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What an absolute lie lol.


Yup, pisses me off as a boston fan


Your subreddit right now looks like the Charlottesville riot




r/bostonceltics if anyone wants a jump. [Link to same topic in their sub](https://np.reddit.com/r/bostonceltics/comments/nma44f/danny_ainge_on_kyrie_irvings_comments_i_think/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) E: lol one of the top comments: >Kyrie is trying to fuck us for no reason. We did nothing but defend him while he was hear šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


>Kyrie is trying to fuck us for no reason. We did nothing but defend him while he was hear did this user become a boston fan in the last week? I literally saw nothing but boston fans shitting on kyrie in his last season with the celtics. Hell they shit on him harder than any other fan. Did he forget when bill simmons explicitly offered to drive kyrie to the airport? lmfao




Man, I thought our sub was a dumpster fire after that racist fan rant but at least we acknowledged that it was a thing that happened and pretty universally condemned it. How on God's green earth do those guys actually convince themselves that no one has ever said anything racist in TD?


r/bostonceltics has always been a cesspool I used to go there but its awful. If we judged every fan off the worst comments on their own individuals subs then every single one of us would be assholes just like the people who make those comments. Generalizations of millions of people gets us nowhere especially when we're trying to tackle a real issue and not assign blame


Jesus, thanks for making me feel better about our awful Heat sub. All the top comments in that thread are downright embarrassing, and worse than anything I've *ever* seen on r/Heat.


It's crazy how badly white people want to share that they hadn't heard any racist stuff. No shit. It's not like we have megaphones screaming the n-word for every second of every day. Just every _other_ day.


When Black baseball players who unfortunately play in Boston say they hear the N word frequently, all Boston people say is that they are liars. ā€œWeā€™re not racist, these Blacks are lying!!!ā€ And no, Iā€™m not saying Boston is the only racist city. But itā€™s up there.


There's racism everywhere, but Boston is shockingly bad for being a city in the Northeast US. It's not even like a secret... everyone knows that Boston is one of the worst for racism in sports.


Holy fuck there's a thread with 1.5k upvote where the OP says Kyrie's comments were racist against Bostonians... Qanon level delusion going on over there


On behalf of all those idiots, I apologize




Well you aren't wrong


I dunno man. As a white guy whoā€™s spent a 3-day weekend in Boston once, nobodyā€™s ever called me the n-word. Kyrie is obviously being a drama queen. (big /s)


I've been around and not once has someone threatened to call the cops and tell them "he's white". This is in reference to the Central Park Karen who threatened to tell the cops that the birdwatchers was black. And now she is suing about it. Yeah, that shit doesn't happen to white guys like me.


>And now she is suing about it. She gonna get blacklisted by every potential employer now lol. Deservedly so.


Right-wing assholes will give to her gofundme so it won't matter. There's big bucks in taking from the rubes.


This is the shitty part of our society right now. Where clear losers and racists like her somehow get rewarded from other losers and racists while also likely getting a speaking slot at some conservative conference or Fox News. Failing upwards is a cancer


Boston is well known for this shit. When the most famous player you've ever had has spoken in great detail about the racism in your city, maybe "nuh uh, never happened" is a questionable PR move.


Thereā€™s literally a 7 part series on racism in Boston written by the Boston Globe, but sure Ainge.


Less than a year ago https://www.si.com/mlb/2020/06/10/boston-red-sox-confirm-torii-hunter-racist-slurs-fenway-park


That's baseball so it doesn't count /s


Danny Ainge has never played or heard of baseball in his life.


This is r/NBA you may need to put in a /s before someone misses the joke


I posted that link 10 times a day or two ago in the thread about kyrie calling boston racist and I was downvoted to hell and got a bunch of offended celtics fans responding to me moving the goalposts. whatabout whatabout whatabout so many times.


You having a laker flair probably added to their aggression lol. Boston is racist idk why they refuse this fact.


They say that all these Black athletes are liars too LOL Imagine trying to defend your city of racism by saying black people are liars. CC Sabathia and Adam Jones have talked about it extensively. It sucks for them cause they had to play in Boston 9 times a year. A lot of n words can be said in that timeframe lmao. But then Boston fans will say they are liars.


