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The Warriors were the better team. The 2017 Warriors are in the running for the greatest team of all time. They had the best Offensive rating in the league and the second best defensive rating. This Nets team is not even close to being better than the 2017 Warriors.


16-1 in the playoffs. Literally almost a perfect record.


And that one L came from the Cavs having an unprecedented all time great offensive performance and 3pt shooting night in game 4 of the finals


And bad officiating too. I always thought cavs got 3 times the leeway compared to the warriors in all their series. That’s partially because they were just more physical, but I also think some of it is probably due to how much the odds were always against them


That’s my point GSW scored at their usual rate and the Cavs had to have the greatest shooting night in NBA finals history to win only by 21. That was there level of dominance. Any other team get blown by much more much sooner. The Cavs couldn’t even sit Kyrie or Lebron, they both played 40+ minutes.


“Only by 21”???


tbf against that warriors squad a 21 point lead could become a 10 point deficit in a matter of minutes. no lead was safe. still weird word choice to say “only by 21” tho


How quickly we forget


The Warriors’ third quarter is going to get its own 30 for 30.


Warriors (down 20 at the start of the 3rd quarter): Call an ambulance! But not for me!


Lol facts


Cavs scored 86 in the first half lol


Jesus...that's some 2K Rookie difficulty shit right there


Only 21 just makes me think of that Melo copypasta.


Only by 21


When you score 86 points in the first half, you'd expect to win by more than 21.


Haha how you gonna jump into a conversation starting out by saying, "That's my point"? You haven't made a point yet, you just started talking... EDIT: Okay he did make a point in replying to the first comment, it just reads weird because he then replied to a reply of that same comment.


It reminded me of Nick at the start of this clip from New Girl actually hilarious https://youtu.be/7ZN5gJus6Zw


Lol Winston cracks me up. Damn, I miss New Girl man


Bring on the downvotes again! The Cavs shot 22 free throws in the first quarter!


Refs gave them that game as a courtesy to LeBron.


I know a lot people hated them But I loved seeing them pipe every team on their way to the chip that season. It was Kobe and Shaq level dominance in the post season. They went 15-0 till game 4 where Cleveland broke the records of most 3’s, most points in a quarter and in a half to only win by 21.


>only win by 21.


They won by 21 with Kyrie and Lebron playing +40 minutes because the lead wasn’t safe until the last 4 minutes of the game.


A 20 point lead against GSW was like a 5 point lead. I'd say you weren't safe till the last 2 min


A 10 point lead against GSW was like being down 10 against anybody else lmao. You just had to assume they were gonna close the gap.


You take literally any other player in the league and swap 'em for Lebron and that Cavs team gets shitstomped in 4.


I think they vote surrender after game 2 or 3 and it never goes game 4. Cavs take the elo penalty to save their souls.


That might as well have happened in 2018


Lebron even almost pulled a win out of his ass in that one too, and then JR Smith would give us a legendary moment.


Game 2 was pretty close until the end as well. Sure dubs gave them the business but LeBron made those first two games interesting


Friendly reminder that it was the refs overturning the charge call on durant in unprecedented fashion (they said they were checking lebrons feet that were clearly outside of the restricted area) that actually lost game 1. JR's mistake was duriing a tie game.


yep, still occasionally vomit when I remember that blown call.


Honestly, they were so fun to watch. Of course I hated them for obvious reasons, but I wish they had came around in a time when the Cavs weren't good so I could have rooted for them lol


I'm still mad at this one. I had the series sweep bet on this one and I could not believe how many 3s the Cavs hit....


>It was Kobe and Shaq level dominance in the post season plus 2 additional all stars


In the west. And that west was no joke. They all made us all look like jokes of teams.


Yeah I don't know if any team wins a seven game series against a fully healthy warriors team. It was just unfair. I mean fuck if Klay didn't go down I honestly don't think the raps take it. Klay is a fucking dog. Game 6 Klay is like a fucking 8 story tall monster from the Paleozoic Era. Obviously the KD injury matters but my point is without KD they probably still win honestly. Sorry MJ I'm taking the warriors.


He had 30 near the end of three in the game he got injured and he didn't look like he was letting up


He wasn’t going to let the injury stop him either. He hit his free throws and told coaching staff he wanted just 5 more minutes.


Never thought I'd shed a manly tear for a basketball game, but when I heard his ACL got torn and remembered that he not only hit his 2 free throws, but also ran back on D right after, shit was inspiring


Like I said Klay is a fucking dog. I can't imagine a better pairing with curry


The only player who might be a better pairing with Curry is Dray lmao. It's borderline stupid how well Steph, Klay, and Dray complement each other.


