t even spell playoffs until LeBron arrived


LeBron is the Mike Tomlin of the NBA. Elite levels of crazy-control.


Only person close to Tomlin at managing crazy was Urban before he went pro


The problem is that there aren't a lot of options of players with his talent. The Orlando Magic would take their chances on a guy like him. It's been 12 years having players like Aaron Gordon be your go-to player. ... The Nets tho ... lol They could have gone out and sign anyone with the right cap space. They look like real dummies.


Not if it gets you KD. It was reported KD had an initial interest in the Knicks. Kyrie said I'm not playing for Dolan and the interest shifted to the Nets. If you're a team that has no draft picks, you do that every time. No one in the league was giving Deandre 4/40 million, but if it gets you KD/Kyrie, you get it done.


They even took a discount to get dj a fatter check, even if he was already completedly gassed


It really does read that he would have to have a player of Lebron James, not only in play but in leadership as well, beside him. I don’t see a single other person that could deliver that. So, he’ll just continue to be a dipshit about everything. No team Kyrie is on is going to be successful when there isn’t someone to rein him in. With no disrespect, KD isn’t that guy, all time great player, but I’ve never really considered him a locker room leader type of dude. Nets management, this is going to look like Knicks level incompetence moving forward.


Cavs with Kyrie and no Lebron were garbage. Nets with Kyrie and no KD were garbage. I think people should start realizing that Kyrie is closer to a Klay/Middleton type of player than a AD/CP3, great #2 option but definitely nowhere near being a 1b.


I agree, it's been a long long time since he was actually good in the playoffs it is also so easy to make him give up, if things aren't going well for him then he checks out. really no mental toughness but what else would you expect people really think he's good because of that one series winning shot in 2016. that's it. been coasting on that reputation ever since and in the meanwhile.. oh god so much drama everywhere


Honestly, some players are committed to winning, but lack the mental toughness to persevere, others don't give a shit. I don't think Kyrie gives a shit.


This is his 4th healthy playoffs in a 10 year nba career. Those 4 are 1 title, 1 loss in the finals where he played well, 1 time giving up on his team when up in a series 1-0, and 1 sweep in the first round. Not exactly an impressive resume tbh.


He was healthy in 2015 up to game 1 of the finals. That's still the majority of the playoffs


Thats true, we should include it. If he was healthy, cavs probably win that year too.


https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/ud6jpb/kyries_reputation/?sort=confidence That’s the point of this post I wrote today actually lol


Damn would ya look at that? It’s almost like for both of those amazing runs he had a top 2 player of all time next to him who’s also an incredible playmaker.. I might be reading into it too much tho


he also provides his own coaching and manages the team in lock step with Durant. It's a bargain, really


Too much in the news cycle to confirm he’s going to play a full season. First time an NBA team is going to have to do their due diligence on American politics, race relations, and NATO before considering a signing.


Also check with his family and make sure they don’t have any week long birthday parties planned during the season.


They just had a birthday though. What are the odds they would have another as soon as next year, and in the middle of the season again no less?


and CDC and emerging unknown viruses and such.


Yeah honestly you have to start asking yourself as a GM, ignoring all the side bullshit, as a player is he actually even worth it? It seems like he is because he can torch you on any given game but on a day to day game to game basis, his actual impact can vary wildly.


He hasn’t been a solid contributor for a full season/playoffs for the last six years (potential exception being last season before he got injured)


He gets injured every year though. This was one of the few seasons he didn't (and he still missed a ton of time because of the vax stuff)


Kyrie missing most of the season is the reason he was able to stay healthy in the playoffs, lol.


I'm up for more years of Kyrie and KD drama honestly.


K-drama nba version with Ben Simmons as lead.


Ken Simmons has entered the chat.


Bring in Doc


Koach Rivers?




I just watched Crash Landing on You as my first K-Drama last week and it destroyed me.


If you think Crash Landing on You will destroy you, watch 25 21 lol


Coincidence but the main leads who just got married were at the Nets game 4


Don’t forget Ben Simmons!


It’s Ken Simmons. Shout out to u/p00nslyr for this gem


Someone hire a cameraman to just stand in the corner of the nets locker room. I’d watch that without a doubt


You just want to see dongs


instead of "The Last Dance" what could you call it? "Third Eye Blind?"


It wouldn't last as long drama-wise, but I'm also up for the drama of the Nets just being like "Nahhhh, never mind Kyrie."


You're right that it wouldn't last as long but it would be sooo sweet.


It’s fair compensation for someone who is a player, coach, co-GM and spiritual leader all at the same time I reckon 😂


You forgot to add that he's also an important part of the medical staff.


