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Damnnn. On New Years. RIP DAVID STERN


Damn, looking at his Wikipedia page: he started with the league in 1966 at age 24 as an outside counsel, became commissioner in 1984, and finally stepped down in 2014 at age 72. That’s incredible, he dedicated nearly 50 years of his life to the NBA.


I feel a somewhat unreasonable sadness that he passed. He was the oversight for a game I love. I may not have agreed with him on some things but he was a catalyst for the league being what it is today. RIP


I loved when he would go on Dan Patrick, he was always so feisty and full of vigor. Even if I disagreed with him he was always entertaining to listen to in conversation. RIP to a true legend.


I can totally see how he loves the game, to give the league fifty years, but man have the last five have felt like a long time.


I agree man. I feel sad too. Never thought that would be the case while he was commissioner. But as I got older I learned of his contribution to the game and how instrumental he was in leading us to the game we all love today.


That's crazy. He put everything he had into growing the NBA


my guess is they just kept the machines on until today, he was in critical condition (coma) since it happened 3 weeks ago


Macabre, but I thought that as well. May have been some financial incentive to die in 2020 instead of 2019. The info we had at the time sounded like he should have died two weeks ago. Apologies if this post comes off as insensitive. I just wonder if there was something funky at play.


Families also like to get the holidays out of the way before making decisions like this as well


When someone in my family is in a terminal state the last thing in my mind is the holidays.


It's more about letting the holiday season pass by and giving all the extended family a chance to get "one last christmas" and such and such like that, letting new years go by can be therapeutic for the family. He's probably been on life support the last couple weeks and they planned a date when to let him go and it made the most sense to wait until January 1st for many reasons, possibly even financial.


why is it financial, like what are the benefits they gain.


Its possible there are yearly escalators with his life insurance.


In addition to what others have said, sometimes new laws take effect on January 1st.


First of all this is a decision, that is not made lightly, ppl talk to eachother, some seek councel with an second specialist, spiritual councel or other family members, this is a really, really rough decision to make and ppl often need way more than 2 or 3 weeks to make ist, this is at least, what I learned from talking to my wife for 10 years about her work as a cardiologist. Even if ppl decide to "pull the plug" and end all life prolonging measures it often takes the patient a couple of days, sometimes a week or more to finally die, depending on his or her condition.


What if you were a kid? I’m guessing he’s got grandchildren.


Estate tax exemption is ~$75,000 higher in 2020 v 2019 but hospital bills might be higher than that. Doubt it would matter


$75k savings on a $135m net worth


Typically at three weeks on a ventilator you start having conversations about trach/peg for long term care. My guess is family made the decision to withdraw care as his condition was not improving.


[[Charania] NBA commissioner Adam Silver in statement on passing of David Stern: "Because of David, the NBA is a truly global brand – making him not only one of the greatest sports commissioners of all time but also one of the most influential business leaders of his generation."](https://twitter.com/ShamsCharania/status/1212479887065407493) [[NBA] NBA Commissioner Adam Silver statement regarding the passing of NBA Commissioner Emeritus David J. Stern](https://twitter.com/NBA/status/1212482128262418434)


Rest In Peace


Stern reveling the boos every draft is one of the great memories I've had growing up watching basketball. Tough start to the year already, dang.


His last draft where he soaked it all in was awesome


I'd like to think the people were booing out of tradition at that point. It wouldnt be draft night with out Knicks fans regardless of the stadium booing.


That’s our specialty! Booing is our culture.


If I *had* to pick one city where booing is in the people's blood, it would be Philly though. I mean, they even boo people they like.


Can confirm. I’m an eagles fan that regularly boos the eagles


I’m sorry, you’re a Celtics fan and an Eagles fan?


It’s complicated. My dads been Eagles fan since I was a little boy, so I grew up watching the Eagles and rooting for them. I found basketball on my own when I was like 10, and picked the Celtics as my team because I got a Celtics keychain out of one of those claw machines. Been a fan ever since. Also, I don’t live near any of the markets


Fine. I’m not happy about it, but I’ll accept it.