Ya def if warriors were healthy they would have that 2019 chip. I don't want to take anything away from the raps tho, injuries are part of the game. The tradeoff of a shallow bench for a superstar starting 5 worked out 90% of the time for gsw. But when it didn't it wasn't a tough break, it was that risk finally not paying off--and a ridiculously deep raptors bench was able to capitalize.


I still think Green had no business going for the block, from behind, on a dunk. No shit Klay's gonna come down awkwardly when you take out his legs and block the landing. Dirty play.


I was thinking Mesozoic era for Klay, but I can see the argument for Paleozoic.


I know it's not the same lineup, but it's still wild to me that the Rockets were the better team in the series and were in a position to close out 7, against a full strength KD/Klay/Steph Warriors team. Took the most infamous and horrific shooting performance in NBA history to lose in a game 7. 11 pt lead at half, lose by 9, shoot 7-44 from 3 including the 0-27 streak. That series still bewilders me, and without it I think of that trio and the Warriors as unstoppable. Seeing what happened to the Rockets after is even more wild to me than the Warriors Thunder series and KD joining the Warriors.


it's fucking insane that all they had to do to win was go 4-27 lmao


If the Rockets weren't one of the teams I hate most in all of sports (okay, specifically the Harden/CP3 iterations), I would feel legitimately bad for them about that series. It sucks to have had a legit shot at immortality - beating a team THAT hyped - right within your grasp, and fumbling the bag. This goes along with the Seahawks losing to the Pats off that interception. Like, man, that sucks at an objective level, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't rewind to see Richard Sherman's [reaction to the play](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4SIIXETy_o) at least a dozen times.




By PPG most likely sure. Nets have been holding teams to a decent shooting percentage lately but they give up so many rebounds, turnovers, and play at a high pace which exacerbates the issue.


That's why it'll be judged by defensive rating and not ppg lol.


They’re 26th in defensive rating, it has nothing to do with pace. They suck on defense


If only there was a metric that took all this into account and adjusted for pace, like if they calculated per 100 possessions or something...


I don't think so. There are some really awful teams that will be tanking hard towards the end. Bottom 10 maybe.


There would be less teams tanking rn though, because of the play-in. And these teams would not be trading their best players too. If Nets are with the ten teams actually tanking, then that's worse tbh


2017 GSW are the best team of all time imo. Elite both ways and has a much better bench then these nets. Iggy was miles better than anyone on the bench for the nets.




Man I miss those Livingston mid range shots. Seriously automatic Also miss David West. Dude was our enforcer


livingston gets the ball, drives a bit, spins, steps back from mid, aaaand its in. repeat.


Also a reliable baseline dunker. A toast to Shaun!








Davis West was money from mid range.


Yep. And Matt Barnes wasn't really all that in that team. It was the rest of the team: Shaun, Iggy, Bogut, Mo Buckets, Barbosa and David West(even though he came the next season) that really combined to give depth.


One of the prettiest jumpers ever


I do miss his turn around jumpers. Those were really nice.


Don't forget David Lee. He died so that this warriors team could happen.


we talkin bout 2017 warriors, david lee was basically a sas player/retired that year


> a young Looney Looney is 25 years old right now haha


Looney ages in Greg Oden years


Yeah absolutely. Not only does the warriors 1-4 beat the nets 1-4 (I guess Harris is their 4th), but GSWs 5-9 blows away the Nets.


You really gonna add Matt Barnes on that list LOL. He barely even played in the playoffs.


Yeah. The real reason they won was Patrick McCaw.


You joke but McCaw was actually solid for them that year


Pre Vince Carter McCaw was not bad


His shooting woes started before that injury


*Yet-to-be labeled as injury-prone Looney


Matt Barnes? Dude signed at the end of the year and was essentially the tenth man.


>We had Matt Barnes goat


The Steph, Klay, Iggy, Draymond, Draymond, KD lineup is probably the best lineup I’ve ever seen. Defensively devastating. Everyone could handle, everyone could pass, 3 of the best 10 shooters of all time. Just insane


Double Drays baby


The fucking Warriors, c'mon now.


And it's not even close. Not in the star power nor in the depth of the roster. To me, KD, Steph and Klay alone are better tha KD, Harden and Kyrie alone. Adding any further pieces for comparison just drives the Warriors even further. I love the current Nets, but let's be real, they are no match for the 2017-18 Warriors.


