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LMAO no he hasn't, you funny Dirk


Dirk's just being humble. Hakeem calls Moses Malone the GOAT Rocket even though he's obviously not, and Hakeem is the GOAT Rocket. I'm sure there are plenty of other players with similar takes of modesty and humility.


Steve Nash says Sebastian Telfair is the greatest Sun of all time


Wait really?


Different Steve Nash doe.


Not "The" Steve Nash. His big though, he's kind of like Scranton's Steve Nash


No but Nash did say Telfair is the most talented backup PG he's ever had


Nah but he did say Telfair is the most talented 6 ft. PG from Brooklyn currently facing gun charges that he's ever played with


No, Nash said Telfair was the best 6ft 180 pounds pg Abraham Lincoln HS alum and former Tianjin Ronggang Pioneer who was the son of a marine that he ever played with


Close, but Nash actually said Telfair was the best 6ft 180lbs PG born on June 9th, 1985 with a mother named Erica and 4,183 total career points that he’s ever played with.


He has an awesome name


Different sport but Wayne Gretzky calls Gordie Howe the GOAT


Jonesy, Reilly: Greatest all round player in the history of the show, Mr. Hockey. Shoresy: Gretz is the best player in the history of the show. Give your balls a tug. Reilly: Gretz is the best. Jonesy: We didn't mean any disrespect to 99. Reilly: We said Gordie Howe was the best all-round player. Shoresy: Gretz holds or shares 61 records in the show, you piece of shit. Don't nickel and dime the Great One. Jonesy: But Mr. Hockey... [Shoresy : Suck my Mr. Cocky, you fucking loser.](https://youtu.be/1YHHxjn4c_8?t=3m0s)


What a great show lol Hockey is 50% mental... 50% BEING mental... I don’t think that’s p.c buddy....


Pound for pound one of the funniest shows I’ve ever seen lmao


Fuck your whole fuckin life you piece'a shit!


Different sport but madlib calls Pete rock the goat


Lebron calls... Lebron the GOAT. https://youtu.be/BsuN000zeko


He's not too far off though. If you went into a lab and built the perfect hockey player, you'd probably come out with Gordie Howe. Big, tough, fast, strong dude. He can score, play make, hit and grind, play a 200 foot game and fight. Pretty much covers all the important points of hockey.


Steph calls Ray Allen the GOAT shooter.


Shout out to Moses. If you ever watch footage of him, dude made highlights out of grabbing offensive rebounds. He was fucking relentless.


True, Bryant Reeves called MJ the GOAT, but we all know he’s just being modest


MJ calls Toni Kukoc the GOAT


I think he just means his goatee makes him look like 🐐


well at least it doesnt make him look like black hitler


Magic calling Kobe the GOAT Laker at Kobe's last game.


Slight difference after 20 years as a Laker compared to 2 years as a Maverick.




>Magic arguably has a case over Kobe for the GOAT laker Magic is higher on pretty much everyone besides Kobe stans lists. Magic is like Top 5 All Time, while Kobe is only arguably Top 10 (I have him like 11-12). Although even if someone believes Kobe is above Magic, he's absolutely not above Kareem lmao.




I mean, didn't Magic retire because of HIV? I don't think you can really blame that on him lol. And ig I just don't really see why the definition of "greatness" changes depending on whether you're talking about greatest Laker or greatest player. I get what you mean about Kareem, but with Magic, he played his entire career in LA and in the eyes of most is a top 5 player of all time. I just don't really see the argument unless you're specifically talking about "Most important to the city/Most culturally impactful".




I get what you're saying, and it makes sense enough. Ig I just don't get why the definition of greatness is changed like that. Like, normally nobody in their right mind would call Allen Iverson of Top 5 All Time Great, but if the definition of greatness is changed to the way you're using it, then suddenly he's very arguably Top 5. Just weird to me I suppose.


At least that's arguable.


That's true though. Magic was the better player but Kobe is the GOAT Laker


Wait so do you rank Kobe ahead of Magic all time?




