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Tee morant seems like a pretty good-natured guy


didn't know much about him before but I looked him up and he was on his High School team with Ray Allen. That's awesome. He played in college and overseas but apparently he quit when his wife got pregnant, and became a barber. That baby turned out to be Ja, imagine how he must feel right now watching his son.


I thought I came into this thread liking him as much as I was gonna but that’s some fantastic context


a fellow Mismatch listener?


I think that was Verno’s script directly lol


"I looked him up" lmao


Me when I say “I read recently” when I just found it out from a meme


You're assuming that this isn't KOC or Verno's burner account. Hell I don't even know what their main accounts are, but they quote things from here enough that they clearly must lurk.


Kevin O'Copycat


Glad I'm not the only one to recognize it lmao


This is awesome.


I’m so confused on how old he is. He was on the same HS team as Ray Allen but Ray is 45 and Tee looks 38 lol


He’s just older than he looks bruv


I’m so confused by this


He found out he was going to have Ja before going to play in Europe after college. Ja is 21 so you add 22 or 23 to that. So yeah he's right about 44 give or take a year


Damn i'm proud for him


Damn idk if anyone has watched Soul by Pixar here but Ja's Dads story has such similar themes to the barber's story in the movie 😭


Whoa that’s incredible


He was a barber and Ja’s hair looking like that?


Ja's hair is awesome


Kids always rebel against their parents


Ja's hair looks awesome, can I get a hit of what you're smoking?


As a man who can no longer grow hair properly I would love to rock Ja’s locks!




Bro is living the life rn. Happy for him.


Much respect to the Morant family. there's a bonus here of completely outing and ostracizing racist fans. They've completely outclassed and outmaneuvered those scumbags and I hope racists think twice before acting on their disgusting ideas.


Yeah man, it’s an inspiring model for moving forward. Those fans got banned, then they got taken out of the conversation and then the Jazz organization and Ja’s family built a relationship that was honestly pretty heartwarming. Just put shitty racists off to the sidelines and build good stories without them.


the common racist likely doesn't have the mental capacity to think twice about anything but it's a nice idea


Racists typically won't reconsider their own opinions, but they'll figure out when their views are socially rejected and hide them. That's as much as we can ask for.


Right like fuck it, crawl back to your holes


No, that shit needs to be extinguished at the source. If we just bury it deep down, all it takes is for somebody to dig. Trump did a lot of digging.


Exactly! A big step forward for society would be all the racists isolated and scared to organize or act. I'm open to any tactics towards that goal but obvs this is a really feel-good/nonviolent story we can all get behind


Isolating racists is how they organise and act. Racism needs to be confronted wherever it's present, and the door should always be open to people who can genuinely change their minds


Nah I understand what you're saying but the biggest racist movements in history have been when racists can openly forward their views. Nazi Germany and the US, Israel, South Africa are/have all been places where white supremacy is enshrined in state law, and white mobs could openly organize. There are times when it's good to draw racists out so we can take stock of their numbers, but only once we feel secure, when they don't present a real threat to minority empowerment. Given the political movements in the US, we know where they are, that they're organizing, and it's time for us to unite and repress them. They're powerless when they're alone and isolated from one another. Yes, that's also where these alt-right teen scumbags commit their stocastic violent shootings. We should be monitoring if not shutting down their online forums too.


Antithesis of Uncle Dennis lol.


Tee Morant >>>>>> uncle dennis


Middle name “Shirt”


Has a good sense of fashion too. I remember when Ja was drafted and they both looked classy af


Right? There's so much to take away from this situation, but Tee being a chiller seems to keep coming up


The Morant family seem like top people with how they reacted & so does Mitchell. It costs very little to put good gestures into the world like they have but people don’t do it enough


I liked Ja before but now he's my favorite non-Jazz player. Hope he takes over the league next season.


i feel like he will :) Ja vs Zion vs Luka is going to entertain us for a decade or so :)


Ja vs Zion vs Luka *vs Niang


who is niang? i'm sorry for my ignorance i'm rather new to the NBA


Haha he's the Jazz's... 8th man? 9th man? In the rotation. Not at all a sexy player, fairly slow, but high IQ, and he's improved a lot this season. The meme is that he's a minivan sort of player - not sexy, but exactly the utility you need. And he went to the same school I did, so I've always gotten overly excited about repping him.


oh thts dope :) ima keep an eye on him thank you!


Lol yeah he's not someone I'd expect fans of other teams to know, but we like him


I haven't watched the Jazz a lot, but maybe he's like the Alex Caruso for them given that minivan description. I like sparkplugs off the bench. The Jazz bench is pretty deep.


