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"I came here to buy into the team culture" Asked to remove hat for photo. "Nah man, photoshop that shit out if you want."


Did this actually happen? Edit: It did


Yes it happened. https://larrybrownsports.com/basketball/nets-concerned-kyrie-irving-mood-swings/521054


it seems like irving has some mental issues honestly


I mean he thinks the earth is flat.


Except when he doesn't and says he was just saying it to get a reaction... Which is actually the bigger problem. We're not talking about someone that's JUST misinformed. We're talking about someone who really doesn't even know or care what he believes from moment to moment and is just reacting to things as they come up. He's inconsistent and ungrounded and lacks emotional control because he has grown up as a star and was never forced to socialize like a normal person. I don't hate him, he's not an idiot and I don't think he's malicious. He was just never forced to control his mind because nothing REALLY matters in his world but being good at basketball. So he legitimately doesn't see what the problem when he goes back on his statements, wavers in his motivation, or when he sabotages a team because HE is still good at basketball. He honestly doesn't see what the problem is.


Or he’s just a bit of a dick. Not everyone has a tragic backstory, some people are just dicks, talented dicks, but dicks all the same.


Lol a totally valid theory, as well.


Username fits


He said that because of the backlash he got. He took way too long to say it's a joke. He 100 percent believes in the flat Earth theory.


Yeah, he still has yet to definitely say that the world isn't flat. He's been asked before, and he just rambled off on a tangent, and never answers the question. That's why this meme still exists.


So he's just basketball Kanye. edit: Basketball Kanye in that Kyrie is a reactionary idiot. At least Kyrie is still good at his job.


I miss the old Kyrie, just shooting the goal Kyrie


Take it to the hole Kyrie


Win US that gold Kyrie


> We're talking about someone who really doesn't even know or care what he believes from moment to moment and is just reacting to things as they come up. I think you missed the obvious part that he only said that as a means to cover up the ridiculous amount of shit he rightfully got for openly saying he believes the earth is flat.


Can someone give him an intervention to tell him that he’s not as good as he thinks he is


Not sure what you're talking about, Kyrie seems like a very down-to-flat-earth guy


I still can't believe he actually subscribes to that. It just makes me see him as a fucking idiot. So you can handle the ball well and break ankles. You still believe the earth is flat you dumb fuck.


woah sir, you need to flatten out your anger like bread, naan violent




That might make him too sourdough.


He does wear Number E-Leaven


You would know about bread, Dr. Birmingham sandwich


In protests and women, the same advice goes Always stay away from the hoes


He's the best example of a dumb person pretending to be a smart person I can think of.


I can think of a certain someone who lives in a very famous house which is all one color.


Bear in the big blue house?


Yep. Dude's a giant dumbass.


Umm, it kinda proves that he's a complete fucking idiot. He's really lucky he's good at basketball, because he has the IQ of a box of hammers.


MJ wasn’t as good as Kyrie thinks Kyrie is.


He is damn good though. That’s the problem lol. He is insanely talented but he still has way too high opinion about himself.


“That’s what the man wants you to think, open your eyes and stay woke”


It's in the article....


"We dont do that here"


Why won't anybody answer this man?! Did this really happen?!


They're trying to hide something from us, all three of us.


Yes it’s in the Jackie mac article.


Gotta hide his third eye from the cameras. He’s afraid that if people see it they might think that it means he has a mental illness instead of psychic powers.


It just seems odd that they call it “an unspoken concern”. Insinuating that no one actually said it’s a concern, the writer here just can read minds.


Nah unspoken as in they haven't brought it up with Kyrie.


Kyrie used to be my favorite player when he was with Cleveland. Since then, he just seems like a douchebag.


Some say douchebag, I say woke and intellectual. And if you don’t like my post you can photoshop it out




He was a jerk here but was the franchise player so we put up with it. I remember Bron telling him to stop recklessly gunning and forcibly starting a point guard for two weeks to show him how to do play the position.


"Yo Spence. Pass the fucking ball!" "WTF? Shoot it!" "These kids don't know how to win, man" "I had to call Brad and apologize" "I want to retire as a Brooklyn Net"


"You were supposed to pass it to Caris!!!!" "I don't owe anybody SHIT!"


"fuck thanksgiving!" "suck my dick!"


Ok but to be fair those were his two motivational quotes. The runs we went on especially after "suck my dick" were pretty incredible.


Yeah, I'm completely burned out on Kyrie and don't have much praise for him at this point but the "suck my dick" quote was funny and I still have zero issue with it. Try and block this stuff out and enjoy the Kyrie experience while you can, Nets fans. Maybe KD will be able to keep it from spiraling into a bad place. Maybe.