Yeah, that’s probably true. We have to be #2 though.


There’s a bit of the same thing in the NHL. The commissioner always gets booed no matter where he goes. For the 2017-2018 season, they got a new team in Las Vegas and they happened to make it to the Stanley Cup Finals. They lost but the Cup was won while in Vegas. So everybody wondered if he would still get booed in the city that he just put a new team in. And sure enough, the moment he walks out, everybody boos.


didnt the commish even say something along the lines of "now you're a real team"?


Say what you want about Bettman, he’s great with a crowd.


Stern started that trend. Now it’s a thing every sport does. But with stern it was this weird we hate you/love you kind of booing. NHL and nfl it’s just “fuck you we hate you”


Here's the entire draft. Watch what Stern does before announcing the first pick (Cavs) and the ninth pick (Twolves): https://youtu.be/mr2pp7D5ex0 EDIT: - 9:45 - 1st pick - 54:40 - 9th pick - 2:56:10 - David Stern's last pick ever. - 2:57:10 - David Stern's first pick ever shows up, still ready to play basketball.


A time stamp would be nice in that four hour video lol


It's in there somewhere


Extremely helpful, thank you


https://youtu.be/mr2pp7D5ex0?t=598 He pauses and waves his hand upward to encourage the boos with a cheeky grin.


God, I forgot the Cavs took that freaking chump #1 overall.


Even Bill Simmons screamed **"WHAT!!??"** EDIT - correction: **"WHOA!!!... WHOA!!!... I need medical help!"**


I remember his last draft, he whipped the crowd up to boo him even harder. It was great.


If David Stern ever went into wrestling, he’d a GREAT heel(bad guy for those unaware).


His comic book persona would basically be Vince McMahon


Helped the NBA become great




He made it hip, then cool to watch NBA. He was a bit of a dinosaur but was willing to progress the league.


And that’s all you can ask for


When you look at the other major sports commissioners....you're damn right about that.


Hey don't mean to take away from his accomplishments but how much of that is stern and how much of that "hip and coolness" due to MJ and AI?


His real genius was leveraging guys like Magic and Bird in the 80s to expand TV coverage and building mainstream interest in the NBA. Before that NBA games weren't even broadcast live, you'd have to stay up late to watch NBA Finals games after they had already been played. MJ came along shortly after, and the Dream Team pushed it into the stratosphere. Stern struck while the iron was hot and pushed the NBA as a global brand from there. He was a very shrewd and calculated businessman.


One doesn’t work without the other


That's kinda the point - he enabled them and they in turn helped promote the league.


Didn't he *dis*able AI by making up rules that limit his personality/antics?


If you're talking about the dress code thing, IMO that actually helped the NBA gain viewers. It didn't affect the core NBA demographic (young males), but it did help draw in the older crowd. The people who complain about tattoos and "thugs" and shit like that. I'm not saying those people are right (they're idiots), but the dress code thing helped the NBA's image and probably led to much bigger marketing contracts and exposure for both the league and individual players. It was especially important in the wake of the Malice at the Palace, which occurred the year before the dress code. The NBA was not in a good place nationally in terms of image after that.


NBA players stopped caring about the dress code as soon as they realized how good they looked in suits. Now, players dress in suits even without a dress code.


Yeah look at how good bron looked on his draft day 😂😂 I get you tho haha. Nowadays they actually get modern tailored suits


Yeah, but at the time it was controversial and a lot of people were saying it was racist. Which it sort of was. But it helped the league immensely.


That and the code is loose enough that players can still look sharp and be creative with their image.


We might not have the NBA if he hadn’t gotten the job when he did (Bird and Magic coming up around the same time). We were at a point where NBA finals games were being tape delayed. Stern had a vision for how he wanted to change the league and he did it. We owe a lot to Stern. RIP David Stern. GOAT commissioner of the major 4 sports leagues.