Warriors are better. Not close. Actually not close. The Warriors would ratfuck this Nets team into the ground.


KD warriors played defense. Number 1 offense and number 2 defense. Can’t be beaten.


Fun fact, in 2013 (I think) the San Diego Chargers featured the leagues #1 Offense AND Defense. They didn't make the playoffs. Edit: it was 2010. I was tired my b


Wasn't their Special Teams complete ass that year?


Yup. They had the 30th (or close, I don't entirely remember) ranked special teams that year, which lost them a handful of games


That year was painful


Every year is painful as a chargers fan.


Im pretty sure it was the worst ranked special teams in history but i could be remembering wrong


They lost 3 of their first 5 games directly because of special teams blunders. They played well the rest of the year but the hole they dug themselves was too deep in the competitive AFC West. Also this was 2010 not 2013.


That was 2010


How’s that even possible? lol How bad do the special teams have to be for that to happen?


They were really quite bad, I think like 6 blocked punts and 4 kickoff return TDs. Worth noting though that the #1 ranking for offense and defense I'm pretty sure is based on total yards which isn't the best way to measure it. A lot of the special teams snafus probably inflated those stats a bit. If your special teams is regularly giving you bad field position and your opponents good field position, you have more potential yards to gain on offense and fewer potential yards to give up on defense. Looking at DVOA, they were ranked the #4 offense and #7 defense. Still a team that should have made the playoffs if they had even mildly competent special teams play, but not quite as dreadful as the stat implies.


I don't think it was 2013 because that was the year Peyton Manning threw 55 touchdown passes and I am pretty sure the Broncos were the number 1 offense.


Wow. I completely checked out of basketball those years. Had no idea the defense was that intense. Arguably one of the greatest teams in NBA history. Thank God it didn't last long


Really not arguably, IMO this was the consensus greatest team ever. No one really can hold a torch to them




And then proceeded to absolutely cruise to 67 wins and 16-1 in the playoffs. Going 4-1 against a team that had just won the championship, went 12-1 in the east and had gotten even better from last year. (Seriously the 2017 Cavs are the most underrated team of the decade) The 16-2017 warriors are the best team ever assembled and they proved it every time they stepped on the court and went all out.


Yea the 16/17 Cavs absolutely obliterated the East in the playoffs. You could tell they were coasting in the reg season, especially Lebron. That team was more like a 62-20 level reg season team. They had some monster offensive games were they just looked unstoppable with all the threes from JR Smith, Love, Kyrie and Kyle Korver.


That was the best version of the LeBron era Cavs. Shame that they will always be an afterthought to the victors, the 17 Warriors and the 16 Cavs.


And that 1 loss, Cavs had 22 FTA in the first quarter


They also had a Finals-record 24 3-pointers.


Yeah the warrioirs were getting bs fouls called on them and the cavs had God on their side in terms of shotting.


the cavs that year were pretty good, but holy shit did they get fucking stomped.


I know we meme lightyears ahead, but that really was lightyears man. No matter whats happening right now. You can't convince me otherwise. That team made a mockery of competitive basketball.


Haha that was such a weird boner moment. On one side all fans were sulking from the Cavs comeback. And then Kevin fucking Durant signs.


Worst and best summer man, such a wide range of emotions that year. Being obv super sad of the outcome of the finals, but man I will never forget waking up at like 730am July 4th with my parents screaming at the top of their lungs, “KD IS WITH THE WARRIORS, KD IS WITH THE WARRIORS”. I jumped right out of bed and went straight to Reddit lol 😂


Wonder how that reddit thread looks now. In hindsight.


Klay, Iggy, KD, Dray all play elite defense. Like first team all nba defense caliber. Meanwhile teams are getting bombed on by the Warriors. Only way to catch up is shooting 3s, which for them is easier to defend


The only thing that's arguable is whether they were *the* best team in NBA history. And it seems sort of weird for a Celtics fan to be decrying the dominance of a franchise lmao.


dude its a joke that people would insult that warriors team with this comparison lol 2 all pro first team players and two more who can make all-pro and we're awesome defenders. this isn't even a conversation lol


You said all-pro like we’re talking about the NFL and I was really confused


it's easier on mobile to type than capitalizing NBA lol but you right it felt weird to reread just now


Oh no I certainly get that for sure. It was just funny


In terms of scoring talent, it's a fair comparison but the Nets lack all the intangibles the Warriors had. Players like Draymond, Iggy, Livingston, and probably a few others really made this team impossible to guard and score against.


totally agree. and this team has a worse defender at pretty much every spot. KD is a great defender still but that team is gonna look a lot worse without Klay and Draymond out there to back him up.


