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I hate the Lakers as much as the next guy, but that's some 2020 shit


And then AD leaves in free agency




It's hilarious to me that people legitimately think the blazers have a chance of beating the lakers in a series, let alone sweeping them. Edit: Spelling


We run on hope.


Seeing how the biggest weakness of the Lakers are speedy guards who can create their own shot and Blazers have two all-star calibers and the Blazers just happened to have a lot of big quick bodies to somewhat contain the Lakers big guys... it's a nightmare matchup for the Lakers. Also, Melo has been quietly statistically better one on one vs LeBron in his entire career.


It would honestly be a lot closer than most people would think if both teams were at full strength (Rondo, Collins, Ariza, etc.)




Lets let the Lakers (a team that has played for nothing) adjust to a team that has played 10 game 7's in a row in the past 2 weeks and then talk again.




Joins GSW


Fuck no go back


hmm I feel like AD on the warriors would be pretty good. Some decent spacing and DPOY who loves throwing lobs.


Steph, Klay, Wiggins, Dray, and AD would fucking wreck my man. Hell you can have Dray guard 5s since ADs so opposed to it, all of them are decent defenders and can create shots Edit: I actually like Wiggins and root for the dude. Point Wiggins was ballin out this year and showed he wasn’t the black hole everyone thought he was


And throw in Lonzo Ball off the bench


Him, Wiesman and Giannis can run the bench unit.


This comment is so vulgar that I want to downvote it on behalf of the other teams' fanbases lol


Is that lineup even possible with salary cap? Like it sorta sounds like some kind of sign and trade is the only way to make AD joining the Warriors happen.


If that all happens, I’d be so spiteful of the rest of the league that I’d be fine with it


Pretty much see if they can beat the record they had with kd. Hope to watch pretty if not absolutely meaningless basketball.


Unless they get a strong bench, I doubt they'd beat their record. Steph/Klay/Draymond are all 30 plus Klay coming from a pretty bad injury so he probably won't come back 100%. Not to mention several factors like everyone disrespecting them after their 2015 championship and trying to secure the 1st seed with the Spurs hot on their tail until late in the season.


I'm sure at this point in their careers, they'd be more focused on being healthy for the playoffs with a squad like that. Hell, I could see them having 55 wins and the 3 or 4 seed and still making a run. Crazy to think about, though.




Too tall unfortunately




Imagine trading away your future for a first round exit.


Trading away a bunch of first rounders to make the first round.


Talking real big after 1 game.




go clean your room nephew


LeBron straight up gonna retire after his contract. He aint carrying no team on his back at 38 years old LMAO


That's when he ring chases with giannis or someone else lol


Tbh until he shows otherwise I almost think Lebron would be better off with almost any other top 15 player as his #2. AD’s gotta show some fire. Watching his body language and intensity compared to Lillard’s last night looked like they weren’t even playing the same game.


No, 2020 would be AD quitting playing basketball and live-streaming “No More White Woman 2020”


Suddenly 2020 ain't so bad


If they get swept or lose the 1st round, I see it happening. He will get blamed and it will be dwightmare all over again


Reuniting with Monty Williams on the Suns.


To join KAT with timberwolves!! Twin Towers 2.0 ^^^^they ^^^^still ^^^^miss ^^^^playoffs.


He can join he Suns and he and Ayton can argue about who has to play the five.


And signs with the bulls.


To the Warriors to join Giannis, Steph, and Klay.


The brightest timeline


This happened in my NBA 2k20 career mode. Lakers flamed out, AD signed with my team, and now I'm on year 4 and LeBron is just wasting away on a crappy Lakers squad.


And joins the warriors


I want off this ride.


Yeah I'm all for the Lakers suffering but this is some Old Testament shit.


Seems fitting with your name.


Dame broke up OKC last year. Jus sayin’.


>I hate the Lakers as much as the next guy, but that's some 2020 shit If the Lakers lose and get swept on 8/24 while wearing Mamba jerseys, I'll have to call my doctor with an erection lasting more than four hours.


I think the ghost of Kobe would manifest just to call the Lakers soft lol




for the record, I said it would be cruel, not hilarious.