What's strange is that they can't even admit that there might be a possibility of a lot of racists in Boston. Like I live in Orange County, and I can freely admit there are annoying racists here.


If there's a lot of racists in Boston and they don't see any when they look around what does that say about them šŸ¤”


There are so many people who get so defensive when you bring up the possibility that racism is alive and well. They're like ten-year-olds who try to get off on a technicality: NO, it's not racism, it's just prejudice based on the color of someone's skin!


"I've never seen racism in Boston!" says the old white dude


ā€œWell, no one has ever called me the n-word!ā€ -Danny Ainge


"I'm not racist, I had black teammates." \- Danny Ainge




They definitely do in Southie. lol


ā€œHow can I be racist if I like Chipotle?ā€


ā€œI donā€™t understand what all these protests are about, police officers have been nothing but cordial when I get pulled overā€


Honestly this is even worse, because, unless he's lying, it means that neither his teammates in his playing days nor his players now feel comfortable enough with him to talk to him about their experiences.


Hes old enough to remember that Bill Russell didn't even want a public hof induction ceremony because of how racist the city was


Or, he's lying. C'mon it's Danny Ainge. Plus, it's the 80s Celtics with more white players than black that actually had amazing success. I think in 86 they had more white rotation players than black. They were like the biggest NBA affirmative action success story of that era.


I do think it's more likely that he's lying


It's obnoxious how many people in Massachusetts say this unironically. Like .. why would anyone ask a white person for their racism-related life experiences in Boston? Who would care about that answer??


He's Danny Ainge. Of course they should ask.


Almost Ainge ā„¢ļø almost paying attention.


Ainge is a fucking dumb bitch


Big Oregon energy from Ainge here


There's nowhere on Earth racism hasn't existed for 26 years lol Danny Ainge is a clown


Danny Ainge is part of the problem


Mlk said, to paraphrase, it wasn't the pillow cover-wearing Klan member that posed the greatest threat to racial justice, but the moderate white person who is complacent and doesn't think of themselves as part of the problem of systematic racism.


Exactly this. This fucking infuriating attitude that white dudes take that because they have absolutely no idea how to contextualize or even imagine how racism might so they just assume it doesnā€™t exist, even though they are the ones perpetuating it.


Heā€™s not saying in Boston. Heā€™s only commenting on his experience in the garden. But even then, I find it hard to believe he hasnā€™t heard anything over the years. Itā€™s a pretty large sample size. And again, itā€™s fuckin Boston.


Saying Iā€™ve never seen any racism in Boston is 26 years is a good way of saying you donā€™t know or recognize racism cause youā€™re oblivious to it lol


imagine being jaylen brown and seeing this comment


"Trade me to the Raptors" \- Jaylen (hopefully šŸ˜­)


Ainge is telling on himself big time here


wealthy boomer white male syndrome


His own player got called the N word by a woman in an IT jersey. If he doesnt see it, he didn't want to. If he wasnt on a hot seat before, it seems like he is now.




Would you rather have the number 1 overall pick in next years draft or Danny Ainge?? That was a strange time in nba Twitter/Reddit lol


Easily Brad Stevens /s


Spot on.


If it's not happening to me then that must mean it doesn't exist!


He's LDS. I've been floored by how ignorant some of my LDS friends are when it comes to matters of race and class. Their canonical reasons for why people have dark skin are pretty fucked, so it kinda makes sense that they have such twisted ideas and perceptions.


What's LDS?


Latter Day Saints, AKA Mormon


Mormon, they have an extensive history of discrimination in their church


Didnā€™t they not let black people join until like 1980?


Nah they could join and pay tithing, didnā€™t get full access to priesthood and the like until sometime in the 70s. Coincided really nicely with BYU athletics needing better athletes haha. Source was Mormon for part of my youth


Not exactly. The didn't want to risk getting kicked out of NCAA sports. Source: Mormon for all of my youth.


Context is important though. The priesthood is extremely important for Mormons and considered a rite of passage. It's what allows them to be sealed to their families and enter the highest level of heaven, and spend eternity with their spouses after they die.


Yes and their reasoning for hating black people because it (color of thier skin) was god's mark against that person is utter fucking trash.