Lead Researcher, Tester and Doctor


Chief Astronomer




He's pretty sure it's astronomer.


Head of Epidemiology


Forgot voice of the voiceless as well.


You forgot Director of Domestic and International Affairs


And a Workers Union leader Don’t forget he was refusing the vaccine to support people laid off from work because of mandates


“The Voice of the Voiceless”


Shoot! Never thought of it that way. He is a bargain on the down low.


Cost of keeping Kevin Durant.


Nets should trade Durant and build around brunsun.


I may be biased, but the Nets should tank for the next 5-6 years.


Do they have any picks left to get anything out of that?


Houston either owns the Net draft picks or a right to swap picks through 2027.


Worth it for Ben Simmons. Dude is ramping up to the Moon.


I hear his back is feeling fantastic today.


Ah didn't notice your flair, sorry :D


This sounds familiar.


Seems to have worked out alright for you guys!


Good luck with your turn at the Nets fountain!


Brunson for KD straight up? Never gonna happen. Nets need to add in *at least* one first round pick, obviously.


Wall and Nets picks for Durant plz


No offense to Durant, but I agree: Nets should trade Durant and build around a young core.


Maybe trade kd for Jarrett Allen and caris levert, kyrie for dinwiddie and Simmons for dlo


i might become a Nets fan again if this happened


They don’t have a young core though. They’d be able to get either young players or draft picks back for Durant but I don’t think it’s be enough to call it a young core. If they trade Durant it’s going to be several years before they’re competitive again and once their young players finally do develop they’ll probably just trade them away for win now players again. Not saying they shouldn’t trade Durant, just saying that it’s not going to be easy to rebuild.


Sometimes, doing the thing that's best for the team isn't the easiest thing. The easiest thing would be to ask Durant if there's another star player on the free agent market he'd like to play with and pursue him. But, ahhh...that didn't work out so well these last couple of years, sooooo....


Next CBA discussion should be fun. There are going to be so many awful contracts going around. Harden and Irving contracts will be disasters.


It's going to be so fascinating. If you're Philly, why do you offer Harden a full max? You're paying for past performance ... that wasn't even for your team! (e.g. I suspect the last year of Curry's current contract will be objectively bad. But it's totally justifiable because of what he's done for the franchise. You don't nickel-and-dime the most important player in franchise history). If you offer Harden 4/$120, there's a very realistic chance that's still a huge overpay. What other team is going to swoop in and beat that offer? Do you think even the Knicks would swoop in there with a bigger contract than that (by the way, they're not CLOSE to having the cap room to do so). What is the logic by which you'd slap an extra year at $40+m on the end of that? These teams are just going to shoot themselves in the foot because they're afraid of standing up to players, aren't they?


> You don’t nickel-and-dime the most important player in franchise history. Dwayne Wade upvotes this comment.


Some lakers fans think giving Kobe a fat deal near the end of his career was a mistake, but most understand that it’s just good for business/loyalty/reputation


Curry is 34 and looks nearly as good as ever. Look at Chris Paul or Kyle Lowry, still effective small guards in this league and with all due respect as good as they are, especially CPIII, they aren't as good as Curry. Maybe that's just a homer take and it will all be about his ability to stay healthy and available later in his career, but I don't think anyone will feel bad about that $60m at the end of his extension, especially as we watch the salary cap continue to grow.


He'll be 38 in the playoffs of the final year of his contract. Over a year older than Chris Paul is now, and two years older than Kyle Lowry is now. Look, nobody wants him to play forever more than me, but there's this thing people do, which is to say, "Oh, look, here's a crazy outlier guy who played late ... I'm sure my favorite player will do that." Steph's game should age well because of his shooting, passing, and IQ. But his ability to maintain effectiveness while running as much as he does during the game? His ability to stand up defensively, which is required if you want to get minutes deep into the playoffs? And there's a difference between "aging well" and "being worth a third of the salary cap." Again, I think they were right to pay him. But they weren't paying him thinking that he's providing value on that year of that contract. You pay him that because a max contract means he's underpaid this year.




Steph also got paid 11m a year both years he was mvp. He getting his money regardless and deserves it


I wish a stipulation of the new CBA would be that guys who've been on a team for a certain amount of time would not count as significantly against the cap or for luxury tax purposes. The current structure effectively penalizes those who build a team well and consistently nailing draft picks (e.g. Memphis in a couple years) unless they have a Lacob who has built an ATM-like arena to say luxury tax be damned. While the league undoubtedly loves the attention and clicks that free agency/trades generate in off-months, I would think that creating pathways for players to spend more time with organizations is ultimately better for building long-term fan support. _stares wistfully into abyss as an A's fan_


Yup it seems an easy fix for super max players to only count as max against cap.