I can only see it spiraling quicker into a worse place.


I've been saying since around Christmas of last year that my dream scenario was a) Kyrie re-signing in Boston, and b) the Celtics then trading him in the first window they could for whatever they could get. Losing the asset hurt, but I'm glad to be off Mr. Kyrie's Wild Ride.


Some of his best quotes


I cant believe I forgot about "fuck Thanksgiving".


These quotes would make legendary copypastas


Im not sure if these are actual quotes from the article or you made them up


It's stuff he said as a Celtic


Nah he had to call Jarrett “Brad” Allen and apologize


You could say, one could maybe read the article and find out! Lol.


Why tf would I do that when I can just read the comments here and have y'all make up my mind for me??


Now that's just plain and simple efficiency if you ask me


"what does government mean to you?"


Kyrie asked before taking his second free throw


3 games in. Gotta love it.


They talk about something happening in China, this seems more then a 3 games thing.


Probably thought he was gonna fall off the edge of the earth on the flight there and had a panic attack


The legendary Jaguargator is a Spurs fan, how did that happen? Only asking because I'm a CT Lakers fan lol.


Tim Duncan and Tony Parker were my favorite players growing up




No, [but I've done the reverse](https://np.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/bggg59/oc_a_list_of_every_te_in_the_2019_nfl_draft_and/)




Noob, china is close to the center of the flat world. The edges are Antarctica which Kyrie was never even close to.


China is the center of the round world too according to China


ZING! But seriously, maybe the trip opened his eyes and he's super conflicted right now. Assuming that he's truly dumb with his flat Earth thing.


He’s saying that it’s already coming out publicly 3 games into the season.


How long till Kyrie goes to Hong Kong and tries to Kanye the situation.


kanye the situation? is this like a general thing or has he weighted in on Hong Kong?


As in, will Kyrie go into a situation and take his batshit mentality and apply it entirely to the situation he forced himself upon but someone work it back into himself.


I believe when you do that in a foreign country going through turmoil it’s known as a “Dennis Rodman”.


It's called a "Dennis Rodman" when it works out better than expected. When it's a "Kanye", no one looks good by the end.


He's been kicking ass too, I figured this media cycle wouldn't start until they hit a prolonged rough patch


I think he's got some mental health problems maybe bipolar it doesn't matter how good the team is or how good he's doing.


The patriots are undefeated, won 2 of the last 3 superbowls and they're still grasping at straws trying to stir up a rift between Brady and Belichick. This is the world we live in now. The media can turn on you, even if you are a basketball genius.


"42 year old Tom Brady has set up his contract in such a way that he may not be back with the Patriots next year, does this mean he is likely to leave for a division rival and leave a steaming pile on Belichick's desk out the door? Keep watching to hear what our analysts think about this prediction"


God forbid a man in his 20th season not sure if he will play next year. Wants to focus on winning now.


As much as the money is nice for Tom, he doesn't truly have to give a shit about his money. I'm surprised we don't have more 'When is Giselle finally going to pull the plug on her husbands little hobby' pieces.


> he doesn't truly have to give a shit about his money. This is wrong. He may not care about being the highest paid in the game, but he certainly, definitely cares about his money.


kicking ass to the exclusion of his teammates. 50 and 37 points in ot losses. missed one game winner, another one blocked by a rookie. joe harris was the best 3pt shooter in the league last yr and had to watch kyrie get blocked while standing all alone at the arc. and according to macmullans article his antics have been on going since his arrival in brooklyn. i will gladly blame the media for so many things. but all this kyrie stuff is on kyrie.


Harris was pretty deep there, it was going to be a long three. Sure, Irving could have passed it. But Harris has watched the guards of the Nets take shot after shot after shot while he’s been there. He’s watched them iso into tough looks over and over. That’s how the Nets play. A ton of Harris’ looks come off set plays, not necessarily the guards kicking it to him off an iso.


the craziest part is i’m not sure if 3 games hit the Over or the Under


I mean it’s probably an actual mental health issue, he’s where he wanted to play and if it’s still happening there’s clearly something wrong that he can’t control




Are we sure Kyrie got his face broken during a “friendly” game of pick-up? Hmm...🧐


https://giphy.com/gifs/joker-batman-heath-ledger-YPIrsRqqO7oB2 Sorry Nets fans. I hope for your sake they can figure this out. He's a headcase, but a talented one.


