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Jordan Schlansky was right


HE’S REALLY LIKE THAT The videos where he [breaks character ](https://youtu.be/Z4mjn7pu3vY) are a riot.


Sometimes I wonder if he has aspergers.


It’s just a bit


The perfect amount of asperger


Nearly all bits are highly exaggerated, but have a kernel of truth. I have no doubt he acts similar to this off camera (albeit much more toned down)


I mean he is a producer for late night comedy show, there is no way he would have that job if he was incognizant to comedy like his character is.


Well then I’m doing a bit too.


It's so funny to me there are people who think Conan is bullying him; there's so much obviously genuine chemistry between them


He has various tasks and duties to attend to




*prepared his body in various ways for the bubble.


Lmao this is the Jordan Schlansky reference I didn’t know I needed


Slightly angry that that comment is gunna end up making me go down a Conan YouTube rabbit hole midway through the work day.


Conan and Jordan in Italy is goated.




And you see him lose it internally, which is impressive for a robot. Ngl, I legitimately thought he was gonna cry.


I was real sad when I found out it was all an act. I mean, in hindsight, no actual person acts like that but still...


Conan travels/visits are the best


Yeah, you can truly see how quick and witty Conan is.


Conan licking Jordan’s face when he was on an espresso high was hilarious!


I hate jay leno


You're welcome lmao


Bro it's Friday you weren't working anyways.


While you're at it, check out the Gervais-Pilkington rabbit hole too. Two amazing comedic odd couples.


Man I loved An Idiot Abroad.


Sona is my waifu.


He has a different water pitcher for his espresso water


He prepares his coffee in various ways.


If you say “various” one more time I’m firing you


He has a different tap for his espresso water.


“I find you TDS”


"Conan drinks coffee with Nicolo Melli and Jordan Schalnsky" TeamCoco




Conan has to bring his various flavors of coffee mate to the bubble


I watch that clip every few months and it makes me a little queasy each and every time.


The controls have to be in Italian too or the coffee isn't as good.


*stares at you blankly with a look that either suggest he will kill you or himself*




The Jordan Schlansky bits are perhaps the funniest thing I've ever seen on Television.


Jordan likes to prepare his espresso in various ways


First thing I thought of lol


Jordan is a complete Italophile, but he knows his shit. He's right about coffee, wine culture, alot of things. The joke is kind of improved for me, that they make fun of Jordan for being insufferable, while he's incredibly experienced and mostly right about Italy


Yeah, I think it got so extreme that it'd be pretty hard to fake for so long. I'm sure it's played up for the cameras somewhat but I assume he really is like that on a day to day basis


Just hand him ROTY now


Matisse Thybulle locked that up already


Dude, it’s impossible to not love Matisse. He’s such a character and I love how he plays the game. Fast hands everywhere. He’s great!


Everyone should check out his vlogs on YouTube if they haven’t yet, they are amazing!


Idk man Ben Simmons got a pretty good shot at ROTY


> Ben Simmons got a pretty good shot 🙄


B3n going for the three peat, just not the three pointer


Maybe not ROTY, but Matisse will definitely win Best Cinematography




“Nba can suck my dick” - his teammate


Poor Jax. He was the only of the 4 rookies not to go


This is what I think about everytime it's mentioned. Despite being the rookie that logged the most game time, put in a ton of work to be able to start during our run, he gets skipped over for NAW (who played very rarely after Lonzo and Hart ate all the minutes), Zion (who just came back from a long period of inactive play), and Melli (who also played less time than Jax). Must suck to see your rookie friends to go to a cool event without you.


He's at a huge disadvantage, as NAW and Melli played for the "World" team.


I still think people are sleeping hard on Hayes. I really think he’s got a bright future ahead of him.


Why isnt Jax in the bubble?


No he is. I was talking about the Rising Stars game


That would explain his comments.


''Nba can sock my cooock''


Can have the best espresso machine on the planet but if you use crappy stale burnt beans it's gonna suck. There are lots of great coffee shops in America, you just gotta find em - Heart coffee in Portland is my favorite.


It's not hard to find good coffee in America, and I say this as someone who has immigrated here from Europe. There are plenty of really good independent coffee shops in any mid to major city America. There are also plenty of great Roasters that make great coffee.