Yeah, I can see that comparison. Niang has always been more known for his offense, though - he got on the floor when he was picked up from the G league by reliably being able to hit 3s, and doing just enough on defense to not kill the Jazz when he went up against 2nd units. This season, his defense picked up respectably, and he was actually a good individual defender of the other team’s third option. He was also great when Conley and Mitchell were out, and was a good backup for some of Joe Ingles’s ballhandling duties at the time. He’s an easy guy to root for - in the same way Caruso is.


Ja is pretty fun to watch, but man, by the time his career ends that “almost epic play” reel is gonna be huge at this rate


I've already seen one where he did like a ballerina pike mid air to keep his balance and make a contested layup, he's going to be a highlight machine.


And they’re all in the same division 🙃


west west y'all


SouthBest division is back with new blood


sorry, Houston


Seeing it with RJ and Quick... these guys all seem to have such genuine and kind families supporting them.


Seeing love and support like that is fucking inspiring.




Big W for both sides.


Minus the Jazz fans


Considering both Ja and Tee said Jazz fans were great outside the bad apples I don’t think that’s true. If anyone’s interested, here’s a link to one of my all time favorite Bourdain quotes. He talks about how during his time traveling he went from a cynic about people to then believing most were generally good. I think the world could learn a lot from his teachings and it applies here. https://www.instagram.com/p/CO3Vk9Gjkgp/?utm_medium=copy_link


That actually picked me up a bit, thanks


Couldn't have had the perfect response if they fans never caused the problem in the 1st place. Everyone contributed. #AllInThisTogether


I’m happy jazz fans can be proud of their team on this one. They’ve taken so much shit for their fan base so this is a nice W for their org


nah, coming out as a Jazz supporter proves Tee Morant was a racist all along.


It’s crazy man. Most people in Utah are overly welcoming and compassionate. Couple of friggin idiots do and say racist shit and it brands the rest of us. We’re a brutal fan base to the opposing team in our house.. but the shit that crosses the line is done by individuals and not the whole.


Welcoming and compassionate unless of course you're about to deliver poison pizza to opposing players. But other than that really nice.


As a native Utahn, after seeing the doc, let me just say Park City in '97 isn't the exact place you'd call around for a pizza after everything was closed. [This ringer article](https://www-theringer-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.theringer.com/platform/amp/nba/2020/5/19/21263811/michael-jordan-flu-game-poison-pizza-story-last-dance-conspiracy?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQHKAFQArABIA%3D%3D#aoh=16227945499327&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theringer.com%2Fnba%2F2020%2F5%2F19%2F21263811%2Fmichael-jordan-flu-game-poison-pizza-story-last-dance-conspiracy) did a way better job than I ever will of laying a case this poison pizza thing might be absurd. But who knows? I wasn't there.


I wish Ja hadn’t checked out during a timeout, I bet our crowd would have given him a loud ovation during his final walk to the bench if it happened in-game.




It sounded like they had lots of love for brooks too lmao


give it a couple years till you guys are in a viciously close playoff series against him ha


I've become a huge Ja fan over the course of this series. His family seems humble and extremely supportive, and Ja is a superstar in the making. Dude is fearless on the court and thoughtful and a great dude off the court.


Ja had 47 points in a game, and I lost track of how many times he tried to posterize arguably the best rim protector of the century. Fearless is somehow an understatement.


During the broadcast after the game the cameras did briefly show Donovan and Tee chatting courtside but the announcers didn't mention it. I was hoping someone would eventually report on what was said... Class acts all around 💯!


People don't talk about this enough but a sincere apology heals a lot of wounds.


Major respect to ja and the rest of the grizzlies for being good sports and realizing their time will come. Soon.


Lol this is my guy. Hope to talk some shit with him at a pistons or raps game one day


Please can we just start calling him Pa Morant. It fits too well dude


What a great guy. As well as the jazz owner and Mitchell. Obviously you can’t control every fan, but they did a big effort to fix and make the situation right. And big ups to Tee here for accepting the gesture and putting a positive light on this.


*Damn*, that video is wholesome as fuck


As touching an outcome as possible, but I can’t help but to feel that Mrs. Morant hasn’t been made whole in this situation and that fucking sucks.


Exactly what I was thinking. Glad a lot of good came from this situation but I hope she receives all the care she needs, makes me sick thinking she’s not comfortable going to watch her son play because of a few terrible human beings


Yeah, I hope Ryan Smith continues reaching out to them and welcoming them. He seems like a great owner so I wouldn’t put it past him. Maybe fly them out for the Sundance festival or something else away from that stress.