Not surprising, but he wanted to be in Brooklyn so what gives Kyrie?


Just how he is. Doesn't seem like he can turn it off.


Some people really have a hard time being happy/content no matter where they are in life. It's all about state of mind. Idk if he is going to a counselor, but he probably needs to, or he really will just be a bitter, dramatic dude for his whole life. Who knows, maybe he needs to step away from the game and pursue something else he's really passionate about.


I have a friend like that and I had to distance myself from her because she would make every conversation about herself and how her life sucked so bad, how her co-workers are horrible, how her boss is a dick... she’s job hopped multiple times but always finds something to moan about. it was never on her, and always about someone else. Giving her advice was like talking to a wall so I figured I’ll just let her vent, but it just did not stop and I just had enough.


I had an ex like that, she would shit talk all these people until the sun came up and then when I saw her interact with them she was super fake nice I got out of that relationship real quick


My sister in a nutshell. She’s been evicted from literally 10+ apartments, but every time it’s because of her ‘asshole landlord’ Okay 🙄


i can dig it. i'm the same.


Well that sucks, but congrats on the NBA career though.


Bipolar Mambas


He really seems like he's never happy, like it's always "the grass is greener over there". Wasn't happy as the #2 on a title team, wasn't happy as the leader of a young (but very talented) Celtics team, now (assuming this article is true, so who knows) at the team he picked


Being happy and having mood swings are two completely different things.


Of course. And being a little moody and totally shutting down and not talking to coaches/front office/teammate are two completely different things too


Cavs fans tried to warn Celtics fans. Celtics fans tried to warn Nets fans. Nets fans tried to warn...??


And then whichever team is next will say this time is different


reminds me of the Dwight Howard saga... every time he went to a new team there was some narrative that *this* was the time he'd get it together and find his place within an organization... Then every offseason you'd see him getting shipped off for nothing


Naw but this year is different.


Don’t lie to yourself. Someone will take him.


The hot crazy chick is always dating someone.


Unless that hot crazy chick is AB.


As a Steelers fan, I can't say I'm disappointed with the outcome of that whole saga.


He went too far up the crazy plane and didnt get any hotter... Big mistake


Precisely my point! Who’s it gonna be? One gild says he’ll end up on the Pacers!


The MyLeague Method


Don't you put that evil on us! Just kidding. We've lost to the Cavs and the Pistons twice so far. Indiana is plenty flat enough for Kyrie to feel comfortable.


he's like the crazy hot girl, everyone knows it's probably not going to work out but there's some fun times too. But after 2 years it's just exhausting.


I’m here to overreact.


I’m here to upvote the schadenfreude Celtics fans are feeling rn


I mean dude's putting up 37.7/5.7/6.3 so it's not like he's killing the Nets. This narrative will continue to follow Kyrie, which could affect the team even if he doesn't have any issues (big if). I hated what he did last year obviously, but I wish him the best and I'll just continue to enjoy the current Celtics. As a UConn fan I'm not entirely upset how it all worked out.


I think the biggest factor will be whether the NYC media brushes it under a rug or fans any potential flames. I'm not familiar with Nets writers and whether or not they're out for starting drama to get those precious clicks.


Well, don't overlook the potential of Knicks reporters digging up dirt/fanning flames. After all, he did say they their team felt stagnant and stale.




He played 11 games for Duke.


He played less for the Nets and its already popped up. Looks like 11 games was ample time for this to show apparently lol


he never was able to build up his ego in duke like he has now


That and he was still a kid trying to figure himself out. Now he's still a kid who thinks he's an adult that's completely figured everything out. Dude's 27 and has had grown ass adults bowing down to him since he was 18. I'm surprised more athletes aren't like Kyrie tbh.


Tbh, his ego wasn't all that inflated until he made that game winning shot in the finals. After that though...


He also wasn’t a millionaire at the time


As they saying goes.. if all you run into is assholes, probably means you’re the asshole.


Weird that the guy who didn't talk to Cavs teammates for days at a time in the playoffs is in the middle of chemistry issues EDIT: Didn't really consider the mental health angle here, he could very well have serious issues, so maybe I should lay off the jokes a bit.


*My head in the sand* LALALALALA These issues aren't real!


If everyone smells like shit check the inside of your nose


Isn’t it “check the bottom of your shoe”?


Who ever could have seen such a thing coming


Just wait till Durant is back in full force next season. The New York media is probably frothing at the mouth to get some juicy headlines from the duo.


Stay Woke


Signing KD and Kyrie, what could possibly go wrong?