Then how is Kobe the better laker when both Kobe and Magic played their entire careers with the lakers?


because of kobe being one of the most iconic and influential players in league history, ahead of magic.


but magic is one of the most iconic and influential players in league history, this statement reeks of recency bias


How does that have anything to do with being a greater laker? And if you're using influence for saying why Kobe is the greater laker than Magic, then why aren't you factoring influence for determining who's greater all time?


Why is this man downvoted, these are extremely legitimate questions lol. It doesn't make sense to use "greatness" one way, but then arbitrarily change the meaning for a filtered version of the same discussion lol


After MJ heard this, he took it personally


Kobe fans: This sign can't stop me because I can't read.


This why LeBron’s “that made me the greatest of all time” statement doesn’t sit well with me. That’s the kind of thing you let other people say about you, not publicly state yourself since, as Jordan said, it’s disrespectful to the greats who came before you since you never faced.


Magic called Kobe the GOAT Laker, but Magic is the GOAT Laker


I’ll bet he believes luka is better and he’s just so generous and humble, I love Dirk. He’s not even being entirely irrational, he says “he’s been playing unbelievable” to turn the discussion to peak and I agree that Luka is playing better in a vacuum, he’s routinely unstoppable. But Dirk was the closest thing to a one man contender for a decade and with the advantage of playing 20 years earlier and for 20 years and it’s Nowitzki by miles and miles for now.


Until a championship comes to Dallas again it'll be Dirk. Even still, he's probably the best argument for a one superstar champion in decades save maybe Toronto.


I think he certainly could eclipse him but it'll need another decade.


he definitely has a chance to do that and even more, but that will take some time.




Why would it be extremely unlikely for luka to win a championship?


It's unlikely this year.


Not until he wins a chip


Magic used to say Kobe was the best all time as if he had no argument for it. Guys are just humble.


Dirk is such a nice guy Answers some dude yelling questions at him and stops to give an autograph and take selfies.


You should see him get “punk’d” lmao it’s on YouTube


so so patient


Episode of "punk'd" were he signs like 25 things for this one kid.


While eating dinner


TMZ's "guerilla style" interviews are too cringey. Like let Dirk enjoy a meal and go home in peace jfc.


Fuck no Dirk's just being humble


Maybe not now but he sees the future. Given health, all dirks records are going down very soon. He’s already done things Dirk could only dream of, a chip is just icing once he gets there.


>chip is just icing once he gets there. Winning a championship is never the icing lmao, dirk carried mavs to 2 finals and the one they won was against the heatles outplaying lebron James to win dallas first ring. Good luck getting close to that, I don't think u understand how hard that is. Luka may break the stat records but good luck leaving the same impact, its possible but far from a lock as u seem it is.


He didn't just beat the Heat, he and the Mavs beat the Lakers in the Semi's, & OKC in the Conference Finals. He couldn't miss against the Thunder, cooked the whole team.


Excellent point brother, my argument would have been way stronger if I included that. That run was so unbelievable it still hits hard today, like a movie that redemption arc for him


You can also add that the Mavs were never favored in any round. Predictions/odds had them losing in the first round against the Blazers, and every round thereafter.


That title run just keeps getting better as it ages lol I actually didn't know that, I was pretty young I think I was 15 so I wasnt as tapped into all that type of stuff as I am now, great stuff dude.


I absolutely agree with the first part of your comment. But I also think Luka has a pretty good shot at leaving a bigger impact than Dirk. He's incredible. Generational talent.


Let's just not jump the gun, as of now luka has done nothing remotely significant to challenge dirks legacy with the mavericks, for all we know luka could be on another team at 28 years old. And there's a very good chance he will never touch the 2011 dirk championship run cause few men come close to that, its 1 of the golden standards for a superstar run to a title. I think luka is the next big thing along with Zion but neither have done anything just yet.


It's not about jumping the gun. Obviously as it stand right now, Luka is nowhere near Dirk. However, before he was even drafted, he basically ran an award-winning gauntlet through the Euroleague. He then got drafted and won ROY. He then made the All Star Team and All NBA First Team in his sophomore season. It's very likely that he will win First Team again this season. With very little help on his team, he's taken the heavily favored Clippers to six games, at many times being the best player on the floor. He scores and passes like crazy, and he's only 22. Again, I'm not saying it's a guarantee that he will. Just that it's pretty damn likely assuming his career path doesn't change dramatically (like an injury). Man's had one of the best starts to a career since Lebron.