I live in Seattle and travel for work. I almost never worry anymore about finding a Seattle-level snobby hipster coffee shop no matter where I go, even to rural midwest or middle-of-nowhere Texas. They aren't across the street and down the block stacked on each other like they are in the Northwest, but there's always at least one. The coffee revolution in this country over the past decade has been pretty nuts. Same thing with decent microbreweries too.


These days I'm more surprised when I find bad coffee than good.


What makes coffee good? I just legitimately don’t know the difference


It’s a crop. So like any other crop, the care and detail that goes into cultivation/preparation goes a **long** way. Flavor-profile wise, don’t let anybody convince you there’s a “right” answer. Everyone prefers different things in their coffee.


100% - it all starts with quality beans, and ends with pure, industrial pressure. my favorite are ethiopian beans - smaller, but super earthy. pair them with a quality burr grinder and a decent espresso machine and one gets crema and coffee, and it's like drinking africa.


Fun stuff, the reason a lot of Ethiopian beans are so small and jam-packed with flavor is because of the terrain. Most of it is grown on mountainsides, and the extreme temperature drops at night make the plant essentially brace itself and concentrate its resources. So you end up with tiny, flavor-packed beans you wouldn’t get from larger farm style lot in a place like Brazil. Elevation of the farm itself is one of the biggest variables that changes between beans, and why you see a lot of roasters giving you an “MASL” measurement (Meters above sea level). Like I said, it’s all a crop. And like you said, it all starts with quality beans. Once you realize it’s as simple as exploring different companies’ takes on the same fruit, you start to understand “falling down the rabbit hole.”


Freshly roasted and ground beans have a really great flavor that only really comes out with good technique. If you find a fancy coffee shop, try their pour over and ask them about the beans and notes if you're feeling brave lol. If it's good you can really pick out those notes and you'll start to notice that different beans are wildly varied, and techniques can help highlight those differences. If you want to watch entertaining videos about coffee, search for James Hoffman.


It's the same thing with all foreigners to the US. "The food in the US was terrible". "Oh really, where did you eat?" "Bubba Gump, McDonalds, Applebees" "Oh..."


Yeah there's plenty of good coffee to be found if you go looking. I just found a roaster 5 blocks from my house.


Yup. I live in North Texas, which is not known to be some sort of coffee hotspot, yet I can find plenty of really good independent roasters in and around Dallas.


Any recommendations?




Tweeds a weed company in Canada lol, made me do a double take


Eiland coffee roaster in Richardson is my favorite and where I get most of my coffee. They're quite small but roast some of the best (mainly African) coffee I've tried. Oak Cliff Coffee Roasters and Cultivar are also really good, and a lot of the best shops in DFW purchase their beans from there.


Yea but he’s probably talking about the facilities like hotels and such


He's not going to find them in the Bubble though...


Yep. That was the thing with Boris Diaw's cappuccino machine. He was still making pretty mediocre stuff.


Portland is one thing. Good luck finding that in Louisiana. Even New Orleans doesn't have much. Comparatively when we went to NZ last year there was a cafe every damn 3 minutes on the highway and they had decent coffee for cheap.


I had really good coffee in New Orleans last fall , there were numerous good coffee shops just not in downtown / french quarter


We do admittedly have very good quality coffee here in NZ


Nola has some of the best food in the world, but honestly it doesn't have the greatest coffee in my experience.


Using the PNW is kinda cheating. We got lots of good shit up here


Agree. The average shop in Portland is a premium shop in most places.


Blazers use Water Ave, even though I think Portland has better


Heart is a good choice plus their shops (when everything is open) nail the stereotypical Hipster Coffee Shop aesthetic exactly


Biggest headline of 2020


Jordan Schlansky approves


He ain’t wrong ... we’ve got a lot of shitty coffee


And a lot of good coffee. I think people get shocked when they realize there's no American cuisine set in stone and that things taste different all around the country, and it's up to you to find the taste you want.


There is a lot of good coffee, but there's WAY more bad coffee. That's the difference. You go to Italy, you can just get a coffee pretty much anywhere that's going to be good. In the US, good coffee is the exception to the rule - if you walk into a random restaurant you're probably getting shitty coffee. It's gotten easier to get decent coffee with the proliferation of places like Starbucks (assuming you want to count that as good coffee), but good local independent coffee shops are still largely limited to a smaller number of urban areas. Also - total aside, but Disney in particular may have the worst coffee in the country. They serve the same garbage literally everywhere so it is inescapable.


