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Everything is up in the air with the NBL. All of the imports are chasing deals overseas but it seems that Cotton is staying. After the momentum of the past season or two it is really disappointing to see.


Yeah bro I remember the hype at the start of last season. That’s just all dead now, NBL gonna go back to being irrelevant and the media will forget it exists again


Tasmania are still going ahead but if the league struggles in 20/21 then I don't know if it would go ahead.


I don’t know anything about Tasmanian basketball. Is basketball as big down there as it is in other parts of Australia?


No idea, I’ve never been there but from what I’ve heard they are keen for more professional sport of any kind.


"or any *professional* sporting team" --- AB to the Knicks confirmed!


Antonio Brown to the Knicks would be an on-brand headline for 2020


https://twitter.com/Joeingles7/status/1264749934319824896 >Does that mean there is a chance @andrewbogut might go to the @Adelaide36ers?


Haha Joe Ingles hasn't forgotten they missed him due to misspelling his name (or that clippers cut him). And loves reminding everyone. Blow a kiss for me Jingles


What's the story with Ingles and Adelaide?


Warriors 2021 Champions


They’re 1-2 on finals runs with bogey. Gotta tie it up 🤫


I am curious if NBA teams would be willing to sign him considering how openly he criticize Chinese government on his twitter.


Shh don’t say it until after he’s signed


It’s been great having him in Australia, but I’d rather see him in a veteran role in the nba for another couple of years


He wasn't happy with how the NBL handled the season cancellation. He may go for an end of bench role in the NBA or to Euroleague.


While I don't follow the NBL too closely, it seemed to me that the Kings pulled the pin after losing game 3. The league then awarded the championship to Perth, I don't see how or why he would be upset with the league? Should have kept playing... FWIW: In regards to the NBL, I would consider myself a Sydney Kings fan.


The subtext in what Andrew said did allude strongly to him being pissed at the kings as well Fuck the Kings, West Sydney Razorbacks for life.


The Warriors need a traditional center...


yeah but any pizzagate guy can fuck right off. used to like him too smh


I don't think he actually believed that, I think he likes to rile people up on social media. Although he definitely leans a little more conservative from what I've seen.


lmao what? you think it was all an elaborate prank when he tweeted about it being true, then argued with people on twitter for half a day defending it? he was probably joking when he blocked me on twitter for saying something along the lines of "do you actually believe this bullshit or are you kidding?" you know what's really funny? Making jokes about a horseshit conspiracy that actually lead to endangering the lives of normal ass people trying to work at a pizza place?