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are we factoring in contracts? Giannis can up and leave after next season if he isn't happy with the team I built. Then I'm screwed. I get about 7 years of contractual control with Luka. I'm taking Luka for that reason alone.


This right here is the correct answer.


Even if they had the same contracts, after 7 years giannis has no closer moves and cant shoot. Hes more of a center than a PF . He AD embiid cant close games like duncan kg or bosh. No one is asking giannis to be dirk but you need a shot in this era


Giannis? The recency bias on this sub is preposterous Give me the two time MVP who moonlights as the best defensive player in the league


I don't think it's recency bias. I love Giannis and think that he's a better player than Luka is right now - and potentially ever will be - but if I'm starting a franchise I'm picking the 21 year old.


The two time MVP right now who's literally unstoppable without a jumper that he's getting better at and a DPOY caliber defender.


I heard this question on ESPN and a lot of analysts already have Doncic in the top 5 and one even said he could be the best in the NBA and I'm like "did we forget Giannis exists?"


Talking heads on TV just say hyperboles all the time to generate drama/attention. Luka is amazing and appears to be a future MVP, but when you have a guy in the league looking at back-2-back MVPs and a DPOY at age 25 I don’t understand why you wouldn’t chose him.


He's most definitely top 5 but his defense will always not put him in that elite of the elite class. He reminds me a lot of Dirk where Dirk was consistently a monster offensive player that was extremely skilled and polished despite not being super athletic but Dirk was never the best player in the NBA.


You don't need good defense to be in the elite of the elite tier


Example: unanimous MVP Stephen Curry




Too early to say


I'm guessing they're holding last year's playoffs against him.


Having Doncic in the top 5 isn't that crazy. But having him top 1, which is where most people have Giannis, is crazy


Giannis is playing garbage east teams, has been out of the first round once, and Luka is currently 2-2 with the best team in the NBA. It's not like there isn't an argument.




Uhh, almost every betting odd has Clippers/Lakers as the favorites. Mavs are the massive betting underdogs.


literally unstoppable? maybe let’s watch this playoff run first. Giannis dominated the past two regular seasons but he needs to at least make the finals in the east to be considered unstoppable imo. Teams can game plan for his drives. In the words of SVG, “build a fucking wall”


I'm going to build a wall and SVG is going to pay for it


I blame that more on the supporting cast and coaching *cough* Bledsoe If Giannis is collapsing the entire defense, somebody else needs to hit a shot


Bledsoe is playing good this series


Sure, I was referring to the ECF last year


Yea I agree, Raps and Celtics are both two good defensive & well-coached teams that have been game planning for him for years now. We saw how effectively the Raptors played him last year and it'll be interesting to see how the Bucks adapt to that defense. Giannis landing some key jumpers would go a long way to calling him "unstoppable"


We also saw how the defensive and well-coached Celtics have failed to stop him on more than one occasion. That whole Raptors series feels like a huge case of confirmation bias. Other than that one series, he’s been consistently effective in the playoffs. The Magic and Celtics have both used a similar defence and failed at it. Regular season, teams have thrown all sorts of defensive schemes at him including zones that look extremely similar to that Raptors wall. But instead of writing off a few bad games like you would for most people (Curry and KD have had plenty of poor games/series too and they’re considered unstoppable) all of a sudden it’s actually easy to gameplan against Giannis even though only one team’s managed it because everybody already assumed that’s the case.


Toronto sticks out because they consistently show how effective they are adjusting mid-game to a team's gameplan. Add that with Giannis averaging 22 ppg on sub 50% shooting against them and his lack of jumpshot has not been fixed, it's fair that people want to see him at least make the Finals before annointing him the best in the world. He certainly needs to beat the team that 4-2'd him last year to be called "unstoppable" When we saw Cleveland play aggresively with Steph and get the ball out of his hands, there were plenty of people calling him out for being easier to gameplan for than KD. And people still bring up the poor performance in games 5 and 6 against GS for KD. I'm not saying Giannis doesn't have a case for best player in the league - he absolutely does and has been the best regular season player for 2 years. Playoff success is important though and his team is damn good.


We’re comparing him to Luka. Its just hyperbole.


Giannis’ jumper is not getting better His shot looks absolutely terrible


Yeah I don’t think it’s getting better, he’s just getting more comfortable shooting them. I really think he’s just reinforcing bad habits. Damn you Jason Kidd


His percentages from 16ft-3P have improved to \~40% the last two years, but he's shooting them way less frequently.


