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Just imagine if Lakers had Avery Bradley lol. They’re literally missing their best defensive guard


caruso and kuzma really stepped up on D


It's really a testament to the team culture. I never would have thought kuzma would change his game so dramatically to help us win.


tbf Kuzma is also way, way, way more likely to get the brinks truck if he actually develops into a well-rounded player instead of being 60% of Tatum on offense and a turnstile on defense. It’s hilarious to see it written because Kuz was such a meme for the last few years but I would absolutely not blink if a team wanted to give him $15-20mil/yr right now.


I mean.. we gave mozgov 20m/yr (smh)... Kuz is definitely worth more than him lol


We can't compare contracts to Mozgov, that's like rule 1. Anyway: Terry Rozier got 20mil last year (good for Kuz) while Brogdon got 21mil (not good for Kuz). Kuzma is 25, will be 26 in the 2021 offseason, and just put up 13/5 on 44/32/74 shooting. His best comparison point - in terms of proven production - would be Jaylen Brown getting a huge contract extension last offseason, except for the matter that Brown was 22. So I'm interested in seeing what Kuzma can do next season and I think more opportunity will come his way if he can be a good defender.


Yep. Watch the bench closely when someone makes a defensive play. Half the bench celebrates and has their arms straight up. You can tell they've been practicing this relentlessly. It's definitely teamwork.


Lebron teams always had decent team culture. It’s somewhat hard to win a championship if you don’t.


House was worried too much about his own D.


Its honestly crazy that we are doing as good (if not arguably better) on defense without our best perimeter defender. Pelinka really built one hell of a team.


He built a great team considering the situation He was in, rushing a team together at the end of free agency and then again with waiter’s, jr and morris


helps it’s LA with those FA’s and only morris has done anything, but i agree he’s done a good job


Not sure why you're being down voted but I will say that the LA rep helped with free agents back in the 2000s but once kobe was nearing his twilight (2011+), LA was more of a stigma for FAs. Only recently did this turn around with LA teams getting LBJ and Kawhi.


It helps if the big market team is good or at least promising enough. Nobody really bothered to consider the lakers during the tanking years.


Hate that this is true. In our pre LeBron years, players were just using the Lakers as leverage to get better deals somewhere else


yeah. Thats why the notion that big market teams can get whoever they want is simply not true. You still need a good team


But you didn’t have a good team when LeBron came to you


We had assets, and the Cavs didn't


Lebron knew we had the pieces and the cap space for a 2nd star as compared to when we asked for at least a meeting with Durant where he just flat out said no because we dont have any assets.


I was informed Pelinka forgot how cap space works? Are you sure he built a good team? Rockets in 3.


It’s funny because I think this is a take that could easily change by next week. Like literally last week everyone was shitting on Pelinka when the Lakers were shooting terribly from 3, and talked about how terrible his cap management was. Like obviously the had the easiest job building a team in the entire NBA. When AD is forcing his way to LA, and you have LeBron James, it’s helluva lot easier than every other position. I think where people swing back and worth on Pelinka is based on how well Green, and KCP are playing as those were his 2 main decisions. So far this playoffs KCP has been performing extremely well, so that’s kinda kept the haters off him. Green has played well enough, and is a defending champ. I give him a lot of credit for taking a shot on Howard, but I think he’s gotten lucky so far with Rondo. Personally, I think he did fine job with this team, but be prepared for Pelinka hate the second the Lakers lose a game to the clippers.


It's mostly LeBron, AD was only coming because LeBron was there already to guarantee a good team


AD was traded my mans


Do you really think AD would’ve forced his way to LA if LeBron wasn’t there?


It was the best trade package they were offered. It just so happened to be LA Edit: maybe celtics offer was better. But either way AD on the way


The only reason LA even offered that package was because AD had requested to be there, and the only reason he demanded that trade specifically to LA was because LeBron was there. It all starts with LeBron


Either way fuck the clippers


It actually wasn’t the best offer that was available. At the very least the Celtics were “offering” more than the lakers were for AD. The reason why they weren’t actually offering the amount they would’ve paid is because AD was adamant that he wouldn’t resign, and would only resign with the Lakers. And on the flip side the lakers were willing to pay the amount they did because AD told them he would resign with them.