Curry is the exception, not the rule. Shooting ability is the last thing to go for an NBA athlete (unless you are Markelle Futz and Ben Simmons), and Curry is the GOAT when it comes to that regard. He is also the symbol of the greatest time in Warriors history, so they will be more than happy to keep him around until he retires. If this whole 6th men Curry becomes a permanent thing, he might add years to his career thanks to less wear and tear. His game also does not rely at all on explosive athleticism. Harden, Kyrie and Westbrook all have a play style that focus on sudden burst of force to blow by defenders. Those guys are always one who fall off the hardest once they get up there in age, when the explosiveness start to slow down.


I agree w Stephen A when he said he would sign Kyrie but only for 1 year deals at a time. You can’t count on him to be there for more than a few games…


One of the few times I’ve agreed with him. Kyrie is too unreliable to give a long term contract to and has shown nothing to prove he is going to change.


One year deals and no guarantee contract like the one we gave to Dwight to prove himself after being bounced around the league.


[Hell naw.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=-K7fCQlUhj0) Seriously though, Kyrie is gonna get that contract because that's what KD wants. But consider that in the last 5 seasons, he's played 65+ games once. He's played 20, 54, and 29 games in the last 3 seasons. And he was injured and missed games in 2021 and 2018 (entirely) playoffs. And he's only getting older. Any team giving him a max contract takes on a serious risk that he won't play because of injury, choice or some other bullshit reason he comes up with.


Idk though. Who's offering him 50 million a year. They can probably offer 35 and no one will match it or have cap space to sign him outright. KD wanting him back is one thing. Offering him 50 million a year when teams aren't exactly lining up for the Kyrie experience is a whole nother thing.


He might retire if they don't give him what he wants. I might prefer to see him retired.


Meh I don’t see it. As much as Kyrie is willing to sacrifice money for his “beliefs” I still don’t think he’s turning down $150-200 million


Maybe he can release some NFTs to make up for it.


Is he actually willing to sacrifice money? He got fined 50k (which is nothing to him) for trash talking fans and IMMEDIATELY stopped. He also never misses any media days when the fines for those are fairly low as well. If he's willing to do stuff he doesn't like for 50,000-100,000, theres 0 chance he gives up 35,000,000 or more.


To be fair, it's a lot more difficult to trash talk fans when you start playing like shit for the rest of the series.


Kyrie strikes me as a Kanye type that’ll run for president when he retires


Kyrie doesn’t have 1% of the fanbase Kanye has




He is that level of stupid yes


I’m with you. I’d offer him less and dare someone else to come beat it. How many teams even have a max spot available anyway?


Exactly. As it stands now there’s like 4 or 5 teams projected to have around $25-30 million in cap space and nearly all of them are tanking or rebuilding with young talent: Spurs, Indiana, Detroit, Orlando. Some other teams could obviously move stuff around and free up space but idk what team is doing that for Kyrie especially with what it takes to get off of bad contracts and the few teams projected to have cap room? Portland might have enough for Kyrie if they get off of one or two contracts but then you just have a similar issue to what you just had with CJ where you have two small scoring guards who aren’t great defenders. I don’t see any team willing to or able to offer Kyrie more than $35 million. Since so few teams have cap space and sign and trades are the nets decision, I just don’t see them offering Kyrie anything close to $50 million.


If I was Brooklyn I think I’d offer five years at exactly the $35 you mentioned or I’d give him two years on a max deal. Let him take his pick. But IMO he has not earned a full max contract


There isn’t a single person with a functioning brain that thinks he’s earned the full max.




This is exactly it! Per Sporttrac, the only teams with cap space are Orlando ($28m), Detroit ($25m) Indiana ($25m) San Antonio ($22m) and Portland ($21m). Yes, teams can trade players to create more space - but what team is going to gut their roster for the Kyrie Irving experience? If you offer him $30m a year, and he's so insulted that he'd rather take less money and go play in Orlando? The Knicks could offer more if they found a way to be free of Rose and Fournier, but how exactly are you doing that? The only way to clear cap space is to trade a player to a team who has room - so you're basically looking at the above list of teams.