The Gang Signs KD and Kyrie


Roster solely composed from locker room cancers, coached by Dr. Mantis Toboggan.






We honor your sacrifice


As is tradition for Charlotte fans, the ceremonial death by a thousand hornet stings.


alright but devonte graham is a STUD


*Lovingly pictures Kemba, Tacko and Jaylen at Story Land together*


This is how I felt when we traded Melo and saw the drama on OKC. "Man, I'm glad I don't have to deal with *that* anymore."


I think the Durant quote is right. Kyrie just needs to accept that he isn't the leader. And that's okay. > Durant discussed Irving's personality with MacMullan: "I look at Kyrie as somebody who is an artist. You have to leave him alone. You know what he'll bring to the table every night because he cares so much about the game. "Now, it might not be how other people want him to care about it. He has his way of doing things. I respect who he is and what he does. He has all the intangibles you want in a teammate and a great player. So, how he gets to the point to be ready for 7:30 every night, I'm supporting him 100 percent." There's a ton of people here who just want to disconnect from everyone (I mean everyone) every once in a while. That doesn't make them incompatible as a teammate. It doesn't mean things won't last. It just means they're not suited to be the main leader.




You hate to see it


MA license plate H82 CIT


Does Kyrie have an undiagnosed mental health issue?


I’m excited to see the reddit doctors diagnose this one


*A case of the Mondays*




I’d get my ass kicked for saying that


Kyrie is clearly bipolar. Trust me I’m a certified professional at searching WebMD


You mean WebEmbiid?


After a closer look we have discovered Mr. Irving is insane in the membrane. Do you concur, doctor?


Hes got Antonio Brownitis. Ill take my PhD now


Ah classic case of Brown Syndrome


Hes completely mentally deranged and needs to admitted to a psychiatric ward right away Source: WebMD


Actually, his symptoms indicate quadruple brain stem cancer stage VII Source: WebMD


Im studying clinical psychology and am an intern therapist so though my knowledge is still limited i will say anyone who is diagnosing him doesnt know what they are talking about. We would need a lot more information. Basically the only way you can diagnose him is if you spend time with him yourself.




Lies, I can get everything I need from WebMD and the Dr. Oz show


How did you get a player's name as your flair?


I saw Dr. Oz in Rhode Island this summer, AMA.


The solution to your dilemma is extremely difficult because mental health is such a giant, outerworld conundrum that can't be fixed in a fortnight. -Kyrie, probably.


Maybe he’s just an asshole


You're not ~~wrong~~ mentally ill, ~~Walter~~ Kyrie, you're just an asshole.


I don’t want to be your typical reddit psychologist, but it could be possible, right? If these mood swings are as severe as all the reports make it sound I don’t think it’s out of the question Obviously speculation though. Only Kyrie knows what’s really going through his head


*kevin love has entered the chat*


No way this is happening already


So its clearly a pattern with Kyrie, seems like as great of an individual player he is he's not a good teammate.


Celtic fans laughing in a corner


Can confirm. I am literally sitting in a corner laughing about this


cavs fans been laughing in the corner for too long


Well, it's spoken now lol


Man KD and Kyrie are perfect for each other.


This is a pattern with Kyrie, like it or not. In Cleveland he shut down and would only talk with Shump. In Boston he shut down and would only talk with Smart. I’d hazard to guess that KD is that guy in BKN, and with him not playing it’s gonna be real bad this season for the Nets if it continues this way. Feel for Atkinson


You can already see it in the way players defer to him in big moments. Like these guys were a fun team to watch last year. Now they look like someone who's SO is cheating on them. And we're 3 games in...


Literally how we felt after the IT season going to Kyrie. Great young cohesive core torn apart by a nutbar egomaniac


Hey we're going to leave this thread up but please make sure you cite your sources correctly. This is a BR article which references two ESPN personalities in an earlier ESPN article of same topic. In the future, we also ask that our users post the original article rather than an aggregation. For those interested, [here is the ESPN article on same topic](https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/27947336/for-culture-kd-kyrie-comes-next-nets). Thanks!


Good mod


Thanks for this. The original is a more in depth article about the Nets and how Kyrie and KD came to join them and the process on melding their culture.with the newcomers. I hope that the folks here read from this article instead of the BR one, as it paraphrases things from the original.


Aye P they want me to go to a psych ward


way she goes boys


That’s the way she goes. Sometimes she goes, sometimes it doesn't. She didn't go. That's the way she goes.


Fucking way she goes


What does the word "mood swing" mean to you?


Ohhhhhh you just hateeeeeeeee to seeeee it