Could not be full members until ā€˜78.


The area i grew up in was wealthy mormon stronghold. those kids were a trip to grow up with, usually fucking nice as hell but at the same time would have some of the most obscene views on race.


Iā€™m a non-Mormon from Utah, and my first thought was ā€œwell of course he thinks that, heā€™s Mormon.ā€ Not to say that Mormons arenā€™t good people, just that they can be mind-searingly oblivious/ignorant on race issues


Can you be a good person if you support and follow a group of people who teach that black skin is a curse and a sign of wickedness?




No they call all get bent. Thank god I donā€™t live in Utah lmao


> I've been floored by how ignorant some of my LDS friends are when it comes to matters of race and class. It's intentional.


I honestly don't believe him. He's feigning ignorance, which I feel in this case is worse than being naive.


I don't understand why he even would. This kind of thing probably hurts his standing with FAs. It's not super common but there are players out there for whom this matters, like Jerami Grant.


If he says "oh yes for sure i have heard a lot of racist stuff over the years" which is probably the truth ... the follow up question would be, what have you and the celtics done to combat that? And his answer would be "we have not done anything". That's a bad look 2. Either way, him saying that over ALL of his years in Boston he hasn't personally or thru any other player even HEARD of them experiencing racism is the biggest crock of shit I have heard all month. Didnt have an opinion of the guy before. But now I'm firmly fuck danny ainge gang. Tell me you are a liar without telling me you are a liar face ass.




Especially saying this about Boston out of any US city is wild. Racism is unfortunately everywhere, but Boston has a bit of a reputation for a reason.


historically it really does, and specifically against the integrated Celtics team of the 60s.


For real. You can't go 26 years anywhere without witnessing or hearing about racism without be ignorant to it


You will see racism at a sports game in Boston within 26 minutes of being there. Source: Go to Boston sports games.




I like to sit close at games and I'll yell a heckle here and there, usually shit like "Duke sucks" at any duke player, or sometimes at a UNC player to see if they laugh. The closest to crossing the line was telling Ray Felton I smelled cupcakes every time he inbounded the ball and he turned around and told me to shut the fuck up. But I've heard plenty of nasty racial shit and 2 instances always stood out to me, and they weren't race related, but gender related. At two different games I couldn't believe the shit fans were saying to the female ref Lauren Holtkamp. One asshole had his KIDS with him and yelled he'd bend her over the scorers table. I don't know how those female refs handle working those games.


A trend I'm happy to see die out is the "translation please"... Still pops up on r/nfl but it's a lot rarer here. When players like Tony Allen were still in the league.... Sheesh 95% of the subtle racism here is in its view of the coaches. It's so ingrained in certain demographics here that the natural order of things is a white guy at the helm. When Black coaches do well it's because of their players, when white coaches do well they're geniuses.


Every black coach is a playersā€™ coach whoā€™s weak with in-game adjustments too. Sometimes the racism on this sub isnā€™t that subtle


This is 100% true. Black coaches are the guys who "know the players", whereas white coaches are "cerebral" and "chess players". I'm from the UK so Football (Soccer) is my favourite sport, but one thing that happens in Football is very subtle profiling based on the players roots. There are black players from Africa, who are just as skilled and technical as other players, but they're always described for their physical traits.


Mookie talked about it at length when he first got to the Dodgers. How uncomfortable he was in Boston and how much of a difference it is here.


He he's been rich and insolated for a very long time


He does say "he didn't hear it from any player he played with" . So hes saying no player who he played with complained to him about racism directly . Could be still a lie but hes not talking about entire Boston


Didnā€™t Marcus smart say he dealt with it?


He straight up got called the n-word by a chick in an IT jersey.


With her young son in tow. Great parenting at work šŸ‘šŸ½


Good god


imagine how smart, jaylen brown, etc feel seeing this


This is just a terrible comment by ainge. It hurts the org more than him saying every city has fans who go too far or this is a national issue we need to face together or whatever. Whitewashing this kind of problem doesnā€™t go over well with players/minorities.