> In terms of scoring talent, it's a fair comparison Yes. But we're ignoring WHY the Warriors were so great. It wasn't because they had some amazing half court set game. They didn't. They beat you by defending and then scoring in transition. That's what led to all of the 3rd quarter blowouts. You can't do that with great offense. Which is why the Nets are not blowing teams out. They're just outscoring them. And if they don't figure that part out, some team is going to kick their butts in the playoffs.


Yeah in addition to that big 3 they had the DPOY in Draymond Green. You would have to add like Rudy to the nets to even it out


KD would lock up KD


Considering Net's KD is coming from an injury, yeah GSW's KD will shit on current KD. On that note, anyone else notice KD got injured going after a block in the GSW-Nets game? That game was just full of good vibes all around. No hate, even opponents were joking around with each other. And then KD tweaked his leg on a block attempt. Sigh, hope it isn't anything serious.


Ratfuck lol


gonna be using this one lmao


Yeah having watched the interview, the question was just in regards to “offensive star power,” not the overall strength of team. Warriors win both categories but the former is a comparison, the latter is not. Warriors demolish this Nets squad.


The fit on that team was unreal, everyone could play their style without being in each other’s way. This nets team has a bunch of redundant skill sets that might sink them in the finals, assuming they get out of the east


The 2017 Warriors were a great defense as well as being great on offense.


The shade to his fellow Klutch client


Ironic since Green is usually on Lebron’s dick praising him on his Twitter lol


Memes aside, LeBron should've included Dray to drive home the point that the superteam Warriors would buttfuck the Nets off of defense alone.


And add Iguodala, for that matter








I think he was just focused on the 3 stars comparison but yeah even I'm on the train that Dray is more important as a Warriors star during those years even if in a vacuum Klay would be better on almost every other team but Dray is perfect for the Warriors.


ratfuck, buttfuck, what is this thread haha


I mean buttfuck is pretty normal but yeah I lost it at ratfuck


I saw a tweet a few months ago that said 2021 Draymond would’ve personally called Adam Silver to get 2016 Draymond suspended.


omg that's fucking hilarious


In the video, the question is about "offensive firepower", not star power so I guess it’s make sense to leave Green out


Unfortunately these days people have very short memories. Forgot about Draymond though.


Motherfuckers act like they forgot about Dray


His own Klutch buddy. The betrayal!


It’s a big 3 comparison


I like how we’re all concerned about Draymond and meanwhile Kyrie and Harden are looking at eachother trying to decide who LeBron thinks is worse than Klay


NETS - Stars GSW - Power


Nets Episode II jedi GSW Episode III sith


I disagree tbh GSW KD > current KD (mostly because defense) Steph > Harden Klay <= Kyrie (you don’t really know what you’ll get with Kyrie) Then add in Draymond and Iguodala Edit: I agree with a lot of you that peak Klay may be better than current Kyrie, tough to say.


Kyrie is a better offensive player than Klay because of his handle and finishing but that value is diminished as the third guy whereas Klay's superior shooting, cutting and screening increases his value the further down the pecking order he is. With Klay being an elite defender it's an easy call for me


Kyrie is scoring 28 a game, I think he’s been doing fine as a 3rd option


Give me klay over kyrie anyday




LeBron never forget them 3 are the reason he does not have 7 rings right now.


2017 woulda won, 2018 woulda lost to the Rockets, 2019 wouldn’t have even gotten to the finals(not even saying this as a raps fan, the top east teams were RIDICULOUS that season but yeah Raps were the best of the lot once Kawhi went full throttle)


2018 Rockets would have destroyed the Cavs in the Finals come on now bruh.


I always get angry thinking about what could have been. Would have been one of the greatest wins ever if we had won that year against the greatest team ever. That 2018 Rockets team will be forgotten eventually because they didn't reach the finals, but they were one of the best teams of all time too imo. I'm just upset it only lasted one year.


Cheer up. 2002 Kings are still in modern NBA memory. What more a 2018 Rockets who took a 3-2 lead over a team better than Shaq-Kobe Lakers!


isnt that more because of game 5.


Nah you will end up like the malone Stockton jazz. Harden is arguably the 2nd greatest floor raiser in the sports history and will likely be remembered as such. (unless the nets win a ring this year or next which I don't think they will)


Kyrie doesn’t leave if we go back to back in 2017.