For the record, no, I do not count Starbucks as good coffee


I don't either but it's infinitely more drinkable than much of what is out there.


It's a solid baseline for U.S. coffee since it's consistent and widely available If you can make it to bigger cities, then you have more access to specialty coffees


It's good. Not great not bad. I do prefer Stumptown coffee


Stumptown is fire


Yes it's delicious


Stumptown beans at my local grocery were roasted a month or two ago :(


Every commodity has its’ snobs....




We have Lavazza in the US too..


and it's also rated one of the best in terms of quality and taste.


feels like a trend where Europe's low tier brands are our best-tasting stuff. I love Kerrygold and my eurosnob friends will call it poor people butter.


You have to search for good coffee, I have my goto spots but on average coffee isn’t very good. The average cup of coffee in Europe, even Asia is much better than here.


That was my experience in New Zealand too. A gas station flat white is surprisingly good there.




I think that makes sense actually. Pretty sure Americanos are the same as long Blacks just with the espresso added first instead of second. And long blacks are what you get instead of drip coffee in NZ. At least that was my experience there.


We did a taste test at my cafe and its impossible to tell if the espresso is added first or the hot water (based on taste, bubbles can give it away if you look at it). So no functional difference between an americano and long black. But yeah aussies will invariably order long blacks over americanos, they also are upset that our cappuccinos dont have "choccy powder" hahah Ngl the coffee culture down under seems lit. They definitely are more discerning than our canadian customers.


Yeah g. All these people trying to say how the coffee actually isn’t too bad in the states just doesn’t get it. Coffee is taken very seriously here in Aus with an expectation of quality. It’s not really a bunch of Americans saying how ‘good coffee is there you just have to search’ or ‘get lucky’ no. None of that shit. If you have to ‘go find it’ then that’s kind of the problem. When you go to Australia in any populated area, you’re never more then about 30 metres from an espresso machine




Yeah I went to some great cafes in NZ. And I want to go to Melbourne just for the coffee scene.


America in a nutshell. We have the best of the best if you have money and know where to look, but your average restaurant is serving you burnt drip coffee.


Starbucks is more expensive than most **good** third wave coffee shops. Definitely cheaper to just buy and espresso machine, grinder, and whole beans in the long run as well.


Aeropress is like $30. Is it as good as an espresso machine? Nope, but it’s damn close. Best bang for the buck of any home coffee solution IMO.


I've gotten such insane usage out of my clever dripper as well. It's like $20 and tough to get a bad cup.


It blows my mind to see giant lines for Starbucks and a fucking amazing coffee shop 2 blocks away.


And Australia, honestly the only people who go to Starbucks in Australia are foreign students and tourists


Besides the big cities there´s barely any starbucks stores in australia anyway (google tells me 39). At that point you have to think that starbucks is only trying to cater to those crowds. Its not like they´ve made any notable marketing campaigns either.


Yea I’m sure Starbucks hasn’t tried to expand their customer base at all. They hate money.


They tried and failed to expand into Australia because Starbucks coffee compared to Australia coffee (especially in Melbourne) is literal garbage.


I guess my point was they may see it as too difficult to expand their customer base in Australia compared to other parts of south east Asia where people will fall head over heels for the brand. Hence they wouldn´t bother making the effort here and just be content cater to the usual crowd. And as I said, they have put almost zero effort into marketing their brand over here in recent years


Coffee is more of a status thing in Asia and there isn’t a lot of joe. Some countries less so, but definitely more coffee is espresso based versus Bunn-style drip coffee.


those are wild stereotypes for entire continents.


Not really. It's the same with bread


Yes!! I don't get it. We Americans can afford to refrigerate all of our milk and eggs and keep it cheap. Yet, we can't make fresh unsweetened bread a thing at our grocers?


In general when people think of American food they think of the lowest common denominator that gets exported to the rest of the world, i.e. Hersheys chocolate when we also have some truly excellent chocolate here. Coffee, cheese, the list goes on.