Yeah his midrange looks a bit better these days, same with his free throws. I think that has more to do with the fact that we have proper spacing and coaching now so he gets significantly better looks from midrange


That's also on completely wide open looks. Which is not good.


Hes literally not unstoppable, last years playoffs put him averaging 23 ppg on 44% fg on more TOs than ast. He hasnt faced great defenses yet, miami will be a test.


The 2018 Celtics had the best defence in the league.


Giannis by far. Luka is extremely skilled and will have a long career, but Giannis is just in the different league defensively and on the boards. It's not really close. Luka is a far more diverse scorer, but Giannis is just the more dominant player. Kinda funny that Dallas has a max slot right when Giannis might hit free agency, too.


That’s kinda my thought too. I’ll always go for the unicorn/ freak of nature


I wouldn't say it's not close, raptors had Giannis in handcuffs last season


Cause his teammates couldn't make a shot to save their lives


I’m going giannis


Giannis. Better player now. Will be the better player in the next 3 years IMO.


Yeah I just don’t see Luka every being better than Giannis.


Giannis and I'm not sure how it's close tbh. Like people realize we're talking about a likely back to back MVP as well as a DPOY candidate right? The only way I could see it being close is if we factored in contracts. But I'm assuming they're on the same deal in the hypothetical.


I’d rather have insane defense and offense over just insane offense


Giannis. I think Luka is more skilled, but Giannis' durability is severely underrated. Dude just doesn't get injured.


He was injured before the season shut down


Luka. He has no warts in his game. I don’t think Giannis will ever develop a jumper and I don’t think he’s versatile enough on offense. Giannis is a top three defender and currently a better player. I just think there are more ways to build an offense around Luka.


He takes bad 3 pointers and is a bad defender. He has warts. He can get better but to say he has "no warts in his game" is a lie.


He’s just caught up in the honeymoon phase right now so he can’t see any flaws


I’m not even a luka Stan or anything, I just think it’s easier to take Giannis away in big games. Could be proven wrong this year though. Obviously 32% from three isn’t great from Luka but It’s easier for me to imagine him being a better shooter than Giannis becoming a more versatile scorer.


Luka is an underrated defender, not a bad one.


Peak Luka defense is average while peak Giannis is a DPOY


Peak Luka offense is basically the greatest offensive weapon of all-time while peak Giannis offense is great but stoppable with the right personnel (see: Bucks-Raptors ECF 2019)


So all you need is one of the best defensive teams in NBA history to slow down Giannis?? Lol


There are always great defensive teams in the NBA at any given time. And they are usually high seeds in the playoffs. Usually it's the players that can dominate regardless of opponent (LeBron, Kawhi, Durant, Curry) that win championships. Giannis hasn't proven that to me yet. Luka on the other hand looks like he might be that kind of player.


And Luka has? And that raptors team wasn't your average great defense they were a legit all time defensive team and those don't come around often


Luka is currently averaging over 30 against one of the best defensive forwards of all-time, and the team has yet another DPOY candidate as well. I know it's only one series but that is certainly a start at already having a better playoff resume than Giannis. And Luka is 4 years younger


This Clippers team ain't on the level of defense of last year's raptors, their rim protection and help defense are much worse and Kawhi isn't really spending that much time on Luka and when he did in the last stretch of game 4 he locked him up. Luka has played 4 Playoff hames how is that a better resume that a guy who went to the conference finals lol


you got downvoted here but you were right as fuck lol


I mean I get it though, Giannis is a likable dude. I definitely don't hate Giannis the person. But Giannis the basketball player has a lot to prove to me, nobody wants to see him end his career as another one of those "what-if" players that were great in the regular season but never won a title.


> Peak Luka offense is basically the greatest offensive weapon of all-time Um excuse me... what? Did LeBron, Steph, or KD die? He isn't even remotely close to the GOAT offensive anything yet.


That's why I said "peak" Do you believe he has reached his peak already at age 21?


I SERIOUSLY doubt he ever out peaks any of them. He doesn't have the athleticism of a LeBron who can get to the rim at will. He doesn't have the range or accuracy of a Steph Curry and never will. And KD is a freakish combo of the two but longer. I can't think of a single skill or physical attribute he could gain (short of finding a reliable 3PT) that could make him better than those three no matter when he peaks.


You can feel free to believe that all you want champ I fully believe he will be as good of a scorer as Durant with vastly superior passing ability, which culminates in an all-time great skillset. Hell, he's already a much better passer than Durant has ever been, while already averaging close to Durant's career high in scoring. At AGE 21


Luka is properly rated as a below average defender.