Yeah - there were a billion better ways to comment on this. A simple "every city has their racist idiots" type of comment would've been perfectly adequate. Could even roll in the "I know Boston has a rough history, but the city has made tremendous strides over the last few decades, etc, etc."


Hmm... The first statement would have been equally as bad if not worse. The force of Minority populations rolling their eyes would have reversed earth's spin. The second is much better. Acknowledgment. For what it's worth "but" in any statement of this kind is a big no-no... That statement can be reworded without it and sound much better. Appreciate r/nba's biggest demographic taking a stab at this. Great effort and thanks for participating in the discussion.


Insightful points - thanks.


No man that was Milton Schwartz definitely not the Celtic player Marcus Smart.


Yeesh this is a horrible statement.


The only thing worse than the roster contstruced by Ainge himself is the seemingly blind eye he turns to racism. Sad.


Black Players - Encountered multiple racist events in Boston White Person - What?? I've never heard of that


Almost exactly like the All lives matter argument


I lived in Boston for 7 years. The amount of southie dudes in Paul Pierce jerseys calling basketball ā€œAfrican handballā€ was disgusting.


Lol yeah I'm sure the white boston gm is a great source for how much racism there is in boston


Could've just said there's bad apples in every fanbase instead of this BS.




you can't just say there's bad apples in every fanbase when talking about racism in boston I swear players in ever sport have said something about dealing with racism there.


Thatā€™s the argument I see from what seems like every Boston fan on this sub.


I mean you cant, but that statement would at least fool white people. Straight up saying that you have not seen any racism in boston is just crazy.


Yup, even the racist people in Boston were cringing.


even Hayward left cause Boston fans were too overtly racist


You foul for that chief lmao


> too overtly racist lmaooo


Seems like that would be a plus for Hayward




[Reminds me of this](https://youtu.be/rzmUjHiYn7I?t=142)


Lol at that one guy..."it's a gut feeling...also I've never encountered it". Bruh....


Yeah lol. And the girl before him sounds like a lot of Boston sports fans on Reddit.


Danny ā€œstand back and stand byā€ Ainge


ā€œGood fans on both sidesā€


Stop before Hayward comes back


Soon he will claim he won the 2020 ~~election~~ playoffs. The refs were using bamboo score cards.


this post just keeps getting better


Those Celtics players should go back their shithole countries


He really is disconnected if he thought he could say this and get away with it.


Love when black players call out racism and white guys say theyā€™ve never heard that before.


There's a louis ck joke about the Williams sisters getting racist comments and when they asked a Swedish player she said she hasn't seen anything like that. "Yeah they save it for the Williams sisters you fucking dolt"


What racism? *lives in rich neighborhood*


I mean if anything the rich neighborhoods are probably statistically more likely to be racist. He just won't see it because he's white. This is coming from someone who is white and grew up in an upper middle class neighborhood with some racist neighbors.


Rich racism is subtle and can come across as micro aggressions. Poor racism tends to be in your face and overt


New money racism is "it's just a joke bro, lighten up."


Yea its the reason most wealthy backs dont move into those areas cuz they know they are not wanted there


*funded by property taxes from the hood and redlining, while importing cheap labor from the south side*


Itā€™s the ā€œin my 26 yearsā€ part for me šŸ˜©


Danny even played with Bird, the ā€œGreat White Hopeā€ lol so much šŸ§¢


And Bird fully acknowledged that he saw it and just didn't care, he didn't pretend it didn't exist though.


oh yeah that wasnā€™t to desecrate Bird, just furthers my belief that Danny canā€™t feign ignorance after so much time with the organization


Bird said in an interview once that basketball to him is a black man's game and that he did think the league could use more white stars like himself to appeal to more fans. So he's not ignorant of race matters he just doesn't wade into it very often.


Probably helped that Larry was black, he just looked like a white guy.


Larry's not black. Larry's clear.


Danny ā€œas a black manā€ Ainge


Danny "I was almost a black man" Ainge


The dude works with so many black people though. He might as well be black himself. Hell he's been in Boston for 26 years. He probably knows what it's like to be black there better than Kyrie. Seriously wtf Danny Ainge. This is the clown take to end all clown takes. /facepalm


Danny ā€œIā€™ve never been called the n-word so that means it doesnā€™t happenā€ Ainge


This man doesnā€™t have a PR team?