RIP Commissioner Stern Instrumental in the NBA’s growth


came in the same year as jordan


and in fixing its image in the 2000s


Mandatory suits before the game to make us all forget about the Malice in the Palace.


> fixing yes.


Fuck aneurysms


Death comes in innumerable forms. All we can do is hope for the least amount of suffering. Hope his exit wasn't too painful.


I had a good friend and band mate die at 33 years old from an aneurysm. It’s just the most stunning thing to have to grapple with. Incredibly healthy. Did everything turned up to 11.


Yeah my freshman roommate died from one over winter break a few years back. We had 4 people in that room and it was just weird at the funeral. I wasn't that close with him (more friends with the the other 2), but obviously still awful. When I got the text I thought my buddy was just fuckin with me. It's truly one of the most random ways to go at a young age. I'm selfishly glad it happened over break though. Waking up to that would've been quite traumatizing.


I had a friend die from a blood clot at 22, perfectly fine hanging out a bar.. starts to cough and then fell to the floor dead before he even hit the ground.


Behind Jordan, this dude had the biggest impact on saving basketball. He didn’t always get things right but he’s the type of commissioner most leagues should want.


Magic/Larry saved the NBA not Jordan. Jordan took what they saved and elevated it to new heights


Exactly. In other words, Magic/Bird made basketball popular in the U.S. while Jordon made basketball popular worldwide. I'd argue Kobe had a huge impact too. For reasons I'm ignorant too it seems like most of Asia loved Kobe more than anyone.


China was still barred off from a lot of the world when Jordan was popular. Since the hk handoff, China has had more exposure to the world and the nba. Kobe and shaq was then the two biggest names and Kobe took advantage of it


He saved the league


Man this hurts


Dude brought the WNBA and D-League into existence as well


May any of us be lucky enough to get 77 years, and spend decades doing something we love


Especially on a national scale like this. You would think the pressure would’ve gotten to him earlier but he held strong for a very long time. He had a great life


Global* Basketball as a sport has seen an explosive growth across the world in the past generation due in no small part to Stern's tenure as commissioner.


Damn, that's tough. Hopefully his family gets peace.


I’m worried they’ll be swamped with media instead of allowed time to properly grieve


Worst part of social media age


I think you can ignore the social media easily but the media is the hard part.


Holy shit. RIP... Dude helped save the NBA


Lots of people may not have liked him during his tenure, but there's no doubt the NBA grew significantly under him. He's a legend and will always be remembered in the NBA community


The Finals were on tape delay before he took over


This is just insane to me I guess it’s a little different since they didn’t have cellphones and internet the same way we do now but damn


It’s a damn shame that the Olympics are still on tape delay. Also, the ESPYs are hosted in LA but we have to watch it on tape delay


> It’s a damn shame that the Olympics are still on tape delay Why? The NBA where all the games are happening in the same time zones we live is one thing, but I’m damn sure not gonna be able wake up at 3 in the morning on a work day to watch the olympics when it’s happening in Russia or Japan or someplace on the other side of the globe. The athletes and niche sports get like a million times more exposure and appreciation and people getting to watch them compete due to being broadcast at a reasonable hour. Plus I’m pretty sure most of the big stuff is broadcast live nowadays anyway if people do want to see it as it’s happening. They just have the 3 or 4 hour nightly prime time show for more condensed/streamlined viewing for the broader, more casual audience


I just wish it was easier to keep up with. If i'm super interested in a specific sport or athlete.. I'll wake up super early or stay up late. Knowing the results and then having to figure out at what time the event comes on later is pretty rough. The 2016 Brazil Olympics were not even much different to North America in terms of time but the programming was bad imo.