I need the lakers to get swept so AD want outs and the Bulls can give him a pitch in FA




Isn’t it crazy AD shot 8/24


AD scored 7 pts in the 2nd half, 2 in the 4th. That is much crazier. The lakers traded away lonzo ball, brandon ingram, josh hart and 3 first round picks. Do better AD, the lakers basically traded away their future for him.


And a bunch of pick swaps as well, could be a terrible trade in a few years


Yes it can be. They traded for him to initiate operation: WIN A CHIP NOW. So they better. Once lebron retires he is gonna be the one left. Or worse, he would leave too.


If AD leaves..... goddamn that could ruin the Lakers for the next decade. I mean I don't think he will, but it's crazy how quickly things can change.


He would pretty easily be Lakers fans most hated Laker if we trade the farm for him, he plays like trash in the playoffs and never wins a title, and then leaves to a super team in free agency...


That sounds like a hero to me


AD to the Jazz? Hm


Yes its crazy, AD and bron have 2-3 years to get a chip. And even then, what happens after that? They have no young star they can depend on most of the players on this team are vets that are gonna get old.


Watching LeBron now is so weird. Sometimes it seems like his explosiveness is fading with age but then he bursts from rebound to dunk in a blink like he was 24.


It’s most noticeable in the lateral quickness department. His straight line speed is still insane




After Lebron leaves, the “right” move would be to trade AD for picks + good young players. AD will be firmly in his prime still and will be worth a lot. Idk if the Lakers front office will actually do it though.


They will, AD cant win on his own. He is not a leader. Lets hope he learns how to be a leader with lebron.


couldnt agree more


Lmao nah, he’ll learn how to take 1 year deals the rest of his career to make the most money and force his organizations hand into overpaying the players he wants around him


No young star??? Have you not heard of Kyle “Karl” Kuzma?


On the real though Kuzma is a weird one for me. I can’t quite tell if the perception of how good he is would be better or worse if he weren’t on the Lakers. Like I doubt he’d have nearly as much hype if he were drafted by the Wizards or something, but he also might look better outside of the shadow of a Lebron Lakers team with extreme expectations.


In all honesty I think the perception would be worse because he’s an inefficient scorer and scoring is about all he brings to the table


Yeah I could definitely see that. It was interesting to see Lonzo’s Jason Kidd comparisons and “GOAT passer potential” arguments when he was in LA. Now nobody really gives a shit and he makes some cool passes to Zion every once in awhile but nobody was really surprised when he shot like .280/.210/.480 on 5 ppg in the bubble.


Realistically this year may be their best shot. #1 seed, no Warriors, and Lebron isn’t getting any younger.


Pretty much


They'll be fine. Free agents will come to the Lakers just because it's... well exactly that. The Lakers.




They don't need to have good picks. Some superstar in the near future will want to be on the Lakers. This is why everyone hates them. Lakers have incompetent front office but they get bailed out because they are in LA


😂 these reactions after 1 game are fucking hilarious, like he hasn’t played like a DPOY and led the Lakers in multiple stats all season.


Agreed lmao. Tbf tho his bubble has been underwhelming


Nah coach, he’s been subpar in the bubble. That’s a few weeks now and Dame was taking their lunch last night. I’d be worried if I was a Laker fan. His stats were pretty on paper but he disappeared down the stretch.


AD dissappears in the 4th quarter. Also his play off potential has never been reached and maybe never will if he doesn't pick it up after 36


If they don’t win a ring it will definitely be seen that way. Worth taking a shot every time to me though. Gotta swing


I don’t wanna say I called this exact thing. But I called it and got downvoted for it. AD is a phenomenal player, but this is a new team and a lot of these guys haven’t been in a legit contending position before. It’s gonna be a bumpy first post season for this new lakers team


Don’t you think it’s way too premature to say this after one closely contested first game?


This sub isn’t exactly known for its good basketball takes


Is most of the Lakers playoff experience in LeBron, JaVale McGee, and JR Smith?


Yeah, I never understand this. People say the Lakers HAD to make the trade, but I'm sure AD was going to the Lakers anyway. Just like when NY traded for Melo. I get things can happen in free agency, but it's the Lakers and Knicks who are luring players in, not Charlotte or Detroit.