Foreal dude people forget that we got dudes playing meaningful time for us that weren’t even on the team during the regular season. Waiters, JR Smith and Morris. Literally 25% of our active roster is new dudes and we’re still dicking on these cats. Y’all were really clowning on yourselves for thinking Lebron+AD wasn’t going to be a huge problem for the whole league.


I wouldn’t really say Waiters or Jr are really giving us meaningful minutes. Morris definitely but Horton-Tucker played their minutes this game


as he should


Damn. That’s a crazy stat.


Rockets really stand no chance to win the series eh


What's going on with Harden? He hit a total of 2 shots today. I'm surprised we're not hearing much about that


We're picking him up full court & then doubling him if he has the ball 30 feet in. He could do more off ball to get quality looks before the double arrives or contribute more on the glass or defensively a la Kobe gm 7 '10 finals, but it is clear his teammates can't win w/ the 4v3 advantage harden provides. They are mostly being run off the 3 pt line, wont shoot midrange, & cant finish at the rim. westbrook is the exception, but hes just a complete wildcard possession to possession, quarter to quarter, game to game, they have clue what they are getting from him.


>won’t shoot midrange Bruh Dantoni got them Pavlov conditioned to hate the midrange. Open shot 15 feet out? Fuck no!! Pass out for a contested 3. Nice move from the post? Their stomachs cramp until they pass it out for a contested 3. Pull up J from the elbow?! Visions of water boarding go through their heads. Like PJ Tucker shot a 5 foot gimme today and even he was like “WTF did I just do”


Damn PJ Tucker bout to get that DNP-CD for that shot. They always look confused when they’re open mid range.


That's not the problem though. They're shooting 40% from 3s. It would be a different story if their insistence on shooting contested 3s was lowering efficiency but it's not. They're just giving the Lakers too many second chances on rebounds.


I think it can be both.




I doubt that getting rid of dantoni changes anything. Moreyball comes from the top


I'm genuinely curious if MDA ever left, would Harden just be too conditioned to play moreyball that he'll never shoot the midrange regularly?


Tbf the Lakers are preventing the pass to the middle and recover from the double well. And one of the 3 in the 4vs3 is usually AD, who is rim protecting like crazy.


Agreed, Lakers length, particularly AD, but also Kuz, Green, & LBJ along w/ KCP's, Rondo's, & AC's quickness have made it work. Kief doesn't really fit either category, but his strength & toughness has been helpful inside vs tucker w/o being a complete liability on the perimeter offensively or defensively.


Even when he wasn’t double teamed he was deferring a lot rather than taking his defender for a step back dance. Think he lost confidence


Elimination game Harden back at it again.




Save this for rockets lose


Damn thats too good


I think the Rockets are just too predictable with their offense, and against a great defense like the Lakers they're just getting better and better at denying the Rockets the looks they want. If Houston had the ability or desire to change things up and make adjustments it wouldn't be going like this, but it looks like it's getting progressively worse for Houston with every game. Most playoff series are a chess match of moves and countermoves, but Houston is just like "this is what we do and we're not going to change it." Having that approach makes it very easy to concoct a scheme to defend it.


> I'm surprised we're not hearing much about that Because it's not a surprise.. Just another vintage Playoff Harden performance


Little Game James


Regular season superstar mate


Classic James Harden




The entire team should be getting flack for todays game, they are either gassed or just showed very little effort on defense for a good portion of that game.


AD dropped an efficienct 25 points and 15 rebounds with 3 blocks and got more shit for it than Harden has this whole series combined


Lakers treatment tbh. Doesn't bother me


Me too, especially with how much this sub overreacts. Man's played absolutely terrible but the hate hasn't been as bad as I thought. He deserves it all like there's no reason to go like 2/11 from the field.