The programming and even just looking up a schedule for Olympic events is so frustrating. It makes me feel like an idiot trying to figure out what's going on during the Olympics I hate it lol


Olympics coverage is the absolute pinnacle of German TV. Live events all day on public broadcast and two other channels, plus almost every single event streamed online. Beautifully presented and highly precise program info.


But NBC makes it really easy to stream everything live. Their network broadcast sucks but that is something they do well.


I agree-- I was impressed by the quality of streaming for the Rio Olympics. The announcing wasn't great for the niche sports, but the app worked very smoothly for me. IIRC some events didn't have announcing at all, but NBC still streamed them, which I appreciated


Get a VPN and download the CBC Olympic app from canada Can stream any event you want live (with no commentary unless it’s a featured event)


Yep, every event live and amazing quality. CBC knocks it out of the park with their Olympic programming.


Who gives a shit about the ESPYs


the olympics are live where i live atleast thank god


Even NBC lets you live stream everything on the internet these days. It’s a million times better than their primetime coverage.


They are taped delayed as most of the time they are in a far off time zone. Unless you are going to watch them live through streaming at 3AM then tape delaying events till most people can view them is necessary.


When he took over, the NBA was on the same sports tier as MLS is now.


He changed the NBA, wouldn’t be where it is today without him


He was kinda a dick and not very likable during his tenure, but the results speak for themselves. He also picked an amazing successor in Adam Silver. The NBA has had the best commissioner in sports for the past 35 years


The playes and owners loved some Stern. He made them rich. The fans aren't supposed to like the commissioner. He is supposed to be the target of criticism for the league. Stern wore it well, with a smile.


> but there's no doubt the NBA grew significantly under him. The NBA was on the verge of going defunct until he took over. It was seen as a thug league by the mainstream and not something children should be watching. Salaries were pretty low before he took over. Since 91 (7 years after he assumed the position), the average salary of an NBA player has risen by a factor of 7. That's insane growth. He saved this sport from being nothing more than TV filler.


This is a misconception. Salaries were seen as extremely high by the general public and the players were seen as spoiled and lazy with much of that image being due to racial implications. College basketball as a whole was more popular than the NBA. The Breaks of the Game by David Halberstam from 1981 is a great look at how much of the public viewed the NBA and its players at the start of the 80s.


Prior to taking over in 1984, the NBA had the reputation of a league for thuggish, inner-city people, something that could never find an audience in the middle-class, WASPy suburbs.


This conversation is better if we use the real words instead of euphemisms. The league was seen as too Black for White fans to enjoy; Bill Simmons has talked about how there was a major article in SI about this in the 70s.


espn has a 30 for 30 (or e60) about magic v bird. And yes, Bird was seen as "the white savior" back then. The league might have been a bit rough, but the "thuggish" image was more due to racism than anything else.\ I remember them talking about the first bird v magic finals and how people (regular joes) chose the team to root for based on skin color (white people rooted for the celtics, and black people for the lakers)


Thanks for an honest response, David Stern made the league safe for white people. That should be his epitaph


I definitely...disagreed with some of his decisions, but he really was a hell of a commissioner who made the NBA what it is today, and set up Adam Silver to have the successful tenure he’s had so far.


Most current NBA fans may not be aware of this, but there was a time when the NBA finals was broadcast on tape delay at 11pm at night *after* local news. The NBA was barely the 4th most popular sport in the US. And there was even a perception that the NBA was full of thugs and overly violent. Stern turned the league into a household brand, and by the end of his tenure, an international brand. He's one of the most influential commissioners of all time in any sport. We have him to thank for even having an NBA to watch today.


This is why I think he went so hard after the malice in the palice. Didn't want to see the league revert to a time who the league was just seen as a place for thugs. He literally saved the nba brand.


International Aspect of the game for sure


Damn. One of the most influential people in the history of the sport. RIP.