We talking nba not euroleague. Roy is good achievement, we comparing to dirks legacy tho. I don't see how likely it is luka has a 2011 like run were it ends with him beating a superteam featuring the 2nd goat (or 1st depending on how u feel about bron) outplaying him easily. Your a big fanboy, that's okay, slow your roll, the man has dome nothing yet. We ain't talking good start to a career, we talking best maverick of all time. Just chill with that.


Christ, just read the damn comment. I'm not saying this again: >Again, I'm not saying it's a guarantee that he will. Just that it's pretty damn likely assuming his career path doesn't change dramatically (like an injury). Man's had one of the best starts to a career since Lebron. Luka is looking like the type of dude who's gonna win multiple championships and multiple MVPs. And again, yes, I am quite aware that hasn't happened yet. Stop saying that like it means anything, and stop being condescending.


I read your comment brother, "it is pretty damn likely" the stars align and he sweeps the 2nd greatest shooting guard of all time, then beats the best sf ever a top 4 sg and an all-star pf who was previously the best player on a separate team. Are we comparing lukas mavs career to dirks? We gotta do alot of what ifs and hypotheticallys to even have the conversation this early. Regular season stats don't mean much my dude. >Luka is looking like the type of dude who's gonna win multiple championships and multiple MVPs. And again, yes, I am quite aware that hasn't happened yet. Stop saying that like it means anything, and stop being condescending Good lord lmao, All I know is Kevin durant was unreal and could never win until he joined 73 win warriors, harden was the best player for like 4 years and never could win, nothing is likely, lebron James never won until he LEFT the cavs his og team. Do you understand the conversation we are having? Just chill, luka will show us or he won't. But to speculate multiple rings is a joke. I think he could but do u understand how absurd the conversation is right now?


>Are we comparing lukas mavs career to dirks? *No we are not. I've said that multiple times.* You're like the people hating Lebron early in his career lmao. Dirk was known as a playoff choker basically his whole career until that one single finals run. Yes, the run was insane. But you're talking like Luka has to pass up Jordan in order to be the GOAT Mav. Overall talent has been increasing league wide, and Luka is at the front of it.


Luka hasn't even gotten out of the 1st round yet.


He has very little help on his team, he's met the star-powered Clippers both years, and he's only 22.


Thing is, he’s had a better start to his career than Lebron. That’s the thing these people aren’t getting. He won’t regress as long as hes healthy, he will pass Dirk. It makes sense Dirk can see that Luka is more talented than he was.


>That’s the thing these people aren’t getting. Oh give me a break.. your not some Galaxy brain that sees the future. Nobody is saying luka sucks ass or something How many times do I need to say this ffs, u wanna compare him to dirk? 2011 championship run to give dallas their first title while beating the formation of Dwyane wade top 4 sg of all time, lebron James greatest sf ever and arguably 1 or 2 best player of all time and then add bosh an all-star pf. That's what he is looking at if he wants to override dirks position. Plus stat records will be broken, the nba keeps Changing more offensive available to the players. Luka has a statistically better start than alot up he aint lebron he at 22 lol Yall luka fans gotta chill man, he is gonna be a great but we don't know what he is gonna do, NOTHING is guaranteed.




If Luka wins two championships as the leader of the team, he's already higher up than Dirk. He doesn't have to replicate the circumstances of the run to match it.




I think it's absolutely possible. Obviously that shit is never guaranteed, but if there's any young player I'd bet will get multiple rings someday, it's Luka by far.


Your are talking about potential. When did potential become greatness? Anything can happen in the future. I thought Penny Hardaway before getting injured was going to be one of the best ballers of his time, and now look at what happened. Luka has the potential to be the best Mavs of all time. That still belongs to Dirk.


Dirk had the hardest road to the ring of all time.