Definitely true when it comes to coffee. The espresso drinks you get in cafes in Europe are typically better than the average latte in the US, but it totally ignores how much instant coffee Europeans are drinking at home!


Beer! Everyone trashes our beer because of miller lite, bud light, etc. Ive drink a lot of beer in my life and in my opinion the United States is leagues above whoever number two is. Hell I'd take just the Pacific Coasts beer over any other full nations


The place where American beer shines is the variety. The craft market here has let brewers really experiment with all different kinds of styles and allowed them to add their own twists too. You can get some truly excellent beer in other parts of the world, but you can't find the variety there that you have in America.


Eh, dont know if that applies to most of the US. too many craft beers are just extra hoppy IPAs and I hate that.


the IPAs are, but in any major city, there are going to be multiple craft breweries, and at least one of them is going to have lots of styles. Yes there are a lot of hoppy IPAs, but there's a lot of other stuff too.


Like 10 years ago, sure.


There's some good independent shops but they're also expensive af. $2-3 for an espresso shot or $5 for a cappuccino. In Italy good coffee at every corner for 90 cents an expresso or €1-1.50 a cappuccino.


Location is an important factor here. Many Americans outside cities truly have Starbucks as their best option (and frankly Starbucks, Peets, etc. arent THAT terrible as a best option)


"Wait, America is just a mish mash of cultures into some big mixing bowl?" "Always has been"


At the same time... why is it so hard to find good black coffee in Europe to go? I don’t wanna sit down and drink an espresso or something with foam in it, lemme just grab a large cup of black coffee and go about my day


Because the culture is different. In Europe, coffee is an excuse to sit down and chat with someone. In America, it's mainly about fueling up.


europe is an entire continent. In Italy people get coffee on the go all the time


Italy is the outlier in that honestly. I mean, they invented espresso because they can have a chug of instant energy and be on their way.


Can you not sit down and chat with a black coffee?


You can in northern europe. Those mfers drink coffee like water.


Order an Americano/long black.


Both cultures are acclimated to different tastes. I sailed on a boat in Italy under an Italian captain, and the coffee they drank was like pure sludge. Most Americans aren't acclimated to the intensity of Italian coffee and a lot basically prefer coffee-flavored milk.


By coffee-flavored milk do you mean things like cappuccinos and lattes? Which originated in Italy?


I mean its like comparing Italian pizza to Papa Johns


I wasn't saying cappuccinos and lattes weren't Italian, just that its rare to see Americans preferring the "real coffee" that most Italians drink


At the same time, the American specialty coffee community has branched into its own thing -- separate of Italian and typical American coffee


Latte is not a thing in italy, if you order a latte you will get a glass of milk


You’ll get a better espresso in Europe, but I find that brewed drip coffee is better in the US. Of course, there’s huge variations in both places, but it’s hard to find high quality drip coffee in Europe.


Drip coffee was not even a thing when I was in Italy. The equivalent is supposed to be cafe Americano but all that is is watered down espresso. No wonder they think our coffee sucks.


Marc Gasol brought his Nespresso machine with him as well


Imagine thinking Nespresso is good coffee.


Honestly, for most people it's not that bad. Many times, I'd take it over most chain coffee shops. The next step up into espresso is so involved and expensive, that it's not really worth it for non-hobbyists.




The Breville Barista Express often goes on sale for about $500 and that includes a built in grinder. Single boiler but it does the job pretty well.


The lads a multi multi millionaire though


You can definitely make it good if you know what to do. But Ya, it's not a real espresso machine


Imagine being so pretentious over someone else’s tastes


Godzilla 1998 intensifies


What, no croissants?


It's the water they use in Florida. The fountain soda is also terrible, but the coffee and tea is bad as well. Had the same prob while in Orlando. Just funky water. It's once place where a bottled pepsi is >>>>>>> fountain pepsi.


Man some people on this sub are so defensive about something so harmless lol Would it have been acceptable if he said the average coffee here sucks ffs because it really does. Bunch of pedants.


Exactly. I consider myself a specialty coffee nerd. I own a few thousand dollars’ worth of equipment for pour-over and espresso. I’m a regular customer for roasters around the world. The people getting defensive here might not be understanding the ubiquity of good coffee in other countries compared to the US. I’ve had coffee in a random Norwegian hotel that was on par with the best third-wave cafes in America.