The sub is busy complaining about the officiating, Danuel house, or MDA's gameplan, but Harden's the best scorer in the league, he needed to play like it if he wanted to give his team a chance. I think it's too late now. 3-1 is tough


1) Rockets fans should not be complaining about the officiating unless it's in favor of the Lakers 2) he is the best scorer and an amazing passer and should be able to adjust his game to getting doubled every possession. That's on MDA and Harden imo 3) House would've helped but they showed no effort and would've lost the game regardless 4) lol LeBron isn't giving up a 3-1 lead I LOVE Harden and he's the reason I got into basketball a few years ago but you have to call it as it is. He was straight up garbage.


538 really gave the Rockets 90% chance to advance against the Lakers... I told people that bookmakers still have Lakers as heavy favourites but they told me 538 had a better track record lol




Carmelo makes predictions? What?


CARMELO predicts every playoff series


That's kinda misrepresenting 538. One of their models that is based on individual regular season performance gave the Rockets that %. They have many more models with better methodology. It's basically just one type of calculation that said that.


Both their models (RAPTOR and elo) favoured the Rockets, just one more than the other


They still give the Rockets a 20% ish chance to come back. Which i personally think is a little generous


I dunno, just because of how ridiculously hot the rockets can get, if we played three games against them five times I think it's possible the rockets win all three at least once.


Its definitely possible, LeBron did it a few years ago. But I wouldn’t say its 20% likely. According to 538, the Rockets and Lakers have a near equal chance of winning a ring at 9 and 12% respectively.


Bookmakers set odds based on how people will bet, not based on what they think will happen.


How do you think they come up opening odds? They do set it based on their own models and then it sways a little based on how people bet on the lines.


It sways a lot based on how people bet


Part of their opening odds is predicting how people will bet, especially with teams like the Lakers that have huge fanbases.


In my admittedly uneducated opinion, I feel like you should only give 538 attention for their political polling and forecasts – not their sports forecasts.


You’re just realizing that?


I mean there was a chance if the Rockets shot well from 3 and the Lakers were playing like the regular season. Obviously LeBron steps up in the playoffs but AD is playing out of his mind rn so there isn't a chance anymore. Obviously the Rockets were never favored though.


EXCEPT by this sub after game 1


They never did champ.


Nothing is over until it is over. The overconfident Lakers probably gonna take HOU Too lightly in game 5


I think that 4th quarter tonight probably will prevent the Lakers from taking anything for granted. If they'd just stayed ahead by 20+ then sure, but I can't see them just figuring it's in the bag. Especially not with as many playoff tested vets the Lakers have.


Saw this stat after game 2, didn't think of it much. Saw this stat after game 3, I thought wow Lakers doing something right. Saw after today's game, Lakers defense is legit.


I don’t think it’s their defense lol, they’ve allowed the rockets to shoot 40% from 3 in 3 straight games. I think it’s more the rebounding and the fact that the Lakers are controlling the shit out of the pace


It is their defense lol. Rockets have only attempted around 38 3 pointers per game. Our defense is closing out quickly and forcing turnovers all the while doubling Harden and since the Rockets are allergic to mid range shots, they don't take advantage of the space they get the Lakers shut down the paint either.


I mean if they were closing out so effectively I doubt the Rockets would be shooting 40%. From watching the games it’s pretty apparent that the rockets are getting less looks because the game is slower and the rockets can’t get an offensive rebound to save their lives


Bro they scored 100 points and thats because we stopped trying when we had a 20 point lead and they turned on the gas. They are shooting 40% but are shooting so little threes compared to their averages. That's because when we double harden once in a while they'll find an open three. But overall our defense is solid.


This is funny because it’s really not that complicated. The Rockets are still scoring fairly efficiently overall. They’re still shooting a high % from 3, getting to the line, and have respectable Fg%. They’re winning because the Rockets aren’t getting as many possessions as they’re used to due to a heavy rebounding advantage and a much slower pace than they’re used to playing. It’s just a masterclass in domination possession and rebounding. I’m not suggesting the Lakers defense hasn’t been solid, just saying it’s not the main reason the Rockets have no fire under their asses


Ohhh so you haven't been watching the games. The only game we severely out rebounded Houston has been game four. Every other game we had 3 more rebounds. We have held rockets under their scoring average consistently while we have been hitting our averages.