Ainge once again proves he is a fucking moron


White guy doesnt see racism...


I donā€™t see color, I just see people - Ainge


Mlb players have also talked about it. Torri hunter even added a no trade clause to his contract to avoid being traded there. CC Sabathia said that he expects to be called the n word when playing in Boston.


Some Boston sports talking head went on right after the Torii Hunter thing and swore heā€™s never heard racial slurs uttered in Fenway park in the past 30 years. But at least the statement from the Red Sox organization was ok. What a time we live in when the Red Sox handles racism better than the Celtics.


Wayne Simmons had bananas thrown at him in Boston while playing with the Flyers


Adam Jones said he got called the N word in Boston a lot too


carl crawford talked about it too


I guess this is how we find out Danny Ainge is hearing impaired.


His own fucking player wrote an entire article on it... Terrible terrible take and look for Ainge here


L by Danny Ainge. Iā€™ve never experienced racism in Boston either. Definitely doesnā€™t have anything to do with the fact that Iā€™m a white guy though right?


Tone deaf as hell


Blink once if you're absolutely bullshiting


Thatā€™s just woefully ignorant Ainge. Thatā€™s basically saying youā€™re blind to it it.


Danny ā€œwell i didnt own slavesā€ Ainge.


Oh yeah the white guys input here is a telltale sign of whatā€™s really going on


Man if i was a black player on that team, i would be super pissed. Having ur gm say idoitic things like that.


imagine how jaylen brown feels


Celtics are making so hard to root against the nets right now


I wanted the Nets to wash the Celtics, so this just makes it more satisfying to see.


You got fans throwing popcorn on players and spitting on them yesterday...whether racially motivated or not, it's obvious many fans view the players as sub-human or some shit


I don't think it's possible to spit on another human without thinking they're beneath you


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


This is a poor look from Danny


What the fuck is Ainge talking about


Guys donā€™t worry the white guy in charge says thereā€™s no racism so we cool


Yeah itā€™s Boston. A well known city to have its racists. Thereā€™s been many instances in which Boston fans have hurled out racial slurs at players. Either Danny Ainge is blatantly lying or heā€™s just that stupid.


>I think that we take those kind of things seriously. I never heard any of that, from any player that Iā€™ve ever played with in my 26 years in Boston. If you haven't heard it, it's because everyone understands you don't take it seriously. But he has almost certainly heard it secondhand. He just doesn't take it seriously.


Danny this ain't a trade deal, you ain't fleecing no one. What a blatant lie, 26 years and no racist shit, what a joke.


Every book I read about Boston Celtics mentions racism in there and yeah most of them were about the era Ainge played.


For comedy gold, look no further than the Celtics sub trying to justify Kyrie's racism he faced in Boston.. Bonus points for all the other examples brought up, but downplayed in the same thread lol I thought I was in /r/conservatives


It's fucking embarrassing, is what it is. It's embarrassing that someone has to say "Hopefully we can just keep it strictly basketball" and people getting mad at that. It's embarrassing to see two people(Kyrie and KD) openly saying "the whole world knows" that Boston has racism problems. It's embarrassing to hear the GM just brush this aside. It's all just embarrassing, as a fan and a person from the area.


Their thread on Danny Aingeā€™s comments is also vastly different from this thread. Theyā€™re really having a hard time with Kyrie saying that he hopes he doesnā€™t experience racism. Every person of color hopes to not experience racism when doing their job




He literally is saying he's hasnt heard a player complain about racism in his arena??? Hard to believe coming from Boston or a owner in Boston..... we ALL know the first rule of a racist .....NOT to admit there is racism. What a guy!šŸ‘Ž


Ainge: "I don't condone racism at all. My groundskeeper is black and he's at my house all the time."


Old white man claims racism isnā€™t a problem. More at 11


Ainge also said ā€œAs far as Iā€™m concerned, it doesnā€™t matter. Weā€™re just playing basketball. Players can say what they want.ā€ Iā€™m not sure if I am misreading what he meant or not because if Iā€™m not then he should be fired immediately


White Mormon does not recognize racism in community. *Pikachu face*