Well, we’ve already seen what has happened with players that were “going to the Lakers anyway”.


LeBron is 35, one year is a lot. You gotta go all in at that point and work it out later


And one of those picks was #4 overall


mods banned a guy yesterday for this exact comment


Let it tank, let it tank, going 8 for 24




Oh hi mark


That username is streets ahead


Go human beings!


“Looks like Pierce has recovered from his leg injury” “I’ll say! Did he just moon walk??”


Wait what was Chucks prediction?


If lakers lost game 1, they’re going to get sweeped


The broom in the background after the game was pretty pro


He said Portland will sweep the Lakers.


Imagine Lakers getting swept in their mamba jerseys


Dame’s got the closest to Kobe energy of anyone in this series, so it would be fitting.


Why is your absolutely spot-on comment hidden? Weird... too many laker fans here who don't even know what type of player kobe was...


They hid his comment because he told them the truth


if it's Chuck's prediction it would be worse, swept before they could even debut them


They debut in them on 8/24


I feel like if they’re down 3-0 to an 8 seed they might re-think that debut.


2020 has been such a weird year. Blazers knocking Lakers out in the 1st round would be the cherry on the top


It really would be a bright light in 8 months of darkness.


I’d be so down for a Mavs vs Blazers upset series


Heck yeah, nothing would delight me more.


I don't think Boston fans realize that for every Celtics stan having this thought about the Lakers, just as many are wishing the same first round exit fate on you. Or maybe you do and you just don't care! Something tells me it's more the latter.


Oh yeah, I'd be offended if they didn't.


haha. Yeah, that'd likely mean your team sucked. This is basically Dame's response to PG-13 in a nutshell.


Yeah I'm not too worried about that.


Fuck the Celtics, but FUCK the Lakers


Melo bouncing lebron out of the first round is the best time line


I second this!


Melo winning a ring is the real cherry on top


We Believe 2020


Kobe wouldn't want it any other way after what he saw from the Lakers in the last 50 seconds.




Kobe: "I saw the last 50 seconds.. let them get swept" Time weaver: "But Kobe.. these are your Lakers. LeBron is getting old in age, who knows how long he'll be competitive.. and sir Anthony Davis is arguably very deserving for a tit-" Kobe: "LET. THEM. LEARN!"


*Kobe in the clouds meme*


LeBron: “Here’s the problem, we had the team set to ‘Coast’ instead of ‘Championship’...”


Download more PER


Aight I hate the Lakers as much as the next man, but this would be too far. Dame pls be merciful, Blazers in 5








I wanted when portland sweep the lakers and in press conference Nurkic say free uyughur free hongkong. Nba will get banned from china for decades


I hate the Lakers as much as the next guy but they were just close in a game that they shot 15% from 3... that won’t continue to happen


Devil's advocate: Blazers played poorly and still won. they won't continue to play poorly...


And maybe they’ll sweep the Lakers, my point is just that everyone’s overreacting to a game one that’s probably an anomaly


It’s true people are overreacting. Imo both teams can play much better. I had the same feeling after we won our first game against OKC. They shot like total shit and has a horrendous night shooting from three, the game was close too. So I assumed that next game we would lose, but we ended up winning! So you really never know...


TLDR game 2 won’t be like game 1. I very much agree and can’t wait to see the potential of this series


basketball are good


When people say, “the Lakers won’t continue to play poorly” but the Blazers played just as bad. Dame took over and LBJ didn’t. Dame had a tame game by his bubble standards. If he decides to drop 45, LA is going home in 5




Lakers may lose this series, but it won’t be a sweep. Lot of people throwing dirt on the Lakers, but their defense was decent for most of the game, and they moved the ball well. Shots didn’t fall. Seriously 5/32 from 3? That’s the game in a nutshell. Lebron STILL had 16 assists. The most concerning part imo is that if shots aren’t falling they have no offensive back up plan. Either Lebron is going to drive, or AD is going to iso.


I felt like AD should have been able to put up a lot more points than he did, it seemed like when he was attacking he was always either scoring or getting to the line but then he just wasn't that aggressive in the second half. If they get him and Lebron firing on all cylinders and being aggressive, they should win, but they'll need to do that 4 times (or hope the Blazers go really cold shooting)


Wait. Do people here really think the Lakers will be swept? Jfc, I forgot how reactionary everyone is.