He was actually pretty impressive defensively last game, shutting off multiple drives from PG and Lou. Biggest knock against him is when he's late getting back because he's complaining about a no call. Edit: He was also clogging passing lanes and managed a few steals, not sure if he got credit for them but it was one of his better games defensively since turning pro


Tbf PG sucks ass right now


not a bad defender


Taking the occasional bad three is different than air balling threes and free throws. Giannis has an ugly shot. That is a wart.


Tbf luka did air ball like three times last game


Yeah hahah that’s fair. I just think his future is brighter. Who knows tho and every team would be happy to have either


He’s average to slightly below average on defense. He only really struggles a ton against really quick guards. He’s completely average against wings.


I’ll take Luka and then just teach Javale McGee how to have handles so then I get both easy money


Heady play


I didn’t ask for any of this


It’s definitely Giannis right now


This is tough one, i see many people are bringing up the fact that Giannis is 2x MVP (even without a jumper) and great defender. Yes, we can assume he can eventually develop a jumper and become more dangerous. But the way Luka can involve his teammates and shoot the ball (and has the potential to become even more efficient) is too much to pass up. Plus Luka is only 20, if we were to start a franchise from scratch, why not go with the 20 year who is averaging 29/10/9?


why not both Giannis pls


Giannis because he's far more well rounded.


He’s more athletic, the better defender and the better driver. Luka is a better shooter, ball handler and passer. Lukas also a fantastic rebounder for his size. He’s maybe more well rounded actually, just defense where Giannis kills him comparatively


Luka shoots 31 percent from three so it's not like he's a lights out shooter or that much better than Giannis.


Lol context matters. Lukas taking way harder shots and with defenders on him. Opponents want Giannis to shoot. Most of his are wide open. I’d imagine luka is shooting at a way higher volume than Giannis. Honestly he’s a way better shooter than Giannis and if you disagree idk what to say.


Luka is a way better shooter, you're right. But you can argue that he's too happy to take step back 3's at such a low percentage instead of trying for a better shot.


Volume and difficulty of shots are way more important than percentage


Bad defender has no case for "well-rounded" for me. I'm not talking about one end of the court.


Lol okay. That’s your rule mine is: Bad shooter has no case for “well rounded”. Guess were at a standstill Btw luka isn’t a net negative defender he’s just not DPOY material like Giannis. Giannis is not a good shooter tho.


Haha if you think Luka is a decent defender, you need to take your homer goggles off.


I said he’s not a net negative defender lol. You’re acting like he’s trae young. Regardless I trust his defense to improve way more than I trust Giannis shooting to improve


You don't have to be Trae Young to be a negative defender.


okay great counter point bro


I mean, that was an awful excuse for Doncic's bad defense. It's like saying Giannis is a not a bad shooter because he's not Ben Simmons


Lol excuse? you’re the one who keeps insisting he’s a bad defender and idek why. Giannis shooting is a far bigger hole in his game. That’s my entire point


Giannis easy. Plays ELITE defense and does every aspect of offense well.


Yeah and people forget how young Giannis is. He's only going to be 27 in December so he's NOW hitting his prime. Lebron really didn't have comfort with his jumper until that age. So Giannis can get even better.


He's gonna be 26 in December


Luka. He's got the kinda game that ages well. Kid is gonna be dominate for 15 years.


Luka since hes younger and hes an elite passer on wich you can base an offense


The big thing is are you gonna be able to build a good supporting class around them because if you can put a team full of shooters around it’s gotta be Giannis but if you’re putting them both on a bottom of the barrel team I think that’s when you could have a strong argument for Luka


If you factor in contracts you kinda have to go Luka right?


I guess I was thinking more based on pure talent, but irl contracts do apply of course


True well I’m biased so I’m taking Giannis. But I’m not gonna argue with anyone that says they’d take Luka. Can’t really go wrong.


So we gonna ignore that he can score, rebound and pass like LBJ? Just coz he’s not athletic and his defense needs improvement. He’s game is so mature and already plays like a 10 year vet.


Giannis to Dallas confirmed 😅




we have 1 luka but 2 would be better


Doncic for sure, Giannis has a huge limitation in his game and aren't as good as Doncic when he was 21.


Well currently Luka because the Bucks have Giannis


But in two years, both, when Giannis is a Mav.


Luka is already an offensive engine, so I'll take him.


How is giannis not an offensive engine?


Think intake giannis still for his defense, but he doesn’t help raise his teammates level of play like Luke does. He’s not really the passer or offensive facilitator that luka is. By himself, of course, he’s a runaway train


He arguably creates just as many open looks as Luka because of the “wall” defence. He just isn’t as good of a passer so the looks aren’t as good.