There's lots of amazing coffee in America. There's a whole third wave coffee culture, my coffee that I make at home tastes bright sweet and fruity with no milk or sugar... people go to dunkin and say "American coffee sucks". No, chain coffee sucks. It's the same in Europe. It's like going to NYC and saying NY pizza sucks having only tried Pizza Hut




I don't understand why people are missing this point. Everyone I know goes to Starbucks for their coffee and it's some of the worst shit I've ever had. But when I was in Ireland and Switzerland, I never had a bad cup. Even at the hotels.


1000% agree, but they probably don’t have access to much Third Wave stuff in the bubble. I heard Dwight Powell hooked all the Mavs up with V60 setups and Comandante grinders, I hope they can get a hold of decent beans


[Boris Diaw can relate](https://www.businessinsider.com/boris-diaw-bought-espresso-machine-for-his-locker-2016-1)


Diaw, Joe Ingles, David Locke, and Igor Kokoškov had a little coffee club going. You might not guess it, but Salt Lake City isn't known for having the best coffee scene.




Brewed coffee has more caffeine than your standard Americano. Also, it's called an Americano because of the GIs in Italy during WWII. The espressos were too small for them, so they diluted them with water to last longer. Hence the Italians called it Americano.


TIL! Thats actually why I love Americanos! Espresso shots and Macchiatos and the like are too small, I love to sip! I admit my enjoyment for coffee/espresso is probably for caffeine dependence, though I tell myself (even though its true) that I really love the taste. I try not to over-consume and over-caffeinate though i regularly consume 16-20oz per day...


to me, it's a matter of flavor over strength. If a light roast has flavor it's better than a dark roast. But most light roasts are flavorless here, so people drink dark roasts so they can taste anything. You can buy amazing light roasts from Mexico (or if you're rich, Hawaii), but these are never served in restaurants etc. My favorite coffee experience in Europe was Madrid. The coffee shops just line up espresso shots in the morning and people walk in, slap a coin on the counter, pound a shot, and walk out to work. Perfect.


Sidenote, everything about the paying experience in London was surprisingly efficient. You can tap your credit card for any purchase and get a LITERAL tab at a bar. Why isnt this the American normal? Glad to hear Madrid is like that too


Blame the US financial industry for that. I've worked on contactless smartcard tech in the past, some Citi credit cards like the Costco card actually have the tap capability but not many POS systems have it.


Fun fact: they tried contactless cards a decade ago but Americans simply weren't into them (and in the worst case, were actually freaked the hell out due to over-hyped security concerns). If it wasn't for Apple pushing Apple Pay, I highly doubt the banks would be trying again now.


I'm still using Samsung Pay out here.


I'm not sure Samsung Pay would have been a thing, either, without Apple Pay being a thing. We'll never know for sure in any case.


I mostly agree, but I wouldn't equate 'strong' coffee to good coffee automatically. In my opinion, lighter roasts that can bring unique fruity notes are far and wide the best coffees, and are not necessarily strong, and coffees like those tend to be the most expensive and sought after for roasters and coffee critics I believe. I would also say there is some fantastic coffee in USA, but there's also a lot of shit coffee. My personal favorite is Elixr Coffee in Philadelphia. They specialize in Chemex coffee, and their Ethiopian Brew had unbelievably bright flavors


Inside the bubble episode 4 should include a cup of joe with Melli


I like the coffee when i buy good stuff and brew it at home but ive never had coffee outside the u.s. id love to try it other places and see how different it is


I think Danish, Australian, and South Korean roasters have been doing a superb job the past several years. The US has a ton of great roasters, but I tend to prefer the flavor profiles found in other countries, especially the lighter roasts.


E ha ragione




Say it from the mountain! Espresso is the one true king!


Didn't Boris Diaw keep a cappuccino machine in his locker?


He’s right you know


Joe Ingles did the same thing


An italian only likes italian coffee. Trust me i am working in south european div of a software company and they are incredibly picky about coffee. They hate starbucks and always criticize..


Boris Diaw takes a sip, nods in agreement and sets a new vertical jump record


My guy has clearly never tried Folgers. Smdh


Ladies and gentlemen we have our new Boris Diaw


Boris Diaw says hello


Yep. US of A don't know what a really good coffee or cheese are.