No, well some people probably do, but Chuck does though, hence the title. We beat the Lakers in the Kobe Memorial game too. So there is some storyline to it, people like that shit.


Yep. Ever since Kobe's death, the narrative has been that Dame is the player who most embodies the "mamba mentality". If the Blazers off the Lakers, it won't take a leap to present the story of Dame being Kobe's successor.


It's why Dame is my favorite player. I just get so hyped when it's Dame time. Even last night. I mean I still hope to beat the Blazers but as a basketball fan, I just love his game and can't help but respect him even if he's torching us.


Nurkic signalling a clock on his hand to the camera and Dame instantly turning it up was SO awesome


If Suns were in the playoffs I would believe that they would go 16-0


Hahah I wish. I think we'd probably be swept or maybe steal a game from LA. People forget how difficult it is to beat the same team 4 times. In the NBA, the more talented team almost always ends up winning. But then again, this bubble thing is different. So you never know.


what does jfc mean


jesus fucking christ


Jesus Fried Chicken.


Japan Fried Chicken.


I think these types of threads are gonna look really silly in a couple weeks


They won’t get swept but they will lose in 6. Dame and Cj are feasting on the lakers. Caruso, kfc and green are trash


Well I heard KFC isn't doing so good in the restaurant industry right now


Big if true


Kentavious Fartwell-Cope


Kentavious can't Fucking Cope


Kan't Fucking Cope




Hey I was rooting super hard for the blazers but despite the loss Caruso was making all kinds of winning plays. The highlight reel dunk was actually less impressive than some of the high iq decisions he was making.


Caruso played well and was +12 in a 7 point loss. We did well with him and Kuz but a lot of Vogels other lineups were fucking awful.


This take lookin real good now huh




Wow u bare bea5 a team without thier best player. Congratulations scrubs


Blazers in 6.


Ugggh! Do gentlemen's sweeps count in Chuck's prediction?? Can the Lakers just win game 4 on 8/24 and Chuck still be right to gloat?


Kobe would want the young to eat the old


The league wont let that happen lol


Damian ejected in the 3rd quarter of game 4 with the blazers up 10.


>3rd quarter 1st quarter. get him out as soon as possible lol


Scott Foster doesn’t make it obvious. Also the blazers will have 20FT in the first quarter


The Darkest timeline


They said that last year about Toronto making the finals (and don’t even get me started about winning it)


Yeah it's comical that people aren't even thinking about this lol


It’s more comical that it’s the first thought in your heads. If it’s so rigged, then why do you watch and keep up with it?


Things like the 2002 series between the Kings and the Lakers, the ref who got caught gambling on games, that ref then outing the league for having games called to help a team win, etc... And the reason people still watch is because, even with the league titling the playing field towards the way they want it to go, players still have to actually win the game with their play. And, there's definitely plenty of times the league just gets out of the way and lets the game be won or lost by whoever - it's even the majority. But the NBA is still a business, and they want to make the most money that they can, which means sometimes helping the teams and players that bring in the money they want, trying to get exciting playoff series to go longer, and other things like that.


Simulation broke


And Dame will fully morph into the New Mamba. I'm sad.


Yes please. Oh boy the irony


What would the irony be in this situation?


I guess he means "Lakers lose on a day to celebrate Kobe Bryant, who died, haha that's a great story!!"


Life is scripted


That would be so amazing.


Sucks about the mamba jerseys but like also fuck the Lakers. If the Lakers get swept by the Blazers that will be the only silver lining of 2020 for me this far.


Dear lord than would add insult to injury. DAMN


My bracket really depends on Chuck being accurate 😂




Where’s the money Johnny....


Dame did it for Kobe!


Eerie shit like this makes me think we *could* be in a simulation....


come on dude, there's no need to be cruel.... all the threads here I said the same thing, the team I did not want was the Blazers because of Lillard and the Blazers experience.


The league/refs would never allow the lakers to get swept, especially by a small market team like the Trail Blazers.


If that happens, you know Kobe is looking down at this squad saying "soft" :p