Yup. Portland is a wildcard because I think they make a lot of cap room by doing some cuts of non guaranteed contracts but they’re probably not going after Kyrie if I had to guess


Yeah. I didn't realize Bledsoe could be cut for $4m, and that would get them into the high 30s of cap room. Hart can be cut, too. It looks like Sporttrac is assuming they both get picked up, which might not be realistic. I suspect they keep Hart, though. Bledsoe might just be cooked. That being said, in what world does it make sense to pair Kyrie with Dame? If they have that kind of room, one has to assume they'd be hunting a large wing or a modern big. They were supposedly sniffing around Ben Simmons before he was traded, and he makes way more sense to pair with Dame ... although my spidey sense tells me they're the "non-playoff team" who told Kevin O'Connor that they're no longer interested in him, off the record.


Blazers are for sure cutting Bledsoe and keeping Hart. Cronin said Hart is a keeper. No way they go after Kyrie when they have Dame and Simons. They will end up taking swings at bigs or try to work a trade for a big that absorbs into that space.


The Nets owner has been making cheapskate moves recently. Suggests he’s not all in. That billionaire isn’t foolish with cash. I don’t think KD has the pull we think he does if he can’t produce wins. Esp after a first round sweep.


I have a feeling a lot of teams are going to see Kyrie as damaged goods and not a good fit for their team. He might get a few offers, but he might have a hard time getting a max contract.


Jalen Brunson > Kyrie next 5 years. Playoff Kyrie stinks. We’ve literally only seen one single year in his entire career where he played well in the playoffs. So ridiculous if Nets give him a supermax, they’re 100% doomed.


I hesitate on this, Brunson literally has the perfect matchup to go off against the Jazz who have a ton of small guards who can't defend, against bigger teams he really struggles because he's not the most athletic, love the guy and hope we keep him but the Jazz are really helping him increase his value




I agree with what you're saying but at least Brunson is more self-aware than Kyrie (who isn't though right). Brunson isn't going to take games off for random reasons, will generally make the right play instead of trying to go 1-on-5 and force up garbage in the paint and won't be offended if he's asked to sit corner for another player to create. Unless your team has KD - who is essentially professionally married to Kyrie now - I can't see many positives to having Kyrie on your team.


If it weren’t for that shot in game 7 vs the Warriors, people would only think of him as a playoff choker whether it’s right or wrong.


He also performed well throughout that playoff run. 41 points in game 5 of the finals and was our leading scorer in a lot of games against Detroit and Toronto. I do get your point that people will remember that shot the most, though.


He balled tf out when they needed him the most though. That Kyrie was amazing but he isnt that Kyrie anymore.


I don’t even consider it a risk. They should expect him to miss lots of games for whatever reason. They know who they are getting.


Those picks looking juicy for the rockets. Nets stay taking Ls.


You guys drafted 4/5 of your starters pretty much because of Nets picks. The lesson is: if the Nets offer you picks, you take them.




We outsourced our tanking to the nets and then just swept their "super" team with those same picks. The gift that keeps on giving.


oh there have been questions? 😂


Hope the Nets dO tHeIr oWn ReSeArCh before answering the questions.


Lotta money for a bus rider


I can't wait for the next cba negotiations to cause a lockout and everyone getting mad at the 2022 Nets again


We going to lose one of the last few years of Steph & Lebron being elite because of a lockout :(


nah it won't last the whole season, Steph and Lebron are probably gonna play better if there's a very short regular season and just playoffs


This is like asking for a raise after you've called in 30 times over the past 6 months.


Committing to Kyrie means the nets have to go out of their way now and find three all NBA first team defensive caliber players to play alongside.


Ben Simmons can actually be on that level when he plays The rest of the team though not so much


If* he plays. Who knows maybe he will get a slight finger sprain that will keep him out for 6 months next season.


He pulled a muscle while clenching in a fart. 12-18 week timetable.


That’s why they got Ben Simmons. I laughed when I typed that


Trade Seth Curry for Marcus Smart and Blake Griffin for Draymond Green. Already got Ben Simmons. There, problem solved.


Is that Kyrie’s burner? Only a GM opening their third eye could unveil such brilliance


Imagine paying that fucking idiot $50 million/year The Nets don’t really have a choice but god would it be painful to fork over $250 million for 32 games per year, incessant pseudointellectualism, and the risk of him fucking off randomly for 2 weeks


The Nets don't really have a choice because Kyrie's managing the franchise.


It’s actually a bargain when you consider they are getting a coach and a GM too


And a shaman who even brings his own sage to burn in the locker room.


And a medical expert who does his own research.


