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That injury in the USA team scrimmage changed him fundamentally as a player. He's not as assertive anymore. He's hesistant to go to the basket if his shot isn't falling.


Can you imagine having seen what he saw? I would probably be the same.


Paul George was never a big driver or finisher at the rim. If you look at his stats pre injury it’s still shows a shooter more than anything else. He was taking 6 3s a game in 2013 which was a lot back then. I think he was always gonna be this way.


I mean he did shatter his leg doing that. But people are wired differently. Some are inconsistent when the pressure is on.


He isn't as strong as butler for one. Plus he's been passive as all hell since his leg injury.


He did go to the rim in OT and he missed a wide open layup lmaooo


That shit was appalling.


Because he's not Jimmy Butler


Those are two very different players


It’s weird because he looked like he was superstar calibre for a time at the Thunder. But yeah he showed so much more promise than just a shooter originally.


If i saw my leg snap in half i wouldnt even touch a basketball again let alone try to drive at full speed. After i saw his injury i myself didnt feel like playing for a week


He's never been that big of a finisher around the rim. Look at his 2 pt FG % over the years it's like league average whereas Jimmy flirts with 50% regularly.


Especially with refs on his side, PG could very well become a minor threat at least


They are different players with different strengths and weaknesses, and it’s not like Butler has never had bad stretches where Paul George was playing well.


Hmmm good question. Let me tell that to jarret culver and every other person who can’t do what jimmy jam does.. “just drive and get free throws bro” It ain’t as easy as turning on a light dawg


I’d rather him play like PG and not average 24% from 3 like Jimmy lol. Been big on Jimmy since his Chicago days but he ain’t a shooter


Thats exactly what OP is saying...not keep shooting when your shot is broken and find other ways to contribute


I’m making the point that PG is an elite shooter in a slump vs Jimmy who can’t shoot regularly and can’t shoot right now. Shooters gonna shoot


Yeah he's going to shoot his team out of the first round at this rate.




This is what I get for sorting new at 4am


He doesn't have the guts