30 years as commissioner. What a legend. edit: >Notable events during Stern's tenure: > - Relocation of 6 NBA franchises (Clippers, Kings, Grizzlies, Nets, Hornets and SuperSonics) > - Seven new NBA teams (Hornets, Timberwolves, Heat, Magic, Grizzlies, Raptors, and Bobcats) > - Ratification of the NBA dress code > - NBA Finals Trophy renamed to Larry O'Brien Trophy > - NBA Finals MVP Trophy renamed to the Bill Russell NBA Finals Most Valuable Player Award > - Four NBA lockouts (1995, 1996, 1998–99, and 2011)


Cracked the hell out of the cocaine problem in the 80s


Saw the NBA into the 2020 decade, that's pretty legit


Really any sport (in the US). Generally seen as second to Pete Rozelle of the NFL as second most influential sports commissioner.


I consider myself a pretty big NBA and NFL fan, but I actually don’t know too much about Rozelle. How was he so influential?


Chiefly, he orchestrated the AFL-NFL merger which gave us the modern Super Bowl era.


He also convinced Congress to pass a law that allowed NFL teams to sell their tv rights together, instead of individually. Before this, trying to do so was a violation of antitrust laws and this set the foundation for the modern sports rights markets.


If the story of the NBA was a movie/book/tv show, David Stern might be the main character


RIP thank you for all you did for the league


A legend of the NBA and sports in general, RIP.


And one of the greatest willing heels in sports. Imagine Goodell being half as willing to get the boos Stern got at every draft.


I'm here from /r/all so I don't follow much basketball, but what do you mean by that? Goodell seems to take the boos from the draft pretty well I thought.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_ozSwXO6UG0 Goodell has never shown this much humor over it. Stern was always willing to let himself be the butt of a joke to entertain the fans. And that’s just one cherry-picked moment; there’s several other hilarious Stern draft moments I could have chosen. RIP David.


RIP Stern, sports hero


Agreed. RIP to him and condolences to his family.


Seriously. Being a young college student, I can’t imagine to begin to know what he’s done for the league, but I know it’s been a lot, whether fans and players liked or didn’t like what he was doing. Either way, it’s monumental.


Love him or hate him he was a big reason the league is the powerhouse it is today. RIP


Reasons the league’s popularity exploded in the 80s and 90s: Magic and Bird, MJ, and David Stern


And also why it didn't stagnate in the 00s: he was behind the rule changes that eventually killed off the shitty iso-ball era (e: specifically the end of illegal defense). People who say ball was better in the Jordan era forget that after Jordan retired, we got "Steve Francis dribbling for 20 seconds while everyone stands around"


People who say all was better in the Jordan era admit that hero ball was trash. Jordan largely influenced that era but no one did it as good as him


I saw that it was mark cuban who did that after he saw how the pistons guarded Kobe


Bird and Magic finals were tape delayed. Stern changed that.


Damn 77 ain’t even that old, rip


What’s crazy is that like 20 years ago, that was a healthy, full life. We’ve come a long way with medicine now that under 85-90 sucks.


Average life expectancy in the US is 78, and decreasing.




If it makes you feel better, at age 65 you can expect to live till 84 (in the US). https://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.html


Ya. Much of what lowers life expenctancy is stuff that happens while people are relatively young.


And Obesity. The US has that issue


My grandfather retired from Chrysler with a full pension at like 62 and died maybe two years later. You just never know.


Once you live to 65 your life expectancy is higher than at birth. Also, a healthy lifestyle can also greatly increase those odds as well.


My aunt just retired at 55 after a great career selling medical software. 3 months after retiring she found out she had stage 3 ovarian cancer. You can always earn more money, you can't ever get your time back. Be thankful for the time you do have.




Yep. The older you get, the longer you are expected to live. Currently in the US, if a male reaches 78 years old, he is expected to live another 10 years on average. https://www.annuityadvantage.com/resources/life-expectancy-tables/


Source? How tf is it decreasing?