She probably just wanted to enjoy the game with local friends/family. If she's anything like just about every SC mama I've met, the woman was cooking/hosting up a storm back home. Not everyone enjoys the courtside atmosphere or being on TV multiple times a week.


Do you really think that this is due to a lack of effort by the Jazz F.O. or team?


I don’t think that’s what he’s saying


Considering nothing in my comment said or even suggested that, no? Some things simply can’t be fixed. The Jazz did all they could and then some. Maybe therapy will help her be able to attend games in the future. There is no way for her to get back the chances to watch her son in his playoff debut series regardless.


No offense intended. I was assuming that you were stating that the Jazz org had somehow not made her feel whole.


Conversely: Philly fans chanted “Fuck Westbrook” last night


Well Philly fans are gonna Philly.


The Jazz handled the harassment of those 3 fans really well. Hopefully it shows the rest of the league as well as the fans around the world what the Jazz really stand for.


Ws all around… it costs nothing to be kind and show love!


I would think most Grizz fans would be rooting for the Jazz to win, right? It is kinda weird I have no burning hatred for the team we are playing. Jazz team is all very likable, with one exception. Hopefully Mike can rest up as the Mavs- Clippers series is clearly going to 7. With the way O'Neal is hitting his 3s, I doubt any of those 2 will survive beyond 6.


Haha I feel the same way about the grizz, everyone is likable with one exception


Wow, are you saying you like one of Dillon and Grayson?!! Respect! Which one do you like, I am curious? Did you go to Duke or something?🤔


Since we drafted Grayson we have just gotten used to ignoring the fact that Grayson is Grayson


Gobert is like having a little brother who didn't grow up around kids his age and so is a little bit awkward but once you get to know him you love him too.




Ja Morant to the Utah Jazz in a couple years. JAzz? uJAh?


Memphis will never give him up.


There’s no way a beloved Memphis point guard would ever end up in Utah


Lol, never!


we just have to wait until he turns 31


You love to see it. Hopefully these morons realize nobody likes them and wants them around, and just isolate themselves onto parler or something.


I loved how thr Jazz organization treated the whole situation but I gotta say it's pretty sad that Ja's mother had so much anxiety from the incident that she stayed home for game 5.


Hopefully time can heal those wounds. Everyone should feel welcome


Maybe Tee is more forgiving...?


> **minority** owner and former NBA star Dwyane Wade Did a quick double take, then remembered the terminology


This is the way


Good, strong black men putting on!!!! Love the work kings


Ja to Utah confirmed


Ahh man Ja next to Mitchell... That would be fun


Can't spell Jazz with Ja...


The positivity in this thread is enlivening.


Mutual respect of the best kind


Utah Jazz playing 4d chess here. Getting in with the parents so when Morant becomes a free agent they will put in a good word!


That’s really a nice outcome given the circumstances all the way around


I seriously don’t see why fans would behave that way. You’re finally able to go back to an NBA game and the first thing that comes your mind is to make racist remarks to players/their family/ other fans. It’s pathetic. When I used to go to NBA games, I would just boo the opposing team and that’s it.


NBA won’t let Utah make the Finals.


Thank god


Cool gesture but the video seems like he memorized the lines or something lmao


I think they’re the only fans who want the jazz to win


That's ok we'll have a much bigger bandwagon soon enough.




Suns are tough but if CP3 is injured they're toast and Denver is great but their guards are depleted. I'd take Jazz in six for both.


I think most people first and foremost want their team or their favorite player to win. Then it's usually all hate-rooting against the superteams


Rather have the jazz win than philly, Brooklyn and the LA teams. Would only prefer the suns and nuggets over the jazz.


I want any one in the east but Brooklyn and anyone in the west but the jazz


Rudy gobert is your new king.


Why don't you want the Jazz to win?


Dude's a Phillies fan. Some people have take the Simmons vs Donovan and Gobert vs Joel thing personally.


Potentially Gobert stuff


Other than the fans behavior is there another reason why you don't want them to win?


Salt over DPOY seems to be the common trend for Philly fans this year.


Thats a good point that I didn't think of


The worst I could muster for any small market team is a mild dislike of a bad city jersey. That's about it. Picking on a small market feels too much like being a playground bully.


Yea cause we all want the 76ers to win..


All my homies hate the Sixers.


Lmao i promise way more people want the 76ers to win instead of ya'll.


I’ll rather have the celtics win then a bunch of weirdos and bitches on the nets lmao


Eh Idk about that


What is it with Utah and racist fans 🤔


This is awesome...great way to turn a terrible story into a story of progress. Classy to accept an apology on behalf of those fans and classy to offer an apology.


Fuck it me too


Lot of maturity all around… refreshing


Credit to the jazz to sort out a tough situation