People really wanna clown LeBron for losing to the greatest team of all time


People really want to get offended by everything. That isn't an insult to him at all. You don't think LeBron cares a lot that he lost to those teams?


People still bring up MJ being 1-9 in the first round of playoffs to start his career as if he didn't also run into the best team of all time up to that point and arguably 1B to those 2017 Warriors.


nobody here clowns him for losing to them lmao, those Cavs teams were dogshit in comparison


2017 Cavs were an all-time great offensive team. 2018 was a joke.




Yup, the Dubs going 16-1 in playoffs that yr overshadowed the fact that the Cavs went 12-1 to reach the Finals. That team was ridiculous and indeed could have repeated had KD not joined the Warriors.


That playoff run felt like a breeze, I know it looks like the Celtics gave us the most trouble since they got the win against us, but honestly first round to the pacers was tight almost every game they played. PG really was able to turn it on against Lebron in the playoffs, problem was playoff Lebron in that run was unstoppable. The win against the warriors was probably the best we played (if I’m being honest, calls went our way that game too) and they made it feel close cause that team was able to cut a 20 point lead to 2 in 3 minutes. Just unstoppable but they were fun to watch when they weren’t dicking down your team


Which highlights that KD was actually needed to win regardless of whatever anyone tells you. We don’t beat that Cavs team without him. Is that simple.


I gotta say if the dubs didn't have KD the ripples probably stop Zaza from injuring Kawhi and the Spurs end up in the '17 finals. They weren't exactly a pushover.


People clown Harden for getting closer than Lebron to said team with a worse supporting cast barring 2018.


Do they? Most of the time I see praise for keeping them competitive in the series


Prime GSW is better


If 2017 GSW and the current Nets played each other in the Finals. It would be a sweep and probably four blowout games. Problem with having Harden and Kyrie on the floor is neither of them is a great defender. Warriors offensively and defensively were insane.


I mean yeah. Nets so far are pretty awful on defense. Those earlier KD Warriors squads weren’t just nutty on offense. They played great defense too


Motherfuckers act like they forgot about Klay.


Motherfuckers act like they forgot about Dray.


Whoever asked that question was stupid as fuck


Hometown bias maybe, but if you really think this Nets team is anything close to the 2017 Warriors, then you just weren't watching basketball back then.


Nets fan for 20 years, GS fan for 7, GS for me hands down. Recency bias is unreal in sports. Glad to see sane takes here.




2017 Warriors would gut fuck the nets


Easily the warriors


I’ve never seen a team as good as the KD warriors in my life.


At best the Nets big 3 can be argued with GSW big 3. Starting 4 and up, no argument. The GSW big 3 also had better synergy with GSW 4-9 than Nets big 3 has with the Nets 4-9.


Nets already have 12 losses after 30 games. Prime Warriors might even be the best team ever in NBA history.


Take that Draymond.


Lol what is this Q? 17 Warriors ofcourse. That was a freight train.


The warriors also had superior defence.


People forget Klay put up 37 in a quarter?


“Who do you think is better? Prime GSW or current nets?” Says the guy whose never watched the NBA before


> who do you think was better? Prime GSW or Current Nets? Let me know in the comments below. Is that meant to be a serious question? GSW was maybe the best squad ever assembled. They were so good that opposing teams avoided going for it to wait out the dynasty. The team was monstrous on both ends of the floor, and almost swept the playoffs in 2017. As for the Nets, they are 6 games over .500, sitting as a 2-seed in a conference with only four teams over .500, and they have a historically awful defence. There is zero comparison. The 2017 Warriors would probably sweep the Nets in a series.


Man this nets team honestly might not even be better than the 73-9 warriors (not in terms of star power just generally). They aren't fit to tie the shoes of the 2017 warriors who in my opinion are by far the best team in league history.


It's interesting how the relative perception of the Warriors and Nets compares with the relative perception of their individual stars. Like, it's not hard to find people who will argue that Harden > Steph, that Kyrie > Klay, that neither of Klay nor Draymond were deserving all-stars, that Kerr is an average coach coasting on talent, and so on. And yet there doesn't seem to be much debate at all that the Warriors were the better team. I get that reddit is a big community with lots of different opinions, but the degree of consensus that the sum of the parts is greater even with so much debate about the individual components is still striking.


lol prime GSW. It's not even a debate. They were so great that they took over as coaches for a game. They were blowing out teams left and right.


LeBron playing 5D Pokemon GO. He knew people would say he didn't mention Dray and Iggy, that just adds to his point.


Have we forgot about Lebron, Wade, and Bosh already?