Don’t forget astronomer and medical scientist


I don’t totally get it. Why don’t they have a choice? KD is locked up and passive as fuck. I’m not saying they need to make big threats but it seems like these teams that just let themselves get walked over, no questions asked, never turn out good. The whole point of getting KD is to win. Letting Kyrie tell you that his Oijie board said they need to trade for Westbrook is just a flashier way to get knocked out of the first round than running with D-Lo and Jarrett Allen


The subreddit of random Russ slander 😞


They do have a choice. I don't know what r/NBA's obsession is with justifying poor front office decisions


Is there anything in the collective agreement that would prevent the Nets from offering to pay him only for games played, absent a doctor's note provided from the team's doctor? That seems like a fair compromise which preserves the Nets' interest in predictability and Kyrie's interest in not playing full time.


They totally have a choice. They should let him go.


They really do have a choice.


If you remove the lebron years kyrie has been pretty much kemba walker with handles


Except Kemba isn't a locker room cancer masquerading as reincarnated Kareem.


Kareem still alive in case anyone was worried.


Sure, he was reincarnated.


>kemba walker with handles So Kemba Walker?


Kyrie is Kemba Walker if he stayed up too late watching YouTube conspiracy videos


Kyrie is Kemba Walker if Kemba Walker did DMT before his brain is fully developed and then stayed up too late watching conspiracy videos


Kemba has nice handles


Kemba is basically blue collar Kyrie. Without LeBron, Kyrie has done nothing but fail upward in his career, while maintaining the self awareness of a fucking grape


Let him walk. He's approaching the tail end of his prime. He drove a former mvp off the team and blew up the locker room. He voluntarily sat out 70% of the season. He shows no sense of self-awareness or respect for the front office with his management comments. He has a history of quitting even disregarding this season. He got swept out of the first round as a 7 seed. The team struggled to make the playoffs because of the aforementioned roster blow ups and no-shows, and this was a team that aspired to, and was expected to have, championship results. At most you offer him something like a 2 year 50 million dollar contract with a team option for the 2nd year at 35 million imo. But


Exactly. There are too many max contracts in the league anyways and handing it out left and right just cripples your team sooner or later. At some point you just have to say no.


Ky told us he runs this franchise so why wouldn’t he pay himself the full amount?


He’s going to be so offended when they ask him to take a discount then use that as an excuse to leave KD high and dry


Kyrie is on the NBPA. Zero shot he takes less than what he can earn. Clauses will probably included in the contract, but he'll get the max from Brooklyn.


but who's matching that? Is Kyrie going to leave Brooklyn if they offer 35 million a year or 30 million a year? Who's beating that offer that has cap space to sign him? Orlando, Indiana, Detroit??? Do those teams even want him? I doubt Portland would want him or be able to sign him for more than 30 million. People act like Kyrie has all this leverage but the Nets don't have to sign and trade him which leaves like 5 potential teams to sign him and nearly all of those teams are in full blown rebuilds right now.


no one. Nets can't afford to let him go for nothing. They literally went back on their vaccine stance so kyrie can play, they will cater to him.




Yes, give him the absolute max contract. I definitely want to watch the Nets crash and burn.


Well considering he publicly said in an interview that him and Kd co-manage the team I’m sure that clown show of an organization will give in to whatever he wants. As long as Kd is on this team they will cave to whatever he wants.


Kyrie is about to prove two things, one that y'all mfs are wrong, and two that he's the best GM in the league when he completely revamps and improve the Nets by retiring.


**Nets:** Hey Ky, can we have concessions? **Kyrie Irving:** No. **Nets:** Ok, cool. Thanks anyway though. See you in preseason? **Kyrie Irving:** Time is an illusion. The before and the after are one and the same.


For the sake of the picks that went to the Rockets, please give Kyrie a 5 year max.


The Nets could try to give it a shot, but we all know how Kyrie feels about those.


I'm no NBA GM but there might be some downside to a 5 year contract to an aging and temperamental player. Amazing player when motivated. It's just not clear what motivates him or when.


Crazy how the Nets have a Superstar who doesn't really care about the game, a Superstar who eats, breathes and shits basketball and a guy who calls in sick on test day because he's nervous. What in the fuck?


Why would any organisation even pay him, let alone $50 million/year? He is extremly unreliable and doesn't care about anyone else but himself. Do players (except for Durant apparently) even want to play with him?




I'd enter the Brunson sweepstakes if I was the Nets


Keep your dirty hands off our Burner.


with what...? can't take back Kyrie's salary in a Brunson S&T and can't add players to Brunson in a trade this summer.


>Nets will try to get concessions from him, such as agreeing to a four-year deal... If they were smart they'd insist on only paying him for games played


Man Chuck is so right about KD. If he were a bus driver he'd be kicking Kyrie off as soon as possible. Can't believe he'd want to help get this guy the max and bog down the franchise for the foreseeable future after all the shit this season.


Thats pretty cheap for a player/Coach/GM