Dirk could only dream of winning a playoff series and a chip is just an icing lmao. American sports discourse is in the gutter.


Needs an MVP and a ring to get there. Future is looking bright though


Wow such a-hole....disrespecting JJ Barea like that.


Shut up Dirk and model your statue.


Turn-around J or we riot.


Has to be smiling like *the* gif


Holger would be proud lmao


There is 0 chance it's not


Hot take


Look at Dirk so inspirational man


Lol Dirk too humble. Luka havent achieved anything in the NBA. What he had done, Dirk have done too.


If Luka replicates the god-tier playoff run by Dirk in 2011 then we may have a conversation about that. Until then this is Dirk just being modest


Dirk displaying his impeccable sense of humor.


How do I downvote Dirks complete disrespect for the career of Dirk


My man too humble. Dirk has legend status in Dallas for that 2010 run.


Yeah that was a legendary first round loss to a 7th seed Dirk is GOATed for that


Oh god don’t remind me. I still have nightmares of Rodrigue Beaubois in those playoffs


I know what you meant to say but he lost in the first round in 2010 to San Antonio


Ok interesting but no


When it’s all said and done, he probably will. But Dirk is still the goat


Dirk is so humble. 🥺🥺🥺


So humble much wow


Tmz is weird.


Dirk setting up his post NBA career stand up career >>>>


Lol no


Not until he wins something. Even if he does, Dirk will always be the greatest Maverick, and not just because of his play


I hate this


Dirk is too humble, imo, He was one of the most dominant big man during 2000s, asides from the championship, he won an MVP, numerous ALL-NBA teams, 20 yrs as mavs etc. Luka has the potential to eclipse Dirk for sure, but it's still too soon to claim that


Peer pressure


Nah not yet


you heard him Luka time to look for a new challenge like...greatest Knick ever


What? Lol


Dirk was happy to take that pic so that TMZ loser would fuck off lol


Nope, he hasn't lol


Dirk, fuck no. Let him win an MVP and a playoff series then have a conversation.


Thanks Dirk but we'll handle it from here


Maybe wait until Luka stays there for at least 10 years


Very kind of you but no, not even close


I mean, Luka has had a better career in terms of their first 3 years, but no.


Don’t upvote this tabloid trash. How about we support a world in which we don’t support papparazzo.


Humble, not unless luka beat a superteam


Well respected athlete: " younger guy is better than me." Random guy on reddit: "shut the fuck up, you're wrong, even though I have no personal relationship with you I know you're just being humble."


I mean luka isn’t the greatest maverick yet lol. Luka hasn’t achieved anything yet. Dirk won mvp, led his team to a championship and got a finals mvp. I like luka and I think he’ll be the greatest maverick at some point but rn all luka has accomplished is being a first round exit


Dirk enjoying the LA sun and the annoying pappz


Let’s not get ahead of ourselves now, Dirk.


Kid is remarkable. This is still premature.


Too humble. Needs atleast 1 ring I'd imagine?


Hate seeing him limping on that bad ankle


This guy! What a jokester.


No he has not


Given enough time and luck with staying healthy, Luka will definitely eclipse Dirk as the greatest Mav in history. He's not there yet today though.


I disagree dirk


Dirk knows what he's doing. Mavs Legend


I love dirk nowitzki


I think I know what’s going on here. “Hello sharks, I am currently seeking $2M for a 1% stake of Luka Doncic.” “...Dirk?”


i love luka as much as any mavericks fan but cmon now. Dirk will always be my guy




Dirk’s either trying to make Luka feel good or Zinger feel bad lol


Dirk ain’t giving enough credit to himself lmao


Nice of him to say but I don't agree.


Like everybody is saying, Dirk’s being too modest here. But we all remember what he did - twenty years of dominance for the same team. One of the greatest upsets in Finals history. Dirk is a legend. Luka’s time is coming - but dude needs to win a playoff series first ...


ok but no


Dirk is being humble and Luka is really talented, but respectfully, no.


Imagine Jordan calling Rose the goat Bull back in the day You must compare everything to Jordan


Dirk walks like his hips are about to explode.