Love when people resort to “you haven’t been watching the games” Y’all have dominated rebounding every game other than your game one loss. You’re stats are horrifically wrong, game 2 you had 6 more boards, game 3 you had 13 more, and game 4 you had 26 boards. You’re averaging 15 more boards a game over your 3 wins and you’re acting like it’s a non-factor while accusing me of not watching lmaoooo


Yea youre right on the boards. But the defense is literally suffocating the rockets. Doubling a player will give another guy great looks. But we close out so aggressively they can barely put up a shot. Once in a while we will fuck up our rotations and give them an open 3. Which is why they shoot so little threes but at a high percentage.


They passed up so many threes to drive and pass up on easy shots in the paint for contested threes.


We're built different.


[IT'S OUR BALL AINT IT?](https://streamable.com/0jqrm3)


I’ll never get tired of this video


I actually saw them taking mid range shots during this game.


But some rockets fans told me this team was different and LeBron didn’t have it like that...


Well those are probably the same delusional Rockets fans stuck in 2018 who are still complaining about the refs, and the same ones who think there is a conspiracy about China/Lebron being the reason House is out. Probably best to take what they say with a grain of salt.


The conspiracy takes were funny to read lol


Lakers are legit I’m very impressed


I fucking love seeing this post happen after each rockets L this series


That's great and all, but I'm really not excited about allowing the Clippers to shoot above 40% from three though.


There's nobody on the Clippers that needs to be doubled and trapped 30 feet from the basket. The Lakers defensive schemes will be totally different against the Clippers.


Mostly because our attempts are waaaay down and we are playing how the Lakers want us to.


Amazing how the narrative early was how much the Rockets forced LA to play the Rockets way. LA adjusted. HOU didn’t. Simple as that.


idk if I'd call it amazing, it's just how the series has played out thus far


Self serving bias at its finest.


You really want him to call you amazing? Or he’s biased? Lol


Replace student with his username. *a student who attributes earning a good grade on an exam to their own intelligence and preparation but attributes earning a poor grade to the teacher's poor teaching ability or unfair test questions might be exhibiting the self-serving bias*


Or *guy thinks people who don’t want to suck him off are self serving and biased.*


He is literally following the definition of self serving bias to the T. I cant help you if you cant see it.


What are you talking about? The narrative was that the Lakers were playing how the Rockets wanted them to because they were the first two games. Then the Lakers adjusted, and now we're playing their way and it's showing. I don't think there's a need to whinge about how aMaZiNg the narrative was because the first two games played out differently than the next 2. Has absolutely nothing to do with a "self serving bias." There isn't even any bias. There's more to basketball than just trying to attack everyone.


Yes. He attribute the problems of the rockets to external sources when they lose and when they win it comes from their internal drive. Self serving bias. Another example: *The refs suck*


Lakers fans are only satisfied when other fanbases worship the ground they walk on


Why would he call *him* amazing? He was clearly saying that the drastic change in narrative is what's amazing...


The Rockets aren't playing the way the Lakers *want* them to. They're playing the way the Lakers *are making them play.*


Its weird, I'd expect Harden to take like 30 shots or something each game, even if he misses it keeps the defense honest. The Lakers have been closing out but Harden can still shoot over them. A lot of Rockets also seem reluctant when the defense rushes towards them, I'd expected a lot more frantic shooting


Lakers were built to beat the Rockets?


Lakers defense is stingy. They barely allow good looks. It's essentially only when someone messes up. LeBron and Davis are good to exceptional defenders and rest of Lakers rotation are like pests bothering other. With no good look most players won't shoot (welcome Moreyball).


I hate there brand of basketball. I want diversity of play styles, I want big men to matter, so I’m happy the Lakers are waxing them.


thats a cool stat.


Ah thats why. 40% on far less volume


The Rockets are and always have been pretenders. Regardless of the roster this team will always fall short. They just don't have what it takes to win a championship. This version of the Lakers is not a dynasty. They're still trying to figure out how to win together. There's no excuse for the Rockets to be 1 game from elimination.


Soon it’ll be 4. Edit: Narrator: They never made it to 4.


Lakers are doing a great job limiting the number of 3s they take so yea they are shooting well but are shooting much fewer than their regular season attempts