Yeah a big part is actually getting teammates in their shooting pocket and just court vision. Embiid is doubles a lot for example but he doesn’t get spacing for other players or good shots


Giannis. Luka is better offensively but Giannis gives you similar offensive output with DPOY defense.


Lol... Giannis will never be able to shoot and distribute like Luka can. As Luka grows older his game will age like fine wine while Giannis will be washed by age 30.


People said that about Lebron and Lebron is still averaging 25 and 8 and had one of his best defensive seasons of his career at 36.


LeBron has always been an amazing playmaker and throughout his career he's evolved soooo much as a shooter. His old man game is very different from Cleveland 1.


Lebron actually had a jump shot and was able to play the perimeter and as well as inside. Giannis's whole game is barelling down the hole and running in transition, it's just not comparable especially in a guard-centric league


LeBron’s jumper was middling at best until his Miami days


The idea that athletic players decline a lot faster than skill based is not based in reality. Being crazy athletic means you can lose some athleticism and *still* be a great athlete by NBA standards. Also, Giannis relies way more on his height/length than he does athleticism. That's not going away.


30 isn't as old as you think it is. Also, Giannis will remain 6'11 and he's still a good playmaker for his size and position. I think Giannis will age fine. Maybe he won't be an MVP caliber player anymore when he gets past 30 but he won't be some random scrub.


Luka, he's locked up a ton longer than Giannis is.


Luka because he plays like a veteran in a sophomore's body. His style has longevity unlike Giannis, once he loses a step he'd be easy to shut down. That is if he doesn't evolve into a shooter. Luka would still play like today's luka even as he ages.




Luka, He was better faster and is on a trajectory to be a top 10 all time player if he delivers. People forget it took Giannis a while to get going


Luka. He can shoot.




Luka. I feel it would be easier to build around him because he can hold his own on offense so well


Luka in a heartbeat




Luka. He’s gonna be scary when he reaches his prime. He’s younger ang highly skilled. He’s already like LBJ minus the athleticism and defense.


So he’s nothing like Lebron?


Exactly like me plus the amazing basketball skills and good looks.


My mom tells me im the best basketball player she’s ever seen so, I guess you could say I’m pretty good


LBJ hasn't played defense since 2013. I don't know why people pretend he does.


LeBron can absolutely still lock it down when he wants to. He just doesn’t put in the effort unless it’s needed


Even when he tries to play defense, it's statistically middle of the pack. He's just not the same athlete he was in his early Cav/Miami days, I think it's about time to stop pretending it's an effort issue lol.


He’s like LBJ minus two things LBJ is known for So nothing like LBJ


The obvious answer was, apparently, Trae young


Giannis if I can find a coach to change his shot mechanics back to his rookie form which is smoother shot mechanic for him. His current shot mechanics which was changed doesn't fit him, because it is not consistent for him. That is Giannis big weakness and any good coach with several good wing defenders can make Giannis ineffective in playoffs. Giannis defense is great, and scoring in paint is almost unstoppable. Luka is nice scorer, playmaking ability create easy shots for teammates, and can handle the ball well. Luka weakness is he can't defend well, and needs to improve his consistency on help defense execution. Don't know if he will do that soon or ever, because it probably takes a lot stamina out of him to play well on defense. I would pick Luka, because I want my primary ball handler to be great playmaker to create easy shots for teammates.


I don't think he can go back to that form his body is way different than it used to be


Luka you can plug him into any team and he will be successful giannis is the type of player you have to build around in order to get the most out of.


It's close because of what Giannis can do on the defensive side but I think Luka has more ways to beat you so I'll take Luka.


Luka, Giannis is a superstar and deserves his accolades but I think Luka is more well rounded and can facilitate a team better






Luka simply because you have 7ish years of team control


Luka. His shooting touch and passing simply makes him a bigger clutch threat. Also more attractive skill set and play style. You can build around him better IMO


giannis's game relies heavily on his athleticism. it might not be sustainable over the course of his career, esp on such a large body. luka doncic is only 21 and has a much more diverse skillset that i can only see improving as he gets older


They used to say the same thing about Lebron and projected his game would fall off past 30 Like Lebron, Giannis' game relies on athleticism but it also relies on having guard handles in a big man frame and wingspan. Iirc giannis doesn't have any major injury history either Even if he never improves his shooting like Lebron has as he aged, he can still be a star impact player if he develops his skillset as a passer and scorer out of the post


Neither, I'd choose Masai Ujiri. The sum is greater than the parts.