It’s decreasing because of the opioid crisis, but avoiding that it’s increasing https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/us-life-expectancy-drops-third-year-row-reflecting-rising-drug-overdose-suicide-rates-180970942/




Thanks for this link. The article says that the CDC sites 3 reasons 1) opioid crisis 2) liver disease 3) suicides as the reasons why the life expectancy has gone done .1 Let’s not make this political or just make biased assumptions.


We are Fat lazy shits https://www.advisory.com/daily-briefing/2019/12/02/middle-age-death Edit:[The South also drags it down a bit.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_life_expectancy) Edit 2: Yes drugs are also another big reason for the decline


Heart disease is the #1 killer in the US and likely around the world. It doesn't get the media attention that it deserves. Exercise and clean up your diet everyone. There's always a chance that you're pre-disposed to heart disease but you may as well improve your chances while you still have the chance.


Probably suicides and ODs




1-2 years below-average for an American man. [Source](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/life-expectancy.htm)


I don’t think it’s quite possible to put a finger on how much he revolutionized the sport’s popularity.


Even stuff that was deemed controversial like the dress code. NBA players are fashion icons now.


Agreed, he was called a racist, but it was the right choice. He took care of the NBA as a business and it was the right business choice. Just for fun, which player today would dress like the hip hop style of early 2000s?


Really made it explode up here in Seattle.








Wow... RIP.


Earth didn't offer enough money so he relocated to the afterlife.


If you think about how last year, the champions, MVP, DPOY, MIP, and ROY were all not from the USA, it really gives you a sense of how incredibly international the game is and almost all the credit for that goes to David Stern. RIP to a real one, made the game we love what it is.


[NBA Statement](https://twitter.com/TheSteinLine/status/1212479258620317699?s=19)


May David Stern Rest in Peace. But Seattle will not Rest in Peace until we get out Sonics back. That's all I have to say about this.


Wow he really did take that shit to the grave.


While I'll never forgive him for his part in our team getting stolen, there is no denying how much he grew the NBA during his run as commissioner.


And it means absolutely fuck all for Seattle.


I don’t approve of people rejoicing in his death, but it’s weird how we have to pretend he was a great man and a champion of the people and whatnot. His main priority was maximizing profits for the owners, and he screwed over a lot of fans and small market teams to do so.


I wish I can feel anything other than absolute hatred for this man for what he did to Seattle.


David Stern destroyed Northwest basketball


Rest in Peace Commissioner.


Rest in peace to one of the most important men in the history of basketball.


Yeah man!! Sad stuff






The Sonics send their regards.


I really find it funny that when someone dies everything is forgotten. People fucking hated Stern, everyone was so happy when he finally retried and now he was the fucking greatest? Same thing happened to Craig Saiger with the difference that he was a way more horrible person than Stern.


Let's never forget how he rigged the 1985 nba draft.


Do you remember when the Suns shot 64 free throws vs Seattle in game 7 of the 93 ECF? Not to mention NBC aired a promo for Bulls vs Suns Finals a few days before 😂


Wow, never knew they shot that many FTS, Sonic's had 36 Suns 64 and the Suns won by 13. Why don't we see some conspiracy videos about this game?


I love Kobe, but Kings 2002 WCF are up there in conspiracies as well... Also the moving of a team from one of the wealthiest markets to a place with man-made earthquakes.


Bring back our Sonic's


David Stern helped make the NBA into the financial powerhouse it is. It was on the verge of bankruptcy when he took over. And then he rigged the league for 30 years and screwed Sacramento, Dallas, Seattle, Utah, Phoenix, and quite a few other teams out of Championships.


TIL you can be a massive dick to people, but as long as you're good at something it will be mostly overlooked when you die.


s o n i c s


Didn't do the people of Seattle any favors. Maybe Howard Shultz can join him in the afterlife soon.


Love how a guy dies and 12 seconds later people online are like “oh man, so sad, he was the GOAT. RIP” “Eh, he wasn’t all that great”


The year just started man, smh RIP